Awe Inspiring Quotes

Quotes tagged as "awe-inspiring" Showing 1-11 of 11
Criss Jami
“As Aristotle said, 'Excellence is a habit.' I would say furthermore that excellence is made constant through the feeling that comes right after one has completed a work which he himself finds undeniably awe-inspiring. He only wants to relax until he's ready to renew such a feeling all over again because to him, all else has become absolutely trivial.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Richard Dawkins
“If the second dinosaur to the left of the tall cycad tree had not happened to sneeze and thereby fail to catch the tiny, shrew-like ancestor of all the mammals, we should none of us be here.”
Richard Dawkins, An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist

William Faulkner
“He turned into the road at that slow and ponderous gallop, the two of them, man and beast, leaning a little stiffly forward as though in some juggernautish simulation of terrific speed though the actual speed itself was absent, as if in that cold and implacable and undeviating conviction of both omnipotence and clairvoyance of which they both partook known destination and speed were not necessary.”
William Faulkner, Light in August

“Turn to the wind, I dare you
For time is but a space that is captured
Live in fear or peace, which will you?
For none shall stand at ease
In fickleness of all human nature
You will fear while in peace
and complain while in fear.”

Emily McIntire
“Give it to me,' she whispers.
I shake my head, my body trembling. 'I don't have anything to give.'
Her mouth grazes along my jaw, pressing soft kisses to my skin. 'So give me your nothing,' she replies.”
Emily McIntire, Hooked

Ruby Walker
“Looking at the night sky and feeling small is only a cliche if you can say that getting burned by fire is cliche. It’s a timeless human truth.”
Ruby Walker, Advice I Ignored: Stories and Wisdom from a Formerly Depressed Teenager

Karen  Brooks
“For the first time in her life Rosamund was judge and executioner and she liked it not. Maybe if she showed clemency, then one day these boys might as well.
"I would let them go."
Ben's eyes widened. Jed began to raise his head.
"Are you sure, madam?" asked the man, glowering at the two rogues, who quickly looked away.
Rosamund nodded. "I would let them go so they might leave this place and never return, for if ever I see them again I will make certain justice is served."
Lowering his sword, the man stared at her as if, like a mythic maiden, she'd been transformed from alabaster into flesh.”
Karen Brooks, The Chocolate Maker's Wife

Yuval Noah Harari
“The most common answer is that our language is amazingly supple”
Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

“One culture invents clay tablets.
Others- ink, scrolls, papyrus, print...
But somehow, all the classics are written by another.”
Puchkov Dmitriy (Goblin)

Sara Niles
“Sometimes the lethal power is in the form of the simplest elements of all, air and water, and occasionally in a lifetime it two, we witness grand and theatrical performances by Mother Nature.”
Sara Niles, The Ice Storm: Nonfiction Short Story

Sara Niles
“Sometimes the lethal power is in the form of the simplest elements of all, air and water”
Sara Niles, The Ice Storm: Nonfiction Short Story