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Curses, Inc. and Other Stories
Curses, Inc. and Other Stories
Curses, Inc. and Other Stories
Ebook190 pages2 hours

Curses, Inc. and Other Stories

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A spell that gets you land, money, long golden hair, or a date to the prom can’t be a curse, can it? A curse just gets you dead. Or does it?. . . In these ten stunning short stories, boys and girls learn firsthand just what magic spells, enchantments, and curses really can do. “Give this one to readers who are ready for some sophisticated tales of the supernatural.” —Booklist

Release dateSep 1, 2007
Curses, Inc. and Other Stories

Vivian Vande Velde

Vivian Vande Velde has written many books for teen and middle grade readers, including Heir Apparent, User Unfriendly, All Hallow's Eve: 13 Stories, Three Good Deeds, Now You See It ..., and the Edgar Award–winning Never Trust a Dead Man. She lives in Rochester, New York. Visit her website at

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Rating: 3.6417909850746266 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I will review each story individually first

    Curses, Inc.--the title story, is about an 8th grade boy who jilts his date a week before the big dance because he doesn't want to spend his game money on some stupid dance. It was funny to see how cheap this boy would be. He originally starts out with a Jinx that would cover the girl's body completely with warts. This turns out to be too expensive so he instead wants her to lose her dog. Each curse thereafter is slightly more expensive and slightly more 'disasterous' to the girl. In the end nothing was as it seemed and the boy learned a very expensive lesson.

    Skin Deep--I loved this story. Ardda is this unattractive sixteen year old girl who lives by herself to avoid having to deal with people. She has the power that her 'wishes' come true and got tired of having the villagers constantly asking for her to wish them things and then make cruel jokes behind her back. She thinks her luck has changed when an injured prince lands in her backyard, but sadly he turns out to be less then princely. She gets her revenge however.

    Past Sunset--I cried a little during this story honestly. It starts with the tale of the Lady in White who roams the backalley street the narrator lives on every night after sunset. Despite being warned many kids still wish to sneak a peek to prove how 'brave' they are. One night a neighbor calls out that she needs help, she's dropped her son's medicine. The narrator's older brother volunteers for the mission and all goes well. Until the Lady shows up and it becomes a mad dash to save the boy's life.

    To Converse With Dumb Beasts--What would happen if you were granted the gift of talking to animals? Would they really be as interesting as stories make them out to be? A lonely farmer finds out the answer, but the result is less then he wanted and worst then he thought possible.

    Boy Witch--The young son of a witch is left to tend the house while his parents are away. A damsel in distress happens by for a cure to her afflication and the young boy makes things only worse.

    Lost Soul--This was a cruel tale of a story. A young man, on his way home from a chore he was to have performed, chances across a beautiful maiden by a creekbed. He falls instantly in love and recklessly promises to return as often as she would like. Is she an undine or sylph as his neighbors have warned him? His obsession turns to murder and in the end he gets what he deserves, but hasn't learned his lesson.

    Remember Me--A young man in rich clothing wakes up in the middle of the road, having no idea how he got there or who he is. Traveling to the nearest town does nothing, but subjecting him to the casual cruelty of the noble class and servants alike. Who is he? Where did he come from? Is he a prince? Though we're never given the reason he was afflicted with amnesia, we can draw our own conclusions at the end from the courtiers comments.

    Witch-hunt--This was a chilling tale. A young girl's family is persecuted by the authorities for their satanic vices. We are told the story first from the young girl's perspective--as her home is raided and the Witch Hunters claim her parents, but the end of the story is told from the perspective of the Witch Hunter General and the truth is more in line with Fahrenheit 451 then the Salem Witch Trials.

    Cypress Swamp Granny--A young girl in the South, just after the Civil War, learns what it means to appreciate what you have. Despite the fact this tale was serious and the end was anything but funny, the dark humor and irony of the young girl's commuppence is wonderful.

    The Witch's Son--A mother tries for 13 years to ressurrect her son so that he can take vengence on those who wrongly murdererd him during the War of Independence. I was confused at first why Hugh was killed, but war is a nasty thing and vengence is even worse. This, unlike many of the other stories, had a happy ending filled with hope.

    Overall I'd say the theme of the story was 'Be Careful What You Wish For', since many of the stories focused on a person either wanting better then they had or ignoring what they had. Some were chilling, from an emotional perspective (Past Sunset) and a couple were just hilarious (Curses, Inc. and Boy Witch), but I enjoyed all the stories. Though classified as 'young adult' I think that even adults might find the morals and humor in each story easily.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I can only say this, that I'm a big fan of the author and will read just about anything she writes. She's just smart, and funny, and yet also insightful.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Curses, Inc. by Vivian Vande Velde was one of my favorite books growing up, and I half-hesitated before picking it up again. What if it didn't live up to my childhood memories? What if it was more goofy than spooky?

    Thankfully, my fears were unfounded. Vivian Vande Velde shines as much to me now as an adult as she did when I was in elementary school. She is an absolute master of the short story, with a twist at the ending of most - if not all - that never feels forced or smug. Sometimes you can see the twist coming, sometimes not, but every time is a delight. She also has a keen sense of humor that shines in her stories. Even the first story, the namesake of the anthology, mixes modernity with ancient superstition in a quick-witted, tongue-in-cheek story of revenge.

    My personal favorite, however, will always be "Past Sunset", a mournful and melancholy tale about a small town in France where one never opens their shutters after dark. For years, this story haunted me well after I read it. It's thrilling and tense at parts, and achingly sad at others.

    Other stand-outs include the funny "Skin Deep" and "Boy Witch", the wicked just-desserts "Cypress Swamp Granny", and the historical morality tale, "The Witch's Son".

    A collection not to be missed, Vivian Vande Velde was great as a kid and - as proven by myself - still a delight to adults.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Mildly interesting. I liked a couple of the stories - Witch's Son, in particular, and the one about the man who couldn't remember who he was - and found some of the others amusing. Some I didn't like, generally because the subject was so clearly expressed and I didn't like that (the one about the water spirit, in particular - and to some extent the one about the ghost, After Sunset). I preferred the stories set in fairy-tale times rather than the modern-day ones; not sure if that relates to the settings (though I do enjoy urban fantasy) or to those particular stories. As with most Vande Veldes, many (not all) of the stories illustrate someone getting a well-deserved comeuppance, particularly the title story. I'm glad I read it, but I doubt I'll bother to reread.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It basically goes the way of most anthologies: some stories I wanted to keep on going into a full length novel, others I didn't particularly care for. Though I must admit that each one has its good parts. Vivian Vande Velde is very reliable that way. Magic and chilling plot twists are basically her signature, so she does very well with this anthology of witches.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I think my favorite of the ten tales is unquestionably ‘Witch-Hunt’ as it leads you on a spooky journey with a fantastically true and hilarious ending that will have girls everywhere relating to it. ‘Curses, Inc’ is another story that stuck out to me, with its ironic turn of events and ‘Boy Witch’ was refreshing as we rarely hear of tales of male witches. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Afterword. As a aspiring writer myself, I very much enjoy hearing what inspires fellow writers and Vivian Velde doesn’t disappoint. The art on the cover is fantastic as well. I never get tired of seeing what the mind of Cliff Nielsen can cook up, he is definitely an inspiration to a fellow digital artist. Overall, this is a brilliant compilation of tales for anyone interested in the supernatural, or needs a batch of stories for their next sleepover or Halloween party.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a collection of short fantasy. Some of them set in traditional fairy tale backdrops and others are in modern settings. Most of the stories are about kids aged 12-16 using magic for personal gain and discovering that the end results are not always what they expcected or wanted. My favorite short story was "Curses Inc" itself. A cheapskate boy discovers a website that offers curses and hexes. He decides to curse a classmate he hates, but refuses to spend enough money to make the curses actually effective. Each of the curses backfire and the ending is very clever. Most of the stories are humorous and make for fun, light reading.

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Curses, Inc. and Other Stories - Vivian Vande Velde

Copyright © 1997 by Vivian Vande Velde

All rights reserved. Originally published in hardcover by Harcourt, Inc., an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 1997.

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

Past Sunset copyright © 1996 by Vivian Vande Velde; originally published in Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers (Scholastic Inc.) edited by Bruce Coville. Lost Soul copyright © 1993 by Vivian Vande Velde; originally published in A Wizard’s Dozen (Jane Yolen Books/Harcourt, Inc.) edited by Michael Stearns. Cypress Swamp Granny copyright © 1996 by Vivian Vande Velde; originally published in A Nightmare’s Dozen (Jane Yolen Books/Harcourt, Inc.) edited by Michael Steams.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

Vande Velde, Vivian.

Curses, Inc. and other stories/Vivian Vande Velde.

p. cm.

Contents: Curses, Inc.—Skin deep—Past sunset—To converse with the dumb beasts—Boy witch—Lost soul—Remember me—Witch-hunt—Cypress swamp granny—The witch’s son.

1. Magic—Juvenile fiction. 2. Children’s stories, American. [1. Magic—Fiction. 2. Short stories.] I. Title

PZ7.V2773Cu 1997

[Fic]—dc20 96-24856

ISBN 978-0-15-201452-0

ISBN 978-0-15-206107-4 pb

eISBN 978-0-547-35190-2


To Karen, in appreciation of all her help and patience.

(Besides, to whom else could I dedicate a collection

of witch stories and be sure she’d

take it the right way?)

Introduction: About That Title . . .

I’VE ALWAYS HAD A HARD TIME thinking up names for my books.

When I wrote my first novel, A Hidden Magic, I found a publishing company that liked the story but not the title. The editor asked for a new one. I sent her a whole list. She didn’t like those, either; she asked me to send more. Every time I wrote to her, I sent suggestions. Every time she wrote to me, she asked for more. But in the meanwhile nobody told the illustrator—Trina Schart Hyman—that the book’s name was to be changed. She went ahead and did the cover, title and all. Once the editor saw it, she decided the title fit.

The second book I wrote was Once upon a Test: Three Light Tales of Love. It was the editor (a different one) who came up with the name.

Third came A Well-Timed Enchantment, a title my husband suggested.

I made up the name User Unfriendly for my next book. I thought It made sense. My mother—who doesn’t use computers, and therefore has no idea just how unfriendly a computer can be—says it’s confusing. Perhaps she’s right: People are constantly miscalling it User Friendly.

When I had no title for book number five, another editor—Jane Yolen—named it Dragon’s Bait for me.

Companions of the Night was my next book, and I thought the title—my own—was a good one, until somebody pointed out that it sounds as though the story is about a sleazy escort service—which, by the way, it is not.

So I was delighted to have somebody present me with a title for my next book before I even wrote it. I was talking at a school when one of the students suggested I should gather together all the short stories I’d had published in various magazines and publish them in one book. You could call it, she said, "A Witch’s Stew."

While I didn’t think a collection of old stories would work, I liked the title so much I decided to write some new stories. I took a bunch of familiar fairy tales, turned them upside down, inside out, made the villains be the heroes, the heroes be the villains, created new endings, and sent the collection to Jane Yolen.

Jane said yes to the stories, no to the title. It doesn’t work, she said. There aren’t any witches in this witch’s stew.

"But it’s more the idea of a stew, I explained. You know: a bunch of things thrown together."

It doesn’t work, she said.

But did you see how I set up the table of contents like a recipe, I asked, with the titles of the stories being the ingredients, and instead of saying pages I said tablespoons?

Yes, Jane said. It doesn’t work. She suggested Tales from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird.

Even my mother liked Jane’s title better than mine.

I sulked. OK, I told myself. Jane wants witches; I’ll give her witches.

And so I wrote this collection: evil witches, not-so-bad witches, witches from times past, witches on the Internet—a stew of witches.

If you have a good memory, or if you checked back to the cover, you will have noticed that the name of this book is not A Witch’s Stew. Jane’s work again.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll write another book called A Witch’s Stew, and maybe Jane will accept the book but change the title of that one, too. Maybe we’ll keep on doing it. Writers use all kinds of tricks to get or keep themselves writing; maybe writing books not called A Witch’s Stew will be mine.

Curses, Inc.

BILL ESSLER CAME HOME stamping his feet and slamming doors after Denise Bainbridge humiliated him in front of about half the student population of Thomas Jefferson Junior High.

He had not asked her to go to the eighth-grade graduation dance with him—he knew that for a fact. "Would you like to go to the dance with me?"—that was what he’d asked back in May when the dance had first been announced. And she’d said, Yes, and he’d said, Great, which was close to, but not exactly, the same as saying he actually would take her.

Of course, at the time he, too, had assumed that was what he meant; but since then his mother had said that she and Dad couldn’t afford the perfect shirt, pants, and shoes he’d picked out at the mall. And when he pointed out that the family could afford more if Mom would go out and get a job like most of his friends’ mothers, she’d gotten all huffy and said he was on his own—not only for the outfit, but for the tickets that she’d originally agreed to pay for, plus the flowers she insisted he needed to buy for Denise.

Bill had the money. Three hundred ninety-five dollars he had—received as Christmas and birthday presents from out-of-town aunts and uncles and saved from working his paper route. With that money he planned to buy the latest computer games to play over the summer. He had no intention of spending a sizable chunk just to take Denise Bainbridge to the eighth-grade dance.

Would you like to go to the dance with me? He’d thought about it long and hard and realized it wasn’t an invitation but an inquiry into her state of mind. There wasn’t a lawyer in the world who could prove that was a binding agreement to take her.

So today he had tried to break it off gently—a week and a half before the dance—as they were leaving for their separate buses. I’m allergic to your dog, he lied. You always have dog hair all over you, and I’d be sneezing all night.

The creature’s name was Muffin, or Cupcake, or Sweet Buns, or something like that, one of those yippy little hairball types. Denise was worse about that dog than the average mother was with her newborn, so she didn’t take the news well at all. Worse yet, she didn’t believe him.

Standing right out there on the steps of the school with all the buses filled or filling and the rest of the school pouring out around them, Denise had pointed at him and shrieked—shrieked!—to the world: Four weeks ago Billy Essler promised to take me to the graduation dance, and now, after I’ve bought my dress and it’s too late to go with anybody else, he’s backing out because he’s too cheap!

Bill expected people to laugh at Denise for making a fool of herself, but, instead, they started booing at him—boys and girls alike. Seventh graders shot spitballs at him as their buses pulled out. Alex Morreale, star of the soccer team and named in the yearbook as Student Most People Would Like to Be, intentionally bumped him, practically knocking him over. Alex muttered, Shabby, Essler, and the other kids took it up. Shabby, they told him, one by one, as they passed, bumping.

It’s not my fault, he protested. My family’s too poor.

But he’d spent the last month bragging about the almost-four-hundred dollars he had in his own bank account, and every day at lunch he and the other guys had looked through computer catalogs, discussing which were the best games for him to buy. So for the whole bus ride home, people had stepped on his toes and accidentally smacked the back of his head with their backpacks.

Now, safely at home, Bill tried to forget his problems by turning on his computer. He switched on the modem, accessed his service, then called up the Internet, trying to find something interesting enough to take his mind off the fact that he’d just become the most unpopular kid in school.

There was nothing going on at the usual places Bill went. Monday nights there was a computer games forum, where people discussed what was new or how to handle specific puzzles or challenges in the latest games, but that wouldn’t start for hours.

Bill spent about twenty minutes just surfing or lurking—visiting teleconferences without saying anything—and was about to turn off the modem and switch to one of his games when—under the SERVICES menu—he scrolled past a listing that made him stop, think to himself, Naw, I didn’t really see that, then back up a page.


Bill was bored enough to be intrigued. He clicked on it.

The screen dissolved to midnight blue with sparkly stars. There was a faint sound effect—tiny crystal bells, Bill was sure, not that he’d ever heard tiny crystal bells. Then a message appeared:


The stars faded away. A new message appeared:


Weird, Bill thought. Not being sure what some of the words meant, and uncertain what the difference was between others, Bill clicked on the little box marked ? on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

The screen showed:


An ongoing spell of either limited or unlimited duration.

Examples of JINX spells:

causing the subject to fall down the next five sets of stairs encountered;

causing the subject to fall down all sets of stairs encountered for one week’s time;

causing the subject to fall down all sets of stairs encountered for the rest of the subject’s life.



A onetime spell that either may or may not be repeatable.

Examples of HEX spells:

causing the subject to fall down the stairs one time;

causing the subject to die.



A compulsion laid on someone.

Example of a GEAS spell:

causing the subject to go up or down every set of stairs encountered.



A changing of someone’s nature.

Example of a BANE spell:

causing the subject to believe he or she IS a set of stairs.



A general type of ill-wishing.

Example of a MALEDICTION spell:

causing bad things to happen to the subject while on stairs, such as trips, splinters, or arguments.


Generally speaking, JINX spells are the most expensive curses, MALEDICTION spells the least.


Bill paused to consider. Expensive? He’d thought this would just be something to print out, some sort of official-looking certificate: This is to inform you that you have been officially cursed. . . . That sort of thing. It was a wonderful idea. Maybe, he decided, these Curses, Inc. people were just trying to be cute. Or maybe they printed the certificates themselves, on fancy parchment, and the more printing that was required, the more they’d charge. It didn’t make any difference; he could always cancel if it turned out there was an actual payment required. Meanwhile, he was having fun.



Bill clicked JINX.


After Denise had made such a fool of him? He clicked on PLACING.




Bill clicked on LENGTH OF TIME.


Bill figured FOREVER probably concerned haunting. The last thing he wanted was Denise hanging around forever. He clicked on TILL DEATH DO US PART.









How could anybody resist BODY FUNCTIONS?









Bill chose ERUPTIONS.


WARTS, Bill decided, going for the traditional. Definitely warts.


Bill clicked on CHRONIC.

1% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100%

Bill moved the little arrow to 100%.




IMMEDIATELY, Bill clicked.



Bill typed in DENISE BAINBRIDGE. He checked the phone book for her address and typed that in at the appropriate space.


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