June Ahern's Blog - Posts Tagged "spirituality"

Near Death Experience

NDE or Near Death Experiences can alter your life forever.

Since the publication of my book,"How to Talk With Spirits" I have been contacted by groups who investigate and are interested in my NDE. I hadn't realized how many are truly to interested in learning what is on the other side of life.

Have you or someone you've known had a NDE and if so, did life change afterward as mine did for me?

When I experienced my dying and returning I no idea my life path direct me to a most unique and interesting profession.

You can hear me talk about it on Healing Arts Radio show http://readingsbyyerevan.com/radio-sh...

Excerpt from my ebook.

How it Began

In 1970, after a serious automobile accident and while in the ambulance, I expired for a moment and was subsequently revived. This was my first experience with spirit connection. For many years after this incident, I couldn’t talk about my profound experience of being on the other side. How could I explain I saw the light? How could I describe the ecstatic sense of pure joy and serenity unknown to me previously in this life?

Outside the crashed vehicle, a white light appeared to emanate from a woman standing close by. She stared at me intently through the windshield as I sat bleeding profusely from head and face injuries. Dazed, I looked back at her. Her presence was comforting and her face kind. Surrounded by a glow of light, she appeared to be clothed in all white. I felt loving warmth from the woman and thought I heard her say, “Don’t worry, it’ll be alright.” But that was impossible given the distance between us. Then the light enveloped me. Only I wasn’t led through a tunnel as others who have died and returned say they experienced. The next thing I recall was a policeman sitting in the driver’s seat next to me telling me to hang on. I knew he was talking to me but I couldn’t focus on him. All I could think about as blood poured onto my new coat bought for a first time date was how my clothes were ruined. It’s strange what bothers us in serious situations. I don’t recall being carried from the wreck to the ambulance or even the ride to the hospital.

With time, I remembered my journey to the other side. Once you have come back from the brink of death, you’re never quite the same. What happened during that time, how you felt, what you saw always remains vivid in your mind. I saw deceased relatives, some gone for many years. Some I only recognized because of old photographs in family albums. In a beautiful garden, they were laughing softly, their faces full of peace and love. A warm bright light surrounded the whole scene. An ornate white iron fence encircled the garden. I stood outside the fence, gazing at my happy grandparents, uncles and aunts. They watched me with big smiles. I felt peace and heartfelt love. Then they began to wave me away, cheerily saying, “Not now, June. Go back.”

--> My surgeon told me I was a lucky young woman because I expired in the ambulance for about twenty seconds. Twenty seconds that changed my life forever.

It was frightening and confusing for a nineteen year-old woman to see, hear and know facts about living and dead people. I fretted and wondered about these strange happenings. NDE, at this time, was rarely, if ever, discussed. People dismissed individuals such as myself with NDE experiences as delusional, fakes or odd. It was also a huge time of change both socially and politically. This may be why, in time, I accepted the fact my outlook on life was different. I could hear, see, feel, and even smell non-physical people as though if they were in front of me. And with acceptance came the desire to learn more about it.


Had I really been on the other side? Was it a miracle I came back? An opportunity for a second chance in life to do something meaningful I had not considered before? Seeking information and education, I talked to numerous people who might have had, or knew someone with a NDE and perhaps like me saw and heard things which physically didn’t exist.

Fortunately since then, books such as Dr. Raymond Moody Jr.’s 1975 bestseller, Life After Life, and more recently Anita Moorjani’s 2012 To Heaven and Back validate and afford a kinder response to those who have experienced NDE. Reading Dr. Moody’s many case studies calmed my anxiety. I learned there were many individuals worldwide, and throughout history with similar experiences to mine.

A survey in US News World Report of March 1997 reported 15 million people have experienced NDE.
(con't in book)

How to Talk With Spirits: Séances•Mediums•Ghost Hunts
For more about me and my other books please review juneahern.com. See ghost hunting in San Francisco videos.
The Skye in June
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Published on March 21, 2015 16:05 Tags: esp, nde, paranormal, parapsychology, psychic, spirituality



Chapter 1Questions From the Curious Living

Are you a walk-in, and if so, is that how you became a medium? 

The first time I was asked if I was a walk-in was in the early 1980’s. My reply was “I don’t know.” I really didn’t know much about walk-ins then.

Let’s first clarify what a walk-in is considered.In 1979 Ruth Montgomery, psychic and author of several books introduced in her book, Strangers Among Us, the concept of what is considered a walk-in. “Walk-ins,” she said, “are people from other dimensions who have walked in or came into a mature person’s body with the full consent of the person’s soul intellect.” She also said, “this isn’t a forced incarnation or takeover of a body as in being possessed. (I will discuss more about possession in a later question). The person agrees to leave her or his body and make it available to this new soul rather than go through physical death.

A walk-in occurrence may take place during a traumatic event like a serious illness or an accident. The situation may include a NDE, but not necessarily so. The person might choose to be open to a walk-in because they never quite fit in, feel foreign in their body, and no matter how they might try, can’t relate to anyone. It becomes too painful to continue to try and the person falls into depression. A person who lives this kind of painful mental, emotional and physical life leaves their bodies open to walk-ins. The pain can lead to a depression so severe a person attempts to take his/her life.

It is reported that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the charismatic civil rights leaders circa 1960, at the age of twelve tried to commit suicide when his grandmother passed away suddenly. At the time of this event, Martin disobeyed his parents’ instructions to stay home and not attend a parade. He went and returned hours later to learn his grandmother had died. Grieved from her death and guilty he had disobeyed his parents’ orders young Martin went upstairs and jumped from the second story window of his house. Of course he survived to go on and became a historical figure that greatly influenced millions and reshaped American society. Could his moment of grave despair be considered an opportunity for a walk-in to appear?

Please note: Not all with the above mentioned ills and challenges are open to walk-ins. You will read later my thoughts on my own experience with regards to my NDE and life thereafter. 

What happens after the walk-in has adopted the body and mind? After a period of time and recovery from the trauma or illness, the person usually has noticeable different behaviorand her or his viewpoints of life changes. In some religions this might be considered having found God. The transition certainly won’t be an easy one for many reasons. Family and friends might feel bewildered by the sudden change and think or say such things as “she’s not her usual self” or “he seems to have gone off the deep end since the accident” and so forth.

Montgomery says in her book even some walk-ins are so confused and averse to living on earth he or she thinks, “Let me out of here!” Only, the new being has a clear intention and purpose. In time the being will settle down to help humanity advance in intelligent awareness and show them how to take greater care of fellow humans, animals and nature. This certainly sounds like Edgar Cayce who might have been a walk-in. Cayce was an American mystic who is considered the father of the New Age movement. At about the age of thirteen he got struck on the base of the spine by a ball in a school game. After the accident there seemed to be no apparent injury, although he behaved badly. The normally quiet boy threw things at his sisters and was disrespectful to his father. Eventually when put to bed and when asleep he began to talk. As his parents listened young Cayce diagnosed his ailment saying he was in shock. He gave the cure, which his family prepared and applied while the boy slept. The next morning he remembered nothing of the day, or talking in his sleep. He was back to normal. Soon after recovering he began to have psychic insights for others. In the years following the incident, Cayce, a devout fundamentalist Christian, was unsure whether his gift came from God or the devil or why it was given to him. He didn’t sway from his psychic medical readings and over the course of twenty-two years gave thousands of them while also helping advance the acceptance of psychic abilities.

Cont'd: Read the full answer -  to purchase this ebook please go to Amazon.com click this link http://tinyurl.com/jl4odf3  or Smashwords.com https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/518237?ref=JuneALearn more about my other books at june ahern dot com
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Published on June 23, 2016 15:17 Tags: death, nde, occult, paranormal, parapsychology, spirituality


This doesn't mean I have lost faith, it means I am re-energizing, clearing my mind and spirit of strife and struggle as I keep faith.
"When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown faith is knowing one of two things shall happen, either something solid will be given to stand on or you will be taught how to fly." 
I've learned, through the school of hard knocks and rocks, let it go, even for now, for the sake of peace of mind and the recovery of clarity. 

Also, I've learned the exact dream, vision and/or goal I hoped for at a certain time in life, thinking I was ready for it, actually manifested - not in my time, but in the order of my spiritual and personal growth awareness. At a time I could fully, and wisely, live that vision. I've learned that walking into the unknown presented many more options and opened up opportunity unknown to me before.

When have you been at that place of having to let go in order to continue forth? What is your thoughts on how to and experience of how it came to be?

please read more about me, my books - two novels, two parapsychology, paranormals at june ahern dot com or for books amazon and smash words.June Ahern
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Published on November 10, 2016 09:59 Tags: june-ahern, karma, spirits, spirituality


Skidding to the end of 2016Hold on a sec!  Make 2017 Real to You!

Something I do at the end of each year, and also ask my coaching clients to do, is to reflect upon the passing year before declaring New Year's Resolutions (goals). Reflection allows us to gauge progress and have a reality check on whether we completed goals, left unfinished or unfulfilled ones dangling, came to understand no energy need be put in some goals - the forget-about-it ones, and reflection gives us time to understand life lessons learned.

Plus, doing so, can help you decide what has true value and holds real interest to you to act upon in the New Year.

2016: Think back to the beginning months; what you hoped for and focused on; your resolutions, goals, hopes, focus, dreams. What you said you were going to get done! And why? What made them important to you?

Take inventory: where are you with that now in December 2016? What did you attain? Are you feeling fulfilled with accomplishments? Surprised or felt unprepared with what happened in the year? Did you learn anything new about yourself, others, life and opportunities?

Then again, you might be just glad you made it through the year with all the challenges and disappointments crushing your strength.

No matter if you thought '16 was a win, a loss, both, ask yourself, what was my biggest life lesson?  Was it about my behavior, beliefs, my personality?

How would you sum up the passing year in a few words or lines?

I say, my year was tough one to stay positive and progressive.
I had decided it's okay to be mostly retired, give up with this is who I am, to I'm just enjoy life more so, be more playful, and not being the "workhorse" as I've been for many, many years.

That didn't quite happen.

I did take more time for play, but with grandchildren rather than friends as I intended. Caring for them (as a help to my son and his wife) was also time consuming and tiring. I learned how my sense of loyalty trapped me to overwhelming responsibilities that left little or no time to care for myself.

During the year I found it challenging to stay in my usually positive, progressive attitude with a son whose surgery went wrong, a mother whose stroke started months of a sad decline before passing away, a toddler grandson with a fractured leg, and then yesterday a favorite dog friend, died. My challenges might seem insignificant with what is going on in the world, too many dying from warring tribes, governments in chaos, but to me, it was a challenge and eye-opener to own self beliefs about who I am.

I'm certainly not saying I wouldn't have done the labor of love, caring for my mother, helping my son's family, but I also realized how, for all my life,  I take on too much responsibility and neglect my own needs.

And through the challenges. my spiritual beliefs and practice flourish with taking responsibility of being a Group Leader for the San Francisco Rosicrucian monthly meetings. It certainly was timely to keep me focused on the Higher Road.

What about you? What were your challenges and what inspired you to move through or rise above them?

Even if you make no goals, but think of what you want to get done:

REFLECT: Before you think about where you're going or declare 2017goals, look over the passing year to settle up what might not have come to fruition; decide what is really not important to you (that would be goals you carry on each year but don't enjoy, value or move them along - the usual lose weight, get up earlier to get more done, save money).

THINK: what happen that piqued your interest, grabbed your curiosity, gave your spirit a lift? Did something or someone unexpected wander into your life? Did you have a crushing reality about yourself? An awareness of what life really is all about?

A New Year's Goal setting must have true value to you - that which is in your heart and dreams - tickles your fancy & imagination, challenges you to move beyond the same old, that would nice, inspires you to be more of who you are!

Give your New Year's Resolutions (goals & intentions) a real chance to manifest by making it real to your senses: see, hear, taste, touch, smell it  - create an image, a picture, know it is your intention to manifest in 2017.

I see my books flying off the shelves into the hands of happy readers!
My 2017 goal - publish in print my very popular eBook, "How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Séances, Ghost Hunts" - available Amazon Worldwide and Smashwords.com

June Ahern Life Coach www.sfcoaching.com 
June Ahern Author www.juneahern.com

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Published on December 15, 2016 08:00 Tags: new-year, spirituality


People are always creating new possibilities new experiences, new paths.

When you step out and commitment to your change, that which you hope opens up a different or new life, other opportunities, you can come to realize you, not only are you changing mentally, but even within your entire being - as though your DNA is changing through this new experience.

A few blogs ago I shared a spell I did for my new role with my Rosicrucian Order aka AMORC group to take a different role/position. Now that I'm into it, I realized how much more dedication is needed, and how not only unwilling duties but accepting that I'm rapidly changing in many ways, thus another ritual/spell was in order.

During my year as an AMORC San Francisco's monthly group leader I had to prepare a talk for the monthly meetings and do the members' ritual. It took prep work and some time. This was all through the illness and subsequent death of my mother. It truly became a time to walk my talk spiritually. My duties and studies gave me a sense of stability and calmness - much needed to get through one of the most saddest and energy consuming times of my life - the death of my beautiful, loving mother.

In my latest book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" I write about her long goodbye and our parting and what I learned about myself and her.

Now with my new role/position I find a different aspect of my duties - a greater focus and interaction with various members outside my SF group. I more energy and acceptance of my new role where other members, previously unknown to me are in contact. Therefore, I decided to do another spell was in order.

What I am creating now is truly a greater change. I'll say an elevated awareness of my power to influence. Kind of a more serious commitment and realizing one must be true to self if serving others kind of position. Growing in me is a confidence that comes when you know your life is on track - one you are meant to be living.

Perhaps you will think of opening to your power of whatever position you've taken on - realizing how it not only is shaping you, your life but those of others.

In part it is from Barrie Dolnick's book, Simple Spells For Success.)


During a waxing (growing toward full) moon after sunset, light a yellow candle.

Place yellow flowers in a vase with water. Place fresh ginger root next to the flowers. You might want to light incense and/or add a crystal or bowl of water (for visions).

For as long as you wish sit quietly and reflect upon the beauty before you, flickering candle, breathe, relax, enjoy. 

Now think of, and connect to, your personal spiritual guardian be that an angel, guide, a loved one in spirit or a living sage/teacher who champions your progress. This could be God, All Intelligence, Buddha, Goddess, Allah. When you have decided, call upon your spiritual guardian to join you as you prepare for life changes and new experiences. 

Say Aloud:
I cleanse my sacred space through my ability to call in only positive and helpful spiritual guides and teachers.
I am safe.

I call in the elements of air, fire, water and earthto support my visions yet to manifest.

I join with the power of the universe to expand and enhance my connection to that which has always been and will always be.
In the Universal flow and energy.

I open to my power in all forms within all possibilities. 

I step forward bravely to fulfill known and unknown karma, willingly release old karma and identities that no longer serve my spiritual advancement. Create new karma through my new understanding of purpose and path.

With the greater good, I ask that this be done.
So Mote it Be.
And so it is.

Let the candle burn as long as you like. Dispose of the ginger root on the full moon in the earth.

Learn more about my four books at june ahern dot com. Books are also available at Amazon.com follow the link:https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=june+ahern

June Ahern
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Published on July 23, 2017 14:12 Tags: parapsychology, rituals, spells, spirit, spirituality



According to Sharon Criss, who wrote a received thesis titled: God and Physics/Childhood's End, the answer is, yes you can change your DNA. 

Ms. Criss will present how in her talk, DNA: FROM THE MIND TO THE BODY,Saturday, 6/23/18 in San Francisco, Fulton St., corner 3rd Ave, across from Golden Gate Park. 

Through various practices such as meditation and healthy diet.

What is DNA outside the information we know TV detective's use to catch the criminal? 

DNA is your unique sacred geometry -  the structures linking thoughts with body and where your personality resides.

DNA is the core spiritual, physical and energetic signature which contains elements of geometry. DNA exists because of vibration.

Scientific studies on how DNA is changed reveals that first if you have a clear mental state with positive thoughts to influence your physical structure and you can reverse aging. 

I've became very interested in DNA  (not knowing any thing about it then) since 1990 when I had an intense vision including a message about the workings of DNA. I saw the, as I first called them, the vibrating, glowing ribbons housed with each of us. 

I was instructed how to psychically see and "read" these ribbons and how to impart these insights to clients to help heal whatever ailed them. This vision increased my psychic abilities to work with clients as I read their "history" of where, when and how they came (were made up of) to be- how they carried family legacy forward and how they could unravel the twist in their DNA strands.

My own experience and knowledge of DNA has kept me interested in what scientific studies continue to reveal about the importance and working of our DNA so I look forward to Ms. Criss talk, which will include scientific studies on how meditation and other mind-body actives support healthy bodies and present scientific research that shows how the DNA can be changed. 

Some scientific studies have shown that telomeres can be regrown under the right conditions such as meditation, diet, and reduced stress lifestyle - all which aid in regrowing telomeres.

"Telomeres"are the caps on your chromosomes which help to keep your chromosomes from deteriorating. The longer the telomeres, the longer your lifespan. When your chromosomes weaken due to aging it is because the caps on the end of your DNA have become frayed and the DNA strands are unraveling. 

Older people have shorter telomeres. One of the many ways to fight against DNA aging is through mindful targeted meditation. Researchers have discovered meditation seems to affect longevity of the physical body starting deep within the cells; particularly if the meditation is directed toward helping others, which shows to have repaired the end of the caps of the DNA and effective in lengthening telomeres.

Talk presented by AMORC. It's free. It's most interesting. It can help change your life for the better.  On Saturday, 6/23/18  in San Francisco, (Fulton/3rd ave, entrance 3rd) at 1 p.m.

1: PM - Doors Open - Refreshments
1:30PM - Public Presentation
• Celestial Sanctum Guided Meditation
• Followed by Sharon Criss' Presentation 

About me: www.juneahern.com www.sfcoaching.com
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Published on June 18, 2018 13:10 Tags: body, dna, mind, science, spirit, spirituality, wellness


How Light, Color and Sound Affect Life Presentation on a Mystical/metaphysical topic

I'll be here on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please join me for this free talk, which includes refreshments. This talk will look into how we are affected physically, emotionally and spiritually by all three.

Where? 2650 Fulton/3rd Ave (door on 3rd) San Francisco

Topic: Light, color, and sound play a crucial role in our everyday life, But what exactly are these phenomenon? More importantly; How do they affect Life both physically and spiritually? Frater Jesse Grossmann will answer these questions in presenting an old article entitled "How Light and Color Affect Life" written by Frater John H. Schneider B.S, M.S which appeared in a 1928 Rosicrucian Digest. With his experience as an audio engineer, he will include the addition of sound waves, to give a well-rounded view building upon the original article.

Let's look at how:
Well, we certainly know how music affects us and we all have our own taste plus depending upon our mood and reason for choosing music, know the affects upon us. That's simple to understanding.

Did you know that each note also vibrates and corresponds to our chakras? Deep bass the lower earthly chakras - the drums for example - violins with a higher note vibration the upper chakras - the heart, the mind, the memories.

Each aspect of sound, color, light has also an impact upon our psychological state. Think about a room where you feel so relaxed - what is in it? Colors, sounds, the light? Think of a space, a room, you feel uncomfortable in and again, what is the colors, sounds and lights surrounding you?

Certainly the advertising world (I studied it in college) knows how to use all of that as does the movie industry - all to solicit a psychological emotional response. 

My first read of sound and color was from a book on the subject by Corinne Heline who was an American author, Christian mystic and occultist mystic who published 28 books.

Become more aware of your surroundings and as best you can match them to your desired state and health  of mind and body. No doubt your whole being will change for the better.

I look forward to learning more from speaker, Jesse Grossmann who is a Rosicrucian and also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason and as both a mystic, musician and trained audio engineer, he has spent most of his life developing an intimate relationship with Waveforms both for scientific and esoteric means.

My books, paranormal investigations and me at www.juneahern.com and www.sfcoaching.com

June Ahern
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Published on November 08, 2018 08:39 Tags: metaphysical, occult, paranormal, parapsychology, spirituality



Heard them all.

How often should you have a psychic reading?

I say once a year would be sufficient, if not longer.

I do not encourage clients to become dependent upon me or a psychic reading to make decisions and life choices for them, but rather as a guide. My goal is to present opportunities and insights to advance one's life in a fulfilling way. The bottom line is YOU decide, not the reading.

The information received during a reading should be sufficient for client to listen (record it in some way) to what the reading revealed and to take time to think about what was said and then decide what is right for themselves, and act upon it.

What comes up in my readings for clients can span up to a year and often further out. This is why I tell clients there need not be a return visit for at least one year if not longer.

I've been conducting readings and spirit communication professionally since 1975 and before that studying the tarot cards and psychic development while practicing my craft since 1970.

 One reality that came to me early on in my work is how clients hang on my every word as though I'm the god of their lives - NO! A reader is to give insights not decide your life.

Another thing clients do is wait for the "outcome" rather than take the steps.

Another is during the session "judge" if I was right or wrong without taking time to listen and mediate upon the information. So many people have returned over the years letting me know how my information was helpful later than at the time when they decided I was wrong.

Clients asking the same question: What I offer during a reading is how to best reach a goal or avoid an outcome. Do most listen? No. Rather, clients return with the same darn questions and when I ask, did you (whatever was suggested) - "No, I waited and it didn't happen or didn't occur at the time we thought (she/he thought)."

Just don't sit around and wait to see if the reader was right or wrong or hurry back for a reading for "more" alternatives.

In my book The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading you can learn much more about how to ask questions, what to do with the information and much more.

I suggest you don't go back for another reading before the year and/or you have followed the steps, and/or investigated alternatives if you didn't like what was in the reading UNLESS something entirely different comes up and you wish for some insights outside your own intuition and intelligence.

If a reader suggests you return, think twice if it's for your benefit or the reader's. Sometimes clients return after 5 or more years and I say, "perfect timing!" because that gave them plenty of time to use the information from the reading.

Again, don't become dependent upon a reader or anyone to decide what is best for you. Rather, take their insights and advice and see how and if it pertains to your situation, your willingness to go forward in your time and when you've done all you can, wishing for more insights (after at least a year) go for another reading.

Readings are NOT therapy although they can be a great source to finding the time and situation impacting you. In my book I devote a whole chapter on how psychic readings and parapsychology can work effectively to bring around a healing and advance your life positively.

In The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Readingwas created because of the many, many questions asked me about how psychics work, why people go to them and how to get the most from a psychic reading.

june ahern dot com

How to Talk With Spirits: Séances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts
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Published on February 17, 2019 09:56 Tags: occult, parapsychology, psychic, spirituality



My favorite Catholic celebration ritual was the May Day celebration held in our parish church. The girls wore pretty dresses with wreaths of flowers on their heads and the boys spruced up too.

My coven celebrated by also dressed in our spring finery, being in nature dancing and singing around the Maypole, which was a tree and then envisioning our future wishes blooming as we celebrated the Spring Goddess and God of fertility - the Lady and the Lord - to keep the Earth fertile to provide us the wonderfully colorfully Summer fruits and vegetables.

One year, my young sister was chosen by her peers to crown a large statue of Mary, Our Lady. It was a real honor in the parish and to her family.

I loved this day so much that I wrote a whole chapter of it in my book, The Skye in June. Only, in my chapter all hell breaks loose after the church festivities.

Read an excerpt from the chapter, May Day Heavenly joy to Oh, Oh, What did she say?

I hope you enjoy it. Finished at my blog page MAY DAY PAGAN AND CATHOLIC CELEBRATION!

My favorite Catholic celebration ritual was the May Day celebration held in our parish church. The girls wore pretty dresses with wreaths of flowers on their heads and the boys spruced up too.

My coven celebrated by also dressed in our spring finery, being in nature dancing and singing around the Maypole, which was a tree and then envisioning our future wishes blooming as we celebrated the Spring Goddess and God of fertility - the Lady and the Lord - to keep the Earth fertile to provide us the wonderfully colorfully Summer fruits and vegetables.

One year, my young sister was chosen by her peers to crown a large statue of Mary, Our Lady. It was a real honor in the parish and to her family.

I loved this day so much that I wrote a whole chapter of it in my book, The Skye in June. Only, in my chapter all hell breaks loose after the church festivities.

Read an excerpt from the chapter. I hope you enjoy it.


About the novel:The Skye in June

My other books at june ahern dot com
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Published on May 01, 2019 09:02 Tags: may-day, pagan, spirituality


Rusty Dennis was a wild woman! Independent, charismatic, and very interested in psychics.

She became my friend in the 1980s when I met her at a house viewing of Louis Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" video showing.

We shared an astrology sign, Gemini, and that we were! Also, we had a true spiritual connection.

Cher portrayed her in the movie, "Mask" and don't even think Cher caught the true toughness and charm of the real Rusty.

Her birthday is tomorrow, May 29, and I feel her spirit around me each year.

We share a great interest in the metaphysics,.

Rusty was very interested in my psychic classes she took them all! Tarot, ESP Development + and when I wrote my first book, A Professional Psychic Reading as Alternative Counseling (retitled, The Timeless Counselor" she gave it a blurb.

See photos of Rusty and me - link below.
Would you please comment if you read my posts?


The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic ReadingHow to Talk With Spirits: Séances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts
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Published on May 28, 2019 08:32 Tags: blogs, books, metaphysics, psychics, spirituality