June Ahern's Blog - Posts Tagged "paranormal"

Talking to the Dead-Gift or Curse?

I just watched the movie Hereafter with Matt Damon as George, a retired psychic medium, who is called back into service against his will. I know how he felt.

I’m one of those people who easily sees and talks to the dead––those who have passed over. In the movie George tells another how he became psychic: As a child he had become very ill and needed surgery on the back of his head. Because of it something happened in his brain resulting in him “knowing and seeing” things about people he had no prior access to and this information was told to him by dead people.

I appreciated how the scriptwriter presented a correlation between head/brain surgery and changes in one’s psychic abilities. I also had a similar experience where a head injury had awoken my psychic abilities.

When I was nineteen I was in a very serious car accident and received grave injuries to my face and head and for a moment in the ambulance I “died”. That brief moment profoundly changed the course of my life forever, although it took me years to, not only understand what happened, but talk about it openly. Like one character in Hereafter I went to the“otherside”.

The physical part in time healed but the true miracle was what happened afterward.

Within a couple of months I began to have strong premonitions, about people’s past (recognition) visions of future events (precognition) and dead people spoke to me. It was not pleasant. Heck it scared the bejeevus out of me! Not that I was new to accepting psychic occurrences. My mother had a curiosity in it, even having a few prophetic a few dreams and for fun read tealeaves, but my experiences surpassed this greatly.

One of my strong abilities is mediumship and I rather enjoy it. I’ve mostly given up giving spirit communication (aka séances) because of the physically living beings as George experienced.

Of course the dead can be an annoyance as Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldberg) in the movie “Ghosts” learned where she was deluged by spirits all coming through (talking) at one time––it can happen like that when they find a person who can see and hear them.

Do they haunt you like Oda Mae was by the dead character Sam, Patrick Swayze? You bethca! This happened to me once. The spirit didn’t lighten up until the police contacted me for all her information (her killer was successfully prosecuted.)

There are many rewards having these abilities’ and talents. I’ve met people from all over the world and been invited to travel to share my abilities. People have told me the information I shared changed their lives. Then again there’s a downside. In the movie George says that some people say he has a gift, but he thought of it more as a curse. I can relate. The curse is seeing and knowing too much as George says.

Psychics do become tired. Its takes a lot of energy, much focus and a certain detachment as information surges through. I’ve worked with law enforcement and even the believers have a particular way that can make one feel a bit blocked. There’s the need and expectations of clients to fulfill (or not) and neediness of the people seeking help and connections to dead loved ones. Let’s not forget the testing doubters, the ridiculing critics and the condemning haters (oh yes!) of psychics.

After having used my abilities for 40 years I believe that psychic energy must retire and the person must live for her or himself. But then, like George, there’s always that one more person who truly needs that information.

In my novel, my main character has "unusual" abilities that prove to be more of a curse than a blessings.

The Skye in June
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BOO & Other Things Ghosts Say.

BOO! Did you hear that? Ghosts, for real? Do The Dead Walk Amongst Us?

Perhaps during a psychic reading you asked about communicating with a loved one who passed on to the other world - heaven or Nirvana or where?

Communicating with the dead, or spirits of those who passed is discussed in my book The Timeless Counselor/A Complete Consumer's Guide to a Psychic Reading

Many people have asked me over my forty years as a psychic medium (and working with law enforcement) because they want to keep communication alive when a loved one passes on to the other world. Does communication really happen?

Well, certainly many people think so. Look at the popularity of TV shows with medium John Edwards, Sylvia Browne and the latest, The Long Island Medium

There are several different ways mediums/psychic readers communicate with spirit entities. A SÉANCE is one way. I discuss this in my book, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.

Please be advised that not all spirits communicate when petitioned and why is that?

Join me on radio KOW tomorrow. I'll will talk about why you'd want to communicate and why would the spirit want to as well as how to communicate with the dead tomorrow Tuesday 2/4/14 from 9 to10 a.m. PST. Call-in your questions 707-874-1073.

Program Steams live KOW radio

Other mentions: My Ghost Walks with The Haunted Bay. See my video on Youtube where the Condor Club was featured and the second video of an interview of how I came to have this gift.

If you cannot listen tomorrow 2/4/14, comment w/contact for when an archive of the show is available. I'll be talking the first Tuesday about a variety of psychic phenomenons. In March about psychic children.

Please "like" my page on Facebook - The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.

Please see my novels available through Amazon.com or me june ahern dot com
The Skye in June and City of Redemption
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Published on February 03, 2014 09:06 Tags: paranormal, psychic, seance, spiritual, tarot


I like reading about history and outside non-fiction books enjoy historical novels to read about the happenings, the people - famous, infamous and ordinary folks like myself - the language, clothing, and society at a given period. Mostly what I learn is some things just never change. Do you like history/period novels?

Now that I'm "ghost busting" in San Francisco for a paranormal group I get some firsthand history glimpses.

See me walk the infamous streets of the Barbary Coast, San Francisco during the day seeing and talking to spirits.

The Timeless Counselor:The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading
The Skye in June
City of Redemption
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Published on August 03, 2014 10:06 Tags: blogs, ebooks, ghosts, history, medium, paranormal, period-novels, psychic

Spirit Talks•Ghostly Encounters•Hauntings

Talking to the dead appears easy for me. It really can be as easy as talking to living people, but then again, it can be scary too (easy and scary seen in my paranormal ghost walk Youtube 'The Haunted: SF & Beyond Youtube videos.)

I'm ask so many questions over my forty years as a psychic medium about this phenomenon - life after death, do they really communicate and many, many more questions about ghosts and spirits. Finally, I was asked to write it, hence my latest book "How to Talk With Spirits: Séances•Mediums•Ghost Hunts."

I wanted to present information for the believers, quiet those who had great fears and bad experiences, and perhaps open the minds of non-believers to look at it from a fresh perspective.

People attempt to contact spirits of their loved ones who past all th time therefore I included reasonable and practical advise on how to conduct a séance, take ghost hunts, and avoid negative entities. Some of the advise came through sharing of my own most memorable ghost encounters and hauntings by murder victims.

At nineteen years-old I was in a horrific automobile accident. Thrown through the windshield, and had a near death experience (NDE.) It changed my life forever. For quite a few years, I couldn’t talk about what she saw on the 'other side.' I couldn't explain it to anyone without fearing I'd sound delusional. Then I learned there were others with similar experiences.

A survey in US News & World Report of March 1997 reported 15 million people experienced NDE. I wasn't alone.

Check out my book on Amazon and Smashwords and by the end you'll decide if it could happen or not. "How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts.
How to Talk With Spirits: Séances•Mediums•Ghost Hunts

After her NDE was a scary, confusing time. June envisioned events yet to happen. The dead visited her. More than forty years later, she continues to have psychic visions and visits from the dead. While skeptics deny the existence of ghosts and spirit communication claiming there’s no real evidence, polls and surveys show the public strongly disagrees. A 2005 Huffpost poll reported forty-five percent of Americans believed in ghosts or the spirits of the dead and that they can come back in certain places and situations. In a nationwide random survey, 808 adults were asked if they believed in life after death. Seventy-eight percent responded yes. More than one in five Americans said they had seen a ghost themselves, or have felt themselves in the presence of one.

As in her consumer's guide, "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading", June offers practical and useful advice about the paranormal world. In this book, she talks about the personal challenges of being a psychic/medium. June discusses the many spirits and vampire entities she's met during her life. She reveals the murder victims who haunted her and her work with the police. One chapter answers the most asked questions from the curious living about spirits, ghost hunts and psychic abilities. She advises how to safely communicate with the dead, when it is the right time to communicate, and when it's time to stop. Her information helps readers decide whether to communicate through a medium or solo. There are also pointers on how to conduct a séance and ghost hunt. Readers can learn more about their own psychic abilities with June’s ESP Quiz.

By the end of the book you will decide if you want to communicate with the dead or leave well enough alone.
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Published on February 12, 2015 09:16 Tags: metaphsycial, paranormal, psychic, spiritual

Near Death Experience

NDE or Near Death Experiences can alter your life forever.

Since the publication of my book,"How to Talk With Spirits" I have been contacted by groups who investigate and are interested in my NDE. I hadn't realized how many are truly to interested in learning what is on the other side of life.

Have you or someone you've known had a NDE and if so, did life change afterward as mine did for me?

When I experienced my dying and returning I no idea my life path direct me to a most unique and interesting profession.

You can hear me talk about it on Healing Arts Radio show http://readingsbyyerevan.com/radio-sh...

Excerpt from my ebook.

How it Began

In 1970, after a serious automobile accident and while in the ambulance, I expired for a moment and was subsequently revived. This was my first experience with spirit connection. For many years after this incident, I couldn’t talk about my profound experience of being on the other side. How could I explain I saw the light? How could I describe the ecstatic sense of pure joy and serenity unknown to me previously in this life?

Outside the crashed vehicle, a white light appeared to emanate from a woman standing close by. She stared at me intently through the windshield as I sat bleeding profusely from head and face injuries. Dazed, I looked back at her. Her presence was comforting and her face kind. Surrounded by a glow of light, she appeared to be clothed in all white. I felt loving warmth from the woman and thought I heard her say, “Don’t worry, it’ll be alright.” But that was impossible given the distance between us. Then the light enveloped me. Only I wasn’t led through a tunnel as others who have died and returned say they experienced. The next thing I recall was a policeman sitting in the driver’s seat next to me telling me to hang on. I knew he was talking to me but I couldn’t focus on him. All I could think about as blood poured onto my new coat bought for a first time date was how my clothes were ruined. It’s strange what bothers us in serious situations. I don’t recall being carried from the wreck to the ambulance or even the ride to the hospital.

With time, I remembered my journey to the other side. Once you have come back from the brink of death, you’re never quite the same. What happened during that time, how you felt, what you saw always remains vivid in your mind. I saw deceased relatives, some gone for many years. Some I only recognized because of old photographs in family albums. In a beautiful garden, they were laughing softly, their faces full of peace and love. A warm bright light surrounded the whole scene. An ornate white iron fence encircled the garden. I stood outside the fence, gazing at my happy grandparents, uncles and aunts. They watched me with big smiles. I felt peace and heartfelt love. Then they began to wave me away, cheerily saying, “Not now, June. Go back.”

--> My surgeon told me I was a lucky young woman because I expired in the ambulance for about twenty seconds. Twenty seconds that changed my life forever.

It was frightening and confusing for a nineteen year-old woman to see, hear and know facts about living and dead people. I fretted and wondered about these strange happenings. NDE, at this time, was rarely, if ever, discussed. People dismissed individuals such as myself with NDE experiences as delusional, fakes or odd. It was also a huge time of change both socially and politically. This may be why, in time, I accepted the fact my outlook on life was different. I could hear, see, feel, and even smell non-physical people as though if they were in front of me. And with acceptance came the desire to learn more about it.


Had I really been on the other side? Was it a miracle I came back? An opportunity for a second chance in life to do something meaningful I had not considered before? Seeking information and education, I talked to numerous people who might have had, or knew someone with a NDE and perhaps like me saw and heard things which physically didn’t exist.

Fortunately since then, books such as Dr. Raymond Moody Jr.’s 1975 bestseller, Life After Life, and more recently Anita Moorjani’s 2012 To Heaven and Back validate and afford a kinder response to those who have experienced NDE. Reading Dr. Moody’s many case studies calmed my anxiety. I learned there were many individuals worldwide, and throughout history with similar experiences to mine.

A survey in US News World Report of March 1997 reported 15 million people have experienced NDE.
(con't in book)

How to Talk With Spirits: Séances•Mediums•Ghost Hunts
For more about me and my other books please review juneahern.com. See ghost hunting in San Francisco videos.
The Skye in June
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Published on March 21, 2015 16:05 Tags: esp, nde, paranormal, parapsychology, psychic, spirituality


How to find a psychic reader?
Finding a reputable, honest and gifted psychic reader isn't always easy. The best way can be recommendations if the reader fulfills your expectations and needs. Even when recommended ask the person about her or his experience and read my book "The Timeless Counselor" to learn how to query the psychic reader before making your appointment.For example ask the potential reader if you can record the session. The way she (he) is paid.

Finding a reader: If you know no one or do not wish anyone to know you want a psychic reading, there are other ways to find one as I write about in this book.

Here's in part the latest review on my book and for more reviews please visit (direct inks below) Amazon.com, Smashwords.com Barnes and Noble Goodreads.com.

Even though my name is spelt incorrectly: The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to... by jellybean85 » 17 Oct 2015, 4 out of 4 stars.

Psychic June Ahern gives readers tips on how to get a proper psychic reading in detail about everything a person needs to know before getting a psychic reading. What I liked most about Ahern’s book is how she emphasized the importance of research before going to a psychic; how to find a psychic, and why it’s important to call ahead and ask questions before making an appointment. Ahern offers a list of questions to ask the psychic about their procedures, resources on how to find psychics and delves into the different types of fortune telling used by psychics. Overall, it was a good book and Ahern opened my mind up about the world of psychics.

Ahren discusses the various fortune telling methods, how to find a psychic, and what to expect when you get a reading. Ahren uses her experience as a psychic to help others get the best psychic reading they deserve. What I loved most about the book is how she opens your eyes up to the world of psychics. Ahern debunks the myths about psychics and sheds light on what goes on at a reading, and why it’s important that people do their research before going to a psychic. Many people think you just visit a psychic and get a glimpse into your future. But thanks to Ahern, she debunks that theory and points out there’s much more to psychic readings. The important piece of advice she gives readers is that they play an important part in making their future predictions come true. Sure, the psychic sees the future, but unless the customer does something to help, then the prediction isn’t going to come to fruition. One example Ahern gives in the book is how she told a client they’d advance in their career, yet when the opportunity arose they didn’t do anything about it. Months later when they client came back they were upset with her prediction, but when Ahern questioned them about any job offers they realized they passed up their opportunity.

Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Timeless-Counselor-Successful-Psychic-Reading-ebook/dp/B0037QGKOY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1445794304&sr=8-3&keywords=june+ahern

Smashwords.com https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/36292?ref=JuneA 

Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/reviews/the-timeless-counselor-june-ahern/1121277951?ean=2940011190704#reviews-headere.com/reviews/the-timeless-counselor-june-ahern/1121277951?ean=2940011190704#reviews-header

Goodreads.com https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11700203-the-timeless-counselor

about me: june ahern dot com
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Published on October 25, 2015 11:23 Tags: paranormal, parapsychology, psychic, spiritual



Tonight the veils thin and the dead walk the earth. It can be a lovely time to invite our deceased loved ones to visit. Light a candle and place it in a window so they can easily find you. Perhaps leave them a treat and beverage they enjoyed while in body. I like to put a photo of each I'm inviting to visit tonight. 

When the ghosts come to visit, who you gonna call?

I am a ghost buster aka a spirit communicator.

See The Haunted Bay videos of some ghost hunts.
This one was especially spooky to me. https://youtu.be/c7FsCWmWLQ8
this one I really enjoyed myself https://youtu.be/TU4BvpvX5AQ

This night is also called Samhain (pronounced SAH-win or SOW-in[1] is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, Samhain is celebrated from sunset on 31 October to sunset on 1 November, which is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.

As the nights grow dark early and we retreat to the comfort of our homes, it is said our dreams become more vivid and meaningful. Take note of your dreams tonight as the spirit of your dead family and friends often visit you through them.

Read more about spirits and how to communicate with them in my ebook, "How to Talk with Spirits: Seance, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" on Amazon and Smashwords. Links below. I have three other books you can review at
june ahern dot com.

Happy Thrilling Halloween! May it also be blessed with gentle, good spirits visiting.

To buy on Amazon:

Smashwords - many, many ebook choices! Even PDF, epub +

Also, on Barnes and Noble.

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Published on October 31, 2015 09:10 Tags: ghosts, paranormal, psychic, spiritual


June Ahern’s ESP Quiz

June Ahern’s ESP Quiz

As seen in my parapsychology ebook ,"The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" and paranormal ebook, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts" available on Amazon and Smashwords.

Read more about both ebooks at june ahern dot com

This quiz cannot be reproduced or printed without the expressed permission by its author, June Ahern.

Have fun learning about your ESP abilities.

Many people have had a spontaneous telepathic experience at one time or another through sending or receiving an ESP message. Learn if you're a receiver or sender of ESP/telepathic thoughts and how it's done. The ultimate goal is to balance sending and receiving abilities.

Choose your closet reaction and place your answer at the end of the question. Answer with a number: 4 – always
3 - a lot 2 – sometimes
1 – rarely 0- never

1. When the telephone rings or mail arrives, do you have a split second mental picture, thought, impression or feeling that you know who is contacting you? ____

2. When the telephone rings or mail arrives, are you surprised, but not too much so because for a while you had been thinking of the person? ____

3. Do you have strong urges or thoughts to contact someone just out of the blue, only to find that s(he) had been thinking of you for a while? ____

4. Does it seem that people respond to your wants or needs before you have a chance to ask? i.e. “I wish for a new job” and soon afterward, a friend tells you of a job? ____

5. Does it seem that people say things that you were just thinking? ____

6. Does it seem that people say things that you have been thinking about for some time? ____

7. Do you purposely will people to act upon your wants successfully? i.e. “I wish someone would bring me some water.” and voila! somebody does so? ____

8. Do you find that your wishes, dreams and/or goals do come true for you in life? __

9. Are you a good caretaker/nurturer; giving people what they need without being asked? ____

10. When wanting the attention of someone without speaking or gesturing, are you successful? ____

10 b: How do you get the person’s attention?

1. Mentally say her/his name or a statement e.g. “Look at me!” ____

2. Mentally picture or imagine the person looking at you ____

Place your answer in 10 b category C (see below)

11. When you sense or think that someone is looking at you, are you right?

11 b: How do you sense the person’s attention? ____

1. Feel his/her eyes on the back of my head ____

2. Hear my name called ____

3. Mentally see the person’s face or name ____

4. Have an urge to go to the person ____

Place your answer in category C 11b (see below)

12. Have seen or sensed non-visible movement or presence? ____

Place your number answer in category A and C

13. Have you had vivid night or day dreams, mental pictures, images or visions, sounds or hear inner messages and experience the same event or situation later?

Yes or No answer. If you answered yes, chose a number and place in Category C:

4­­–always • 3––a lot • 2––sometimes • 1––rarely

* * * * *


Category A. Place your answers:

1 ……
3 ……
5 ……
9 ……
11 ……
12 ……

Total: _____

* * * * *

Category B. Place your answers:

2 ……
4 ……
6 ……
7 ……
8 ……
10 ……

Total _____

* * * * *

Category C. Place your answers :

11b ……
12b ……
13 ……

No total in this category

* * * * *


Category A: Receiver: A higher score in this category indicates that you are a stronger receiver of messages initiated by another’s or others’ thought(s). For example, you think of a person moments before receiving mail or a telephone call from him/her. This is a telepathic message (a thought occurring between sources within a short period of time or instantaneous. Please note that messages or knowledge about a distant past or future events are a different ESP abilities.). Receiving is a very rewarding communication skill to possess. You can be prepared for news and situations that will occur as well as assist others to find a "voice" when physical communication is difficult. Receivers tend to be nurturing people who like to please others by sharing their loving, helpful nature. They are often found in many healing, helping and creative arts professions. As healers this ability is most useful to zero in on areas of the body that are not in good health and in some way, perhaps even through thought, can help in healing. On the down side, a receiver/healer can become so overwhelmed with the pain that (s)he actually takes it on becoming ill her/himself. As an artist the beauty of receiving inspiration from seen and unseen influences is a benefit affording you the ability to create beautiful works that inspire others. Learn to stay aware as you open gently to energy flowing around you and endeavor to work on one creation at a time. A challenge for receivers is learning to communicate clearly their own unique and independent thoughts and needs as well and also to know what degree they are being helpful or being co-dependent. Receivers often tend to let people be overly dependent upon them, thinking they know the answers or cure or can fix another or situation. Suggestion: wait to be asked for help before acting. They have tendencies toward feeling victimized, thinking that they are being taken advantage of or they are doing too much for others and not being appreciated, hence experience ill health and exhaustion. They must learn to differentiate between what their thoughts and feelings are and what are those of others.

* * * * *

24 -20: You are a very keen receiver and possibly even to some degree, a mystic, channeler, or visionary. Then again, you may be receiving too much if you are feeling quite confused, depleted or burned out. Is your psychic and/or mental energy too scattered with a lot of different projects and thoughts going on? it may be that you are being bombarded from receiving too much. Learn to clear your mind and body and harness your energy through daily meditation. Balance serving other’s needs with letting others also serve you. Understand your life purpose clearly and take care of yourself as well as you care for others.

* * * * *

19-14: You are clearly receiving information but may be confused to the validity of it. Strengthen your confidence and validate your messages e.g. ask the person you are thinking of, if the message received is in line with her/his thoughts or situation. Become clearer with messages through understanding how you receive such as in symbolism, dreams; visions, or hearing words and/or receiving images or pictures. See more below in category C. Strengthen your confidence by playing telepathic games with another.

* * * * *

13-7: Two situations may be occurring - you are receiving so much information that you are mentally shutting off, or you are too busy sending that you are unaware of the world around you and/or what is being sent you. Pay attention to what and who surrounds you and how it emotionally, physically and mentally affects you. Learn to listen to others verbally and non-verbally––relationships may improve. Validate messages––ask the source if you are correct. Develop a schedule to sit quietly and relax your mind perhaps journaling can free it up a bit more.

* * * * *

6-1: Somewhere along the course of life you have lost focus on your true self and life purpose. Perhaps by spending too much time on your own thing. Have others said that you must always be in control? Do you work too hard for what you want? Are you so controlled by others’ needs that you feel life is not fair? Does your life feel scattered? You may be missing messages for a go-ahead on your goals. Read about co-dependents, creative visualization and manifestation.

* * * * *

Category B Sender: A higher score here indicates that you are a stronger sender of telepathic messages. You have the ability to create what and who you need to assist you in accomplishing your mission and goals. Senders usually are action type people, confident leaders and move forward with determined purpose. Senders can accomplish goals easily when they have clarity of purpose and are relaxed. They can be quite articulate in speech, good planners and great visionaries. Trained properly, they can be powerful healers by sending energy through another’s body. Highly developed senders contribute to the spiritual growth of the world by sending powerful messages to advance humanity to higher levels. Spiritually advanced senders know how to take and give fairly, balancing their goals so that others also realize fulfillment. Senders attract willing participants easily to help them achieve goals. But they can, and will, control, manipulate and dominate to get what they want, no matter what the cost. A sender may be so focused on their goals that they are tunnel-visioned, not paying attention to the often-subtle responses of attainment. They are often perfectionist, demanding much of themselves and others. Because they are mentally busy they are highly agitated, overly aggressive, stressful and often, volatile. Senders do have a wonderful ability to vision and create and when balanced bring positive and progressive changes. There are many ways to develop and use your sending abilities such as purposely writing a goal or need, seeing it clearly in a simple form and then sending that image telepathically.

* * * * *

24- 20: You are a highly developed sender, connected to a Higher Source, consciously or not. That source is sending you what and who is needed to create and manifest a happy successful life on your karmic path. Recognize the helpful loving people are supporting your goals. Be aware how you might dominate or control others to submit to your way. Trust the process if you find confusion arises over how to attain. Be more patient. When manifesting a goal you can be obsessed and overly focused losing a sense of balance of your goals with those of others. You do have the power to positively affect others and the world and no doubt have a wonderfully charming ability to create a win-win. Review if you are balanced between sending (taking) and receiving (giving).

* * * * *

19-14: You are aware that what you want you usually get, but with some effort and as the Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” “…but if you try sometimes you get what you need.” Learn to listen on a physical and non-physical level to more easily receive (even subtle messages) and hear go-ahead messages confirming that what you asked for is in the process of manifesting. Also, keep an open ear and mind to other’s viewpoints. Be aware not to look for the perfect result. Take a more patient approach; a step-by-step process to where you are going. Review your progress often to see if you are in the flow or pushing too hard. Learn to keep your thoughts clear and simple to more easily manifest. Life doesn’t have to be an uphill struggle.

* * * * *

13-7: Perhaps you are not direct with what you want from life or you may be taking care of others too much by being overly involved by giving advice or doing you what think is best for them. Be focused on your own self. Do you have specific goals? Or, do you just take life as it comes? You may not be aware that what you are receiving in life is really what you are thinking. If you don’t like it, check your thoughts for negative, fearful or doubtful ones. Practice stating your wish or goal and ending with “I know this or something better will come into my life.” Count your blessings (the good things in your life like your vision, hearing, walking, place to lay your head and like that––daily). You may also be mentally scattered with too much on you mind. Learn to clear your mind and be more focused on what you wish to accomplish.

* * * * *

6-1: Who is running your life? Do you think that life is just by chance or dominated by fate or others? Most likely you give too much of your energy and feel empty or victimized. Be more conscious of how you create life experiences and relationships by what you mentally envision. Life has many joyful rewards! The good news is that you are the creator of your life.

* * * * *

Category C:

10b: #1 clairaudio (clear sound)––You hear or speak mental words or statements when telepathically receiving or sending/attracting. Learn to focus on hearing clearly simple words for best results.

* * * * *

#2 clairvoyant (clear seeing)––you mentally see messages an image, symbol, picture or even on-going action like watching a film when receiving or sending. Learn to stay focused and keep it simple i.e. one image, not jumping around. If too many come at one time, breathe and accept only one.

* * * * *

11b: #1: clairsentience (clear feeling). This can be the most difficult ESP ability to translate into a verbal message. Learn to verbalize your feelings by seeing an image symbolizing the feelings. To clear yourself practice running feelings in the body up like a stream of energy to the middle of your forehead (the vision center) before sending or receiving. If you answered with a number #2 you are a clairaudio or a #3 you are a clairvoyant or #4 you are a clairsentience.

* * * * *

12: Your number answer will help determine the level of ESP. Feeling the presence of non-visible energy indicates that you have, to some degree, the ability to communicate with non-physical entities. Learn to relax when in contact to see the presence as in an image form. Say “Hello”, “Welcome” or “That’s enough, leave me alone!”

* * * * *

13: Dreams or visions that manifest indicate that you have moved beyond telepathy into precognition (knowing the future). Life shouldn’t be too surprising when you see where you’re going. Learn to use it wisely.

* * * * *

Please note that this test is only one of many ways to learn about your potential ESP abilities. It does not necessarily determine if you have strong psychic skills. Some very talented psychics might not score well because they often don’t test well. Use it as a guide to learn about your abilities while having fun.
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Published on December 01, 2015 06:32 Tags: paranormal, parapsychology, psychic, quiz, spiritual, tests

Do Book Reviews Matter? Latest on spirit/ghost ebook

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Review of my book - four stars out of four, "How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" 

"I've actually read a couple similar books in the past, but "How to Talk With Spirits" is my favorite thus far. It uses the terminology properly, but never feels condescending or confusing; it expresses strong beliefs and opinions but never tries to force them upon the reader, instead encouraging safe experimentation and making one's own judgements; it teaches without preaching.

Life after death is perhaps the greatest mystery of our lives. Reincarnation, heaven and hell, ghosts living among us, any combination of those, something we haven't even imagined or absolutely nothing at all, the possibilities are endless. "How to Talk With Spirits" by June Ahern helps answer those questions (and many more) the best way possible - by presenting the reader with information, helping them find their own answers and frequently reminding them to stay skeptical and not just believe anything, even the things in this book, simply because they're widely believed.

"How to Talk With Spirits" is a nonfiction guide for exactly what it sounds like - communicating with spirits. Spirits here typically include both spirits and ghosts (the difference, June summarizes, is essentially that ghosts are spirits that remain on Earth), but also includes the possibility of picking up messages or signals from others who are alive.  The pages are filled to the brim with information equivalent to similar books double the length. Despite having so much information, the book doesn't ever feel boring - this is an insightful guide, not a dry textbook.

Before the book really kicks off, we're given an introduction that gives us a history of the author, June. In 1970, at 19 years old, she was a passenger in a vehicle during a car crash that threw her through the windshield. She sees a woman in white surrounded in light and actually died for 20 seconds. Ever since, she's been able to see and hear dead people and identify things about people without ever having met them before. Since then she's gone ghost hunting, led and been a part in seances and passed all sorts of messages to the living.

Following the introduction, the book is broken into 12 chapters, the first chapter being the longest. This chapter briefly covers a history of ghosts and then answers a wide range of frequently asked questions. These answers cover a wide spectrum of information, and while there is a bit of repetition, it's only because this portion is made in a way that the reader can read only the answers to questions they're interested in without missing anything when skipping portions. From this point forward, chapters explain about spirits and ghosts - both the good and the bad - as well as how to communicate with the good and protect oneself from the bad from preparations to best practices and creating the best, most likely situations for success. These chapters also go into details about methods for speaking with spirits alone or in different forms of seance, acting as a medium, going on ghost hunts and all sorts of other tasty tidbits of knowledge concerning spirits. As she gives information, June frequently references articles and books by other authors, as well as her own interesting experiences and even a YouTube video of one of her own ghost hunts. The last chapter is a simple ESP quiz she's created - just a handful of simple questions that will make you think about what you've seen and felt, then guides you with your results a bit.

I can't suggest it to anyone who has closed their minds to the possibility of an afterlife or being able to speak with the dead, but anyone the least bit curious or interested in the topic should give the book a read.

The book definitely deserves 4 out of 4 stars
to purchase Amazon  http://tinyurl.com/jamvo92   Smashwords. http://tinyurl.com/hbrbcgn

June Ahern
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Published on April 04, 2016 10:04 Tags: ghosts, paranormal, parapsychology, psychic, spirits



Chapter 1Questions From the Curious Living

Are you a walk-in, and if so, is that how you became a medium? 

The first time I was asked if I was a walk-in was in the early 1980’s. My reply was “I don’t know.” I really didn’t know much about walk-ins then.

Let’s first clarify what a walk-in is considered.In 1979 Ruth Montgomery, psychic and author of several books introduced in her book, Strangers Among Us, the concept of what is considered a walk-in. “Walk-ins,” she said, “are people from other dimensions who have walked in or came into a mature person’s body with the full consent of the person’s soul intellect.” She also said, “this isn’t a forced incarnation or takeover of a body as in being possessed. (I will discuss more about possession in a later question). The person agrees to leave her or his body and make it available to this new soul rather than go through physical death.

A walk-in occurrence may take place during a traumatic event like a serious illness or an accident. The situation may include a NDE, but not necessarily so. The person might choose to be open to a walk-in because they never quite fit in, feel foreign in their body, and no matter how they might try, can’t relate to anyone. It becomes too painful to continue to try and the person falls into depression. A person who lives this kind of painful mental, emotional and physical life leaves their bodies open to walk-ins. The pain can lead to a depression so severe a person attempts to take his/her life.

It is reported that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the charismatic civil rights leaders circa 1960, at the age of twelve tried to commit suicide when his grandmother passed away suddenly. At the time of this event, Martin disobeyed his parents’ instructions to stay home and not attend a parade. He went and returned hours later to learn his grandmother had died. Grieved from her death and guilty he had disobeyed his parents’ orders young Martin went upstairs and jumped from the second story window of his house. Of course he survived to go on and became a historical figure that greatly influenced millions and reshaped American society. Could his moment of grave despair be considered an opportunity for a walk-in to appear?

Please note: Not all with the above mentioned ills and challenges are open to walk-ins. You will read later my thoughts on my own experience with regards to my NDE and life thereafter. 

What happens after the walk-in has adopted the body and mind? After a period of time and recovery from the trauma or illness, the person usually has noticeable different behaviorand her or his viewpoints of life changes. In some religions this might be considered having found God. The transition certainly won’t be an easy one for many reasons. Family and friends might feel bewildered by the sudden change and think or say such things as “she’s not her usual self” or “he seems to have gone off the deep end since the accident” and so forth.

Montgomery says in her book even some walk-ins are so confused and averse to living on earth he or she thinks, “Let me out of here!” Only, the new being has a clear intention and purpose. In time the being will settle down to help humanity advance in intelligent awareness and show them how to take greater care of fellow humans, animals and nature. This certainly sounds like Edgar Cayce who might have been a walk-in. Cayce was an American mystic who is considered the father of the New Age movement. At about the age of thirteen he got struck on the base of the spine by a ball in a school game. After the accident there seemed to be no apparent injury, although he behaved badly. The normally quiet boy threw things at his sisters and was disrespectful to his father. Eventually when put to bed and when asleep he began to talk. As his parents listened young Cayce diagnosed his ailment saying he was in shock. He gave the cure, which his family prepared and applied while the boy slept. The next morning he remembered nothing of the day, or talking in his sleep. He was back to normal. Soon after recovering he began to have psychic insights for others. In the years following the incident, Cayce, a devout fundamentalist Christian, was unsure whether his gift came from God or the devil or why it was given to him. He didn’t sway from his psychic medical readings and over the course of twenty-two years gave thousands of them while also helping advance the acceptance of psychic abilities.

Cont'd: Read the full answer -  to purchase this ebook please go to Amazon.com click this link http://tinyurl.com/jl4odf3  or Smashwords.com https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/518237?ref=JuneALearn more about my other books at june ahern dot com
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Published on June 23, 2016 15:17 Tags: death, nde, occult, paranormal, parapsychology, spirituality