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Deborah Bravandt Deborah Bravandt > Quotes


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“What is the source of Character Assassination?
Jealousy. Jealousy originates from Limitation. A jealous person sees you as having a gift, skill, charisma, talent, or ability that he or she does not have. The mindset of a jealous person is manipulation. How does a Jealous Person manipulate? A Jealous Person controls a group's perception of you, the Gifted Person, by possessing a group's opinion by claiming you are full of fault.”
Deborah Bravandt
“The belief in Limitation is the basis of all jealousy, and jealousy leads to Possession. Possession is the idea that you must hold tightly to that which you love or it might escape. In truth, it does not escape. It loses its value to the holder and often creates contempt. True power attracts the sweet pleasure of liberation within the harmony of love.”
Deborah Bravandt
“If someone calls you disgusting, they are lusting. It creates an energetic cord of control, which steals power, gifts, money, reputation, and free will choice from you. Drop the parasites.”
Deborah Bravandt
“True power does not insult, diminish, or belittle nor does it align itself with specialness, entitlement, or judgment. True power generates vibrational harmony, kindness, and presence.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Homeless exist because billionaires exist. In polarity, there is extreme poverty and extreme wealth. Bridge the gap between the two and you will find balance and an earth that will survive the threat of humanity’s self imposed climate change. Earth is a reflection of humanity.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Anxiety always originates from a lie. All lies, whether self generated or accepted from another person, will resonate as a pendulum swinging to and fro as a reminder of an inconsistency with truth and impeccability. The further the lie is carried, the more the intensity of anxiety builds. The feeling may begin as unease, building to angst, translating to anxiety, panic, and even dread. Ultimately, anxiety creates stagnancy. What's the solution? Speak the truth even if it scares you. Be authentic.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Depression starts from a deeply rooted idea, that as a human being, you are a sinner. Even if you are agnostic, atheistic, or a mystic, sin is a belief that you have violated some internal law of ethics, which causes an inability to regain your divine state of love. It is Fault. Disobedience to a higher power, god, or archetype is another definition from separation of peace of mind.

Even if the god or archetype cannot be proven, it still exists in your mind, thus fault is real in your mind. It's the idea that you have broken an internal rule that separates you from delivery of a promise. This creates depression, which is a long standing feeling of pain due to permanent loss. It is not short term loss. It is complete loss that can never be returned.

When you birthed yourself into this reality, you were vast, elegant, exquisite, intelligent, infinite, and beautiful beyond understanding. You came into this time and space matrix to gain a soul, and that required a lot of experience. Experience is painful. Experience is expansive. Close the door by accepting the loss.”
Deborah Bravandt
“We are all two spirited beings in one body. We originated from a Soul that is two-spirited, male and female in one body. When you validate, honor, and love the opposite within, you validate, honor, and love both the opposite and same-ness with another human being. A healthy relationship starts by loving the internal twin flame relationship, which results in attracting a healthy external twin flame relationship.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Emotional Intelligence can be learned. Try it on for the size always fits, needs no return, and never wears out.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Soul is like a surname in this time and space matrix. It’s the ever loving, abiding, and continuous connection to your auspicious origin. You can’t sell it or give it up. It is not possible. Soul is you.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Loving who you came from is like looking into the mirror and loving yourself. Your ancestry is your reflection in the mirror.”
Deborah Bravandt
“In an "open 24-7" reality, want is King. We serve it, live it, breath it. But what does the king give you in exchange? Debt, neediness, addiction, and suffering. There is an alternative. JOY. Joy is created in simplicity.”
Deborah Bravandt
“All oppression starts with the experience of Lack. A lack of ideas, creativity, money, investors, health, friends, love, or kindness. Lack creates the emotional effect of Depression.”
Deborah Bravandt
“When a person uses his or her position of power from a church, corporation, or government to throw disgust upon a person for holding a different perspective, the person with the position of power is using lust as a mindset to gain control over the masses. Superior-Disgust-Lust is a complex and it's a method by which individuals steal from other human beings.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Bullying has its root cause in the need for adoration. If adoration is not fulfilled, the bully seeks to control a group through deceit and punishment of the individual who is perceived as being Non-Conforming. Adoration is a form of comfort. Take away the comfort, you dis-empower the bully.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Kindness is built on three factors, which are appreciation, compassion, and personal power. Appreciation is awareness of the gifts of others while simultaneously appreciating yourself as the opposite person is a mirror of you. Compassion is the hard earned gift of experience in action that pays off in dividends. Kindness is an Abundance of Flow of Personal Power.”
Deborah Bravandt
“All celebrities that tell you to wear masks are feeding the system of fear. All celebrities that wear masks are hiding their shadow self, the side that hires sex workers for their hidden sexual satisfaction while acting married and monogamist or single and celibate.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Earth is a game of theft in which humans steal life force from one person to the next in order to raise their light quotient supply. It is a dysfunctional game based in lack. Humans unconsciously seek more light by creating energetic cords with another person. It is time to create a better way. It is time to activate divine love and complete self acceptance.”
Deborah Bravandt
“The lack of divine love has created a parasitical environment in which humans feed on other humans for power, much like vampires seeking blood, although this feeding is energetic power. The lack of divine love frequency has resulted in an environment in which humanity is incapable to undergo the natural process of biological ascension without the help of divine intervention. And yet, divine intervention requires the individual to be conscious beyond the belief in news, government, corporate, and mask wearing programming to ask in commitment, benevolence, and dedication for this hyper vigilant assistance.”
Deborah Bravandt
“When you end the rift by loving the sameness and the opposite within your relationship, you will have the most ecstatic sexual relationship and edifying interpersonal relationship with your beloved.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Anger is a partnership of two forces in which one of the partners is silent. Anger is the present and accountable emotion while Shame is the silent partner, the thought that projects in the background. Shame is the belief in eternal lack of resolve, which creates violence.”
Deborah Bravandt
“I don’t even believe that Jesus Christ himself was perfect. To be human IS TO BE imperfect. Ultimately, the difference between an asshole or a benevolent being is the choice of serving by building bridges between yourself and another person. Do you apologize or do you offend? Do you listen or do you ignore? Do you accept or do you defame? I would rather know the truth about an idol — or person — rather than believe in a lie that an IDOL is a walking Christ on earth. No one is perfect.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Just as the body needs air, food, and water, the spirit needs energy. Life force is a tangible energy that runs through the central vertical current of your spirit body and it can be seen in a shamanic state as a bluish-white hue.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Perhaps your purpose is to go through the halls of suffering, discover your magic, and resurface as a doctor of restoration. Restoration is discovered in the divine blueprint. Change your blueprint and you change results.”
Deborah Bravandt
“We are light, sound, color, and form living a physical reality. Add the element of love and you have everything.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Guilt is an outward expression of self degradation. It is acceptance of one’s culpability, indiscretion, liability, sin, dereliction, and harm without resolving the crime, violation, or wrong. Guilt desires to remain hidden, hence, the paying for confessions to alleviate responsibility. Where shame separates you from social and cultural obedience, guilt brings you closer to the deceiver such as religion. Guilt is dancing with the devil and calling yourself good.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Social Distancing can create anxiety, loneliness, and depression. A sovereign being views Solitude as time to sand the rust off your vehicle, re-grout your shower, rake the leaves, or renovate yourself. Solitude is meditation in motion.”
Deborah Bravandt
“Humans came from something. We came from perfection in the form of math. We came from multiple homes and star systems. We came from indestructible energy known as Divine Love. It is the greatest frequency of all. And if you can feel it, you will never want to feel anything other than Divine Love.”
Deborah Bravandt

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Deborah Bravandt
My Dad is a Zombie: Warrior in the Land of the Dead My Dad is a Zombie
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