Cheating Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cheating" Showing 541-570 of 586
Steve Maraboli
“Cheaters are cowards that are tempted to chase the fantasy of what could be… instead of courageously addressing their own self-destructive behavior and cultivating what is.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Charles Bukowski
“I kept telling myself that all the women in the world weren´t whores, just mine.”
Charles Bukowski, Factotum

A.S.A. Harrison
“In asserting that people don't change, what she means is that they don't change for the better. Whereas changing for the worse, that goes without saying.”
A.S.A. Harrison, The Silent Wife

Anaïs Nin
“The truth is that this is the only way I can live: in two directions. I need two lives. I am two beings. When I return to Hugo in the evening, to the peace and warmth of the house, I return with deep contentment, as if this was the only condition for me. I bring home to Hugo a whole woman, freed of all 'possessed' fevers, cured of the poison of restlessness and curiosity which used to threaten our marriage, cured through action. Our love lives, because I live. I sustain and feed it. I am loyal to it, in my own way, which cannot be his way. If he ever reads these lines, he must believe me. I am writing calmly, lucidly while waiting for him to come home, as one waits for the chosen lover, the eternal one.”
Anaïs Nin, Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love": The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1931-1932

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most women think cheating is 'disgusting' … until they fall for a man that likes them back; but isn’t willing to leave his lover for them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“If anybody studying psychology wants a concrete example of what a narcissist looks like, I advise them to consider any man who cheats on his wife. These guys are the textbook me-firsters, the ones who think the rules don't apply to them, the ones who tell themselves as long as she doesn't know, there's no harm done. No woman needs to sleep with these guys. There are so many single self-absorbed narcissists who will fuck you poorly.”
Julie Klausner, I Don't Care About Your Band: Lessons Learned from Indie Rockers, Trust Funders, Pornographers, Felons, Faux-Sensitive Hipsters, and Other Guys I've Dated

“This woman enabled her husband to cheat, and she wasn't doing either one of them any favors. Instead of leaving him, she would take him home, scold him, and then carry on with business as usual. Inside though, she would be hurting.

No woman could love a cheater and not pay the price for it.”
Rose Wynters, Delicate Devastation

“Some people view love and romance as a sacred bond between two individuals. Other people see love as a game, where the goal is to manipulate another individual and gain emotional power over a partner. People who view love as a game are much more likely to have multiple love interest; cheating is just another way to gain control over one's partner.”
David Reeves, In My Opinion

Joe Hill
“I think if you cheat in a ethics class then there's really no hope for you.”
Joe Hill, Locke & Key, Vol. 3: Crown of Shadows

Rachel  Thompson
“I gave my heart to a man who loved me, who wanted to be with me. Who ultimately was afraid of all I offered.
I didn’t understand why he sabotaged our future at the time – cheating on me, again, as we were making final plans to move in together. By the time he came over to smooth talk his way out of it, I was done. No more crying. Even my tears had given up on him. I’d already moved on, his cheating was simply the key left in the mailbox.”
Rachel Thompson, Broken Pieces

Peter Singer
“Cheats prosper until there are enough who bear grudges against them to make sure they do not prosper.”
Peter Singer, The Expanding Circle: Ethics and Sociobiology

Nikki Sex
“For most men, at the very least, sex is a daily deal. Men need to come. If they aren’t doing it with you, then they’re doing it with themselves – or worse, with someone else.”
Nikki Sex, Kink

Norman Mailer
“I won't stay in
with married men
any more
said the wise girl
they're too agreeable,
it's a little too much
like curling
with the good book.

You mean
good book

Oh, dear,
did I say
good book
sighed the witch.”
Norman Mailer, Deaths For The Ladies

Roberto Hogue
“Anything someone gets conned into will never be that great.”
Roberto Hogue, Real Secrets of Sex: A Women's Guide on How to Be Good in Bed

Phoef Sutton
“ is always infidelity, isn’t it? Always a betrayal of someone or something. Even with your first girl, when you’re seventeen and living at home, you’re still cheating. Cheating on your parents. Pretending to be a child with them and a man with her. Having to hide the smile on your face and the scent of her on your body. And all that hiding making it so much more precious, so much more exciting. And you’re cheating on your friends too. Pretending you’re still one of the gang, when all you are is her lover and you could care less about any of them. And it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how free you are, you still cheat. A single man with a job in love with a single girl, he’s still unfaithful. He’s cheating every time he drives to work and pretends to go through the old routine, while in his mind he’s really with her, rushing to her, flowing all over her. Just walking down the street, pretending to be a regular human being, he’s betraying all the other human beings around him. Because he’s nothing like them. He’s not walking next to them at all. He’s not even there. He’s with her.”
Phoef Sutton, Fifteen Minutes to Live

“Don't cheat when you got the most beautiful woman by your side”

Enid Shomer

The whites of his eyes
pull me like moons.
He smiles. I believe
his face. Already
my body slips down in the chair:

I recline on my side,
offering peeled grapes.
I can taste his tongue
in my mouth
whenever he speaks.

I suspect he lies.
But my body oils itself loose.
When he gets up to fix a drink
my legs like derricks
hoist me off the seat.
I am thirsty, it seams.

Already I see the seduction
far off in the distance
like a large tree
dwarfed by a rise
in the road.

I put away objections
as quietly as quilts.
Already I explain to myself
how marriages are broken--
accidentally, like arms or legs.”
Enid Shomer

M.F. Moonzajer
“There is nothing wrong with cheating. It is just diversifying your taste.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Jonathan Franzen
“Believe me,' [...] 'I would know about it. That's the difference between me and your girlfriend. I am the jealous type. I am the Spanish Inquisition when it comes to being fucked around on. No quarter will be given.”
Jonathan Franzen, Freedom

Leah Hager Cohen
“People cheat when they are afraid. When there is no cost to being wrong or confessing ignorance, there is no reason to cheat or fake comprehension.”
Leah Hager Cohen, I Don't Know: In Praise of Admitting Ignorance

“I can't assume responsibility for a man's infidelity, no more than I can take credit for his choice to remain faithful.”
Lorraine Maloney Armstrong

Angeline Kace
“Are you sure I can't go over there and Lorena Bobbitt his ass?”
Angeline Kace, Wicked Thing

Nomthandazo Tsembeni
“A relationship is NOT a test,
DO NOT cheat.
A relationship is NOT a political party,
ADD NOT a third member.
A relationship is NOT a public matter,
transparency is NOT necessary.
A relationship is NOT a burial sceme,
it requires not other insurances on the side "in case" it doesn't pay off.
A relationship is NOT a society,
take NOT any advice you get because it is advice froma bunch of women.

A relationship that lasts is a relationship where people know about y'all but know NOTHING about y'all.”
Nomthandazo Tsembeni

Gwenn Wright
“My dear lady, you have no idea just how scandalous I can be. ~Peter Viktor von Strassenberg, 1905”
Gwenn Wright, Lipstick & Bolsheviks

“Nonsense Bella, it was all a misunderstanding. We just need to talk about it.”
Her stunned amazement quickly gave way to anger. “I don’t think I misunderstood that twenty- something coed riding you like a pony!” She nearly shouted.

“Bella, I am sorry about that, she caught me in a moment of weakness and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. What was I supposed to do? I am a guy after all.”
Melissa Hale, Morning After

“It's the same with [my wife] -- when she goes out, guys are macking on her. I'm not worried with the kind of relationship we've got. Most people, they don't leave room for mistakes in their relationship.”
Wyclef Jean

“Fuck u for saying I love u knowing u didn't mean what u said u when u know my uncle was dead telling people u broke up with me chatting on me with my bff knowing she a was wanting a boyfriend your a list to man kind making your gender look bad aka octravious Shelton we are over”
Keamber pope

Geva Salerno
“Later, when I heard that he had cheated on me, I couldn't believe it. My housemate told me that Carlos had been bothering some girl down at the store. Her father was furious and came by with two pit bulls, threatening to take Carlos apart. Carlos denied it, so I went and spoke to the girl. There, behind the cash register was a fifteen year old girl.”
Geva Salerno

“Fuck u for saying I love u knowing u didn't mean what u said u when u know my uncle was dead telling people u broke up with me chatting on me with my bff knowing she a was wanting a boyfriend your a list to man kind making your gender look bad aka i dont have to say who u are u know u are OVER”
Keamber pope