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Alien Invasion: And the Origins of Mankind
Alien Invasion: And the Origins of Mankind
Alien Invasion: And the Origins of Mankind
Ebook454 pages7 hours

Alien Invasion: And the Origins of Mankind

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What would you do if you knew something horrifying was going to happen that would lead to devastating consequences for billions of people and no one would believe a word you say when you tried to warn them?
4 young boys in the small town of Springbrook Gardens will face that impossible question.
It's May 30th, the weekend of the 50th annual festival. A time for a celebration, with music, games, fireworks, food, and fun for all. For the boys, it should be the time of their lives.
But all that will be threatened when they discover a UFO in the forest and learn aliens are planning a global attack starting in their town. To make matters worse they find out the military will do everything necessary to prevent the attack including bringing down the mothership which will crush their small town. Everything and everyone they care for will be lost.
Warning everyone should be straightforward. But the kids known as the "Cry Wolves Gang" have a history of running around town making up silly stories. It's gotten to the point where no one will believe them if they say the sky is blue.
Now they have less than 24 hours to prevent a war between the military and aliens even if it means sacrificing their own lives.
Aliens vs. the military: whoever wins, the town loses.
Will they save their town and the ones they care for in time? Will the aliens succeed in attacking and what will the boys discover along the way about the origins of mankind that will astonish themselves and soon shock the world?

Release dateOct 5, 2023
Alien Invasion: And the Origins of Mankind

Mark Douglas Doran

mark douglas dorantoronto ontariomy new novel is up. titledAlien invasion: and the origins of will love this novel. if you ever wondered where mankindcame from this will answer all your questions.its a page turner. it will leave you on the edge of your seatpage after page.i love books (as you can tell)i love reading them and writing.favorite author like a lot of people is Stephen King.i love the 80's music.

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    Book preview

    Alien Invasion - Mark Douglas Doran

    Chapter 1 

    Twenty years before the event.

    Sure is nice fishing out here with you Dad. Seven year old Chris Robinson whispered with his third generation owned fishing pole in hand. As the full moonlight danced along the river.

    Daniel softly nodded. Sitting next to his son in a small red boat on a quiet Friday night surrounded by massive evergreens. No one else around for miles. A small crackle came from land thirty yards away in the firepit next to their tent. He listened to the water gently brushing up alongside the boat.

    Their campfire still burned lightly since they roasted marshmallows a few hours before. Telling each other ghost stories, causing more laughter than fear.

    I know how you feel son, Daniel whispered back. He felt good spending time with his son. He worked long hours on the docks. Hard work each day and it seemed the hours got longer each year, just a regular working guy. He had no desire to be the richest guy on the block. His biggest dream was to be the best dad he could too little Chris.

    He’d been looking forward to this weekend for months. He didn’t get to see his son much, work seemed to get in the way. Bills always needed paying. He wanted to make sure his son had a better life than he did. He knew special moments like these would be rare to come by, so he chariest every second. He knew Chris was growing up fast and he would never get a moment like this again. Soon his son would be driving, wanting to hang out with girls at college. Time is a funny thing. They sat in a comfortable silence listening to the crickets waiting for the Bass to bite.

    Twenty minutes later Chris glanced over to his left and tried focusing on something up the river off in the dark. Look Dad. There’s a small glowing light hovering over the water. He pointed to it.

    Daniel looked over his shoulder in the direction his son was pointing. Would you look at that, he thought. It had a mysterious faint glow to it. He stared at it for a moment, unable to look away. Oh yeah, I see it too. It must be the moon reflecting off the water.

    Oh Dad, even I know it can’t be the moon. The moon is above us. He pointed up to it. This object is smaller in size, and looks to be floating above the water line as though suspended in air. I know it sounds crazy to say, but I got a weird feeling it’s watching us.

    Daniel laughed a bit, Watching us? Oh, don’t be silly. Maybe it’s a star reflecting off the water. It just looks close to us, but in reality, it’s a million miles away. You know how the darkness can play tricks on the mind. He said softly, now aware of how alone they were out in the woods. But Dad, it’s moving.

    Daniel knew his son was right. There was no way the object could be the moon’s reflection or a shining star. Whatever the object was, it had control over its movements. Maybe an airplane or helicopter passing by? No, this glowing white object was too quiet to be a helicopter. He decided not to say anything to appear calm in front of his son. It could be a bright star and it only looks like it’s moving because of the current. Nothing more than optical illusions you read about in a science magazine. He lied, with a calming smile, hoping his son wouldn’t worry.

    Chris continued staring at the glowing white light as it softly reflected off the dark water and tall pines along the shoreline. Sure looks like it coming towards us, he whispered. Maybe it noticed us and wants to see us close up.

    They placed their fishing rods down in the boat and slowly stood up. Watching the glowing light move closer getting bigger and brighter in size as it moved. Now it was only a few yards away and closing. Daniel was amazed by how it seemed it was coming straight at them on purpose. The brightness was intense filling up his eyes. The tall pines around them were now blacked out.

    Within the light was an oval-shaped object. It had no wings, no front or back. The shape appeared to be a saucer, wider in the middle than the top or bottom, and no windows.

    The boat gently began rocking back and forth ever so softly. He tried getting a better look at the mysterious object. Wanting to appear calm so Chris wouldn’t feel nervous.

    With each passing second the glowing light moved closer, ever so slowly. Until it was a few yards in front of them fifty feet above the water. It lit up the boat and the surrounding trees with an intense bright light. The object hovered in the air for a few moments until it started to move directly above the red fishing boat.

    They stood speechless staring up at the oval object in amazement. Both raised their hands to cover their eyes from the intense brightness shining down like a powerful spotlight. As if something inside was watching them with curiosity. Like a scientist in the rainforest would shine a light on a small insect as it walked across a tree branch at night.

    Dad, what is it? Chris called out as his hair started to blow backwards.

    They both quickly sat down in the boat never looking away from the mysterious object.

    Stay close to me. He reached out and grabbed Chris, pulling him tightly towards him. There was nothing on this planet he would ever let hurt his son. Then again, there was nothing on the planet that could describe what was above his fishing boat at that moment.

    Without warning a massive flash of bright white light lit up the entire river around the boat and tent. Within a blink of an eye, the oval object was gone. Along with the two occupants in the red boat.

    The only thing left behind was an empty fishing boat floating in the still-dark water and the crackling coming from the firepit a few yards from the tent. The silence lasted for a few moments more until the crickets and owls started back up again in the darkness.

    Chapter 2

    Daniel blinked a few times, opened his eyes, and found himself in an empty room lying on the floor looking up at a grey ceiling. No furniture, just grey blank walls. He could hear a faint echo of his son calling out to him. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. The last thing he remembered was being in his fishing boat with his son. How much time had passed? An hour? Maybe a day or week?

    He couldn’t tell. All the questions had to wait; the only thing he cared about now was getting to his son. He tried to stand up and walk, but everything felt different, as if walking on the moon. The walls around him were plain dull and lifeless.

    Dad, where are you? He heard his son call out from a distance.

    Daniel quickly turned trying to find a door. He knew he couldn’t panic, if he did, he might never find his son. He ran towards an open door and out into a long dark hallway that seemed to run in both directions for miles. Like the other room it lacked colour or life. He had no way of knowing which direction to run in. He guessed. Turning to his right he started moving faster than he ever ran.

    He could only hope he was moving in the right direction, closer towards his son, not away. It seemed the hallway went on forever. It was like being in a dream where no matter how much you ran, the hall kept going.

    Dad, his son’s voice called out again. I can see them. They’re moving towards me. Their eyes are big, it’s their dark eyes dad, why are they so big?

    Daniel moved as fast as any human could. He needed to be by his son’s side as quickly as possible. Every father has made the secret vow to defend and protect their children. But how do you protect them from something that isn’t human?

    He made his way towards the cold, dark room his son's voice was coming from. He ran inside and something turned around and looked at him, something with big black oval eyes.

    Chapter 3

    One year to the event

    As the sun rose on a crowded city street a nameless man in a black suit and black tie wearing black sunglasses makes his way down the busy sidewalk. He does not stand out from the crowd. Nothing about him draws attention. He will not seek the camera. He blends in as though invisible. But this is how it must be. It’s his job. The less anyone notices the more powerful he is.

    Whereas a politician will smile for the media. Move towards any camera. Talk with the common man.

    He is the opposite. As a member of a secret society, he knows the truth, that politicians are the distraction. The public is supposed to focus on them, It’s the way they operate. The public focuses on the lie while people like him secretly runs the world.

    He understood the public has no idea how the world truly operates. If they did they wouldn’t waste their time voting. They would care about him as he makes his way down the sidewalk. But they do not, and he carries on with his day.

    A few blocks later he approached an unassuming 4 story building. Plan, dull, boring looking. One with no features, the type everyone walks past on their way to work. Nothing about it would make a tourist want to take a picture. But that’s why the building was constructed in such a way. So no one will notice. Unaware of what goes on behind its closed doors shapes the world. But what a tourist would take a picture of is the parliament buildings. Believing that’s where decisions are made. Because they believe the lie.

    No politician once elected would ever be informed of the building or set foot inside. The average middle-class person would live their entire life never knowing what went on behind closed doors.

    It was meant to be this way. Built in secret and would remain that way forever, at all cost. There were certain things the public could not be informed of, certain things they could not handle. What went on inside the building was the greatest of them all.

    Conspiracy theorists have spent years searching the world for hidden locations. Where secret society members would meet to discuss top secrets. Wanting to find them and expose them to the world. This building was ground zero, and would never be made public, at any cost.

    The man in black sunglasses made his way inside closing the door behind him. Blocking the outside world. From that point on no one would have any knowledge of his existence, they didn’t need to. They would carry on with their shopping, spending money, going to work, and paying their taxes. Following the subconscious messages given to them through their TVs to obey.

    The lobby was large and empty as his footsteps echoed across the floor. There are few lights, darkness covers most. No plants, no paintings, no welcome desk with a receptionist.

    He made his way across the hall towards the elevator. He was alone, not just in the elevator, but the whole first floor and the floors above. There was no reason to have anyone in the building above ground. Once inside he reached forward and placed his hand on the flat screen. There were no numbers to push. A laser scanned his hand the doors closed and the elevator started to lower.

    Stopping 10 floors underground. The doors opened and he made his way down the dark grey hallway.

    He stopped at the third door on the right and entered.

    The room was dark. One long table in the centre. 5 golden lamps equally apart from each other sat in the middle barely lighting up the table.

    7 leather chairs around the table were covered in darkness.

    The man with black sunglasses made his way to the head of the table and sat down. He was not alone. 6 others were already seated.

    Unable to see each other faces due to the darkness, designed that way. Secrecy was paramount, even to each other.

    Welcome Agent X. Now that you are here we can get started. A voice from the other end of the table within the darkness said. This meeting has been called because of the individual named John Smith. The only civilian to enter the secured location at Area 51. He spoke with the alien who named the small town of Springbrook Gardens and the date of May 30th. We need to know what is it about the town that made the grey alien mention it. We need to investigate and produce answers. In the past, we have met with aliens in the desert who hand over information for scientists to study. However, for some reason, the aliens mentioned this small town for reasons we have yet to understand.

    Another voice within the darkness spoke. John Smith said the alien’s mothership will appear there. Not their usual smaller ships they use for abduction. This is odd behaviour for them. They have spent decades hiding the mothership from everyone. Why would they want to appear now? And over this small town, we could barely find on a map? This does not add up.

    Could it be John Smith was wrong? A voice said across from him. Maybe he gave us the wrong town’s name. We have to consider John Smith’s mental state at the time. We don’t know for sure he was given this information from the aliens while he was in the cell with them. He might have made up the date and location.

    This is why we must proceed with caution. Investigate this town and find out what they know. Find out what draws the aliens to it. This is why I want Agent Z to live amongst them. Spy on them. See if any of them know anything about aliens. Report back the findings.

    Or It might be the start of an invasion. Agent X said.

    What do you mean Agent X? The voice within the darkness at the other end of the table called out.

    Agent X answered. This might be the day the aliens finally attack Earth.

    There is no evidence the aliens plan on attacking Earth, now or in the future. A voice at the table said. They pose no threat to us. For decades they have given us technology to advance mankind. For all we know this might be a new location the aliens wish to meet. Instead of the desert.

    Or this is what they want us to believe. Agent X said. Make us believe they’re friendly. But all the while they’re secretly studying our military to find our weakness. When they do attack, we will have nothing to stop them.

    Why would they attack? A voice in the darkness asked.

    They are more advanced than us. Agent X answered. Throughout history, once an advanced culture discovers another they eventually take it out. It’s only a matter of time before they see how we live our lives and see themselves superior and will seek to take over to enforce their values on us. As we have done to other cultures throughout history. For far too long we have been trusting of the aliens. We have worked with them with the understanding they will not attack us. But we can trust them? If they were planning on attacking we would not be able to stop them. However, if we bring down their mothership it will send a message to them we are now capable of fighting back. Causing them to rethink any long-term plans they have of taking over. If we use our newly developed supergun against them it will show them we have equaled them in technology. Agent X added. We have to prepare for everything. Take this opportunity to take them out. Before they attack us."

    A voice came from one of the chairs in the darkness. Even if we did believe they were a threat and we brought down their mothership it would crush and destroy the entire town of Springbrook Gardens. Everyone living in it would be lost.

    Agent X spoke. No one wants to see a town destroyed. But if we attack over a large city we would lose so much more. The media will see the ship, everything we have worked to keep secret will be exposed. We need to take advantage of this opportunity of knowing where the mothership will be. In all these decades we have never known the location of the mothership, but with the information from John Smith, we now know. The destruction of the town might have to be a price we pay to save the entire world.

    We cannot get ahead of ourselves this may not be an alien invasion. Agent X, you are in charge of media. It’s your job to keep the truth out of the headlines. Make people who’ve seen UFOs sound crazy. Downplay UFO sightings. Control the message. Not to declare war. We cannot go as far as to start an unnecessary conflict. We have been interacting with them for decades. We made a deal with them long ago they give us knowledge to advance the world, in return we let them abduct humans for testing without interference. We meet with them in isolated areas away from big cities using the cover of darkness to avoid the public witnessing the interaction. These interactions only last a few minutes. They hand over information to our scientists that’s used to advance mankind. Why would we risk this?

    Agent X spoke. John Smith pointed out the day of May 30th as the day everything will change. If the aliens attack and we’re not ready, they’ll win.

    John Smith didn’t mention war. Only that something will happen. We cannot risk what we have going. The scientists are working well with the aliens. May 30th is a day for a visit from the aliens in which they will hand over information to the scientists as they have done so in the past. We need to treat it as such. However, to err on the side of caution we will have Agent Z head over to Springbrook Gardens and secretly investigate what happens and report back afterwards. We will stay the course. Until then the meeting is closed.

    Each man stood up still hidden by shadows, turned and left the dark room. Each making their way through separate exits. Their faces never seen to each other. They’ll exit through separate doors at separate times blending back into an unsuspecting world.

    However, two men remained behind. Agent X was left in the room, but he was not alone. Another figure sat a few seats down from him in the darkness.

    Chapter 4

    Agent X leaned back in his chair. He thought back to the first and only time the top secret military base in the desert known as Area 51 had ever been broken into. It was a complete mystery on how an unemployed drifter named John Smith appeared in the most secured base on the planet.

    He claimed he was nothing more than a retired man who goes out gold hunting as a hobby. The type of guy who walks the beaches with a metal detector believing he’d strike it rich by stumbling across long lost gold, but only finding bottle caps and quarters. He said in his youth he traveled around the world looking for rare and unique artifacts. He claimed that while in a far off country halfway around the world he stumbled across a street vendor in an alleyway whose face was covered up and appeared to have red eyes hand him a map. It pointed him in the direction of a desert. Saying true riches and wealth would be found there. He walked away with the map in hand looked back to the street vendor who was now gone, as if he was never there to start with.

    After retiring he set off to search the desert looking for the so-called riches to be found. One night while standing on top of a sand dune in the middle of nowhere having lost his way wondering how he was going to get home he looked up and saw a bright light in the black sky, like a star. The light moved downward and stopped above the desert sand. It was brighter than any light he’d ever seen.

    Somehow it was silently calling out to him. He knew he had to walk towards it. His feet crossed the desert sand never looking away from the light, as though it were calling his name. He had no idea why it was there, he just followed.

    Over the next few hours he got closer until he found himself standing in front of it.

    It was silent, serene, and warm. In the middle of the dark desert with nothing around for miles, he stood next to the peaceful bright light. He didn’t know what to do next; he just stood there staring into it.

    The next thing he knew he was inside a military complex. He looked around wondering how he’d gotten there.

    Well, at least that’s the story he told everyone. Agent X questioned it. He figured John Smith had to be a spy, but who was he working for?

    Was he to believe John just happened to wander through the desert following a bright light. And came to a stop right on top of a secret military complex hidden underground? How on earth did he avoid all the radar and ground sensors? A fly would’ve been detected. So how did he get through?

    The security cameras must’ve caught footage of John Smith sneaking in. When he went back and reviewed the tapes, he couldn’t see him anywhere. At no point was John Smith seen on camera walking down any corridor throughout the complex. So how did he get into the room in which the grey alien was kept?

    No prison or bank on earth had tighter security than the room the alien was in. But the next morning a scientist on his way into the laboratory looked through the two-way mirror. And noticed John Smith inside the isolation room across from the grey alien.

    The scientist at first thought he must’ve been dreaming. Less than twenty humans have ever been inside the room with the alien. All of them were some of the world’s smartest scientists. But a drifter looking for gold? Impossible.

    Neither John nor the alien said a word the whole time he was in there, they stood face to face in the darkness.

    By the time the scientist pulled John out of the room, he was out of his mind. Rambling away incoherently. It what scientists call information overload something they always feared happening to themselves. It’s when you look into the eyes of the grey aliens and you receive too much information about the universe at once.

    The human brain cannot comprehend so much in a short time. It would be like going back in time and giving all the information about life on Earth to a caveman in less than an hour.

    The scientists were jealous of John Smith. He received all the knowledge they wanted to know. Absolute knowledge was something they all craved. But why did the grey alien choose John of all people? Why not one of them?

    From that moment on, talking to John Smith was pointless. The man was simply too crazy. Everything he said was a mix mash of pointless gibberish.

    Scientists tried talking with John each day, recording his every word. They knew he was speaking in code, with three or four thoughts in each sentence. Like a living enigma. They recorded his words so it could be broken down later. Hoping it would give clues into advanced alien life. They wanted to know everything about the alien home world. The scientists desperately wanted to discover everything about the universe. Their greatest fear was dying of old age never knowing the complete truth of what wonders the universe had to offer.

    John rambled on, speaking about how the aliens were smarter than mankind. How they knew everything about our future. How they knew about our past. They have been here a long time. He mentioned how the day is coming when the entire human race will know about them.

    Agent X looked at the notes of the recordings. Nothing really caught his attention until John mentioned a place called Springbrook Gardens. Saying it was the next location for a meeting. However, he said an attack would take place there on May 30 as well.

    For some reason the aliens let John know they were planning an attack on Earth. Something Agent X always knew would happen at some point. However, the aliens never said the word attack. They said, the day of change would soon be here. The world will never be the same after May 30th in Springbrook Gardens.

    Agent X questioned what it meant and came to one conclusion. It had to mean attack.

    All these years of working with aliens getting technology from them in exchange the alien could abduct people and animals without being stopped. He understood it was a worthwhile trade off. The technology they got was worth it. Breakthroughs from computers, health, transportation, to household products like microwaves to night vision.

    For years he would work with scientists who would meet aliens in secret locations across the country. When they landed they would only stay for less than a minute. Hand over information to the scientists then leave. No threat of attacking. But he knew it would change at some point. It was only a matter of time.

    He had John Smith locked in the most secure holding cell the world had ever known. No one on earth was getting out of it. Located deep below the military complex itself. He appeared to have no family. So no one would come looking for him, but one day he was gone, as simple as that. No one knew how. A guard went to look in on him and found the cell empty. The whole complex was in an uproar trying to find him.

    However, Agent X sat at his desk. He knew there was no need to look for him, John Smith was gone. The aliens had something to do with it. They made him appear in the base and took him out of the cell, but why bother having him appear in the base in the first place? What was it about John that made the aliens choose him? He wasn’t a scientist, nor a genius. He was nothing more than an everyday guy who would rather search the beaches for long lost gold and treasure in his golden years.

    But it didn’t matter. John Smith gave them the location and day. He knew where the mothership would be appearing. He knew where the attack would start.

    Chapter 5

    He turned to Agent Z on his left hand side. It appears we will have to take matters into our own hands. The rest of the council fails to see the bigger picture. They do not see the aliens as the threat they truly are. We will have to head over to the town of Springbrook Gardens and deal with the aliens ourselves. The crashing of the alien spacecraft would destroy the town, but it has to be done. It would stop the aliens from attacking the entire planet. Everyone in the town would be lost but it meant 8 billion people would live.

    Agent Z nodded in agreement.

    John Smith opened our eyes as to what is going to happen and when. We cannot pass on this opportunity. While you’re in town spying I’ll stay back testing the supergun in secret. Have it shipped out in pieces to Springbrook Gardens and assembled back together when we arrive. We’ll use moving trucks to disguise ourselves while in transport. The trucks will blend in with all the other vehicles on the road. No one will ever suspect parts of a massive gun that will be used to bring down an alien saucer are inside innocent looking moving trucks. Just like how the government has been transporting toxic waste for decades across busy highways and small towns. We’ll continue as though we are complying with the orders to obverse only. The council will understand what we have done afterwards. They’ll understand there is a method to the madness. Agent Z and X stood up and made their way to their own private exists.

    Chapter 6

    Springbrook Gardens. One year later.

    On a Thursday afternoon in the small town of Springbrook Gardens on busy Main Street with Mom-and-Pop shops lining both sides, shoppers with recently bought items in hand passed by 12 year old Sam who was leaning against the brick wall.

    He turned to Timmy and whispered. Officer Warden just turned the corner and is walking this way, you know what to do.

    Timmy smiled. I got it all worked out. This will be Oscar worthy. He looked to Bobby and Kyle and nodded. The four of them wearing music group Fly by Night tour t-shirts. He took off running across the two lanes of traffic and into the shop with the sign above reading Norris Flowers for You.

    Sam, Kyle, and Bobby stood under a large red banner that hung across Main Street between two light poles. The letters in white read. Springbrook Gardens 50th annual summer festival Saturday MAY 30.

    Sam watched as Timmy was going to pull off their greatest prank ever. This one would be amazing. They weren’t going to fool a few people like they did in the past, this time it would be everyone in town.

    Timmy was going to tell Flower Shop owner Norris Mavin of aliens disguised as humans in town wanting to take over. Which will cause him to freak out and come running out of his shop screaming in a panic. The three of them would join in convincing everyone else walking by. Soon the entire town would be freaking out. Sam knew it would be hilarious.

    It was Kyle’s idea to wait until a police officer was walking by. Anytime the police got involved made the prank that much more believable.

    Sam glanced up at the sign. He knew It wasn’t just any summer event, this was the big one. An annual event taking place each summer decades before he was born. Something every one of all ages looked forward to. A time of year everyone got dressed up in silly outrageous costumes, the wilder the better. Everyone making their way to the town square for music, games, music, food and events that would last all day and into the night. Grade school and high school kids would put on skits and musical acts on the main stage bandstand in the centre of the park. Entertaining everyone in attendance. A tradition all parents took part in when they were younger.

    However, the festival was secondary for all the high school kids in town. What they were looking forward to most was music group Fly by Night performing on Friday night with a firework show. They weren’t just any music act, they were the biggest group in the country.

    The Mayor pulled a few strings and somehow got them to come to town. How on earth he pulled it off no one will know. But the kids didn’t care, as long as the music played and they danced the night away.

    A few months earlier everyone in school went completely wild when it was announced over the speakers they were booked.

    Never in a million years would anyone in small town Springbrook Gardens have guessed that a band so famous would arrive for a concert. Needless to say, the last few weeks have been beyond amazing.

    But that would have to wait, now it was time for the Cry Wolves gang to pull off yet another trick.

    Chapter 7

    Timmy ran screaming into the flower shop with his hands in his hair, eyes wide. Norris looked up from the counter. A short aging man with no hair wearing thin glasses and his forever red bow tie.

    There are aliens in this town. You have to help. Timmy yelled out.

    Oh really? Norris said as he looked back down at the newspaper uninterested.

    Timmy sounded out of breath like a man possessed. I’ve seen them. You can’t tell them from your average person.

    Across the street, Sam, Kyle and Bobby watched waiting for Norris to run outside panicking knowing it’s their cue.

    Norris leaned back in his chair shook his head without looking up. You kids are getting out of hand. When will you stop making up stories and running around town trying to get everyone to believe them.

    It’s all real, Timmy yelled, turned and ran towards the front doors and out on the sidewalk. Franticly running around screaming about aliens in town.

    Sam looked over to the others and yelled out. That’s our cue. They took off running across the street.

    Bobby tried to grab Timmy and cover his mouth.Silence. he yelled out.

    Sam pointed to them and yelled. Look everyone, it’s one of the alien spies trying to silence innocent little Timmy. Proof there are aliens in Springbrook Gardens. Run for your lives.

    Kyle ran up to Officer Warden. You have to help us officer. The alien spies are going after Timmy. They soon go after everyone. The town is in danger.

    Officer Warden looked down to Kyle with a smile. That’s nice little boy, carry on with your day. He walked away nodding hello to others walking by.

    You have to help us save the town. Sam called out to everyone close by. The evil alien spies will take over. Only you can save us.

    It’s over, it’s over. Kyle yelled out failing to the ground reaching for the sky.

    Sam stood on the sidewalk looking around gauging everyone’s reaction. Waiting for them to run over in a panic wanting information on the evil alien spies. However, everyone simply passed by ignoring them.

    The kids stood dumbfounded. Watching everyone walking by carrying on with their Thursday afternoon.

    I don’t think they believe us, Bobby whispered.

    I don’t think any of them care, Sam said watching them walk by.

    Our trick didn’t work? Timmy called out. We worked so hard on it. How did it fail?

    Norris stood next to the flower shop door with his arms crossed shaking his head. Not anymore. The first few tales fooled some. But now it’s getting out of hand. That’s why everyone calls you the Cry Wolves gang. Because you’re forever making everything up. Besides a story about alien spies in town is a silly one. Soon you’ll try warning people of something serious and no one will believe you.

    Bobby laughed a bit. "Around

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