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Famous in Paris, infamous in London, Verity Durant is as well-known for her mouthwatering cuisine as for her scandalous love life. But that's the least of the surprises awaiting her new employer when he arrives at the estate of Fairleigh Park following the unexpected death of his brother.

To rising political star Stuart Somerset, Verity Durant is just a name and food is just food, until her first dish touches his lips. Only one other time had he felt such pure arousal-a dangerous night of passion with a stranger, who disappeared at dawn. Ten years is a long time to wait for the main course, but when Verity Durant arrives at his table, there's only one thing that will satisfy Stuart's appetite for more. But is his hunger for lust, revenge-or that rarest of delicacies, love? For Verity's past has a secret that could devour them both even as they reach for the most delicious fruit of all....

434 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

Sherry Thomas

39 books6,945 followers
USA Today-bestselling author Sherry Thomas decided years ago that her goal in life is to write every kind of book she enjoys reading. Thus far she has published romance, fantasy, mystery, young adult, and three books inspired by the martial arts epics she grew up devouring. Her books regularly receive starred reviews and best-of-the-year honors from trade publications, including such outlets as the New York Times and National Public Radio.

A Study in Scarlet Women, A Conspiracy in Belgravia, and The Hollow of Fear, the first three entries in her gender-bending Lady Sherlock historical mystery series, are all NPR best books of the year. The Magnolia Sword, her 2019 release, is the first young adult retelling of the original Ballad of Mulan in the English language.

Sherry emigrated from China at age 13 and English is her second language.

“Sherry Thomas has done the impossible and crafted a fresh, exciting new version of Sherlock Holmes. From the carefully plotted twists to the elegant turns of phrase, A Study in Scarlet Women is a splendid addition to Holmes’s world. This book is everything I hoped it would be, and the next adventure cannot come too soon!” —Deanna Raybourn, New York Times bestselling author

“Thomas weaves a lush, intricate fantasy world around a gorgeous romance that kept me riveted until the very last page. What a breathtaking journey!” (Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of the Legend series )

"Sherry Thomas is the most powerfully original historical romance author writing today."—Lisa Kleypas, New York Times bestselling author

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August 19, 2016

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I am honestly surprised by how few of my friends enjoyed this book, because I thought it was exemplary. Like CHOCOLAT and WATER FOR CHOCOLATE, in DELICIOUS, Thomas captures the sensuality and headiness of food, tying it into both sex and love. Verity, the cook heroine, is such an amazing conjurer of food that her culinary creations have people remembering both their worst and fondest memories with a deepness that often shocks their Victorian sensibilities into speechlessness. She has several secrets though, which seem to have doomed her from finding love.

Except, since this is a romance novel, you know that's totally not true!

I should note that Sherry Thomas is not a new author to me. I've read THE HIDDEN BLADE, which is an even better book than this. (Seriously, read it - I cannot recommend it enough.) When I read a book I really enjoy I'm sometimes reluctant to pursue a second book by that author, out of fear that it will be a let-down. I needn't have worried. The things that appealed to me in HIDDEN were present in DELICIOUS, too: beautiful writing, strong heroines, good characterization, interesting twists...they were all here, much to my delight!

DELICIOUS is also a retelling of the Cinderella fairytale, although this is one of the book's weaker points. This relationship was pushed a bit too hard, and I thought the little quirks of fate that kept Stuart from seeing Verity's face were too convenient. I was more interested in how pride kept the characters from being happy - either because it caused them to chase a dream beyond their reach, hurt the people they loved because of their prejudice, or become utterly enslaved by convention. There are elements of PERSUASION in here, as well, which I think a lot of people will really like.

There's also a secondary romance, but I actually liked it. Normally, secondary romances feel like filler to me, but this one worked. In some ways, they had better chemistry than the main couple. The only thing that was frustrating was that I had hoped that the secondary hero was bisexual. I was so excited, because the only ones I've encountered in mainstream historical fiction (as a love interest) were Courtney Milan's HER EVERY WISH and Elizabeth Hoyt's DUKE OF SIN.

DELICIOUS is a really great historical romance that takes tropes from Cinderella and PERSUASION and blends them with excellent characters and a fairly engaging plot. I'd recommend this to fans of Victorian romance and especially to fans of Sherry Thomas.

4 stars!
Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,265 followers
August 31, 2009
I debated between 2 and 3 stars on this one as the story itself was utterly absurd. I can stretch my beliefs only so far, but this one pushed passed my limits on many occasions. But in the end the annoying and absurd faded away and we got a decent ending. And I liked Stuart and Verity’s characters enough to stick with the story to learn more about her past. And without a doubt Sherry Thomas can write. I just wish she told a better story and didn’t jar us with flashbacks.


Here is what really bugged me. We learn early on that Verity has a secret past and identity, but the way she hides her identity (and for so long!) took the cake. When her and Stuart would meet in the dark, or she wore a mask, the book came very close to being a wall banger!! She is the dang celebrated cook so we are suppose to believe that she goes weeks upon weeks without her boss ever meeting her – and he didn’t find that odd either?!! And they fall in love based on the taste of her food, but without any meaningful conversations?? Not to mention he doesn’t even know what she looks like or who she really is?!!! And then he gets mad at her for not revealing who she was in her past?!! For crying out loud, she was no better than the kitchen slut with a bag over her head prior to his outburst! And then he just gets over it. Just like that. Sings a brand new and unbreakable tune. And there was no wrap up to the storyline with her son Michael, but I really didn’t care at the end. And then everyone lived happily ever after despite all the warnings that such a marriage would cause world chaos and utter shame for all.
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.5k followers
February 17, 2019
A Victorian Cinderella, except the heroine's kitchen identity is what saves rather than dooms her. The plot is in one sense fairly complex--the heroine is keeping her identity secret from three different people for three different reasons; there's a major secondary romance which also involves someone keeping a major part of their identity secret. It's also not complex in the sense that there's very little internal conflict and all the external conflict depends on the tangling up of the past (in flashbacks), the secrets, and the three main plot threads. It all looks like a jumble and then the moving parts slide into position with quiet, oiled precision. Lovely.

Gorgeous evocative writing, with the damaged hero not only falling in love with the heroine thanks to her food, but also rediscovering his love for his long-estranged dead brother. This comes in part through the taste of madeleines giving him flashbacks to the past, omg. Sherry Thomas is not screwing about with her recherche du temps perdu.

Very much a book about the damage we can inflict on other people while loving them, but also one about hope and reparations and forgiveness. I adored the secondary pairing. One part of the resolution was high melodrama, but this was absolutely a fairy tale so the wicked stepmother and fairy godmother belong.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,978 reviews1,112 followers
August 19, 2020
Reviewed for the Aug TBR Challenge prompt - Backlist.

It’s no secret that I’m a massive Sherry Thomas fangirl. I’ve read almost every one of her books, and when it came to this month’s TBR prompt of Backlist, I decided to read one of the two (I think) historical romances of hers I haven’t yet read – Delicious, from 2008.  Billed as a kind of Cinderella story, it features a celebrated – even notorious - cook and a highly-respected MP who reunite after they spent a night together ten years earlier, but though I like second-chance romances and I love Sherry Thomas’ writing, the story didn’t work for me at all.  In fact, it was just plain… odd.

I’ll admit to being a bit confused through the first few chapters, but one thing that is apparent early on is that gourmet chef/cook Verity Durant is not exactly what she seems.  Infamous throughout English society because of her (supposed) loose morals, she was the mistress of her employer Bertie Somerset for a time, although that relationship ended ten years before and she remained at Fairleigh Park as his cook.  Bertie dies at the beginning of the book, and his estate is inherited by his estranged half-brother Stuart, a hard-working lawyer and up-and-coming politician who is tipped as a future Prime Minister.  And the man with whom Verity shared one single night of passion ten years earlier.

Verity has mixed feelings upon learning that Stuart will be coming back into her life. She knows there is little reason for them to meet but is still in love with him even after all that time, and she wants to give him a gift, one she realises has been ten years in the making – happiness on a plate.

But unlike his half-brother, who was a real foodie, for Stuart, food is a necessity, something to fuel his body and to prevent hunger.  All he wants is to eat his first dinner as the owner of Fairleigh Park in peace and quiet while he reads his newspaper.  But from his very first mouthful of soup, he’s distracted:

The sip turned into an explosion of flavors on his tongue, rich, deep, pure, like eating the sunshine and verdure of a fine June afternoon.  Startled, he did something he almost never did – putting down his newspaper when he dined alone – and stared into the soup.

A mouthful later, he’s sent the soup away, seeing his enjoyment of it as an indulgence and a weakness.  But as the days pass, he finds himself unable to stop thinking about Madame Durant, fantasising about her even though at this point, (he thinks) he has never even met her.   Oh, and he’s just become engaged to a young woman with whom he’s been friends for a number of years and who he believes will make a good political wife.

But basically, that’s the story, Stuart fighting against seduction by proxy – the proxy being Verity’s amazing and incredibly culinary creations – while Verity simultaneously wants him to love her and actively avoids letting him see her and realise who she is.

The author makes good use of flashbacks to fill in the backstory, so we get to witness the first meeting between Verity and Stuart, the circumstances of their night together and what happened afterwards. But – and here is one of the book’s biggest problems – it was just ONE night, and the entire romance in the present is predicated on that single encounter.  It’s intensely passionate to be sure, but it’s basically insta-love, and when you add to that the fact that Verity and Stuart don’t really interact all that much in the present timeline (and when they do, they don’t see each other’s faces until right at the end), well, I found their romance really difficult to buy into.

Another problem is with the way the conflict in the romance is resolved.  Stuart’s fiancée is happily taken care of (there’s an excellent secondary romance which I liked more than the main one), but even then, Verity’s reputation will spell the end of Stuart’s political career, unless … well, a secondary character does a complete volte face and turns into a deus ex machina.

I didn’t connect with either Stuart or Verity.  Hints are dropped early on that Verity was born into an aristocratic family but was estranged from them at sixteen; she’s had a tough time of it and the fact she’s made something of herself in the face of such adversity really is admirable, but I just couldn’t become invested in her.  And I’m not sure how I feel about the fact she slept with brothers. (Okay, half-brothers, but still…) As for Stuart… two hours after finishing the book I’m trying to recall something about his personality, but other than his determination not to enjoy Verity’s cooking, and an obsession with her that springs out of nowhere, I can’t remember much.  And speaking of cooking, I really didn’t care for was the way in which the food was described as magical and life-altering and… so much hyperbole that I started skimming those parts.

I did like the secondary romance, which was funny and tender, and I think my favourite parts of the story were those when Stuart began to reappraise his relationship with Bertie, to whom he’d been really close when they were boys.  But it’s a bad sign when, in a romance novel, the love stories that are the most interesting don’t involve either of the two principal characters.

A C grade is the best I can do for Delicious – and I can’t remember the last time a Sherry Thomas book got anything lower than an A grade from me.  It's always a sad day when I have to write a negative review of a favourite author,  but I’ll just have to chalk this one up to experience and move on.
Profile Image for new_user.
250 reviews187 followers
March 6, 2011
Every character in Delicious effects a subterfuge, every one wearing a mask, Verity Durante's the most literal. Readers may grow weary of the hide-and-seek between Verity and Stuart Somerset. Stuart inherits his brother's cook and lover after that man's death, but Verity and Stuart have history and, she's decided, a doomed relationship, so she hides. He falls in love with her through her culinary delights-- and later, her afternoon delights. Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

I can't complain about this page after page, however. I'm suspending disbelief. Once reconciled to the premise, readers notice Delicious' realism. Sherry Thomas imbues Delicious with concrete time and place (i.e. Victorian England).

Verity mentions Fanny Hill, Stuart says "MPs," not Members of Parliament. He's a military background and mentions "bombings in the eighties" and bombings in the newspaper over breakfast, recalling to the reader the beginning of our modern era and our forebears' legacy of political violence, oft forgotten. Rather than break character to explain, as a less capable author might, Thomas expects her audience to divine clues from context.

Noble Stuart's disinterest in all things bodily until Verity may distance readers, evidenced by the secondary couple's greater appeal to reviewers (they're funnier- symphonic concerts, anyone?); likewise, Stuart and Verity's connection through her food and flashbacks versus a complete relationship, now. Whimsical, see?

Stuart and Verity's meaningful encounters in the present, however, compensate. At one time, Verity comforts Stuart, and I lauded Thomas. Her characters do not exist in a vacuum; they do not only think of their lust or even their love together. They live lives, hurt independently in "unexciting" ways, and the romantic interest is whomever's still standing, the person there to comfort them through an ugly, blotch-faced cry. This is real. Subdued her works may be, but not the less substantial or emotionally affecting for that.

Through nuances, Thomas portrays a more honest humanity, less dramatic but more complex, subtle and varied, far from cloning archetypes. She knows the pride of a man, once a poor boy, who thinks in passing, "never impose, never importune," his struggle to ask for something twice.

Food is simply a vehicle, a means for Verity to express her passion, and hunger a positive manifestation of renewed meaning to empty gestures, be that eating or a superficial marriage. For the record, I share Stuart's sentiment: "Food was sustenance, something to keep him alive and healthy, nothing more." Regarding Cinderella, the fairy tale is simply there to be negated:
"It’s because these tales have been written by men, men who have never spent so much as an hour in the kitchen. The real Cinderella curses, smokes, and drinks a bit too much. Her feet hurt. Her back hurts. And she’s resentful. She would like her pumpkin coach to run over the Wicked Stepmother. And Prince Toad too, if possible."
Delicious is not a retelling or even near one, except for Verity's ludicrous, overlong disguise and a too-neat ending; that was just an excuse. By discussing fairy tales, Verity and Stuart confess their histories and dreams and through that thin guise reveal themselves.

Like His at Night , Delicious' premise is absurd, but Delicious has more substance. I saw much more than a Cinderella remake or the silly premise. The poignant themes of grief and estrangement, a brother's death and two brothers' relationship, really resonated with me, among other things. If you like a subdued tone, realistic, flawed, three-dimensional characters (with jobs), and of course, beautiful prose in your historical romance, I recommend Delicious.
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
609 reviews251 followers
September 22, 2017
Not my favorite Thomas, but it had its moments, including this one:

"I have loved her since the moment I first her, Madame. She has left me and I have left her. And now we are at last together, nothing, save death, will part us again. Not you. Not the liberal establishment. Not the opinion of every last man, woman, and child in England."

There were parts that were problematic to me, and it's probably a rounding up situation here. Despite that, it's still a second chance story that pulls at your heart strings.

Warning to anyone who reads this: Don't read on an empty stomach. The heroine is a gourmet chef, and the way Thomas describes her succulent food made my mouth water. The Hero is a practical, stand-up guy, and he considers food necessary but does not have any sense of taste. It's sustenance and nothing more. When he tastes the heroine's food for the first time, the flavors explode for him. He doesn't quite know what to think and sets it aside. Food is used as metaphor in this novel. The Hero and heroine's relationship is like that first taste of food. They meet and have an intense but brief first encounter. They do not meet again for 10 years.

Verity is a difficult-to-like heroine. She makes choices in her youth that are not well considered and alienate herself from her family. She falls for the wrong man twice before meeting the hero. The second wrong man makes it nearly impossible for her to have a relationship with the hero, The second wrong man is also her employer and their liaison is scandalous and well known throughout the ton. The Hero is a rising political star, so she knows any connection with her would tarnish his reputation.

Thomas likes to find flawed characters and bring them together in impossible situations and make it works. Her prose is the lynchpin in most of her stories, making them quite unique to her. Hers never feel like you are reading the same ole HR again that any writer could mimic. It is one of the reasons she is a favorite of mine. Her stories are rich and complex, but are not easy. I need a break after reading her stories to reflect, and generally just ponder my existence. I find them powerful and moving. Granted, not all are on the same level, and this one is not among her best, IMO, but it still makes a lasting impression.

The romance is very slow to build here, and there is a secondary love story that ties in well and is perhaps more compelling than the primary one. This is a difficult story to review, and I am still not entirely sure what I think about it. I think Thomas fans will enjoy, but I am not sure about Thomas newbies.
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,489 reviews314 followers
March 14, 2019
What did I think, Goodreads?

That this book was weird. But I really really respected it. I did find it a bit contrived sadly too convenient. But also, we're pretty much warned it's a fairy tale so I guess whose fault is that?

There's so much I liked: the writing, the intensity, the food, the secondary relationships.

But most of all the writing. And I will always, always appreciate that Thomas does something different. That something always feels quite romantic.
Profile Image for Petra.
344 reviews34 followers
May 7, 2021
4.5 stars.
I love Sherry Thomas’ writing. I don’t know if there is anyone better who can weave super intriguing and at the same time sweet, romantic, heart wrenching plot.
She is also master of metaphors. Consider this one:

“He was hungry. He was hungry because she’d served him food that had been the culinary equivalent of a siren song—he could no more eat it than a sailor of antiquity could relax and enjoy the music as he sailed into the rocky cliffs of Anthemusa.”

What a tension.

This is a beautiful book with a very original plot that was skipping back and forth from present to past for the first third of it.

Characters are magnificent and I appreciate how their interactions were described. MCs seem to read each other instead of just relying on words. There is a lot of intuitive communication which makes this romance so rich.

But then the resolution was frustrating.
What saved this annoying resolution was the secondary love story.
In this slightly longer book you will get two well flashed out romances. Yay.

Food descriptions were a little fetishistic and made me hungry for a home made meal made with love and care and attention (not by me).

If you find it annoying when one MC is not revealing who they are; when they are literary not showing their face, be forewarned.

I am still giving this book 4.5 stars because the sweetness and fatalistic love story was just out of the park. I have not read better, more believable version of attraction at first-sight that leads to love-for-life story.

Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,097 reviews1,819 followers
July 1, 2022
I didn’t hate this but I was just so thoroughly confused for so much of it. Idk if it was because it was an audiobook or what but the time jumps had me FUCKED UP. I had no clue what was happening it took me so long to realize there were flashback chapters I thought it was all happing in the present 😩

I was just so confused that she knew she banged him in the past but he didn’t and then like ten years pass and now he’s got the hots for a cook he thinks he’s never seen before bc he’s NEVER SEEN HER FACE and idk it just doesn’t make sense lol. It took so long for the big reveal and then he got all pissy.

I also think I liked the secondary relationship more than the main one. Give me more of that! Secretaries are always hot idk.
Profile Image for Jan.
989 reviews215 followers
October 26, 2017
It was OK, but I didn’t enjoy this one anywhere near as much as the related book, Not Quite a Husband. I found the plot of this book a little too convoluted for my taste. There were too many little mysteries and intrigues about both Verity’s and Stuart’s backgrounds, and it muddied the waters for me. At the start of the book, Stuart’s estranged brother Bertie seemed like a prize ass, yet we are expected to believe that Verity really loved him. And I’m still not clear on the ‘events’ of ten years earlier, and exactly why Verity and Bertie never married each other.

As for Verity herself, I couldn’t take up my mind about her and her broken relationships with just about everyone - Bertie, Stuart, Michael, the Duchess of Arlington etc. She also has a reputation of being overly generous with her sexual favours, and although it’s mostly false, some of her behaviours were pretty ‘out there’ and I didn’t like that aspect of the book.

Stuart is a much more likeable character, although his obsession with Verity has lasted for TEN YEARS after just one memorable night! Seemed a bit much to me. However I liked his personality and also his behaviours towards Verity near the end of the book when his mettle is really tested.

I hated the Duchess and

For me this book just wasn’t as well written as some of Thomas’ other books. The Duchess’ long spiel of explanation/jusitification near the end was a classic case of TELLING the reader rather than showing. It went on for too long and IMO this could have been handled much better by the writer.

I also found the thread running through much of the book where Stuart never actually got to see Verity’s face (for quite a long time anyway) to be quite forced and artificial. Almost eyeroll worthy. Come on already. And we were supposed to believe that they fell in love (again) anyway??? Yeah, right.

I also didn’t like the whole thing about Verity’s almost magical cooking skills. The tastes and even the scents of her cooking were almost superhuman. I found all of the hype and exaggeration here pretty lame, in fact, almost annoying. Verging on magical realism. Just, no.

So, not Ms Thomas’ best book IMO. But I have enjoyed others of hers and will keep reading this author. Just this one, for me, was a bit of a dud.
Profile Image for Emma.
210 reviews64 followers
April 10, 2022
I should know better than to do dive into a Sherry Thomas book at 10:30pm. I stayed until 3am reading this.

This has got to be the best one??

I'm so glad I've been reading Sherry Thomas. For books that aren't that explicit, I mean comparatively to other authors, I think the sex is middle of the road for like *spice,* these books are so erotic. Like that was my first impression for The Luckiest Lady in London. The stuff outside the bedroom is so charged.

I think my unified theory of Sherry Thomas is the abject. Maybe it comes from her writing so much later, historically, then I normally read. But her books are grimey. All the discussion of sponges, bodily functions, aging bodies. And here especially, Verity aligns herself with the abject: that which is consumed and that is what is disposed.

I've read a little about Thomas moving away from romance, in part because she didn't like the contract aspect of it and the rush to finish the novels. I will say, this and others, do feel a little bit rushed. Particularly in the conclusion, which wrapped up neatly in a way that was kind of a surprise for its neatness. The other aspect that maybe felt rushed was some clarity about Verity's origin or who was supposed to know what, particularly around when she was speaking French. I think sometimes Verity was speaking French, but it was translated into English? Because Stuart and Verity would be speaking in her role as Madame Durant and then there'd be a reference to her French or her broken English later. It wasn't always clear to me how she was communicating/what she revealed about her identity in any given moment.

But I would suggest that the rushed quality of some of her books absolutely do not matter. They're so messy and concerned with mess, I think almost serves the theme/thesis of her work.

And I don't know how you talk about Delicious without talking about Black Silk. These two and The Last Hellion, my current great canon of grief romance novels.

In a less romantic book, Bertie is condemned as a villain. It is so easy and right there and I was ready to take that on, but Thomas insists that it can be complicated and uglier to forgive him and mourn forgiveness that he can't give anymore.

Also a plus for this book: I was significantly more invested in the side romance than in other Thomas books here. Though, I will say I became less interested when it turns out it wasn't two bisexual characters falling in love.

Verity is not really in the canon of "unlikable" heroines as much as uncouth? inelegant heroines? But I can't imagine anyone not liking her.

Anyway, again, I want to reread it immediately because even reading really late into the night, I sped through it. I'm going to so sad when I'm finished with her historicals! I might very well read the Lady Sherlock series just because I'll miss her writing a lot.

Profile Image for K..
96 reviews16 followers
September 5, 2009
[“Delicious” by Sherry Thomas (audiobook: Virginia Leishman/Reader = 3.5*)]

Actual rating 2.5* 1892 England
Verity and Stuart

“Cinderella story” huh?? Uh . . . I suppose if you squint your eyes REALLY hard and tilt your head to one side! A Cinderella story is definitely not the first fairytale that comes to mind here for me. In fact, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t reference this story to any “fairytale” whatsoever, unless your talking about the “less than likely” definition, and in that case, the ending sure does work in those terms. By about three-quarters of the way through this book, I thought that it would end up a 3.5* read for me, “IF” it didn’t take any crazy leaps of faith by the ending. Uh . . . so much for that theory. In fact, in some ways the ending could be removed and put on another book just as easily, as it went somewhere most of the rest of the story wasn’t “visiting.” Suffice it to say Thomas probably thought . . . “Oops, I’m at page limit, better put a bow on it!”

The beginning of this tale is hard to follow as Thomas doesn’t clearly make it understood that the reader is to be thinking in “flash forward/flash back terms.” It took me awhile (and revisiting a couple of reviews) to gain my bearings as it just felt really all over the map as to where the characters were at in “time and setting” at any given moment. Once I checked it out and found she was actually writing flashbacks into the storyline as a regular thing, it didn’t make the beginning significantly more tracking, but at least I was prepared for the next forward/backward sequence of events. Additionally, the beginning is interspersed with lots and lots of over-the-top food metaphors, which made me hungry, certainly, but didn’t necessarily make me feel like I was reading a romance (more like “Gourmet” magazine). Yes, yes, I know. It’s supposed to set a “whimsical” stage for the story I suppose, since the heroine is a renowned chef, whose ability to tease the palate is magical - literally. But it only served to confuse and distract what ended up being a weak storyline in many aspects. Again . . . did it make me want to go check out the fridge? - Yes. Read this romance? - No.

The story begins (once I could figure out where it began), with Verity, the heroine arguing with “Birdy,” her employer (ya – she’s his cook), as well as lover, over the fact that Birdy refuses to marry Verity. I may have missed something, but although it was “referenced” in a less than clear way he may have been the “Prince Regent” . . . or he may not have - who knows! What was clear was that he was a titled gentleman of high rank, and that he was certainly a heartless ass who took Verity to bed frequently (mostly because he loved her food), but flatly refused to marry her based on the ultimate conclusion she was . . . a cook and of the servant classes. (Duh! The only one whose surprised on that point is Verity I suppose.) Between this “beginning” we are introduced to Verity running into a mysterious stranger, “Stuart,” after fleeing a social gathering, and Stuart tries to assist her back to her residence. She refuses to inform Stuart of her identity or where she lives. So I’m thinking at this point - Ah - Stuart must be Birdy . . . Uh . . . No! So is Verity the same person? (LOL!) . . . Yes. Whew, I’ve got that straight anyway. Suddenly Verity is called from the kitchens (Wait -- what happened to Stuart taking her to an “inn” she was (apparently?) staying at?), to Birdy’s bedside, only to find that her lover is dead of a heart attack at 38. Verity is overwhelmed emotionally (but I’m not!! Birdy was an ass afterall!). Whoops – back to Verity at the Inn with Stuart enjoying a pleasant repast and onto yet another descriptive fit for a food and wine magazine photoshoot. Oh wait . . . how did Stuart end up in her room? I thought she told him to take a hike? He’s there . . . so you’re guess is as good as mine. (Rewind to back-track once again and find the “food buried” details that put the story together.) Does this paragraph of my review make any sense? No? Then I’ve done a good job of “tracking” about as well as the story does to this point!

By page 114, I’ve finally figured out that Verity met Stuart, the BROTHER of Birdy, and had a one night affair that was the fireworks of her life. I’m now pretty certain that Stuart is the hero in this story (ya, you heard that right – I wasn’t absolutely certain this far into the story). Verity comes from an unknown past that has resulted in her having a child out of wedlock that she subsequently adopted out (much to her hurt and chagrin), consequently rejected and evicted from her home and family, and thus went on to pursue her cooking skills in order to earn a living. Her past is extremely shrouded in mystery throughout the book (not extremely difficult to guess at correctly, but sufficiently mysterious to keep it interesting). Verity leaves her one spectacular encounter with Stuart via the sneaky route (left him in dreamland), and Stuart is never able to find her, despite years of searching. Meantime Verity ends up in the employment of Stuart’s brother, Birdy, and as Birdy’s eventual lover. (Are you as “icked” out over this as I am yet?? We’re talking the heroine here has slept her way around the family -- and liked it! Oow!) Fortunately, it’s unbeknownst to her, but unfortunately, it’s well known (and even “clear” :D) to me the reader. I could have gone the whole book without knowing that little detail! But it had to be divulged, as much of the storyline begins to intertwine the past and the present by the middle of the book.

We also follow Stuart’s reaction to Verity’s desertion of him after their torrid one-nighter, and his eventual history as a bastard son who was reinstated by petition (not really likely to happen, but it’s a “fairytale,” so I’m appropriately suspending my disbelief), as a legitimate child within his father’s aristocratic family. Stuart has risen to high political ranks of the times in pursuing his political career, and finally decided to offer for Lizzie, a long time friend and “suitable” lady for his social position. Here’s where Birdy’s premature heart attack comes into the picture and Stuart finds himself the new heir, inheriting the vast titles and holdings of the family . . . including Birdy’s cook, Verity. (Ironically, Thomas gets a lot of praise for her ability to “create the scene of Victorian times (and she does), even if she’s stretched inheritance and legitimacy laws far beyond the breaking point. She’s the current “new darling” of the romance writing genre, so no one dare whisper the sacrilege term “wallpaper” here I suppose.)

The story becomes interesting by this point, but true to Sherry Thomas’ style, I could have given a rat’s butt about the characters. Not feelin’ the love here at all. Stuart is a cold fish and Verity has made a multitude of left turn wrong choices thus far in her life, not really garnering my sympathies (one big mistake, sure, two maybe, but come on!). Stuart’s secretary and Stuart’s fiancé do strike up an interesting relationship that I was more engaged in than Stuart and Verity’s. We also arrive at the point where pretty much everyone who reads it begins to have the “Oh give me a break” unbelieveability factor, as in the efforts of Verity to keep her identity hidden from Stuart while living as his cook under the same roof, so many opportunistic coincidences to prevent him from actually seeing her face happen, the book almost becomes a wall-banger. Thomas’ writing blessedly keeps it in my hands again. By about the fourth “peek-a-boo” encounter, the only reaction is . . . “Oh Com’on!!” I’m usually EASIER than most on an author in these circumstances, but they can’t expect me to go deaf, dumb (actually meaning “stupid” in this instance) and blind! Toward story end when I should be at least feeling the empathy and a tighter connection for the lovers, Thomas brings back the ghost of Birdy (figuratively, not literally) by way of his funeral, and all begin to gush thoughtfully with introspection over poor Birdy’s worthiness. WTF??!! Even our heroine waxes poetically over Birdy’s virtues. (*Scuze me here while I gag and throw up in my mouth a little bit!*)

The bottom line is, the only “magic” Thomas worked here was her usual ability to write and keep my interest. Just like “Private Arrangements,” she instills so many tidbits that are “hooks” to keeping me going and hoping, I just keep gawking like a typical traffic accident passerby until I finish the book. Her sex scenes in this story were some of the best I’ve read, all because of her skillful writing, and of course there’s always the food! Rich, fragrant and tasty – A virtual meal . . . or 20.

Unfortunately, although Sherry Thomas has a great ability to write prose that engage me . . . she can’t write romance that I love. This may be my last Thomas read, as I actually enjoyed “Private Arrangements” more than this one! Big deal - I’m not a dedicated romance reader to “just” read good prose. I want good prose with captivating romance to accompany it! People that I cheerlead and care about, and make my heart ache for their love for one another. So far . . . Thomas doesn’t do that in her stories. Too bad because the woman sure can write!

Final result: The writing fills you up on rich French cuisine, but the story and characters are like Chinese take-out – you’re starving in about an hour.

NOTE: Mainstream R to NC-17 sex scenes but not heavily laden throughout; Some graphic language occasionally interspersed; No graphic violence; Not recommended for teens under 17 years of age; Not recommended for anyone trying to remain on their diet! ;)]
Profile Image for Quinn.
1,023 reviews66 followers
March 7, 2011
4.5 stars

There is something about Sherry Thomas’ writing that completely draws me in and wraps itself around me. Her prose is mature, elegant, evocative, and just plain beautiful. I could have read the just the first page and still left more satisfied than I sometimes feel after reading entire books:

In retrospect people said it was a Cinderella story.
Notably missing was the personage of the Fairy Godmother. But other than that, the narrative seemed to contain all the elements of the fairy tale.
There was something of a modern prince. He had no royal blood, but he was a powerful man – London’s foremost barrister, Mr. Gladstone’s right hand – a man who would very likely one day occupy 10 Downing Street.
There was a woman who spent much of her life in the kitchen. In the eyes of many, she was a nobody. To others, she was one of the greatest cooks of her generation, her food said to be so divine that old men dined with the gusto of adolescent boys, and so seductive that lovers forsook each other as long as a single crumb remained on the table.
There was a ball; not the usual sort of ball that made it into fairy tales or even ordinary tales, but a ball nevertheless. There was the requisite Evilish Female Relative. And most importantly for connoisseurs of fairy tales, there was footgear left behind in a hurry – nothing so frivolous or fancy as glass slippers, yet carefully kept and cherished, with a flickering flame of hope, for years upon years.
A Cinderella story indeed.
Or was it?
It all began – or resumed, depending on how one looked at it – the day Bertie Somerset died.

Now don’t let the opening of this book mislead you – this is by no means a retelling of the classic fairytale, or if it is, it could only be compared in a very broad sense. But for the passage above, and their initial meet ten years ago, I would never have made the connection. It does, however, have something else in common with fairytales – it is a little far-fetched and so you have to suspend disbelief. But just like those wonderful fairytales, it is a pleasure to do so.

This is my third Sherry Thomas book, (Private Arrangements and Not Quite a Husband being the other two), and I have noticed similarities across them all. Each tale is told via the story being unfolded in both the past and present. The story begins with the reader being kept in the dark about the secrets and mysteries that have impacted the present state of the characters, and gradually reveals the pieces of the puzzle as we navigate the past.

I know some readers don’t like this device, but Sherry Thomas is a master at it and executes it exceptionally well. The present storyline is compelling (like reading a mystery, only better) as the reader desperately seeks to learn what has transpired to cause such circumstances, while the past is agonisingly poignant, as we have already witnessed its impact on the characters in the present. Sherry Thomas is a master story weaver and I find this method particularly powerful in her talented hands.

When all the threads in this tapestry have been revealed, we cease our visits into the past and continue the journey with the characters we have grown to understand and care about as they struggle to overcome the impacts of the past on the present. And in a Sherry Thomas book, this is always easier said than done. Her characters need to come to terms with their history before they can embrace their future – and be prepared to risk all in the process.

Having read the back cover of Delicious, with its ‘cheesy’ food metaphors, I was expecting to have issues with the prevalent use of food in the story. I’m not a foodie, and as such, garner no enjoyment from its detailed description. With the heroine being a notorious cook, there was certainly an abundance of descriptive epicurean delights throughout the story, and while I could have lived without them, they didn’t exactly bother me to the extent I had expected, and I thought the explanation the author provided on the importance of food to the characters was beautifully done.

Sherry Thomas books are always powerfully emotional. Her characters are genuine and realistic, complete with all the flaws, imperfections and vagaries of the human state. There is no room for idealism here. They are not always likeable, and it is a credit to her writing that they remain completely compelling.

The longing between Stuart and Verity is palpable. I believed that they were both powerfully affected by the one night they shared ten years before. I understood their emotions and motivations, and even their mistakes. If there were moments in the story that were highly unlikely (and there definitely were), I just did not care, so captivated by the story was I, desperately waiting and wanting to see the next move. Even the secondary romance (which I also loved) had its own twists and turns and surprises.

Because of the relative complexities in the plot the very gradual provision of information and context, I found Delicious to be a little confusing at the start, but that didn’t last long, so stick with it. My one complaint with this book is that the ending was just a little too tidy. I don’t expect ‘easy’ when I read a Sherry Thomas book, and everything came together a little too easily for my liking at the end.

As with all her books, Sherry Thomas won’t be for everyone, but she is definitely for me, and has yet to disappoint. Not quite the 5 stars of Private Arrangements and Not Quite a Husband, but pretty darn close.
Profile Image for KarenH.
189 reviews187 followers
August 12, 2009
With so much controversy over Sherry Thomas' debut novel, Private Arrangements, I don't think Delicious has ever received the recognition it deserves. This was a delightful, Cinderella-inspired love story about a gentleman of means who falls head over heels in love with a mysterious beauty whom he engages in a "one-night stand". Come morning his new "love" has vanished and the hero is left with nothing but her muddy galoshes (and an overwhelming desire to find her and return them). But it's long past midnight and "Cinderella" is back in the kitchen...pining over her lost love and pouring her heart into the dishes she creates...until one day she is actually preparing those dishes for an unsuspecting "Prince Charming". I can't believe I let this gem of a "forbidden love" story sit in my TBR pile for over a year! The premise was unique and the story was at times humorous but for the most part poignant...tugging at your heartstrings up to the very wonderful end!
Profile Image for guiltless pleasures.
369 reviews34 followers
August 26, 2024
This has to be one of the most sensual books I’ve ever read, both in terms of erotic tension and gastronomically. Verity Durant, a woman with a History, is a private chef with unmatched culinary talents. Yet she may also have noble blood and has been the mistress of not one but two of the Somerset brothers.

There’s a lot to love here, but I spent much of the first third absolutely confused due to some questionable structural decisions. And in true ST style, the ending felt rushed. Another deep edit would have turned this into a masterpiece.
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
June 10, 2010
I think this book would have been better suited to someone who is way more into food than I am. It seemed like every other sentence was rhapsodizing about the awesomeness of Verity's food in excruciating detail. I understand that she's a cook, but by the time I was half way through I felt I was being hammered over the head with the fact that nobody has the magic to cook like Verity. She's special and unique and the angels sing when she cooks. I get it already! Move on!

The plot and motivations of these characters seemed really thin to me. The characters never really got to know each other very well. In all the flashbacks it's just that night of sex. Even if it's the best sex of your life how did you fall in love that night? You hardly spoke to him/her! Maybe you fell in love with his/her body or his/her sexy skills, but I truly doubt you fell in love with the person he/she is. That goes for both of the protagonists.

Also, Verity kept her identity a secret for so long that they hardly had any time to get to know each other. Their current relationship seemed to be based on no more than lust and covetousness of the creator of such awesome food. Yes, that's right. Stuart starts fantasizing about Verity when he has no clue who she is (or what she looks like) all based on her ability to make him taste food again. Right...

Also, their first real interaction together was rather absurd. She decides that as the lowly servant she is, she will use her employer's private bath. Not only will she do that, she will get herself off right there where anyone could find her. Yep, that seems like a rational thing to do. So into that scene walks Stuart. He's mighty turned on, but the agony, he's betraying his fiance! The whole book was kind of like that. A mix of absurd, lust, and melodrama. It just confused me and wore me out. Not a combination I enjoy when I finish a book.

I wish there had been more time spent on Lizzy and Will. I actually liked them. I would have liked to have gotten to know them more though. I also thought that a little more time spent on Michael would have been nice. I wish there weren't so many lies throughout this book. Lies about why she met Stuart in the first place, lies about why she can't stay, lies about her identity (omission counts!), lies about Michael, etc.

I think the biggest cop-out of the story was at the end. All of a sudden Verity has this mysterious background that no one knew about. The Duchess wasn't evil and heartless like we all thought, no, she was misunderstood and always trying to do her best for Verity! Also, suddenly the reasons why Verity and Stuart couldn't marry ceased to be important, although it was never explained why. All those dire things that would come to pass didn't suddenly disappear you know.

The reason I gave this two stars instead of one was the writing skill. This author really seems to be a great writer, I just wish she would write about characters I liked more.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christa.
2,217 reviews587 followers
November 21, 2008
Delicious takes place during a time period that is not typical for the historical romances I usually read - the 1890's. It is also different in that the heroine is a chef. While both of these aspects of the novel seemed rather unusual, I recently read a Laura Lee Guhrke novel which shared both characteristics. While I enjoyed Delicious, I have to say that I liked the similar Laura Lee Guhrke book better. The characters in Delicious were likeable, but I didn't find them quite as appealing as Guhrke's hero and heroine. Delicious jumps back and forth from events in 1892 to when the hero and heroine first met in 1882. I found this book to be very engrossing and I will be looking forward to more by this author.

When Verity Durant's employer dies, his half brother, Stuart Somerset, inherits the estate where she is engaged as a chef. As Stuart arrives at the estate for the funeral, Verity decides to prepare delicacies that will resurrect Stuart's lost sense of taste and enjoyment of food. Stuart is unaware that his new chef is the woman he spent a passionate night with ten years ago. He fell hard for Verity when they first met, and he searched for her to no avail. Now he doesn't understand why he feels a strong attraction for his promiscuous chef who only shows her face to him when it is engulfed in darkness. Stuart is engaged to a respectable young woman, and he is determined not to become involved with Verity. When Stuart finds out Verity's true identity, he must decide whether his future holds a place for her.

Delicious was the second book I have read by this author, and I liked both of them. In the two books I have read, Thomas creates heroines who are more experienced and older than those of many historical romance novels. If you enjoy historical romance set in a time period that is a bit different from most, and you like heroines with a past, this book is for you.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,193 reviews1,924 followers
July 26, 2017
I liked this one a whole better while reading than I did after thinking about it at all. There is just so much improbability involved that even though I enjoyed the relationship and characters and even the plot, I can't hold onto that feeling very long in retrospect because I keep bumping into things that just don't work. And that's granting the magical qualities of Verity's cooking—i.e. it breaks down even more if you can't let the book get away with the claim that she's so fantastic that eating a meal prepared by her is a life-altering experience.

Anyway, I finished this a week or more ago so I can't be much more explicit in this review, I'm afraid. Sadly. Still, I didn't hate the story and it was good while it lasted (very like one of Verity's meals, I imaging).

A note about Steamy: There were explicit sex scenes. I think two. I dunno. It was the middle of my steam tolerance, at any rate. Also, yet another aspect that has magical ascribed qualities but I won't get into that...
Profile Image for Eastofoz.
636 reviews394 followers
September 9, 2010
Sherry Thomas’ second book may not be the strongest in the romance department but the writing itself is still very good. This different take on the Cinderella story is not really believable (big stretches needed here) and the characters are missing that passionate connection that she had in her first book, however it still has you reading to the end to see how it all pans out.

Basically the story is about a woman named Verity Durant who’s leading a double life as a French chef for an aristocrat who she has an affair with in the hopes of bettering her lot her in life but it goes sour. She’s quite renowned for her cooking and her employer loves her primarily for that. He unexpectedly kicks the bucket and everything goes to his step-brother Stuart who’s a rising political star. Turns out that Stuart knows Verity from a long time ago and he slowly discovers who she really is. The story gets going with the two of them exchanging terse notes (he doesn’t know who she is during this) that are way too funny in a biting kind of way (too bad there wasn’t more of this verbal sparring), spying on each other and meeting secretly in the dark as per Verity’s demands because she doesn’t want him to know who she is.

The mystery of who Verity Durant is teases you right to the end and the author builds that up very well. The secondary characters around her also heighten the unraveling of her story. Everything about these people is key to understanding her secret. Her relationship with Stuart though is somewhat stale, that spark is missing when they finally come together. Even when they were together the first time it just didn’t really work but I’m not a fan of the “love at first sight” theme. I prefer the build-up so this could work for some readers.

There’s a smokin’ hot voyeurism scene but unfortunately Thomas skimps on the actual sex scenes between the h/h themselves which was too bad. Verity is shown as a woman trying desperately to make a life for herself in spite of her circumstances and she’s been quite successful. Stuart however was missing something, maybe he needed some more backbone. He was too career-minded and cast her aside one time too many.

The food descriptions are mouth watering especially if you’re familiar with some of the things she cooks. Thomas’ mastery of culinary language from the detailed utensils to the cooking terminology was impressive and it never felt like the story was bogged down in boring filler detail either. Her use of French was also well-done and for once there weren't any mistakes.

There are virtually no parlor room scenes but more of a dry/gray “industrial age” feel to the novel. Sometimes it almost felt like a Robin Schone vibe.

I didn’t particularly like the ending –too easy and typical romance fare which makes me waver between a 3.5-4 star rating. Having read her first and fourth book I was expecting the originality to continue to the last page. I was more interested in the mystery by the end than the love story. So it’s a fairly good book with that “expect the unexpected” tone but there are parts where the love story could have been better.
Profile Image for Terra.
253 reviews46 followers
January 9, 2009
Delicious by Sherry Thomas is just as the title says. Actually it was mouthwatering delicious and I will never look at a Madeline again in the same way. Whew......who knew food could be so erotic.

Verity Durant has a reputation of not only having the love life of the century but she is the most re known cook that the most elite of families would give their right arm for. She is also somewhat of a mystery since she keeps herself secreted away whenever she is not in the kitchen cooking. Oh and her cooking provokes the most sensual erotically enticing thoughts that run through your mind that it's a wonder that the recipients of her cuisine don't embarrass themselves with all the little responsive noises being issued with every delectable bit.

Stuart Somerset is a proper gentleman, very private and quite adminate that he not enjoy a single thing since his tryist with a woman many years past that left him before dawn after a night of the most wonderfully passionate sex. She never gave him her name and left him feeling like a jilted bridegroom at the alter.

Our story brings the lives of Verity and Stuart back together but Stuart is totally unaware of the woman who is making the most delicious food he has ever had the pleasure of placing on this tongue. Verity goes to all lengths to keep her identity secret. Will poor Stuart ever find out who his cook really is and can he forgive her for not only disappearing all those years ago but for reawakening feelings in him that his tried his damnedest to keep at bay all they long and lonely days and nights.

Our author has given us such a delightful story of seduction through the use of food that I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. Oh the lengths to which one could go to use the most simple of foods to create an erotic response worthy of one intense orgasm after another continuing until even the aftertaste of the food is completely gone. And the delightfully funny, steamy, erotic bathroom scenes will leave you panting with want while laughing hysterically. This book is a must have for anyone that loves a good romance. You won't be sorry but will be left thinking of how many other ways food can get such responses.
Profile Image for I_love_a_happily_ever_after.
195 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2014
I waited a while to read this book, because I wanted a large span of time where I would not be interrupted. I predicted it would be one that I could not put down, even to take a shower, and I was right! (I took the shower before I started reading, ha-ha). I was not disappointed, and at 2 am, with sniffles, I closed the cover on this quite excellent read. Ms. Thomas breaks so many of the "rules" of romance writing again. But she delivers a wonderful, creative tale unlike the carbon copy stories so prevalent in this genre. READ THIS BOOK!
Profile Image for Meg.
133 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2021
5 very intense stars.

Initially on the fence about this book because of its below average ratings, I nevertheless decided to pick it up because imperfect heroines, second chance at love, and clever fairytale retellings is one of my absolute favorite trope combinations in the genre. But nothing could’ve warned me about the number this book would do on me. After reading the last page, I felt turned inside out, like a sock after two rounds in the washing machine. The kind of feeling one only experiences after consuming a truly wonderful and unique piece of entertainment. One does not, as a rule, end up with seventy (70) notes on one’s kindle unless a book has left a lasting impression.

Love at first sight can be an epic fail or pure poetry depending on the author’s skills, and Sherry Thomas put her remarkable talent for storytelling to perfect use when narrating Verity and Stuart’s story. Their chemistry and connection is so palpable, it jumps off the pages of the book. Their love story never once felt contrived or forced, despite the number of unlikely situations and coincidences featured in it. Some of the beautiful metaphors ST uses to describe their feelings for one another hit a little too close to home for comfort.

I was rejoicing, suffering, and contemplating life alongside every character in this book, as ST managed to portray such an complex tableau of humanity with enviable ease. It was refreshing to be rooting for the OW as well as the main couple and to enjoy such a lovely secondary romance. And to be able to dislike the heroine’s previous love interest and the H’s rival while also tearing up at the way they both loved him because he wasn’t relegated to the role of cookie cutter villain, but was described as an imperfect and biased human being.

Many reviews criticise Verity’s actions harshly, but in my opinion, while she certainly has a less than perfect past, she’s never done anything truly terrible. She worked her whole life and cared for her son as best as she could. She never planned to fall in love with Stuart and made the ultimate sacrifice in giving him up so he could have a political career. Sure, she lies about her identity and had right to lie to Stuart, but I’m very surprised at how incensed people get in front of these minor faults, when heroes in HR often behave like absolute a holes towards their love interests and get forgiven in the end! It’s almost like....women aren’t allowed to have faults and make mistakes? While only the men get to experience the whole range of human emotions and get forgiven for their actions by their angelic and perfectly pure female love interests? Hm yes, sounds awfully like misogyny. Personally, I really liked the less than perfect, not-at-all-virginal Verity as a heroine and her complex feelings for Bertie and Stuart. It somehow didn’t even feel sordid that she had a relationship with two (half) brothers, because once again ST handled it beautifully. She has a past and it’s shaped her into the person Stuart loves.

And finally, while I never particularly cared about food descriptions in books or narratives centered around the culinary art, the ‘physical hunger as lack of love’ metaphor was not only mesmerising but also perfectly executed. And it’s yet another testament to ST’s incredible talent that she managed to juggle such complex family dynamics, identity reveals, and mysterious pasts without ever turning this book into a cheap telenovela. Especially after my experience with ‘Devil in Disguise’, a book which run the same tropes into the ground, this has restored my faith in historical romance. BRAVA Sherry Thomas and thank you for this absolutely irresistible book. Ps: we REALLY miss you, come back to historical romance!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mia Marlowe.
Author 33 books387 followers
August 24, 2008
I'm still reading DELICIOUS (perhaps I should say 'devouring' this totally delectable story), but I have to gush about Sherry Thomas' amazing talent.

Her characters are so fully formed, so achingly human. I am in love with them all. The story is luxuriously told, erotic, a feast for the heart and the senses.

Her use of language is exquisite. She doesn't write down to her readers, peppering her prose with words like 'sybaritic' and 'soigne.' But it is her metaphors that make me sigh and despair of calling myself a writer. She describes her hero's boyhood, when he knew the grinding hunger of poverty and how just before his mother left him forever, she used the last of her money to buy him a boiled treat. He said the sweetness of the candy was 'like sucking on God's thumb.'

I put the book down and wept.

As soon as I finish Delicious, I have to find her debut title Private Arrangements. Sherry Thomas is a gift to historical romance. I urge you to buy Delicious today.

Profile Image for Tammy Walton Grant.
417 reviews294 followers
April 23, 2012
Third time was DEFINITELY the charm for this book. The first time I read it, it was meh. Second time, I gave up and didn't finish.

This time, I don't know what happened, I just must have been in the right mood for it. ST's writing is amazing: the angst, the pain, the sorrow, the love...my chest hurt the whole time I was reading it.

A couple of little things kept this from a 5 star, but somehow this book has quietly become a favourite.

4.5 stars.

Profile Image for Patrícia.
505 reviews81 followers
May 1, 2012
Considerado o melhor romance do ano 2008 pelo Library Journal, com críticas espantosas e elogios como «delicioso», «irresistível» e «espantoso», O Fruto Proibido sai da mente brilhante daquela que é considerada «a mais original escritora de romances históricos da actualidade» pela própria Lisa Kleypas, não para a nossa mesa mas para a nossa estante.

Vencedora do RITA Awards, Sherry Thomas traz-nos um verdadeiro banquete de sensações, onde a história da Gata Borralheira ganha outro paladar e nos transporta através dos sentidos para um “felizes para sempre” totalmente inesperado, onde os prazeres da mesa se unem ao romance sensual e onde a nossa imaginação ganha vida através de uma escrita maravilhosa e intrépida.

Neste momento, esta é a minha escritora preferida de romances históricos depois de ter lido o maravilhoso Um Amor Quase Perfeito (opinião) e, por isso, ler este livro, onde um dos meus contos preferidos ganha uma nova dimensão e onde o meu mais recente hobbie é protagonista, tornou-se quase uma leitura obrigatória. De salientar a magnífica capa e os extras lá dentro, este é um livro que delicia ainda antes de o lermos.

Quando iniciei esta leitura já conhecia o estilo soberbo da escritora, as suas personagens fortes e humanas, a escrita bela e encantadora mas mesmo assim, não pude deixar de ficar surpreendida com a beleza e encanto deste livro. Através de descrições gastronómicas de deixar água na boca, de uma história de amor que põe a da Cinderela e do seu príncipe a um canto, temos um romance extremamente sensorial, trágico e romântico, em que o destino tudo pode alterar e em que os segredos e mistérios têm um lugar primordial na lista de ingredientes.

Mais uma vez, temos um leque de personagens espantosas, com defeitos e ambições, que nos chegam ao coração de uma forma vagarosa e bastante emotiva e que nos fazem desejar um final feliz a todo o custo. Uma protagonista decidida, uma mulher que não liga a regras e longe das convenções conquista-nos pela sua força e dedicação, estando longe da protagonista virginal, passiva e jovem, Verity é perfeita para esta história. Somerset está, também, longe do protagonista habitual. Nada de mulherengo ou perverso, um homem ligado a um sonho de uma noite e que lutou contra todos para chegar longe, este faz as delícias de qualquer romântica que tenha imaginado um Mr. Darcy mais sedutor. Cada personagem foi pensada e magistral a cada momento mas tenho de chamar a atenção para o outro casal da história porque maioritariamente, quando existem dois casais num romance, há um que se sobrepõe a outro e eu não achei isso neste livro. Cada um me conquistou à sua maneira e não posso deixar de salientar o quão maravilhoso foi ver esse outro amor ganhar vida.

O enredo é sublime, um recontar mais sensual e misterioso da Cinderela, um conto de fadas da vida real que ganha vida humanamente e no qual podemos acreditar pois poderia ser uma história verídica. Gostei muito de cada detalhe da história, da forma como a autora vai ligando as peças, como junta várias histórias à mesma, dando-lhe um final perfeito. Os pormenores culinários fizeram a delícia da minha alma recém-descoberta de cozinheira, demonstrando um certo conhecimento da área e um gosto pela boa comida que é transmitido através de cada descrição da comida. Também de salientar o cuidado da pesquisa histórica em cada momento do livro que assim obrigava como também no caso gastronómico, é sempre bom puder observar estes pequenos extras.

Por fim, não consigo escolher um dos livros como favorito e o lugar de Sherry Thomas está mais que garantido na minha estante. Esta é uma escritora obrigatória para qualquer amante de romance histórico, da mais exigente à novata, para se deixarem encantar por um amor intemporal que remete a conto de fadas.

Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,391 reviews159 followers
November 1, 2018
Segundo libro que leo de esta autora, tras Acuerdos privados, y puedo decir que me ha gustado menos. Aprecio mucho la labor de documentación y que ni la protagonista femenina sea la típica virgen en edad casadera ni el prota masculino el típico aristócrata calavera, pero hay muchas cosas que me han chirriado (ese instalust-instalove, la decisión de no verse, las razones de la mala malísima...) y en algunos momentos hasta me he aburrido con las idas y venidas de la pareja principal. Menos mal que me lo he pasado en grande con la historia de amor secundaria (lo del cabaret y los conciertos sinfónicos me ha parecido un gran punto).
#Campañaromantica: Romance histórico basado en un cuento (Cenicienta), aunque porque lo mencionan mucho no porque realmente lo recuerde tanto.
1,546 reviews27 followers
July 18, 2017
This one is... not great. I mean, it's fine. It works. It also does a bunch of things I'm not wild about.

You can see every detail of the resolution coming a mile away. And Sherry Thomas, if you're going to start your romance novel with a proposal to another woman, that's a red flag. I know there's a secondary romance. The impending secondary romance was obvious on the same page of the proposal, but I still can't help wishing things had gone another way.

I did like seeing Marsden brothers, Will and Matthew, again. (Although, parenthetically how many rich relations with no heirs do the Marsdens have?)

Also, ST, what is with ten year separations? This one works much better, but is still a bit odd.

I don't know, the emotional arc/pacing is somehow off in this one.

Parts of it are good, parts of it are less so. Overall, it averages out to being perfectly competent, but not spectacular. I think I'm going to read Not Quite a Husband again. Because I like it better.
Profile Image for Karla C.
169 reviews
May 9, 2024
I think this was Sherry Thomas’ 2nd romance book?? Anyway, I continue to be blown away. This was an amazing book… she packed so much in. All the emotions, all the relationships. And this will probably be the book with the best ever food, like nothing will come close.

A bit of magic, a lot of pining, a lot of broken relationships, some past fixing — all done with nuance, care, and the biggest feelings.

Also this is hot. There’s a bathtub solo action/voyeur scene. And funny.
Profile Image for herdys.
596 reviews35 followers
March 29, 2019
I swear this book has made me so damn hungry xD
Displaying 1 - 30 of 502 reviews

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