Apathy Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "apathy-quotes" Showing 1-5 of 5
Frank  Sonnenberg
“Apathetic people are among the living dead.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Georges Simenon
“She must have been pretty once. At least, like everyone, she had been young. Now her eyes, her mouth, her whole body exuded weakness. Could it be that she was ill and waiting for her next attack? Some people who know that at a particular hour they are going to start suffering again have that expression, subdued and yet tense, like drug addicts waiting for the hour of their dose.”
Georges Simenon, Maigret and the Headless Corpse

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Apathy is a silent killer.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Evelyn Benvie
“When told it is the only way to save the world as they know it, most people are okay with anything.”
Evelyn Benvie, I Am Not Your Chosen One

Scott C. Holstad
“well it’s almost noon and i've done nothing all day, all my great plans shot to hell, of getting up at 7 and writing 3 new poems 1 new story 5 letters of sending out submissions to 4 new magazines and making several phone calls all by noon – so i'll just keep drinking coffee and reading from the stack of books on my kitchen table and maybe i'll go catch a flick and maybe just maybe i'll get half as much done tomorrow.”
Scott C. Holstad, Junction City