Predevelopment Loan Program

Through individualized technical assistance and flexible below market interest financing for predevelopment activities, the Predevelopment Loan Program (PLP) helps nonprofit and community-based organizations, local governments, and public housing authorities plan, finance, and develop affordable housing. Eligible organizations may apply for a loan of up to $750,000. The loan carries a non-amortizing 1% percent interest rate, with principal and interest deferred until maturity. The loan matures either upon the closing of construction/permanent financing or three years after the original PLP loan closed, whichever occurs first.

PLP funds may be used for costs such as rezoning, soil tests, engineering fees, title searches, appraisals, feasibility analysis, legal fees, audit fees, earnest money deposit, impact fees, insurance fees, commitment fees, administrative costs, marketing expenses and acquisition expenses. These activities must be part of a nonprofit or governmental organization's efforts to develop affordable.


For more information contact: [email protected]

Mail Completed Applications to:
Robert Dearduff
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000
Tallahassee, Florida 32301