A New Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "a-new-life" Showing 1-6 of 6
C. JoyBell C.
“Every year, we have 365 chances to begin a new lifetime.”
C. JoyBell C.

Sunyi Dean
“Why do you think so few women run away? WHy do you think nothing really changes for book eaters, century after century?”….

“We lack imagination,” Devon said, relentless. “Even if we used dictaphone and scribes, we’d never be able to write books the way humans can. We struggle to innovate, are barely able to adapt, and end up stuck in our traditions. Just eating the same books generation after generation, thinking along the same rigid lines. Creativity is our world and yet we aren’t creative.”……

‘Our childhood books always end in marriage and children. Women are taught not to envision life beyond those bounds, and men are taught to enforce those bounds. We grow up in a cultivated darkness and not even realize we are blind.”…….

“I should have run sooner,” Devon said, voice cracking a little. “But I didn’t. Know what really stopped me? My lack of imagination, the same one that all ‘eaters suffer from. I could not imagine a better or different future, Hes, and because I couldn’t imagine it, I assumed it didn’t exist.” Her throat was lumping up. “I was wrong. Life can be different.”
Sunyi Dean, The Book Eaters

“If you are not aware of something, you are not actively directing the process. If you are not visualising a great family relationship, you are not actively participating in making it reality.”
Itayi Garande, Broken Families: How to get rid of toxic people and live a purposeful life

Mauricio Chaves Mesén
“Accept success as a good thing, and invite it into your life.

Set today as the starting point for a new life.
Every race starts at one point.
Every building starts with one stone.
Every great work, every dream, every great achievement starts somewhere.
The march of a thousand miles begins with one step, said Confucius.
Everyone, absolutely everyone, have to start the walk somewhere.
It does not matter where you are right now.
It does not matter if you are a student, a professional, a housewife, a peasant coming to the city looking for a better life.
It does not matter if you are unemployed and out of work (or as I like to refer to it: awaiting for a really wonderful and transformative life experience that I was not having in my former employment).
What matters is not if you have a lot or have a little; but what you decide to do with what you have.”
Mauricio Chaves Mesén, YES! TO SUCCESS

Vernon Howard
“Truth is not an idea, belief, concept, memory that we have acquired in order to have security. Happiness and freedom is not found in acquired ideas that always have opposites and references to an image, past or future. We have to leap into the unknown to find what we truly want”
Vernon Howard, Pathways to Perfect Living

Vernon Howard
“To open up to Truth you have to first be so utterly hopeless and to the point you see no good way out of this life. That is where you are pushed to find out for yourself, whether it even exists or not, whether you have a chance, because Truth, Reality, or what some true teachers call God cannot be found in those parts of us that are familiar or known. If you're comfortable with your acquired ideas, your life situation and memories you will never pursue this”
Vernon Howard , Pathways to Perfect Liiving