Scam Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scam" Showing 1-30 of 55
John Dryden
“When I consider Life, 'tis all a cheat;
Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit;
Trust on, and think to-morrow will repay:
To-morrow's falser than the former day;
Lies worse; and while it says, we shall be blest
With some new joys, cuts off what we possesst.”
John Dryden, Aureng-Zebe

Criss Jami
“What's simple is that everything good comes from God, and everything bad comes from man. Where it gets complicated is that everything seemingly good but ultimately bad comes from man, and everything seemingly bad but ultimately good comes from God.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Palagummi Sainath
“Nothing awakens the conscience like a lot of money.”
P Sainath

Chris Martenson
“The bankers and financiers are badly overplaying their hands, again, and people are starting to catch on to the scam.

Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. Loans made out of thin-air 'money' require no effort and are entirely ephemeral.

But if those loans are used to acquire real ownership of real assets, then something has been exchanged for nothing and one party is getting screwed.”
Chris Martenson

Brandt Legg
“A funny word. E-lec-tion. Say it very slowly and it sounds disgusting. But if you say it just fast enough it almost sounds real, like it might even be legitimate”
Brandt Legg, The Last Librarian

“Treating Abuse Today 3(4) pp. 26-33
Freyd: The term "multiple personality" itself assumes that there is "single personality" and there is evidence that no one ever displays a single personality.

TAT: The issue here is the extent of dissociation and amnesia and the extent to which these fragmentary aspects of personality can take executive control and control function. Sure, you and I have different parts to our mind, there's no doubt about that, but I don't lose time to mine they can't come out in the middle of a lecture and start acting 7 years old. I'm very much in the camp that says that we all are multi-minds, but the difference between you and me and a multiple is pretty tangible.

Freyd: Those are clearly interesting questions, but that area and the clinical aspects of dissociation and multiple personalities is beyond anything the Foundation is actively...

TAT: That's a real problem. Let me tell you why that's a problem. Many of the people that have been alleged to have "false memory syndrome" have diagnosed dissociative disorders. It seems to me the fact that you don't talk about dissociative disorders is a little dishonest, since many people whose lives have been impacted by this movement are MPD or have a dissociative disorder. To say, "Well, we ONLY know about repression but not about dissociation or multiple personalities" seems irresponsible.

Freyd: Be that as it may, some of the scientific issues with memory are clear. So if we can just stick with some things for a moment; one is that memories are reconstructed and reinterpreted no matter how long ago or recent.

TAT: You weigh the recollected testimony of an alleged perpetrator more than the alleged victim's. You're saying, basically, if the parents deny it, that's another notch for disbelief.

Freyd: If it's denied, certainly one would want to check things. It would have to be one of many factors that are weighed -- and that's the problem with these issues -- they are not black and white, they're very complicated issues.”
David L. Calof

Jack Freestone
“People had been scammed by their own politicians, mainstream media, and Big Pharma. Not for money this time, but for their health, and perhaps their souls.”
Jack Freestone, The Pures

“Morgan, this crop stuff is just about a bunch of nerds who never had a girlfriend their whole lives. They're like thirty now. They make up secret codes and analyze Greek mythology and make secret societies where other guys who never had girlfriends can join in. They do stupid crap like this to feel special. It's a scam. Nerds were doin' it twenty five years ago and new nerds are doing it again.”
Joaquin Phoenix

“Ben laughed. "You think all religions are scams, don't you?"

"Yes, I suppose I do," Epstein said. "But the religions are mostly scamming themselves. That they scam others is usually a side-effect.”
James L. Halperin, The First Immortal: A Novel Of The Future

“Treating Abuse Today 3(4) pp. 26-33
TAT: I want to move back to an area that I'm not real comfortable asking you about, but I'm going to, because I think it's germane to this discussion. When we began our discussion [see "A Conversation with Pamela Freyd, Ph.D., Part 1", Treating Abuse Today, 3(3), P. 25-39] we spoke a bit about how your interest in this issue intersected your own family situation. You have admitted writing about it in your widely disseminated "Jane Doe" article. I think wave been able to cover legitimate ground in our discussion without talking about that, but I am going to return to it briefly because there lingers an important issue there. I want to know how you react to people who say that the Foundation is basically an outgrowth of an unresolved family matter in your own family and that some of the initial members of your Scientific Advisory Board have had dual professional relationships with you and your family, and are not simply scientifically attached to the Foundation and its founders.

Freyd: People can say whatever they want to say. The fact of the matter is, day after day, people are calling to say that something very wrong has taken place. They're telling us that somebody they know and love very much, has acquired memories in some kind of situation, that they're sure are false, but that there has been no way to even try to resolve the issues -- now, it's 3,600 families.

TAT: That's kind of side-stepping the question. My question --

Freyd: -- People can say whatever they want. But you know --

TAT: -- But, isn't it true that some of the people on your scientific advisory have a professional reputation that is to some extent now dependent upon some findings in your own family?

Freyd: Oh, I don't think so. A professional reputation dependent upon findings in my family?

TAT: In the sense that they may have been consulted professionally first about a matter in your own family. Is that not true?

Freyd: What difference does that make?

TAT: It would bring into question their objectivity. It would also bring into question the possibility of this being a folie à deux --”
David L. Calof

Steven Magee
“Many doctors want you to be a regular visitor to their offices so they can bill your medical insurance.”
Steven Magee

stained hanes
“Do you remember how people talked about the internet 15 years ago? It was this weird place full of scammers and fucked up shit, now its totally casualized.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

Eva-Maria Hedin
“Nelly does not yet know that she has taken the first step on a journey that will change her life and relentlessly open up borders that she thought were impenetrable.”
Eva-Maria Hedin

Eva-Maria Hedin
“It is never too late to relearn, to change and to get memories for life”
Eva-Maria Hedin, Scam Story

“Why did they insulate us from criticism? Why didn't they load us up with useful tools? Why didn't they teach us to satisfy an audience? I realized I had been scammed. They wanted us to feel as good as possible for as long as possible in order to get as much money out of us as they could. The way to do that was to assure us we were already geniuses.”
Matt Bird, The Secrets of Story: Innovative Tools for Perfecting Your Fiction and Captivating Readers

Steven Magee
“I came to know the corporate government disability system as a sick minded scam.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It was through experience that I concluded the insurance based workers compensation system for occupational disease is a scam.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Having been through the scam that calls itself Social Security and Workers Compensation, I have to educate my young daughter that it is unlikely that she will ever be looked after by the USA government if she becomes too sick to work.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I learned the hard way that Disability and Workers Compensation were a scam of the corrupt government.”
Steven Magee

“Despite so much scamming, Philippe Nazet does not even make money. Does that make him a bad scammer? If maman Vicki Arygri was not there, he would be homeless.”
Philippe Nazet

“The hustler knew that all that people ever wanted in the world was what they could not have, and what they had already lost.”
Stuart Stromin, Wild Cards: A novel by Stuart Stromin

Rolf Dobelli
“Put together two stock market forecasts - one predicting that prices will rise next month and one warning of a drop.
Send the first mail to fifty thousand people and the second mail to a different set of fifty thousand.
Suppose that after one month, the indices have fallen. Now you can send another mail, but this time only to the fifty thousand who received the correct prediction.
This fifty thousand you divide into two groups: the first half learns prices will increase next month, and the second half discovers they will fall.
Continue doing this. After ten months, around a hundred people will remain, all of whom you have advised impeccably.
From their perspective, you are a genius. You have proven that you are truly in possession of prophetic powers.
Some of these people will trust you with their money.
Take it and start a new life in Brazil.”
Rolf Dobelli, The Art of Thinking Clearly

Abhijit Naskar
“Billion dollar scams are not the only scam, a dollar worth of greed is also crime.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Harlan Coben
“The American economy relies more on the con than we like to think”
Harlan Coben, I Will Find You

Thomm Quackenbush
“You talk this game about what the ancient Greeks did, ghosts in the gullet, and all that. Hucksterism, sure. I can appreciate a good scam. But to the people who came to see it—to see us—it was holy.”
Thomm Quackenbush, The Road to Vent Haven

Lana M. Rochel
“He claimed to have attended “Harvard in New York”! Why not in Cambridge? Allston? Boston?”
Lana M. Rochel, Looking For Your Tribe: Intellectual Poems

Inu Etc
“Beware of courses that claim you will become a billionaire if you purchase them.”
Inu Etc, Ups and Downs

Khayri R.R. Woulfe
“If it is too good to be free, it comes with a hidden price.”
Khayri R.R. Woulfe

“Ali and his cousin Ahmad were seeking jobs abroad to enable them to escape the economic hardship in Pakistan that had been caused by massive flooding. Ali borrowed $4,000 from family and friends to pay an agent for a tourist visa that would enable him to reach Cambodia, where he and Ahmad were met by a broker. They paid the broker a further $1,475 each for a work visa processing fee, before being taken to a large compound in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh.
After their passports were taken and they were warned not to try to leave, they were forced to work alongside approximately 1,000 other people, each forced to scam five people daily with cryptocurrency investment schemes. They were watched over, fined and beaten if they failed to comply:”
Jessica Barker, Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks

“A+ ' is the biggest scam in education system.”
Dipti Dhakul, Quote: +/-

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