Christian Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christian-quotes" Showing 211-240 of 998
Kellyn Roth
“You’re not humble at this point. You are a coward. So is any man who doesn’t come out and tell his intentions to a woman he’s interested in—and hang all this ‘I’m not ready.’ God doesn’t work with ready people, people who refuse to take a risk, people who wait for the perfect circumstances to align before every forward step—you’re the one who taught me that.”
Kellyn Roth, At Her Fingertips

Steven Seril
“You chased after money to pay your mortal debts as your moral debts grew." - Jesus from "The Destroyer of Worlds" by Steven Seril”
Steven Seril, The Destroyer of Worlds: An Answer to Every Question

“Engaging the mandorla can free us from the paralysis of polarity and the myopia it generates.”
Mark M Beckwith, Seeing the Unseen: Beyond Prejudices, Paradigms, and Party Lines

“Bible is the greatest Book on the earth Which will keep us away from sin and temptations Giving a sinner an opportunity to transform into saints The word of God is living and powerful which lights our path Giving us direction and clarity for our future by overcoming sin.”
Shaila Touchton

Calvin W. Allison
“Jesus, my God,
the greatest love I've ever known,
I'm in awe of
the love towards me that You have shown.
I take a breath so not to cry.
Who am I, Lord? Who am I
that You would love me as much as You do?
That you would love me?-that You would?-You?
Jesus, my God,
the Lord of Heaven and of earth,
You come to me,
and make of me a man of worth.
Blessed, Savior, I pray this prayer,
O my Lord, for this, my care-
May none of me for too long remain,
but all of You within me reign.”
Calvin W. Allison, Shadows Over February

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Hitler was a vegetarian, but he secretly drank the blood of Jesus by being a true Christian.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“It is pride to be proud of your own humility.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Mitta Xinindlu
“For the longest time in our history now, Christians have been programmed to think that they're the elite crowd of the human race. And yes, Christians look down on others. It's scary.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“I have seen God’s Love.
I had been to places I had never dreamed or heard of.
I had been to places, where not everyone or anyone is allowed.
I had met people I never knew . Who shown me love, support and appreciation.
I had seen Gods mercy. I had been saved from situations and events that are Inevitable. Where some people died and couldn’t survive or live. For that I am always in awe and thankful Lord. This is my testimony that Gods love me.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Calvin W. Allison
“The cell door opened,
and I stepped out.
I left all my fear,
and all of my doubt.
I walked outside
and looked around.
All that was lost
had been found.
There was no more gloom
through my new eyes.
There was a purpose,
a race, and a prize.
Community service.
A forest growing
needing the stream
in my heart flowing.
The words of life
imparted to me
when I left the boat,
and walked on the sea.
Freely I received,
and freely I will give.
A life bearing witness
is the life I will live.”
Calvin W. Allison

Calvin W. Allison
“(Death and Life)

The time gets closer
all the time.
This life is fleeting
like a chime
you hear outside
on the porch
when the wind
blows out the torch.
It’s handsomely earie,
and gorgeously bizarre
how close we can get
to something so far.
Oh, the lesson to learn
from nighttime flowers.
Such beautiful blossoms
in fields at those hours
near the sunrise
and a new dawn
soon to reveal
that they aren’t gone.
Though darkness exists,
it doesn’t remain,
and all that it hides,
it does so in vain.
The cycles continue
on their routine course,
and the brightness in life
stays true to its Source.
The waters still flow,
and the seasons still pass
and all the memories
we lived to amass.
The torch is still lit
near a sunrise and dawn
in a time yet seen
that will never be gone.”
Calvin W. Allison

“God showed me a favor when people thought I was not deserving. He verified me when the elites and privileged though I don’t qualify. He was the only connection I had through prayer since I am from a disadvantaged background. Now some people don’t sleep holding their last breath for me to slip up. They are waiting for my shortcoming and for me to screw up. Do they know that the Lord is my Shepard, and I shall not want?

Psalms 23:5 – 6”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When you pray in tongues consistently, your spirit-man will gain the governing and controlling influence over your sense-ruled self. Your appetite for carnal things would begin to lose its grip.”
Gabriel Ladokun

“Praying in tongues gives God legal access to move mysteriously and miraculously in your life in a way that will render the plans of the enemy null, void, ineffective and inoperative.”
Gabriel Ladokun

Kellyn Roth
“Cassie’s voice held that soft, pleading tone that indicated she wanted the pettiness in Alice to edge down a notch to a bearable level.”
Kellyn Roth, A Prayer Unanswered

“Since I initiated to believe in Jesus Christ, all of my life has been remade. Surely, I was useless, hopeless with no identity. Yet, he turned my pit into a platform. I'm now adequate.”
Richard B. Gotzen

Allene vanOirschot
“Life without God is like the flower that never blooms, the stream that never flows, the sun that never shines, a kiss that never touches, a word that's never spoken, a smile that's never given, a mountain without a peak, the rain without the drops, the wind without the breeze; a life without God is living without life.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

“We do not obey to win love but to prove that
our love is genuine.
Navaz DCruz- Know, Grow, Show”
Navaz DCruz

“Disobedience can derail, delay or destroy
your destination.
Navaz DCruz- Know Grow Show”
Navaz DCruz

“God's commands are for us to thrive and not to deprive us.
Navaz DCruz - Know Grow Show”
Navaz DCruz

“We are all created in the image of God, No color is better than the other. God wants us to value each other. Sin and arrogance have divided us from one another.”
Shaila Touchton

“When the toughest of the problems strike me for I know that God is on my side He will Guide my steps even when I go astray He promises to come, right on time, to wipe away my tears and give me joy.”
Shaila Touchton

“Walking with God means to live in the presence of God, observing the commands of the LORD our God by walking in his ways and by fearing him. Walking with God means knowing God and having a deep and intimate relationship with Him.”
Shaila Touchton

“We can walk with God daily by agreeing with God and His Word And replacing self-focused thinking with a God-focused mindset.”
Shaila Touchton

“True Beauty is not attracting the wrong kind of attention from others True Beauty is not dressing like a man, smoking like a man, or fighting like a man.”
Shaila Touchton

“The crucifix reminds me that Jesus is the Alpha, Omega, beginning, and end. The crucifix reminds me that Jesus is our High Priest, our example, our Perfect Advocate .”
Shaila Touchton

“During the Second coming of Jesus Christ, angels will be with Christ, Executing Christ's Judgment and Separating the Righteous From the wicked.”
Shaila Touchton

“When Jesus came the first time, He received blasphemous false accusations from the world, He was denied, abandoned, mocked, arrested, and bound. During his second coming He will come as a Judge to all the people the living and the dead, to destroy sin and death and to punish the wicked and Satan.”
Shaila Touchton

“Isaiah 7: 14, Micah 5: 2 prophesied the first coming of Jesus Christ, Matthew 16: 27, Revelation 1: 7 prophesized Jesus Christ's second coming.”
Shaila Touchton

“When you truly love God, you will start becoming selfless than Selfish. When you truly love God You will not see any benefits that comes from a man but will look for the benefits from God.”
Shaila Touchton