
Here's how to set up app bidding.

Start improving your revenue and operational efficiency in just a few steps.

Follow these steps if you currently use Meta Audience Network.

If you're not using Audience Network, go here.

Step 1

Ensure that you have a mediation partner that supports bidding on Audience Network.

If you already have a supported mediation partner, go to your partner mediation dashboard and enable bidding. Then go to step 2.

If you don't already have a supported mediation partner, or if you're monetising using the Audience Network SDK, choose a mediation partner using the tool below. Then ensure that bidding is enabled in the partner dashboard.

Select a mediation partner

Step 2

Move your apps to bidding and set up your mediation partner.

In Monetisation Manager, copy your placement ID and place it into your partner bidding dashboard. Then complete the process of moving your apps to bidding. You'll need to configure your app with your mediation partner and ensure that all of the relevant SDKs and adaptors are installed in your apps.

Go to Monetisation Manager

Learn more

Get the basics of mediation.

Discover what mediation is, how it works and why publishers need it to use app bidding.

Learn how to get started with app bidding.

Watch this in depth, 20-minute webinar for step-by-step instructions on migrating your current apps to bidding, setting up new apps with bidding and more.

Choose from our mediation partners.

Meta Audience Network supports the move to an open and fair ecosystem. We offer a variety of integration options to help publishers adopt bidding in the best way that works for their business, including through our partners.

Choose a mediation partner

Code of conduct

These bidding integrations follow the principles of our code of conduct that support a healthy ecosystem for people, publishers and advertisers. Publishers will be able to monetise with Meta Audience Network through approved partners.

Review code of conduct

Featured articles
Five things to remember when integrating app bidding

Follow these tips to ensure that you move your apps to bidding the right way.

See the tips

Four steps for publishers to achieve success

Read our app bidding guide and learn the foundations of success with bidding.

Learn more

Bidding troubleshooting: avoid these common mistakes

Avoid these top mistakes when implementing and using app bidding.

Read the article

Five things to remember when integrating app bidding
Four steps for publishers to achieve success
Bidding troubleshooting: avoid these common mistakes

New to Audience Network?
Get started in a few easy steps.

Bidding implementation requirements.

Use the latest SDK

For iOS and Android apps, and for Unity implementations, it's important to ensure that you're running the latest SDKs. Update your SDKs here:

Check your settings

For iOS apps, ensure that you've implemented the setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled flag. This informs Facebook whether to deliver personalised ads in line with your own legal obligations, platform terms and the commitments you've made to your users.

Measure your success

For iOS apps, ensure that the SKAdNetwork IDs have been added to your config file. This helps you measure the success of your ad campaigns. Also note that if your revenue has decreased, be sure to check your ARPDAU to get an accurate picture of your total revenue.

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Meta Audience Network empowers app developers and publishers to deliver a great user experience whilst growing a sustainable business. With Facebook demand from millions of diverse global advertisers, publishers can expand their app's reach, keep users engaged and monetise globally.