Something New Quotes

Quotes tagged as "something-new" Showing 1-19 of 19
Prem Jagyasi
“Creativity isn’t finding something new. It is rearranging what you already know into a new mold.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

“A motorcycle is a vehicle of change, after all. It puts the wheels beneath a midlife crisis, or a coming-of-age saga, or even just the discovery of something new, something you didn't realize was there. It provides the means to cross over, to transition, or to revitalize; motorcycles are self-discovery's favorite vehicle.”
Lily Brooks-Dalton, Motorcycles I've Loved: A Memoir

Germany Kent
“Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough.”
Germany Kent

Kendal Waller
“I am not light nor the absence of it. I am the broad spectrum. Everything that makes you think, want to touch, or taste. Don't box me into that life that you so desperately need to be black and white because that's not me; I won't fit. I am bold, brilliant, and beautiful, I will sparkle and shimmer every hue. Ever changing. Undefinable. So do not give me limits or make me try to fit. There is no containing subtle softness careening into the harsh and dominant, every faucet creating a reaction which will cause you to feel and know you are alive." - Kendal Waller”
Kendal Waller

“You have to create space;
you have to remove something;
you have to break something down in your life,
in order to bring in the new.”
Kathrin Zenkina

Freya North
“It wasn't about opening her mind, it was about closing down the racket of thoughts and opening up her body. 
She was tingling and throbbing and hot, not so much from her desire specifically for rick, as from a very physical yearning for human touch, to be wanted and ravished by another person after such a long period without. His attention, his hunger, was the thrill; it was an ego massage which in itself was better than her breasts being fondled. ”
Freya North, Chances

Anthony Liccione
“One of these days, will become a this day. And that day, will be the preeminent of days to come.”
Anthony Liccione

Enock Maregesi
“My novels are set in a global space and pace. However, I have never visited most of the places. I wrote my first book in London but the story took the reader to places in Mexico, Denmark and Russia, and carefully avoided London. I access these global locations with my feet planted in front of my computer. I will use my internet connection to carefully enter the streets of a foreign city and find out how long it will take my main character to get from the airport to the city center – and if there are any shortcuts on the way. I wanted to do something new. The world is becoming a global village and we have to understand these different cultures. There is a Danish culture, an Israeli culture and so on. So if you want to go to Denmark, then read the book.”
Enock Maregesi

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You can desire something only if you wish to possess it in the end. Therefore, love is a possession!”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Eric Overby
“It seems that we are distracted because we are always in search of something better. We always want to see a different place or a different person’s life, as ours passes us by. We don’t pay attention to our own lives, therefore we want someone else’s. In a way, this is the definition of our social media feed. I want your life; please ‘like’ mine and tell me that it’s good enough. The thing is, most of us live the life that we are searching for. We just aren’t aware enough to see it. We are half present, therefore half appreciative, and our relationships suffer because of it.”
Eric Overby

“Sometimes what your heart truly desires involves you building a brand new skill or stepping way outside of your comfort zone to try something new.”
Dave Shepp

Deyth Banger
“The Best films are a small amount, some films learn us things which we won't forget, others just show us one of the things which we already know others just lose our time. But which are the best? and Which you will choose?..
Are the best two questions you must ask yourself before you start watching a film!”
Deyth Banger

Mehmet Murat ildan
“However much things have been said in the past, there will be always something new to be said in the future!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Enock Maregesi
“I wanted to do something new. The world is becoming a global village and we have to understand these different cultures. There is a Danish culture, an Israeli culture and so on. So if you want to go to Denmark, then read the book.”
Enock Maregesi

Gift Gugu Mona
“Every challenge presents a good chance for learning something new.”
Gift Gugu Mona

Criss Jami
“A certified, bona fide nutcase': Although he was indeed someone, he believed that he was more of a nut than a man. He just needed somebody to break him, to make him lovelier, but that somebody had to be even nuttier.”
Criss Jami

Vernon Howard
“Truth is not an idea, belief, concept, memory that we have acquired in order to have security. Happiness and freedom is not found in acquired ideas that always have opposites and references to an image, past or future. We have to leap into the unknown to find what we truly want”
Vernon Howard, Pathways to Perfect Living

Vernon Howard
“To open up to Truth you have to first be so utterly hopeless and to the point you see no good way out of this life. That is where you are pushed to find out for yourself, whether it even exists or not, whether you have a chance, because Truth, Reality, or what some true teachers call God cannot be found in those parts of us that are familiar or known. If you're comfortable with your acquired ideas, your life situation and memories you will never pursue this”
Vernon Howard , Pathways to Perfect Liiving