Imperfection Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "imperfection-quotes" Showing 1-27 of 27
“A rose does not lose its beauty because it is covered with thorns.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“I accept my imperfections as I strive to be my best self.”
Angel Moreira

“Everything is a choice and every choice has a consequence; a good one or bad one! We choose to choose every day, whether we choose not to choose, but it is not all our choices that result in something better! It is not all our choices that result in something lasting! It is not all our choices that result in something fulfilling. No matter what our daily conscious and unconscious choices result in, the lessons from the results of our choices that can help shape our next choices must never be neglected, for they that shall neglect the lessons from the consequences of their choices shall always choose and choose again and again, and in the end, they shall never see any lasting and fulfilling footprints!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Rather be perfectly imperfect than perfectly perfect.”

“I don’t even believe that Jesus Christ himself was perfect. To be human IS TO BE imperfect. Ultimately, the difference between an asshole or a benevolent being is the choice of serving by building bridges between yourself and another person. Do you apologize or do you offend? Do you listen or do you ignore? Do you accept or do you defame? I would rather know the truth about an idol — or person — rather than believe in a lie that an IDOL is a walking Christ on earth. No one is perfect.”
Deborah Bravandt

Germany Kent
“Critique your performance and embrace your imperfections. Acknowledge and laugh at your missteps.  Celebrate your downfalls knowing that it is in the struggle, anxiety, and through the setbacks that you gain new perspectives, grow, and become a better you.”
Germany Kent

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Even perfect people are taught to practice imperfections just to fit in the society. Thus, the famous saying of 'no one is perfect' still prevails.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Christina Soontornvat
“The world wasn't what I wanted it to be," Pong went on. "Not Chattana. Not even Tanaburi. I thought if I ran far enough, I could find that perfect place where life is fair and everything is good. But even if I make it to the sea, even if I go all the way to the end of the world, I'll never find a place like that. It doesn't exist.”
Christina Soontornvat, A Wish in the Dark

J.D. Brewer
“Out here, we let ourselves be imperfect. We let ourselves have the room to make mistakes—sometimes tragic mistakes—then we allow ourselves forgiveness. Within that forgiveness, we try to be better than what we were.”
J.D. Brewer, The Birth of Anarchy: Vagabond's Sequel

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“If someone takes your past to prove your imperfection, congrats, your present is above perfection and your future will be beyond perfection”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Debatrayee Banerjee
“...but what if I want an imperfect you, and together we make our own imperfect perfection of Love.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

C. JoyBell C.
“We present God to each other as perfect and infallible, and then we expect everyone to relate to that, knowing very well, that we never feel close to the perfect; we never feel like we can relate to the infallible. And then we say, "God loves you." How can someone you cannot relate to, love you, and vice versa? Our entire presentation of God is severely flawed and distant. Every time we refer to God, we make that reference in a way that digs the barrier wider, the chasm deeper. What if God's human side is just as fallible as we are? Just as pained as we are? And what if He never wrote any of those books we say He did?”
C. JoyBell C.

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“We are unjust in judging others, we weigh them on perfection scales where they fall short, if we judged them on imperfection scales we would find that after all they are not as imperfect as we thought.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Does the perfect path seek the perfect traveller? Or does the perfect path prefer an imperfect traveller, to elevate him to perfection?”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Tim Storrs
“The only thing I have ever mastered was imperfection.”
Tim Storrs

“We are all sinners and addicts in someone's story. For me, my sin is my inherent imperfection, and my addiction, success.”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Jessica Speer
“Of course, mistakes and mess-ups are inevitable. Humans are imperfect, especially in middle school. Go easy on yourself and others. And when all else fails, connect with people and activities that make you smile.”
Jessica Speer, Middle School - Safety Goggles Advised: Exploring the WEIRD Stuff from Gossip to Grades, Cliques to Crushes and Popularity to Peer Pressure

Allene vanOirschot
“Never let your imperfections define you, for you are perfectly loved by God.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Christa Spaeth
“Recognize that God created you, and every wrinkle you have and every imperfection you may think you see is truly beautiful to God.”
Christa Spaeth, Powerful Whispers: A 7-Week Journey Discovering Who You Are to God: A Daily Devotional for Women and Men 2023 with Special Worship Music Playlists

“God's Perfection can never Function
in Imperfection.”
Dr Ikoghene S Aashikpelokhai

“The things I did say, and more painfully the things I was unable to say, play over and over again on the movie projector in my head, tinged at times with terrible regret.
These arguments and discords can never be undone now. They were our relationship, our family, our time together despite their faults. But still perfect in their own way. Like a social media page in my mind, these moments will always be there, frozen in time. Imperfect. Perfect, actually.”
Tom Allen, Too Much: the hilarious, heartfelt memoir

Andrew Pacholyk
“Love’s secret…
two imperfect souls, sharing a life.
Listen. Words are expressed for a reason.
Observe. Reasons are sometimes unspoken.
Breathe, before expressing.
Silence is often better than unformed expression.
Understanding… that two imperfect souls, share a life, can be all you need to know.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Pearls of Light: passion, poetry & positive affirmations

“Perfection isn't the gist of family's strength; it's found in the resilience despite imperfections.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Marion Bekoe
“Perfection may never be attained, constant repetition of good habits are the closest thing to perfection.”
Marion Bekoe

“Your imperfection is like a snowflake in a snowstorm.”
Eduvie Donald