United States | Trump v Kemp

Donald Trump plays with fire in Atlanta

Going after Georgia’s popular Republican governor will do him no good in the state

Governor Brian Kemp speaks to journalists in Waynesboro, Burke County, Georgia.
A cool-headed conservativePhotograph: AP

Among many odd moves Donald Trump has made since Kamala Harris swooped into the presidential race, one of the strangest came at a rally in Atlanta on August 3rd. Mr Trump devoted 11 minutes of his speech to insulting Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican governor. He reprimanded “little Brian” for being “disloyal” by refusing to overturn Georgia’s election results in 2020. He said that under Mr Kemp the state had “become a laughing-stock” and Atlanta a “killing field”, suggested the governor was behind his criminal prosecution in Fulton County and accused him of “doing everything possible” to make Republicans lose in November.

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