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Wife Lottery #2

When a Texan Gambles

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It all started when she got thrown off the wagon train. Now, a crook is dead, and Sarah Andrews has been raffled off in a "Wife Lottery." That seems bad enough—until she discovers her new groom with a knife in his back.

He just barely survives—and now if Sarah doesn't get him out of town fast, someone is going to make sure Sam Gatlin doesn't live long enough to enjoy the honeymoon. No matter what he may have done, or how many enemies he has, Sarah feels she owes him. After all, he saved her from a life in prison. But never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that this dangerously attractive Texan would steal her heart and make her want to take the biggest gamble of all.

304 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Jodi Thomas

102 books2,243 followers
I'm a New York Times and USA Today Best Selling author, wife, mother, in-law, grandmother, sister, friend, and owner of one fat cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 249 reviews
Profile Image for Anna Petruk.
789 reviews543 followers
June 8, 2019
This book was SO DUMB I'm afraid reading it might have caused some brain damage.

So it starts out with a mail-order bride trope. A western historical romance. Great. I love that. Let's see what we actually get.

The heroine... I have no words. She was so awful, stupid and .... just... UGHHHH!!!!!

The first day of their marriage her new husband gets stabbed in the back. When Sarah sees him bleeding and he asks her to take out the knife she tells him he owes her, because she doesn't like the sight of blood.

How heartless do you have to be, to see another human dying before your eyes, your husband no less, and not give his life or pain any mind, only worrying about the mild discomfort caused to you by TAKING THE KNIFE OUT OF HIS BACK??!!

They have to run away, and there is no time to see a doctor, no medication available. So Sam has to just drink whiskey and sleep, hoping to heal. What about Sarah? Oh, she just yells at him for drinking, because she doesn't like alcohol. Again, no compassion whatsoever to the fact that he's in agony.

When he passes out in a fever near her, and all she's worried about is that maybe he'll try to have sex with her.

Guuuurl. The guy is HEALING FROM A STAB WOUND. I bet sex is not very high on his current list of priorities, especially when he's unconscious.

When he falls down and hits his head on her metal sewing box, she's worried about the sewing box. (I'm not kidding, this is an actual scene from the book)

She believes the very worst about him in every situation, even though she knows nothing about him and has no reason to believe these things. And when he tells her the facts, she doesn't believe him, of course. And yells and insists that he's an awful person. For no reason.

Right from the start, she refuses to sleep with him and he promptly backs off. But then she starts asking him to sleep by her side, then kiss her, then touch (but nothing more!), and after he takes all that without complaint, she starts parading before him naked - because she wants to feel like a woman, you see! And he doesn't seem very affected by her. And so when he tries to initiate sex with his wife, what does Sarah do? She shoots at him. Shoots. At her husband. With real bullets.

She misses, but that's beside the point. And how does Simon react to the violence his wife unleashes on him? Oh, he walks up to her and starts kissing her. Sure, no need to make it clear that shooting at you is unacceptable for your wife. Way to go, cowboy!

Sarah is the dumbest, cruelest, most heartless bitch I've ever seen in a romance book. And Sam, who is supposed to be this super badass bounty-hunter is later said to have "buried more than one coffin filled with rocks to give an outlaw a second chance." Sure. Because that's what bounty-hunters do, apparently.

Another major issue I had with this book: Sarah was a widow. And her first marriage? Of course, if the heroine is not a virgin, then her first husband MUST be:
- twice her age
- toothless
- rapist
- always openly saying he still loves his first wife and only her
- poor and loosing their home
- a general bastard who never talks to Sarah, never helps or does anything decent.

Sure, you couldn't give her at least a semi-decent friendly husband, let alone a good one who loved her and whom she liked? Of course, that's off limits.

Overall verdict:

Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews530 followers
November 4, 2011
★★★★ ½ stars. This is the second book I’ve read by Jodi Thomas and I loved it!


If you’ve read the back-of-the-book-synopsis, you know this is also the second book in the Wife Lottery series; Sam has previously paid Sarah’s fine to get her out of a Texas jail cell only to whisk her off with nary a word. It opens with the Gatlins on their rainy wedding night. Oh, and Sarah, confessed murderer, has taken one of his guns and hidden from him under the shabby hotel bed. As a bounty hunter, Sam has suffered being an outcast from society. Still suffers. When he leaves her to go to the saloon, he is stabbed. (On a return visit to town he is shot.) You can see why Sarah wonders who she has married.

Sarah has been filled with a want for love all her life. First as an orphan left on an abusive woman’s doorstep, then raised from the age of six by an impoverished grandmotherly woman who only showed her love by giving her what little there was left to eat. And then married to…well, I don’t want to ruin the story, but Consequently, I felt her ache.

Still, this story is happier in tone than The Texan’s Wager and interspersed with great dialogues. While I only laughed out loud a few times, I did find myself chuckling softly many times. And therein lays its one small flaw. Sarah has recently lost her newborn; nevertheless, when confronted by small children, the reader is given no remembrance of her pain. Oh, it’s mentioned earlier, certainly, but the introduction of Sam’s supposed children should trigger some remark, if not a thought, from her. Same as later, when they both talk of wanting children from this marriage. Her pain has to be a given, and would have been an opportunity to forge a closer bond.

However, it is only a very small complaint, and I truly loved the bantering that goes on between Sam and Sarah. There are so many different, delicious tones to each one. Some yelling, some incredulous, some gentle. There is a funny misunderstanding where they both think the other is crazy and imagining things. Sam has a brief period of anemia following his stabbing; as a nurse, this is believable to me as I’ve seen this happen to patients. The Gatlins have great “pillow talk” (though there isn’t a pillow around for miles in the open Texas range) that brought smiles to my lips. Like Bailee, in the first book – The Texan's Wager – Sarah has rules; yet, Ms. Thomas has created a completely different character here. For all her having been married, Sarah has “gaps” in her education of what goes on between a man and a woman.
”You know, the rules for sleeping beside you. All men have them.”

He let out a long breath, guessing the “all men” totaled one former husband. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “The few times I’ve had a woman in my bed, we didn’t sleep.”

Sarah leaned up and placed her elbow back on his chest as she stared down at him. “You never slept with a woman? Truly?”

For the first time in more years than he could remember, a blush warmed his weather-tanned cheeks. Sarah acted as if he’d just told her he was a virgin. In truth, for a man who spent most of his time alone, never staying in one place long enough to get to know anyone, he probably was as close to a virgin as a man his age gets.

He watched firelight dance in her hair and tried to figure out how to explain. “The women I took to my bed worked nights and didn’t have all that much time.”

“Oh,” she said. “Poor things. Granny Vee sometimes had to deliver a baby in the middle of the night. I always helped, and then it would take me days to get caught up on my sleep.”

Sam fought to keep from laughing. “Well, I gave them a little extra money to help them out.”

Sarah propped her chin on her hand. “That was nice of you. You see, Sam, about the time I think you are all bad, you surprise me and tell me something nice.”
There are wonderful secondary characters that are nicely developed in this story and I only wished the author had time to develop a few of the others. There is a great since of time and place; I could almost smell the sagebrush. The intimate scenes are steamy, and the kissing goes on as if there’s no hurry. Nice. I saw the ending coming a mile away, but I didn’t care – I went along for the enjoyable, bumpy, rain-soaked ride.

Highly recommended. I’m looking forward to the next in the series, A Texan's Luck. Now, where it I put it?
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,683 followers
February 4, 2012

When a Texan Gambles is the second book in Jodi Thomas’ Wife Lottery series, and another winner! Delightful, heartwarming, joyous and funny. Tragic, heart-wrenching, thoughtful and somber. This book had me running the gamut of emotions, and I couldn’t put it down or turn the pages fast enough.

When it comes to these Texan men, Ms. Thomas has found the perfect combination of alpha and clueless and made them totally endearing even when they’re being stubborn and unreasonable, and I wouldn’t have them any other way!! I’m so looking forward to continuing this series!

The bottom line – If you haven’t already begun this series, drop everything! Stop what you’re doing, find these books and start reading! You won’t regret it!
Profile Image for Ronyell.
986 reviews329 followers
September 24, 2017
I have been currently reading Jodi Thomas's “Wife Lottery” series and after I have just finished the first book of the series, “The Texan's Wager,” which starred Bailee Moore and Carter McKoy, I finally got the chance to read the second book of the series, “When a Texan Gambles.” “When a Texan Gambles” stars Sarah Andrews and Sam Gatlin and boy, do they have wild adventures throughout this book! Expect a whole lot of drama, adventure and romance in this exciting sequel to “The Texan's Wager!”

After Sarah Andrews confessed to the murder of Zeb Whitaker along with her friends Bailee and Lacy, she was auctioned off in a “Wife Lottery” and ends up with a man named Sam Gatlin. Things were not going well for Sarah until she realized that Sam was stabbed in the back with a knife! Now that Sarah has taken care of Sam's wounds, she will soon discover that she is probably married to the most dangerous man the west have ever known!

Wow! I think this had to be the most action-packed story out of the entire “Wife Lottery” series so far! Jodi Thomas has done an awesome job at providing action throughout this novel, which just had me sitting on the edge of my seat every time I read about Sam and Sarah's escapades in escaping from various crooks who are after Sam's neck! What I really loved about this book were the characters themselves and my favorite characters in this book were Sam Gatlin and Sarah Andrews! I will admit that I really adored Sarah's spunk and kindness towards others as she is an innocent yet kind-hearted woman and I loved the way that she is willing to help anyone in their time of need, which includes helping various families reunite with each other. I also loved the little arguments that Sarah has with Sam because they were so cute and they always seem to make up at the end. Now, I am saving the best character for last and that is the sexiest and bravest cowboy to ever walk the planet, Sam Gatlin! Sam Gatlin is probably the most amazing romance heroes ever created because he is one-hundred percent all muscle on the outside and has a huge heart on the inside and that is what I like about my romance heroes! Here's what I think Sam Gatlin might look like:


Now, this book does not just have adventure, it also has hot and sizzling romantic scenes! The sexual moments between Sarah and Sam were just so steamy that I was literally fanning myself every time I read these scenes between Sarah and Sam!

The reason why I gave this book a four star rating is because I often got a little frustrated with Sarah throughout the book because she does not seem to trust Sam enough and she rarely reciprocates her feelings for Sam. Now, I do understand that she is a little reluctant in loving someone again because of her empty relationship with Mitchell, her first husband, but sometimes I think that Sarah tends to go a little overboard with telling off Sam about showing his love for her and also the fact that Sarah keeps telling Sam about the rules of love sort of makes me a little uncomfortable because I always love seeing how love comes naturally to romance heroes and heroines, rather than base it on a set of rules.

Overall, “When a Texan Gambles” is a great sequel to “The Texan's Wager” that romance fans of Jodi Thomas's works will greatly enjoy. I am definitely looking forward to reading the third book in the series “A Texan's Luck” next!

Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,268 reviews1,535 followers
December 14, 2014
3.5 stars...the hero and heroine came across as a little dumb sometimes, and it was a little too obvious. Still, a unique take on a western romance. Love the wife lottery books so far. Watching a couple learn to love each other when they're perfect strangers is lovely.

Also, I loved the way it ended, but a short epilogue would have been nice.
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
443 reviews17 followers
June 28, 2024
I loved how Sarah turned out to be the strongest of the group.

But can we talk how in book #1 he sent a letter saying he was taking her to a doctor and that didn’t make any sense in this one? Yeah, please, congruence. 🤓

Still loved it.
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews587 followers
August 17, 2011
My second book by this author and the second in the Wife Lottery Series and I loved it!

I am somewhat thrilled and surprised to love this book. I don't normally read Western Romance but thanks to many GR friends and their introduction to some awesome books, I think I have found a new sub-genre!

Repeating myself I know, but for me to really like a book it must have a hero that I love...I can get by with a heroine that's just so-so and even at times a slow moving story..maybe:) But the hero has to have qualities that I seek and something that draws me to him.

In this second installment Sam Gatlin sure met those requirements! Legend and Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire! I liked his character, his honesty and just about everything about him...a sexy-*sigh* worthy hero:) A Warrior! (And you all know how I love my warriors:)

Being a bounty hunter, Sam’s life is always in danger and full of enemies. Even the good folks fear and reject him; everyone wants the bandits/outlaws off the streets but no one wants to be friends with a hired gun, those who do the killing. He has suffered so much loss in his life and is lonely full down to his soul. I wanted this brave, courageous man to find that someone special who loves him just as he is; someone who will recognize a hero to be admired and coveted.

The heroine, Sarah Andrews, has also seen her fair share of suffering and life has never been easy. Her entire life has been mostly filled with rejection and she felt “like a hand-me-down, passed from one person to another all her life.” But you want find a whining, scared shadow here. I admired her courage and fierce determination to make a happy future. She faces the challenges of each new day and strides forward with a positive desire to find some semblance of happiness, while deep to the core of her she longs for acceptance, someone who loves her and a home of her own.

And while I loved Carter & Bailee from the first book, this one is hands down my favorite! What you will find are two damaged souls, strangers who are thrown together as man and wife. There’s not much angst, no complicated plot; just a poignant tale showing love blossoming to full bloom as two beautiful people get to know each other, sharing their present and past lives, facing danger from enemies, discovering passion and filled with sensual desire and a longing to find love and acceptance.

A quick read that pulled on my heartstrings and also made me laugh…I loved it!
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
June 27, 2011
So many things to say about this book ...

I'll start by saying it has been a while since I read such an entertaining and original romance. I was amused the whole book because the hero and the heroine made an extremely well adapted couple, they were perfect for each other, even though they were not so sure about it at the beginning. I just have to say that this was a terrific book and one I need to recommend to you all, you wont believe how good it is once you get o read it. I really liked book 1 in this series but IMHO this one is much better. I enjoyed a beta hero but alpha heroes are my thing and they don't come any more alpha than Sam Gatlin! Men, was he hot! I adored this hero from page one to the last.

Sam is an Outlaw. Everybody fears this man 'cause he's a legend. Even when he's sleeping, new stories about how he killed in cold blood and in a way not any other human could have done it come to life. But then he gets a glimpse of Sarah, the heroine, and decides to participate in the Wife lottery to have her. He knows he has no use for a wife and that his type of life will never be for such an angel, cause that's how he describes her every time! We see another side of this men once he falls for her, a side he never showed anybody else.

If you're like me, and love the type of heroes who are bad to the core but have a soft spot for their girls, well, this is the book you have been waiting for so long! It will go straight to my favs list because such a cute story didn't go unnoticed in here. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Ally72.
89 reviews
July 25, 2010
This was another addicting book in the "Wife Lottery" series by Jodi Thomas! I did not think the second book could follow the first one as it definitely became one of my favorite historical romance books. I was wrong! I enjoyed this book as much as the first book (and in some ways more). Sam was a lonely bounty hunter who paid for the release of Sarah from jail. She and two other women were thought to have murdered an evil mountain man. The entire town is not especially concerned with the supposed murder, but rather the women. There are not many women in this part of Texas and many men are looking for wives. Each woman in the series has her own (heartbreaking) story as to how she got there. I have not read the two other stories in the series, but I think Sarah's might be the saddest. She was left on a doorstep of a woman who did not want her and then was subsequently given away when she was six to an elderly woman who did not want her too. After the elderly woman died, Sarah married a widower who did not care for her either (he was only interested in having someone cook for him and do his laundry). I think the worst part about this is I know there were people that really did have that kind of life. Fortunately, Sam "wins" her in the lottery and treats her with respect. He is such an honorable man and the two of them are meant for each other. I could say so much more about why this book touched me so! I am not a person that gravitates towards western romances, but I would really encourage anyone that likes romances to look into this series. This was a big five star book for me and I cannot wait to read the next one!!!
Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
532 reviews117 followers
August 15, 2014
3.5 stars

I have to admit I'm kind of disappointed in this one. Mostly because I loved Bailee's story and this was just ok.

Moving along we now follow Sarah and Sam on their journey...

The Bad News(For me!)

Were the things I didn't like:


Sarah annoyed me to no end. I can't even begin to count how many times she said I'M FRAGILE. For real! She's constantly trying to find things to dislike about Sam, so she can keep him at arm's length. And then her transformation into a tough girl...Really? She was my biggest problem in the book.Here's something I didn't like:

“My shortcomings seem a far lesser problem in this marriage than yours, if you don’t mind me saying.”

That's when my dislike started.

The Superman Effect

I think Sam was shot about 5 times in space of two weeks here. He just gets drunk, she tends to him and voila! He walks off like nothing's happened the next day. Surgeons have better watch out! Once everyone knows it takes so little to heal, they'll be buying Jack D. for insta-cure in no time.

The Angel Syndrome

The idolization of Sarah was very evident here. Sam constantly thought of her as an angel, as perfect. He's even told, repeatedly, he doesn't deserves her. He eventually acknowledges that as true.

The Good News


Even though he was a jerk at times, he grew on me. He's not as good as Carter, just as Sarah is nowhere near Bailee, but he's a great hero. An (in)famous bounty hunter, he is despised wherever he goes. Now he wants an angel to save him. I just wish we were told more about his past and his reasons for becoming a bounty hunter. He also has sweet moments.

“Then let me stay blind, Sarah.” He pulled her to him. “You are the closest I’ll probably get to heaven.”

The Theorem of Quirkiness

This book still had great lines and moments of humor. Just less than in book 1.

"She was either under the bed or folded into one of the dresser drawers.
He found little comfort in discovering his new bride might be insane as well as armed. But bad luck had been running a wide streak through his life lately, so he did not bother to be surprised by the possibility."

"Granny always told her never to marry a man unless you love him something fierce and can’t help yourself, ‘cause men are like apples, they don’t do nothing but rot once you take them home."

“I guess you and I are just meant to marry criminals. Sarah confessed to murdering Zeb, and my girl dreams of being the highest-paid hooker in Texas.”

And even this, because he finally calls her on it...

“Don’t drop me ... I’m fragile. I’ll die!”
“No, you won’t. I promise. You’re about as fragile as I am lucky.”


I also like the style of writing, it makes the book easy, and yes, enjoyable to red, even when some things bother you.

Just a Confusing Factor

First, I remember reading in book 1, it was said Sam went to fetch a fancy lawyer. It didn't make sense in this storyline.Which is pretty minor, but I simply noticed it here.

Also I had a bit of a problem with the suspense plot. It seemed kind of disconnected and Frank never felt like a natural part of the story. I guess he was meant to illustrate Sam's kindness, but it was odd.

Overall, I liked it, but I preferred Texan's Wager and am now moving on to Lacy's story
Profile Image for Mariana.
715 reviews80 followers
July 26, 2019
I chose to read this series because book 1 had a virgin hero, my fave; but book 2 was even better.

Though both Sam and Sarah has experienced physical intimacy, neither knew emotionally intimacy. I like marriage of convenience stories where the H and h both choose to try to make the marriage work. Sarah started with a list of rules and chose to love her husband Sam because it was one of the rules; but what I really enjoyed about this story was seeing these two truly fall in love with each other despite each of their faults. In the end, they made each other not only happier with love but also better people.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,818 reviews443 followers
March 5, 2018
Well I ended up making a computer generated audiobook of this one using the windows app; speech central. It's stilted but not as bad sounding as I thought it would be.

anyways, each book in this series is so different from the others. All 3, of course, start with the same premise; 3 young women are kicked off a wagon train when one falls ill, AND then almost murdered by a thief whom they kill in self-defense. At least they think he is dead... turns out, not so much! ...AND he's coming back for the money he thinks they have that he had stolen from someone else.
The sheriff, at a loss as to what to do with 3 confessed murderesses and no dead body, raffles them off to bachelors in this women starved area of the wild west.

In this story I was expecting a weak sweet natured widow and a quiet honorable man after the descriptions of her and Sam in the first book. Instead I got a misguided naive realist who kicks ass and doesn't put up with anything. Not even from Sam Gatlin her new husband, who scares the bejeezus out of most people. Sam, however, IS quiet and honourable, but not that most people would know it. He cultivates his aura of scary, because it helps his job as a bounty hunter. But there's a lot more to Sam than most people know.
I laughed every time Sarah proclaimed that Sam needed to be more careful around her because she was 'fragile'... usually just before she does something the opposite of fragile ; )

Their honeymoon is a crazy event filled week with 3 gunshot wounds and a stabbing.

This story really kept me on my toes, never knowing what to expect from either character and the long list of people out to kill one or the other of them.
I enjoyed it quite a bit. I don't think it was terribly romantic for the first 2/3 but neither character knew a thing about relationships and romance. So they have to muddle through one disaster after another and figure it out as they go.
The ending was romantic and there's a sweet epilogue and I really can't say which of the first 3 books I've enjoyed more. I suppose the first one, but not by much. ; )
Profile Image for Iza.
589 reviews40 followers
May 20, 2014
Oh My God, this was a torture! I barely finished the book, skipping through the last 30% of it, because that woman PISSED ME OFF! How can somebody be so stupid and judgmental? She decided that Sam is a mean wife-beating, drinking criminal who leaves his children in a forest without blinking, just by speaking to him once! Not only that, but she is a horrible tease and absolutely stupid! Did I mention stupid?! I couldn't read about her, but I also couldn't give up on another book so a made myself finish it. I like this series and I will keep reading them, but damn that Sarah. I don't see what Sam saw in her. Well, except how beautiful she is. To be honest, there was one time that she actually melted me a little, but it didn't last long enough. I hope the next one will be better.
Profile Image for Avid Booker.
278 reviews55 followers
September 13, 2016
3.5 stars! I REALLY loved the Hero in this book a lot. He was damn near perfect.

To start off, me and Jodi are not compatible it seems. She's one of those authors who seem to bring children in a lot, when they're not needed, and also her heroines TEND TO ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

Disclaimer(this is not really a spoiler, but if you have certain things you hate about books read this first to see if its one of your dislikes):

Sarah, our heroine, we're supposed to feel bad for her and her rough childhood and marriage etc. But I didn't, she.... she seemed more ungrateful, like you have two options. Marriage or be hanged? I think I would rather marry a guy who, turned out to be nice. I don't know. She just was a very wishy-washy character. At one moment she'll be like "I'm his wife and I care" then the other she'd be like "maybe I should run" and it comes off as being ridiculous. B/c this is her second husband and the 1st bedded her as if he had to, she tells our hero that he can bed her when she wants him to. This is something that is touched along the whole book. She'll tease him, and then say you need to honor your promise.
She would have one thought one chapter, and then two pages later have another. She would scream if he even touched her at first, but she gave a male friend a hug without thought. I don't know... Characterization flaws tbh. Towards the end, I liked her a bit more, but she still came off controlling, she NEVER listened, and wishy-washy. At first she seemed like another Bailee(heroine from the 1st book), but now looking back on my old review I HATED Bailee, and Sarah is a much easier to handle heroine. The author gave the impression that Sarah would be a mild mannered girl, she was not. Out of nowhere she broke out of that frailness and was abrasive. She kept calling the hero mean when he did absolutely nothing mean. He was practically nice all the time.

She says stuff like (see quote number two at the bottom) one day and then the other she's like I don't love, I don't know what it is. I have to care about you because your my husband and its a rule. Weird.

Our Hero, Sam. Sam was a dream. I loved him. I don't know what took her so long to love him "truly" but homegirl was being an idiot. He was SUPER loveable. He had his faults. Sometimes he came off a bit demanding. Now I know of this time, bedding your wife was a mans right no matter what, but he kept asking after he promised that she would be in charge of the time, and it was like a moment of bruh, please cut it. That was his BIG flaw. He didn't rape her, but bro, no means no. You can't talk it on her. In the end he kept the promise with a few shaky moments. He was NEVER mean, and he always thought things through. He would say the cutest things and you knew he cared. I felt like I knew who Sam was. Which was lacking from Carter(hero of the 1st book). Sam was truly thoughtful. He just wanted someone. And he thought that he could save her.

Sam truly made this book for me. I rolled my eyes most of the time at the heroine. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot more than the 1st one. The next book is basically the last in the series (I don't/won't count Dalton's book), so I'm going to read it.

Oh, and this book actually had a sex scene in it. It wasn't suuper descriptive, but the tension was built up at so many times while they were having their adventure that she HAD to include the first time.

She mentioned her dead husband and compared him to the hero a lot. They truly weren't comparable. But I guess. She mentioned her dead baby once but not really. She mentioned her "friends" once or twice, but to be honest for people that saved her life and had a crazy adventure with her at the beginning of the 1st book, they don't seem so close.

He didn't make a sound, but his flesh was warm and seemed to welcome her caress. Strange, how she liked touching him. In a small way, he belonged to her, this powerful man. He didn't have to tell her no one ever touched him. She just knew.

"All my life, all I've ever wanted was someone to love, and it looks like you're the only one who applied." She continued to touch him, hoping he'd know that someone cared. "So I'm going to love all six foot of no-goo, drunken, worthless inch of you."

"I'm starving."
"So am I," he answered, but when she glanced up he was looking at her and not the food.

Sarah shook her head. "No one has ever noticed me except you, Sam. I'm just a pale-"
"Stop." He faced her. "Stop believing a lie."
She met his stare. "You're blind," she answered, suddenly angry that he would keep claiming she was something she knew she wasn't.
"Then let me stay blind, Sarah." He pulled her to him. "You're the closest I'll probably get to heaven."

"He said you circled the place a couple of times, and with each passing, you stared up at a window on the second floor like you were searching for gold."

"If I'd listened, you'd be dead right now," she whispered when she neared.
"If you'd listen, you'd be pregnant right now," he answered. (personally this didn't make sense, but it was still cute af)
Profile Image for Jackie.
337 reviews39 followers
July 12, 2020
2.5 stars. This was too saccharine for my taste .. I skimmed near the end. The heroine making the hero wait just annoyed me. I was sick of her whining! I’m a terrible person! Lol
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,202 reviews
May 12, 2023
There are many laugh out loud moments in this book. Sarah was just adorable and Sam, the hardened bounty hunter, was absolutely priceless with her. I just love Jodi Thomas' writing. Her books always leave me with a smile on my face. 😉
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
July 20, 2016
Sarah's story.
Sam Gatlin, a famous bounty hunter, was the one whose name Sarah drew out from the lottery hat. They left Cedar Point, but his plans to take her somewhere nice were ruined when someone stabbed him. So they had to take a detour.

"If he’s alive when you get there, he’s got a chance. If he’s dead, bury him and don’t tell a soul, not even me.”
“But why?”
Denver smiled. “ ‘Cause legends aren’t suppose to die.”

At first he was intimidating and she doesn't trust him. Not surprising the way she grew up. You see, Sarah was left as a baby and that seemed to be the sign what kind of life she would have. She learned very young not to expect anything from anyone. Well, nothing except that they would leave her. It is heartbreaking how little she expects.

“I may have been married before, but it was nothing like this.”
“You mean your husband wasn’t stabbed and shot at or offered you the ground for a bed?”
“No, not that so much.” She stared up. When she finally answered, he could barely hear her words.
“My first husband never asked me if I was cold.”

I love how she slowly learned to trust him. Each new step toward their destination showed her a new side of him and he learned a lot about his wife.

They do reach his land near the end of the book, but the journey there was a journey in more ways than one. And they got there together.

“She was, however, no good for his image as a tough man. It was hard to convince anyone to fear him with a butterfly landing on him every few minutes.”

I won't compare this book to the first because the characters are completely different, though all of them are wonderfully written. Sarah is more naive than Bailee even if she was the one who had been married and had a baby. Often the interaction between Sarah and Sam brought a great deal of humour to the story. The way she learns about Sam and what couples are about is beautiful and funny at the same time.
Profile Image for Lucie "a heart so wild".
150 reviews31 followers
February 9, 2011
This should be a Western Beauty & The Beast, Angel with the Scary Gunfighter in the 'wife lottery' series & mixed with 'nursing to health' theme...
Very intriguing from the beginning...full of action, wonderful character and perfect couple!
I thought Sarah is a bit weak, frail & fragile as she keeps saying it...but she is face with a different circumstances that has to made her tough & strong...its really fun to read this book!! Hero also alpha & wonderful...

Bravo Jodi Thomas!!

I had a peek for the 3rd in this series!! and I thought that will be the weakest, uninteresting plot for Lacy...but I guess I'm wrong!! It's most interesting from the three...the Hero is so cold...oh...
Profile Image for Marleen.
1,804 reviews93 followers
February 26, 2012
When I started I truly hoped that I would’ve liked this book better, but it turns out it was a disappointing read all the way through to the end. I was unimpressed with the characterization of Sarah and Sam Gatlin/Garrett.
Contrary to the first Wife Lottery book, it felt like this was written in haste; with stilted prose. I had high hopes when I discovered Jodi Thomas, writer of historical Western romances, that I’d find a writer who would deliver fun and light reads but nonetheless great entertainment; but I can’t muster any enthusiasm for this story; it lacked maturity and originality. It’s like it was written for the most naive and unimaginative reader audience.
In time, I do intend to read one or two more of her books, before I totally give up on this author.
Profile Image for Kari.
818 reviews82 followers
December 27, 2014
Not as good as the first one, but I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see what happens to Lacy in the next book.
Profile Image for Aneca.
957 reviews126 followers
March 22, 2010
A while back I read Jodi Thomas's A Texan's Wager and really enjoyed it. So naturally I was looking forward to continue with the series. Unfortunately this When a Texan Gambles is not as good.

The series name is The Wife Lottery, three women confess to murder and the town's sheriff, due to lack of evidence to trial them, lack of women for the men, and lack of space and provisions to keep them in jail decides to give them in marriage to the man who offers to pay their fine. In the first book Bailee ends up with a settler and in this one it's Sarah's story with the man who won her, Sam Gatlin - a bounty hunter.

The story starts off with Sam getting shot and Sarah having to nurse him. While Sam is unconscious they are joined by 3 children who tell Sarah they are Sam's children. They aren't and so Sam keeps telling Sarah once he wakes up but she has a certain difficulty believing him. So, besides getting to know each other, there's the mystery of who the children are and the threat of the outlaws who are chasing them both. The children's mystery it's solved really quickly so they spend the rest of the book trying to best their enemies.

It did sound like a good plot but my main problem was the heroine, Sarah. Even if she did not have an easy life, even if she was raised by people who didn't tell her the facts of life and even if her late husband sounded like a man with some very strange notions about marriage (the description of her life is almost too bad to be true); she mostly seemed like a TSTL heroine to me instead of a tortured or wounded one. She keeps assuming things about Sam without knowing the facts, she doesn't question the silly ideas that she has and she basically refuses to have sex with him while she keeps tempting him with it. It all sounded very silly to me.

What I did like? I liked Sam, a sensible man trying to survive in the almost lawless west by hunting criminals but who can still recognise that some of the outlaw's he chases may not be all bad and who finds himself fascinated by Sarah. He tries to protect her and in case things get worse tries to leave her provided for. A really nice hero that I felt deserved a better heroine.

Grade: 3/5
Profile Image for Elaine.
1,055 reviews14 followers
September 6, 2023
A sweet little western. 9/2013

I read this book 10 years ago I had only read one of the books in this series. After reading the first book a week ago I decided to read this one again. I really enjoyed this series. I read all three of them this time.

It is nice to have a series that you want to read the whole book in one setting! It also made me want to read the next book immediately. 9/5/2023
June 8, 2019

This was probably my least favourite of the three. While I enjoyed Sam's antics, Sarah rubbed my nerves raw!

The previous book gave the impression that Sarah was the sober, logical one of the three, different from the rest, keeping herself just on the edge without forsaking society completely. And that she had heart and empathy like an emotional support figure in the group. But this book shattered all that perspective into smithereens.

She came off so stupid, I can't not classify her as tstl. I thought the ambiguity behind Sam's career was ridiculously needless and it kinda added to the tstl factor. Would it have really been so hard to just sit her down and explain it all, you're already married for God's sake and the other option is for her to go back to jail, you won't believe how understanding and acceptive that makes a person.

Here's how I really feel in the words of WhatIReallyRead
Profile Image for Cherokee Ford.
144 reviews1 follower
July 12, 2024
Why does this book receive a higher rating than “A Texan’s Wager”? Because Sam and Sarah’s love was fought for harder than Carter and Bailee’s.

Sarah’s past marriage and trauma meant she was hesitant and closed off to Sam’s initial advances. And instead of forcing her or Sarah easily giving in, Sam made the intentional decision to take things slow and learn about her.

There were MANY great quotes and I will proceed to share them all below:

🏆“I’m not leaving you. You’re not something I just picked up along the trail and plan to toss away.”

🏜️“‘I’m still sleeping next to you,’ she answered. “Everyone knows next to you is where I belong.”

❤️ “He wanted to be the only man Sarah would ever want.”

🥵 “She pulled a chair to the tiny table. ‘I’m starving.’ ‘So am I,’ he answered, but when she glanced up he was looking at her and not the food.”

🥰 “He circled his arm around her and pulled her against his chest. ‘I’m still mad, but I’ll hold you.’”

💍 “‘Sam, are you sorry you married me?’ He pulled her close. ‘No. How about you?’
‘No, Sam. I’m lucky to have found you.’”
Profile Image for Ashley Tyler.
1,277 reviews58 followers
March 14, 2021
This was a very enjoyable read! Sarah was the perfect match for Sam! She was strong, steadfast, and as beautiful inside as she was outside. I liked how she was not afraid of Sam's reputation, but got to know the man behind his skills and outward face. Sam was a very careful and supporting husband to Sarah. He was able to allow her time to get comfortable with the idea of being a wife in more than just in name. He wanted only to provide for her and show her how good it could be for them as husband and wife. I liked how Sam protected those he thought deserved a second chance from the bad choices and/or life they made for themselves. The ending was perfect and allowed them both to find the love they deserved. Overall, I highly recommend this book who love wild west historical romances. I can't wait to read more books by this author!
Profile Image for chelseaerinreads.
468 reviews14 followers
January 9, 2023

I’m really enjoying this series. Just wholesome, historical reads. Marriage of convenience is my favourite trope so I’m always happy to find more reads like this. It did have some pointless chapters but i still enjoyed it.

On to the next!

- marriage of convenience

🌶 1/5
Profile Image for Mina.
608 reviews24 followers
September 5, 2023
This is a classic romance where the adventure is the story's focal point. There were a lot of scenes that I wondered "why". That being said, I liked the hero, he was funny. The heroine is another thing, she was naive and towards the end, she started to get on my nerves a little bit. She came off strong and weak at the same time, I didn't see a lot of character development.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 249 reviews

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