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Working undercover at a strip club is not my usual kind of job. If it weren’t a great opportunity to show the Mike Bravo team I can run my own op, I wouldn’t have agreed to it.

When my boss asks me to befriend the biggest gossip in the establishment, the person who knows everything, I’m even more reluctant. Because that happens to be one of the dancers. The only dancer to catch my attention in all the wrong ways.

I need to be professional or I will never prove I’m leadership material.

Only problem is, the guy with the stage name Lemon makes me want to be anything but professional.


I’m sick of the new bartender throwing dirty looks my way. He’s as judgmental as he is hot, and let’s just say he’s really judgmental.

I don’t know why he’s working here if he looks down on us dancers so much. He could bartend at a regular club.

But when he saves me from a drunken customer getting too handsy, his attitude suddenly flips, and we find ourselves becoming … friends?

Underneath the judgment, it turns out Atlas is a total sweetheart.

Maybe more caring than anyone I’ve ever met.

I’ve never had a relationship before, but something tells me it could be way too easy to fall for the gentle giant.

261 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 8, 2023

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About the author

Eden Finley

59 books6,505 followers
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are mostly full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She lives to create an escape from real life for herself and her readers.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 385 reviews
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,120 followers
June 26, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

Aww, this was pretty cute! It wasn’t amazing or anything, but it was definitely fun and sweet. I have to say I especially liked the first half though, as the relationship started to bore me a little bit after Lemon and Atlas really got together.

The build-up was so good and they had amazing chemistry. They didn’t fall into bed with each other immediately, which I appreciated, but I still wish the “getting to know each other” stage could have gone on for even longer; I just loved that part so much that I wanted a lot more from it still.

I think something that really helped my enjoyment here was the fact that Lemon and Atlas were both very likable. Atlas had that gentle giant vibe going on, while Lemon was a precious little spitfire; they were opposites in some ways, but they were extremely similair in the way they always want to take care of everyone.

I really felt they fit together well, and I especially adored their banter and the admiration they had between them. They were just so good for one another, and it made me feel happy to see them find each other. They had a very lighthearted and teasing relationship, which was just right for them.

If you read the blurb for this one, I think you’ll immediately know it this will be for you or not, because it tells you exactly what to expect and delivers exactly that!
Also, the side-plots and the mystery were actually pretty decent too (without taking up too much page-time), so that was a nice bonus!

All in all, this wasn’t anything profound or deeply emotional, but I wouldn’t call it superficial either. It had the exact right vibe for what you’re looking for when you pick up a book like this!

'Mike Bravo Ops' series:
1. Iris - 3.5 stars
2. Rogue - 1.5 stars
3. Atlas - 3.0 stars
4. Zeus - 1.0 star

Prequel 'Famous' series:
1. Pop Star - 3.5 stars
2. Spotlight - 3.0 stars
3. Fandom - 3.0 stars
4. Encore - 2.5 stars

Prequel 'Cash Me Outside' series:
1. Locked Heart - 4.0 stars
2. Thorned Heart - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
August 28, 2023
Do you ever feel like you’re reading a book just to read it? Just to check it off your tbr?

Idk this book was meh / I haven’t enjoyed the last couple of EF books I’ve tried but I keep trying 🤦🏼‍♀️

At least I have been enjoying the Puckboys series though so I guess I’ll just stick to that now
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
June 8, 2023

Not what I was expecting but still an enjoyable read all the same.

Be aware of the trigger warnings for domestic abuse. It’s not graphically described on page, more a case of seeing the aftermath of assault.

Atlas took a while to warm up to, he was judgemental, condescending and a bit of an arse at first, but Lemon soon shoved the prejudiced blinkers off his eyes and made him look again at his attitude towards not only sex workers but sex in general.

I couldn’t quite tell whether Atlas was supposed to be demi-sexual, but I think he was more along the lines of an aromantic, he didn’t want cheap hook-ups but was looking for something special and permanent.

He wasn’t expecting to find that future in a sassy erotic dancer with a heart of gold and a sideline of rescuing troubled men who found themselves embroiled in sex work or stripping when they didn’t really want to be there.

Although Lemon first appeared in Eden’s Thorned Heart this works as a standalone because there’s not really much overlap with the previous two books in this series, other than the guys from Mike Bravo turn up now and then.

Once Atlas looses his judgemental attitude and actually starts to pay attention, he realises that Lemon, aka Andrew, is actually a pretty wonderful guy, who acts as the mother hen for the rest of the young men working at the club.

Lemon’s got strong opinions and won’t be looked down on because he dances for a living in a strip club and sparks fly between them from the moment Atlas rescues Lemon from an overly handsy customer (played by MB’s boss Travis).

Things finally get steamy the closer to the dramatic ending we get and Atlas and Lemon definitely make it worth the weight as they turn up the heat to scorching hot. I loved them as a pairing, they just work together, each providing a caring support for the other in different ways.

Lemon learns to trust someone will always have his back, while Atlas learns to relax and trust in himself and his need for commitment.

The suspense element here is a bit weaker than the first two, for me anyway but there’s intrigue and misdirection aplenty, the pacing keeps going smoothly and there’s a very definite build-up in tension as it becomes clear there’s more going on than just the club’s profits being scalped.

I liked the twist over who was involved in the thefts from the club and the longer term reveal of the mole – although I wasn’t as happy that we were left dangling without a definite conclusion to that plot thread.

Overall this was a great addition to the Mike Bravo series and I was very happy to see Lemon finally get his own Happy Ending, he deserved it.
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,653 reviews20 followers
August 11, 2023
Hmm.. don't know how to rate this so i won't haha

i had conflicting feelings about this book, while yes i read it all, i kinda had to force myself. i miss Eden Finley's old writing, this felt too cheesy and i didn't really connect with the characters. Also i feel like this could be read as a standalone, i forgot pretty much everything that happened in the first two books so i was going in to this one kinda blind haha, and it worked.

I wanted to love the Mike Bravo books, but after reading Eden's Popstar series and her Hockey/Sport romances these Mike Bravo books aren't doing it for me.

Atlas and Lemon.. hmm they were cute but also i didn't care about them. I felt like Atlas told that he was working for Mike Bravo way before Lemon found out he was contracted to stake out the strip club... idk it didn't flow with the facts that were presented..

i am bummed. but if you wanted to listen to the audio it is on Scribd, Tim Paige and Liam DiCosimo narrate. not the biggest Liam fan he makes other characters sound weird and like old haggard western actors haha not my cup of tea haha but I love Tim Paige so i persevered haha.

overall idk if i will continue with the next book in the series whenever that comes out, but idk if the narrators are good enough i might pick it up.
Profile Image for Juli.
71 reviews24 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
June 11, 2023
DNF at 3%. Already can’t stand one MC, his attitude, or his opinions. Maybe I’d love the other one, but I’ll never make it to his chapter. Book needed a different open.
Profile Image for ☆Kylie☆.
280 reviews4 followers
April 2, 2024
Look, I usually love eden Finley but the last few books I feel like she's writing tropes - not real people- and that was what make a difference in her writing, she made her character be like any other boy or girl you know, she made them real people.

Her latest books are all soulless, the characters are bland, no connection, just a trope.

I don't recommend.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,351 reviews547 followers
June 17, 2023
⭐︎ 3.25 Stars Rounded Down ⭐︎

Unfortunately, overall, this didn't do much for me.

Was it cute at times? Yes. Sweet? Yes. Did I like Atlas and Lemon (aka Andrew and Andrew)? Yes. Did I like the plot? Eh....not all that much.

But did I love Atlas and Lemon together? No. Did I feel much chemistry? Not really. At times, yes, I was liking their interactions and they were cute together.

But there was just...something missing.

I did give this a .25 boost from 3 stars because the climax did actually prove to hold my attention. This fairly bleh plot came together to have an action filled, tense climax that had be glued to the page for a few chapters there, so kudos for that.

But...leading up to it? It left a lot to be desired.

I just didn't care about these two owners of the strip club Lemon worked at and where Atlas was undercover.

I didn't care if one was possibly stealing from the other and if more might be in on it and blah blah blah.

It took, in my opinion, too long to get Atlas and Lemon together. Atlas is of the opinion that sex is important wants emotional connections before going there, which is great, that's not the problem for me.

It's that the book takes forever to get to sex and once we get there, it feels like almost the end of the book and not much time is spent on the steam. And the romance was just starting between these two, in my opinion, so romantic tension didn't make up for any lack of sex or sexual tension.

And while they do things before penetrative sex - which, that happens at around 90% in! - it just never felt...all that detailed or focused on the sexual aspects of their relationship. Which, I get that relationships are more than that and it can't be all about sex.

But sex is an important part of romantic relationships for people who aren't asexual and it should be focused on a fair bit in romances, in my opinion. So the lack of sex on top of the lack of chemistry just made for a lot of 'meh' feelings for me.

We also don't get a lot of the other Mike Bravo guys in this. The other two felt very involved in the Mike Bravo home base, in their world, in their family. This one didn't. While Trav, Iris, all those guys do show up, it's very limited, and very outside the story. Lemon doesn't even meet the whole team until the very end.

I think he should have been brought into the whole team earlier, and in more intensely. This just didn't...feel like the other books. Something felt off.

And it's sad, because I adored Atlas and really liked Lemon. I think Atlas was a great character and I love the soft teddy bear giant trope, the gentle giant trope. Which Atlas totally was.

But his character was just wasted on a 'meh' storyline and a so-so connection with his LI. Which is not to say Lemon wasn't a good character, he was. But together they just didn't quite connect as I'd hoped they would.

And again, I liked them okay. They were sweet at times and I felt something between them, just not...anything that amazing or earth shattering.

So enough to reach that 3 star threshold, but...not enough to go any higher for me, unfortunately.

A fairly standard length book, with the type of writing that should be fun and go by quickly and it just...didn't for me. This shouldn't have taken me almost 4 days to finish, it just shouldn't have. But I'd just be at these points when I didn't care to read, or wanted to be doing something else instead.

Unfortunate, as this had a lot of potential, but it just felt...kind of phoned in, I hate to say. Because I love this author and I know she can do so much better.

This one, unfortunately, just wasn't it 😕

Oh well. Onto the next!

My ratings for the Mike Bravo Ops series:

🔆 Iris: 5 stars (my review)
🔆 Rogue: 3.75 stars (my review)
🔆 Atlas: 3.25 stars
Profile Image for gina .
1,659 reviews9 followers
May 7, 2024
Disappointing third installment. Lemon was an amazing character when first introduced in the previous series. Cunning, insightful, sweet, and sassy. He somehow got reduced to a caricature in this book.

It also felt like the book went to extreme lengths to preach to us about the merits of sex workers, strippers, and not judging people who work in the industry. It was just a bit much, and probably could’ve tabled half those preachy vibes. Also, Atlas came across as a bit of a prude. He was super judgy but then Lemon just totally acts like he has zero flaws as if he wasn’t feeling judged at all. Pairing the celibate prude with the sex positive stripper was just not my favorite fit. Inevitably to me Lemon came across as contradictory. Their relationship didn’t feel real to me, hard to connect with.

The narrators elevate the story. There was some good stuff that was fun to read, but for the most part it felt very forced, preachy, and formulaic. Disappointing because a deeper dive could’ve given more depth to the characters and predictable storyline.
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
436 reviews417 followers
November 27, 2023
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

“Ex-navy.” “Damn. That’s hot. The only thing hotter would be if you were like a SEAL or something.” He averts his gaze. “Oh holy mother of sexy. You were, weren’t you?” “Guilty.”

The first book is still my favorite in the series, but Atlas is a close second. Lemon and Atlas are adorable together, and I really do appreciate whenever a main character actually wants more than sex. An MC wants commitment and a relationship? I will read the absolute shit out of of that. Atlas was a bit judgemental and had some of that holier-than-thou attitude, but it was used well to showcase character growth, and to highlight some of the stigma and judgement around sex work, and strippers in particular. He is actually the gentlest giant and a sweetheart, so don’t let that stop you from reading.

“No, if we were going to have sex, I wouldn’t just be your friend. I would fucking own you.”

The plot is based around the Mike Bravo team (Atlas in particular) doing an undercover op at the club where Lemon dances. The entire reason for the op was a bit boring to be honest. I enjoyed watching the MCs relationship evolve, and when things finally went down at the club it was entertaining, but the whole action part was a bit forgettable otherwise, which is a shame. Still a very entertaining read though, so if you’ve read and enjoyed Iris (I try to forget Rogue exists), you’ll probably enjoy this one.

I try to move, but he grips on tighter. “Can’t move. I’m dead on my feet.” I smile against the top of his head. “You want me to carry you?” He nods.

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Sex worker (pole dancing)
Undercover mission
Private ops
Size difference
Gentle giant
Ex navy SEAL

⚠️ Content warning ⚠️
Explicit sexual content
Gun violence
Domestic abuse (side character)
Brief mentions of drug use (not MCs)
Drug dealing
Locked in a burning building

⚠️Book safety ⚠️
Cheating: No
OM/OW drama: MC gives lap-dances to other men, but there’s no drama.
Breakup: No
POV: 1st person, dual POV
Genre: Contemporary romance, M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles
MCs age: 25, and not specified.

When this all goes to shit and I lose my promotion, my heart, and my pride, someone will ask me what happened, and I’ll only have one answer for them. Lemon happened.
Profile Image for Amur Thera.
558 reviews67 followers
June 15, 2023
DNF 12%

Atlas is working undercover at a strip club, and felt like he has had no choice but to accept the job. His role at the strip club means he has to walk around in a thong and nothing else and let customers grab and touch without comment to prevent blowing his cover. In other words: Atlas has to accept casual sexual assault daily because of his job.
Then it turns out the club needs security guys (in full suits!) way more than they need almost-naked bartenders. Which means that Trav made Atlas take a job that made him uncomfortable and forced him to accept random people pawing at his body just for... fun? Atlas had already made it clear in Travis's book that he did not want to take this assignment, and it seems that Trav went out of his way to make it as horrible as possible.

But it gets worse. Because his colleagues, who are supposed to be his friends, show up at the strip club. Not to support Atlas, but for "mocking me for my new work uniform" and to "shove dollar bills into my thong with matching smirks on their faces". Aren't they just the best friends, making sure to mock and touch their helpless friend who has to accept everything or blow the mission?

I wish authors would stop trying to make sexual assault funny. It's not.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,467 reviews244 followers
February 15, 2024
Switched from audio to ebook because as much as I enjoy Liam & Tim as narrators, they are not the vibe BUUUTTTT I was so excited to see Lemon get a book because I loved him in Thorned Hearts.

I wanted a little bit more of a personality from both Atlas and Lemon, but I’m honestly not even mad
Profile Image for Adela.
213 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2024
Story 3.5⭐️
Audio 5⭐️
Profile Image for Mariah.
1,281 reviews490 followers
June 25, 2023
nothing makes me happier than being back in universe i love, and the Edenverse holds such a special place in my heart.

being back with the Mike Bravo crew was all the fun i needed. Atlas was one of the more intriguing members of the crew to me and i was very curious to see how this story would go.

and the best thing about these stories? i don’t ever need to be sad they’re done, i just get to be excited about the upcoming ones.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
June 15, 2023
"Our mouths come together. When his tongue pushes inside, it’s intense. Fierce. It’s downright debilitating in the best way. We haven’t even gotten started and I’m already at his mercy. Under his thumb."

Mike Bravo Ops: Atlas by Eden Finley is the third book in her Mike Bravo series. This is Atlas and Lemon's story and whilst it can be read as a standalone, you definitely benefit from reading the series in order, as all the inter-related characters play their part in each instalment.

This is an opposites attract, found family, slow burn read, with romance and special ops interspersed throughout. Another great addition to the series and fans of the previous books will love this one too.

4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Elley Murray.
1,204 reviews147 followers
June 2, 2023
Lemon first appeared in Thorned Heart book two of the Cash Me Outside duet of novellas that are a spin-off from Eden Finley's Famous series. I guess a LOT of people loved Lemon so much that they've been nattering at her for the past two years to please give him his own Happy Ever After. This is that book! I am not one of those hardcore "Lemonheads" (or whatever they call themselves, haha) but I was happy to see him back again. Eden has warned her readers not to fall in love with any of the other strippers, though (and also it's not cool to badger authors like that).

I got Atlas and Zeus mixed up with each other as side characters in the previous two books in the Mike Bravo Ops series, but now that I've gotten to see more of Atlas here (and a bit more from Zeus!) I won't be getting them mixed up again. Especially since the reason for Zeus' nickname is basically the opposite of the type of guy Atlas is, haha.

Atlas is undercover at the club Lemon works at, and he does his best to keep his distance because he's really attracted to the dancer. There's definitely chemistry there on Atlas' end, and I LOVE that Lemon isn't afraid to call him on his sh!t! Once they start hanging out more and getting closer, they develop a friendship with some deeper feelings creeping in. I laughed out loud several times at some of the antics those Mike Bravo guys get up to at the club, haha.

This is the third book in the Mike Bravo Ops series and can be read as a standalone. There are spoilers for the previous books in the series, so if that bothers you then read them in order (because you're going to want to read them all anyway!)

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are unbiased and my own.

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Check out more of my reviews on my blog, Elley the Book Otter
Profile Image for Mayra.
273 reviews21 followers
October 1, 2023
It feels like I have waited so long for this book! Atlas is book 3 in the Mike Bravo Ops series. Here we have a slow burn MM romance with Eden’s usual spice and snark. This book is a military romantic suspense with action and so much fun with the Mike Bravo crew.

From the very first time some of the Mike Bravo crew showed up in one of Eden’s books (“Popstar”, first book in the Famous series), I LOVED their found family relationships and dynamic, and here is no exception. This group of almost entirely queer ex-military (marine, SEALs, ranger, …) people having their own safe space to work with what they’re good at without worrying about who is gonna turn on them because of who they are. They’re always there for each other, and all the support, friendships, and sense of family, make the being teased and made fun of worth it. Or being put on an assignment at a strip club as a thong-wearing bartender when you could’ve been security wearing a suit this whole time. Well, that’s how we start this story.

Atlas meet Lemon while undercover at the strip club where Lemon works as a dancer. Lemon loves his work and would do anything to protect and help his fellow dancers. They have a found family of their own. When Atlas is supposed to get close to Lemon to advance his mission, he’s sure things will get complicated…spoiler alert…they do!

I love how Eden brought up all the judgement behind sex work and the importance of destigmatisation. Yes, a lot of people go into this industry because they have no other choice, but there’re others that are there because they want to be. All of them should be respected, no matter their circumstances.

Just like the other books in this series, Atlas can be read as a standalone, but I do recommend reading the other books too.

Thank you ForewordPR and Eden Finley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Steph .
649 reviews12 followers
May 8, 2024
I want a Domino and Maggie short yesterday.

I’m shipping Callie and Zeus. Idc what Callie did in this book I’m a sucker for a redemption. Edit-past me is a dumbass

I still don’t get the Lemon hype.

Profile Image for Sai of Innsmouth.
395 reviews29 followers
February 8, 2024
Excuse me but where can i buy one Atlas! That person is a huge huge green flag! The way he’s my comfort character in this series is not a joke!! He’s a giver oh god give that man a cloud to live on….

Oh boi! Lemon is such a sweet soul :( he takes care of the ones around him and prioritizes their needs over his. I believe I’d feel safest with him.

These two has my heart wrapped and ready to explode. I’m so happy to see them in a healthy happy relationship. They absolutely deserve it.

Ps: At some point I thought it would be cute if Zeus and Callie got together. But after the shit that twink pulled I don’t want him anywhere near my baby Zeus.

Update: i just checked the next book and it’s about my baby Zeus and Callie!!!! LMAO WTH idk how to feel hahaha
Profile Image for Jozey.
688 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2023
Contains: str!pper, bartender/security/undercover agent, embezzling money, intrigue, action, slow burn, and so much tease.

Tw: domestic abuse.

4.5 Stars 🌟

Can be read as standalone.
Lemon appears briefly in Thorned Heart, and Atlas is part of the Mike Bravo Team. So if you want to have the whole background, I suggest you read those books, but honestly, it's really not necessary.

Ohmygoodness!!!! If you are like me and have been waiting for this book, be aware: you are not ready. If you are new to this series, you are not ready.

A romantic who doesn't want a one night stand and a str!pper who is used to always getting what he wants. Add a slowburn story. Pfff, not very hot, right? WRONG!! OMG, let me tell you: Lemon knows how to tease by wrapping his body around this pipe. Atlas eyes are burning in this book. Chemistry flies over the pages. The feelings are drawn apart: loyalty, thrust, suspicion, and love.

Two men with big hearts who only see the good in others. Will they discover the bad guys? A mystery to solve that won't always turn out in their favor.

This book is filled with a rather complex plot where you have to find the bad guys in the establishment. One or more are involved in embezzling money from the club. Who are they? Put your hat on and guess. Personally, I failed. Impredictable, mysterious, full of hot men, and again, great camaraderie.

This book is amazing. The author did a great job of keeping us entertained throughout the whole thing. Not one moment was boring. It was all just the perfect dose of everything. Not too much angst, not too much sad story and exactly the perfect sweet moments full of chemistry. My adrenaline junkie would have liked more action scenes, but it was still enjoyable.

Again, highly recommended to everyone who wants romance, action, and a little lap dance on the side.

**I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.**
Profile Image for Crisana.
688 reviews36 followers
June 19, 2023
Hmm I don't know what to think about this one as I could never feel the connection between the MCs.
And it just felt odd, having Atlas as a bartender instead of security, just because one of his colleagues (friend? not in my book haha) wanted to have a laugh as his expense. Also, Atlas started out as a judgmental prick and even though he learns and tries to change, I just never fully connected with him.
Lemon was a contradiction. He managed to keep himself in check whilst taking something that wasn't his but then can't have a conversation with his boss about needing a raise without fumbling all the words. I get that he was out of his element but it just felt like he was a different person.
I used to love this author so much but now I just feel like I'm reading someone else's work.
Profile Image for Lexi.
573 reviews9 followers
June 11, 2023
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series, but Atlas was a miss for me.

I didn’t really vibe with either main character. Atlas was a bit judgy for no reason and Lemon was…for someone who loves yellow, is a stripper, and is nicknamed Lemon he was one of the most bland characters for me.

I also didn’t really feel any connection or chemistry between Atlas and Lemon. The whole thing felt forced.

Profile Image for Evelyn Bella.
443 reviews22 followers
November 2, 2023
Sigh. No rating.

Yeah, it has taken me about two months to slowly get through this one.
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews82 followers
June 15, 2023
I think that this story was a long time coming. I remember reading the novella where Lemon first appeared a few years ago and ever since then readers have been asking for his story. I hope everyone is satisfied now, I know I am.

Atlas it's part of the Mike Bravo crew and he meets Lemon while being undercover at the club where Lemon is dancing. They don't have a lot to do with each other for the first few weeks of Atlas's mission but after they start talking there's no going back.

The plot was such that it was inevitable that their relationship would progress fast so, while I wasn't happy with the fast pace, I expected it.

The mission made for some action scenes and some light mystery about what was happening with the money. The majority of the book is light and fun with most of the action taking place in the last third of it.

I like the Mike Bravo books and there are still some characters I wish will get a story, like Decaf and Zeus.

~ I read an ARC of this book. ~
Profile Image for Mx. T *Chaotic Reader*.
350 reviews34 followers
May 24, 2024
Lemon. He's the best and I love him. He makes the book.
Also, sex work is work.
Atlas being probably demi or at least a hopeless romantic, makes this so good.
The audiobook is good, but I miss Cendese. Not that DiCosimo and Page aren't great. But yeah...
Profile Image for Lindsey.
323 reviews18 followers
April 6, 2024
Dnf at 30%
I cannot handle Atlas’ judgement anymore with sex workers and the work that they do.
Ugh. It was disgusting and just… nope.
Sex work IS real work and hearing comment after comment and stares of disgust from Atlas? Hard pass.
Profile Image for Lady Macbeth.
732 reviews17 followers
March 24, 2024
4.5 stars
I was hooked since the first lines: "Nothing makes my skin crawl like being ogled with only a string separates my ass cheecks." This book is, indeed, the right balance between humor, action, romance, steam, sex talk and funny banter. It was also a pleasant surprise because I was not expecting Atlas being so romantic and sweet.
Atlas has done hookups in his younger years, but meaningless sex doesn't appeal him anymore, now he's ready for commitment and for a steady relationship.
Lemon, instead, never let himself to be in a serious relationship, he's used to not rely on anyone and he was not expecting Atlas "rejecting" him. That pushes him to consider, for the first time in his life, to have someone who can be with him (a "boyfriendy" person).
"You can be that person and still fuck me."
"No, if we were going to have sex, I wouldn't just be your friend. I would fucking own you."

On the outside Atlas and Lemon are very different, but they both have a caring nature that will bring them close.
I don't want to spoil the action part, let's just say Lemon is an amazing thoughtful man and all his troubles come from that and Atlas, once he overcomes his misconceptions about strippers and dancers, will be determined to help him in any way he can.

The rest of the Mike Bravo guys are hilarious as usual, I loved the parts were they were at the club teasing Atlas working on their case.
I hope we'll have Zeus' story next.

I read that Lemon previously appear in a novella connected with Famous series. I didn't read that but I still enjoyed his story

I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
March 18, 2024
⭐️: 7/10 🌶️: 2,5/5 😭: -/5 🤣: 1/5

💚 Close proximity
🩵 Hidden identity
💙 Size difference

“Sex is fleeting. Sex is a temporary high. I want to give you a memory. Because that will last forever.”

(ESP) Un libro con mucha acción pero el romance me resultó flojito. Atlas me pareció un personaje absolutamente entrañable pero no logré terminar de empatizar con él. Ni hablar de Lemon que no me produjo emoción alguna.
De igual modo, la historia me resultó entretenida. Las apariciones del resto de los muchachos siempre suma y se genera la intriga necesaria para el próximo libro.

(ENG) A book with a lot of action, but the romance was weak for me. I found Atlas to be an absolutely adorable character, but I couldn't really empathize with him. Not to mention Lemon, who didn't make me feel anything at all.
Still, I found the story entertaining. The appearances of the rest of the guys always add up and create the necessary intrigue for the next book.
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2,966 reviews
April 15, 2024
I really enjoy the men of Mike Bravo. They're playful and funny, but also a family who would die for each other and they want to save those who need help. While Atlas's assignment was mostly a joke at the beginning, it changed to much more than that. I love a person who can look at their prejudices and realize they're wrong, then take steps to change. It's hard to do, but really shows when someone is a good person.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 385 reviews

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