Charm Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "charm-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 49
Susan C. Young
“Self-confident people don’t make their self-esteem, self-image, happiness, or self-confidence dependent on another person’s approval, validation, or acceptance.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

B.S. Murthy
“The purity of emotions rarefies one’s soul to surface onto the face to enable the fusion of the inner beauty with the outer grace to get imprinted in the minds of those who espy that visage.”
B.S. Murthy, Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Susan C. Young
“True confidence is not something that can always be determined by a first impression. It may take a few interactions to detect whether a person is full of false bravado or if they are the "real McCoy.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Even something as simple as ending a sentence with the tone of a question mark rather than a period can diminish a person’s authority and credibility.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Even the smartest and most successful of people will experience lower self-confidence occasionally, but the difference is that they deliberately shift out of it and refuse to stay there.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Steer clear of negativity and set boundaries so that when people bring it on, you can engage your force-field to deflect their distracting energy.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Just because you may not feel confident about doing something now does not mean you will not master it later with ease.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“When you feel low self-confidence, it is usually the result of the negative thoughts your inner critic whispers in the darkness of your mind.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“When your inner critic undermines your confidence, inner conflict, anxiety, and agitation take over. It tells you that you are not good enough, smart enough, handsome enough, worthy enough, or basically just plain NOT enough. It takes a toll on your self-confidence, doesn’t it?”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Notice when negativity spins in your head and disrupt it immediately before it has a chance to take hold and stick.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Confidence is silent, humble self-assurance. Moving one step past a healthy self-esteem, confidence projects an air of authority, trust, and respect—a commanding, respected presence.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Identify confident people whom you admire and respect and notice what they do differently to project such confidence. Learn by observing role models.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Confidence is not a goal or a final ending point where you arrive and then stop once you reach it. Rather, it is the satisfaction and reward you achieve by stretching to, and beyond, the best of your abilities.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Building self-confidence is like building a muscle. Your confidence grows in response to your intensity of usage and the level of performance you require from it. If you don’t use it, you may lose it. Stretch, flex, life, and build!”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

B.S. Murthy
“Is it not their vulnerability that makes women charming to men and sans a semblance of timidity, won’t femininity suffer?”
B.S. Murthy, Benign Flame: Saga of Love

“Love potions are usually sold cheap, but the consequences are dire.”
Eduvie Donald

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