Biotechnology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "biotechnology" Showing 1-20 of 20
Karl Braungart
“This can only be an urgent call at this late hour.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“Actually, we’re with the United States Army stationed in Germany. My friend Paul comes here about every two to three weeks to visit his Dutch girlfriend.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“I am not familiar with your personal lives, except to know you are scientists representing Iran.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“  “Bad news. The Egyptians have left Bogotá on one of six American Airlines’ flights. Steve, I lost them.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“It wasn’t until I noticed two of the words on the sheet printed on a folder label. Sure enough, it was Williams’ study titled ‘Nuclear Waste Management.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“If you think this Dr. Williams’ files contain what we want, you need to find a way to confiscate the entire file. You must go to a copy store, scan the documents, and save them to a USB. Can you arrange to get this information after hours, make the copies, and return it to where you found it?”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“  “Yes, well, I thought you should see it. The cover page is in Arabic scribblin’, but the next hundred-plus pages are in five sections, and in English. I can’t for the life of me figure out what to make of it. This appears to be more American, and it seems to be a kind of scientific material. Have a look at it and let me know what to tell the boys in Z-land,”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“   “I have good news. The plan is a go. We can begin the project to get the nuclear energy discovery.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

K. Lee Lerner
“There is unspeakable yet entirely preventable suffering in this world. The job of journalists and writers engaged with global issues is to articulate the unspeakable and give voice to solutions. -- K. Lee Lerner”
K. Lee Lerner, Infectious Diseases: In Context

“Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it, it then becomes a technology”
Ryan Bethencourt

Darion D'Anjou
“Escape is very difficult to negotiate, underwater.”
Darion D'Anjou, Genetika

Yuval Noah Harari
“Today science fiction is the most important artistic genre. It shapes the understanding of the public on things like artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which are likely to change our lives and society more than anything else in the coming decades.”
Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Yuval Noah Harari
“In the coming decades, it is likely that we will see more Internet-like revolutions, in which technology steals a march on politics. Artificial intelligence and biotechnology might soon overhaul our societies and economies – and our bodies and minds too – but they are hardly a blip on our political radar. Our current democratic structures just cannot collect and process the relevant data fast enough, and most voters don’t understand biology and cybernetics well enough to form any pertinent opinions. Hence traditional democratic politics loses control of events, and fails to provide us with meaningful visions for the future.
That doesn’t mean we will go back to twentieth-century-style dictatorships. Authoritarian regimes seem to be equally overwhelmed by the pace of technological development and the speed and volume of the data flow. In the twentieth century, dictators had grand visions for the future. Communists and fascists alike sought to completely destroy the old world and build a new world in its place. Whatever you think about Lenin, Hitler or Mao, you cannot accuse them of lacking vision. Today it seems that leaders have a chance to pursue even grander visions. While communists and Nazis tried to create a new society and a new human with the help of steam engines and typewriters, today’s prophets could rely on biotechnology and super-computers.”
Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

“It's not the machines you need to fear. It's the people. Other people. The augmented men and women that will come afterwards. The children who use this technology you are creating will not care what it does to your norms and traditions. They will utilize this gift to its fullest potential and leave you begging in the dust. They will break your hearts, murder the natural world, and endanger their own souls. You will rue the day that you created us.”
Dave Pryor

“Biotechnology has made it technologically possible to build the monster; patent law is making it politically possible.”
Neil Gerlach, Becoming Biosubjects: Bodies. Systems. Technology.

“An element of human invention transforms the natural into the cultural, rendering a higher life form an invention, an effect of the operation of biopower.”
Neil Gerlach, Becoming Biosubjects: Bodies. Systems. Technology.

“From the lab to the field, from cells to societies, biotechnology carves the path from scientific insight to revolutionary applications.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“As biology meets technology, biotechnology emerges as the architect of groundbreaking scientific innovations: from cellular mastery to societal progress.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Biotechnology: from cellular mastery to societal progress.”
Aloo Denish Obiero