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Highway Information Seminar Presentation Archive


The 2018 HIS will provide the latest guidance, procedures, and new requirements in areas of Federal-aid highway program's Federal data needs and reporting. These areas include the FHWA 500 Series data (financing, vehicles, licensed drivers, and fuel), fuel tax evasion program, heavy vehicle use tax program, traffic monitoring and data, truck-weigh-in-motion data, travel behavior data, transportation performance management data, and highway performance and monitoring data.

Professional involved in such data collection, processing, and reporting at both state agencies and FHWA division offices are invited to attend. There is no registration fee.

The 2018 HIS will be carried out in a similar format to that of 2017 (last year):

On Monday (10/29/2018), the Office will provide optional group training on HPMS 101 in the morning (make sure you indicate whether you are interested in this session during registration). The afternoon will be devoted to an HPMS peer exchange.

On Tuesday (10/30/2018), the welcome plenary session will be in the morning and the remainder of the day will be devoted to reporting requirements and procedures on highway performance monitoring data.

On Wednesday (10/31/2018), performance management data, traffic monitoring and travel behavior data and procedures will be covered.

On Thursday (11/1/2018), the entire day will be devoted to FHWA 500 Series data which covers financing, vehicles, licensed drivers, and fuel, fuel tax evasion program, and heavy vehicle use tax program.

On Friday (11/2/2018), the morning will be set aside for a FHWA Division Office staff meeting.





The 2017 HIS will provide the latest guidance, procedures, and new requirements in areas of Federal-aid highway program's Federal data needs and reporting. These areas include the FHWA 500 Series data (financing, vehicles, licensed drivers, and fuel), fuel tax evasion program, heavy vehicle use tax program, traffic monitoring and data, truck-weigh-in-motion data, travel behavior data, transportation performance management data, and highway performance and monitoring data.

Professional involved in such data collection, processing, and reporting at both state agencies and FHWA division offices are invited to attend. There is no registration fee.

The 2017 HIS will be carried out in a new format. On Monday (11/13/2017), the Office will provide optional one-on-one or group training. Topics may cover Financing data 101, Mini TMG (Traffic Monitoring Guide), HPMS 101, and Performance Management Data 101 (make sure you indicate whether you are interested in any such session(s) during registration).

On Tuesday (11/14/2017), the entire day will be devoted to FHWA 500 Series data which covers financing, vehicles, licensed drivers, and fuel, fuel tax evasion program, and heavy vehicle use tax program.

On Wednesday (11/15/2017), performance management data, traffic monitoring and travel behavior data and procedures will be covered.

On Thursday (11/16/2017), the entire day will be devoted to reporting requirements and procedures on highway performance and monitoring data




Please direct all questions and comments to [email protected].

Page last modified on January 14, 2021
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000