Noncompliance Report

This Report is presented for informational purposes only. This Report is based on information which Florida Housing Financing Corporation believes to be true and correct as of the date of the Report, and is based on information previously communicated to you by Florida Housing or its agents. The provisions of the compliance rules and provisions of the loan documents for each project take precedence over this Report in the event of a conflict. If you believe the Report is in error, it is your responsibility to immediately contact our Compliance Monitoring Agent listed for each development by telephone, fax or email.

The contacts are:

AmeriNat LLC
Veronica A. Repanti
(813) 282-4800 x 1513 - phone
(562)745-1275 - fax
[email protected]

Seltzer Management Group
Leslie Gilman 
(850) 233-3616 Ext. 245 – phone
(850) 233-1429 - fax
[email protected]

First Housing
Missy Brooks 
(813) 289-9410 - phone
(813) 283-1055 - fax
[email protected]

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions regarding the information presented in this Report.

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