Acceptence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "acceptence" Showing 1-30 of 33
“It is very difficult to develop a proper sense of self-esteem in a dysfunctional family. Having very little self-worth, looking at one’s own character defects becomes so overwhelming there is no room for inward focus. People so afflicted think: “I need to keep you from knowing me. I have already rejected me, but if you knew how flawed I am, you would also reject me…and since this is all I have, I could not stand any more rejection. I am not worthy of someone understanding me so you will not get the I must judge, reject, attack, and/or find fault with you. I don’t accept me so how can I accept you?”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

James   McBride
“Whatever you is, Onion," he said, "be it full.”
James McBride, The Good Lord Bird

“Controlling others is the cornerstone of dysfunctional families.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“Since children from dysfunctional families are so good at judging others, they also judge themselves finding themselves unacceptable when compared to others, always assuming they are second best, not enough. This is a painful realization so often they hide behind righteous arrogance.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“When I learned about the gray existing between the black and white of absolute terms, I began to experience more peace. The more I expanded my gray areas (more than 50 shades), the more peace I experienced in my life.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“You did not invent these family habits. Your family is like mine, for thousands and thousands of years our families have embraced a dysfunctional lifestyle, passing these habits as gospel on to subsequent generations. This was not done out of malice, spite, or hate, but what they knew best. As ineffective as these habits are, you never stopped to consider another way of loving.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“Acceptance is the most beautiful word in any language; this beautiful concept can only exist when you allow other people to be who they are and do not imprison them with your definition of what is right, proper, correct, or other limiting criteria. Decreasing the black and white in your thinking allows for an expansive area of gray, allowing you to live your life and others to live there life. Acceptance sets us all free! This simple change of thought creates a wonderful space for happiness to thrive.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“Often, we will stay in a miserable status quo until the misery finally exceeds the resistance to change. True wisdom is seeing the future: what will happen if change does not happen?”
David W. Earle LPC

“So many of us have believed that we need to labor and perform for God so that we can gain an identity, so that we might be accepted. But in the Kingdom, we start off accepted.”
Beni Johnson

“...and this time it's a promise, to keep on being nice to her. To order expensive takeaways, and go on walks, and watch films that are difficult to understand, because this life could be gorgeous if only I gave myself permission to allow it.”
Annie Lord, Notes on Heartbreak

“...the state of perfection is an elusive goal; demanding something so obscure as almost unattainable and can become a compulsive, crazy making squirrel-on-a-wheel way of living.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“I think we call all be a little unwise. There is always something else to learn.”
Mekiah Johnson

“Acceptance” is the most beautiful word in the English language.”
David W Earle

“When all humans have self-love, wouldn’t it be heaven on earth?”
Tom Lusk

“Life is a learning experience and this is a very peaceful method of accepting the reality you face…”What will I learn?”
David W. Earle LPC

“When someone obtains peace and serenity, this shines a bright spotlight on others’ own unhappiness making their discomfort even more apparent.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“REAL people do not
have to lie, exaggerate, or brag for they are self-contained in self-understanding and acceptance of themselves. REAL people can make a mistake knowing that even when they do, it is only a mistake and just because the outcome was not to their liking, they know…THEY are not a mistake. REAL have the attitude this is who I am…and I am good enough, right now…just as I am. People who have chosen REAL have already clicked their heals together and returned home.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

“Many people look at their past and bemoan their mistakes. Those errors in judgment, behavior, hurting others, and the wrong decisions may be what consumes them now. It does not have to be that way, for recovering from a traumatic situation is all a matter of how we think about what happened. It is not so much about what happened to us as what we make of the circumstance.”
David W. Earle LPC- Love is Not Enough

Sarah Winman
“He heard the back door open and close. Carol, of course. Smelled her before he could see her. He’d never asked them when the affair began but always presumed it ran along invisible tracks parallel to his parents’ marriage. Mum had the painting and he had Carol. Truce.
/It’s hard being born here, breathing this air. It becomes part of you, whether you want it to or not. Those lights become dawn and dusk.
Mum used to say that.
Did she? We were friends once.
I never knew that.
In the early days, we were. But the she seemed to withdraw. Rarely went out with your dad anymore. Maybe it was being a new mum. I reckon you were enough for her. Lucky Dora, we used to say.
Ellis put his arm around her shoulder./
It was hard for us, wasn’t it? Getting to know each other?
We know each other now, said Ellis.
And you know you’re too good for him.
I know, said Carol, and they laughed.
Do you think he’s alright? said Ellis, looking back to the house.
Course he is. He’s just used to being a bastard. He’s one of them men who discovered later on that he’s got a heart.”
Sarah Winman, Tin Man

“When I looked at myself through the prism of awareness, great tears came as I connected with how this wounded child felt.”
David W Earle

“No matter how I want things to stay the same, no matter how discomforting change can be, I am stuck with the certainty that all molecules vibrate; all things are in constant motion; and change will happen. I can either accept that truth or suffer depression when I do not accept the reality that surrounds me. Change is constant; I am not the same person today as the person who put his head down on the pillow last night. Iron Mask”
David W. Earle LPC

Bryant McGill
“Accept the fullness in life's balance, which demands that there are positive gifts along with adversity.”
Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill
“Accept that you can and will do what you must do, to take good care of yourself.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

“The only person we have the right or the power to forgive is ourselves. For everything else there is the Art of Acceptance.”
Rebecca O'Dwyer - Centred Woman

Alan Cohen
“Real humility is not about denying the gifts you are offered; it is accepting them.”
Alan Cohen

“The problem is not a problem, it’s just a word, till you’re alive.”

E. Lockhart
“We should not let the family fall apart.
We should not accept an evil we can change.
We would stand up against it, would we not?
Yes. We should. We would be heroes, even.”
E. Lockhart, We Were Liars

Sarina Bowen
“I guess that's what adulting really is - living your best life in spite of all the apologies we never hear.”
Sarina Bowen, Roommate

Sarina Bowen
“I love you. - I could say it without guilt. Because loving someone wasn't a sin. Other things...sure. But love could never be a crime.”
Sarina Bowen, Goodbye Paradise

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