Bible Verses Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bible-verses" Showing 1-30 of 66
“It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Anonymous, Holy Bible: The New King James Version

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah”
Anonymous, Holy Bible: The New King James Version

R.B. Thieme Jr.

HEB 4:12
The word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, of the joints and marrow, and is a critic of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

2TI 3:16-17
All Scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be mature, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

2TI 2:15
Study to show yourself approved unto God as a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Gene Stratton-Porter
“One," said the recording secretary.

"Jesus wept," answered Leon promptly.

There was not a sound in the church. You could almost hear the butterflies pass. Father looked down and laid his lower lip in folds with his fingers, like he did sometimes when it wouldn't behave to suit him.

"Two," said the secretary after just a breath of pause.

Leon looked over the congregation easily and then fastened his eyes on Abram Saunders, the father of Absalom, and said reprovingly: "Give not sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyelids."

Abram straightened up suddenly and blinked in astonishment, while father held fast to his lip.

"Three," called the secretary hurriedly.

Leon shifted his gaze to Betsy Alton, who hadn't spoken to her next door neighbour in five years.

"Hatred stirreth up strife," he told her softly, "but love covereth all sins."

Things were so quiet it seemed as if the air would snap.


The mild blue eyes travelled back to the men's side and settled on Isaac Thomas, a man too lazy to plow and sow land his father had left him. They were not so mild, and the voice was touched with command: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise."

Still that silence.

"Five," said the secretary hurriedly, as if he wished it were over. Back came the eyes to the women's side and past all question looked straight at Hannah Dover.

"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman without discretion."

"Six," said the secretary and looked appealingly at father, whose face was filled with dismay.

Again Leon's eyes crossed the aisle and he looked directly at the man whom everybody in the community called "Stiff-necked Johnny."

I think he was rather proud of it, he worked so hard to keep them doing it.

"Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck," Leon commanded him.

Toward the door some one tittered.

"Seven," called the secretary hastily.

Leon glanced around the room.

"But how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity," he announced in delighted tones as if he had found it out by himself.

"Eight," called the secretary with something like a breath of relief.

Our angel boy never had looked so angelic, and he was beaming on the Princess.

"Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee," he told her.

Laddie would thrash him for that.

Instantly after, "Nine," he recited straight at Laddie: "I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?"

More than one giggled that time.

"Ten!" came almost sharply.

Leon looked scared for the first time. He actually seemed to shiver. Maybe he realized at last that it was a pretty serious thing he was doing. When he spoke he said these words in the most surprised voice you ever heard: "I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly."


Perhaps these words are in the Bible. They are not there to read the way Leon repeated them, for he put a short pause after the first name, and he glanced toward our father: "Jesus Christ, the SAME, yesterday, and to-day, and forever!"

Sure as you live my mother's shoulders shook.


Suddenly Leon seemed to be forsaken. He surely shrank in size and appeared abused.

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up," he announced, and looked as happy over the ending as he had seemed forlorn at the beginning.


"The Lord is on my side; I will not fear; what can man do unto me?" inquired Leon of every one in the church. Then he soberly made a bow and walked to his seat.”
Gene Stratton-Porter, Laddie: A True Blue Story

“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.

Colossians 2 2”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version

“God I am a sinner. 
I have done so many wrongs, in my life. 
I have wronged many people, unaware.
I have hurt so many people, it wasn’t my intention. 
I have made so many mistakes , without thinking.
I am no saint, and I am not perfect.
I have fallen into temptation many times.
Father forgive me.
Take away the pain, I have caused to others.
Give me the pure heart to love and forgive everyone and may your love be found in me.
Please help me with the sins, that I am battling to overcome.
Give me strength to fight my demons and dark pleasures.
Guide me to path of righteousness.
Let me not be judgmental towards others.
Let me not curse or speak foul of anyone.
There is no person who should shed a tear, because of me.
There is no person who should be heart broken , because of me.
In Jesus name

Matthew 26:41 | 1 John 5:16 | 2 Chronicles 7:14-15”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The reason why some people can’t go far in life. It is because of the weight on their shoulder. They have a heavy burden on them. This burden consist of screenshots, messages , conversation and secrets. That can destroy families or someone's life. It consists of grudges, hate, anger, revenge, jealousy, gossip, lies and envy. Their hearts is overloaded. They are holding on to others past and mistakes.
Well Jesus says is you want to be far in life. Cast your burden unto him. Come to him, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and he will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28-30”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Esau sold his birth right, because he wanted a plate of meal. Today, When I look in the news, social media and on the street. I see people doing the same. They are selling their loyalty, trust, love, human rights, freedom, bodies, lives for a plate of meal. They will do or say anything for money , food or alcohol. Free people are selling themselves as slaves, for a plate of meal. They are getting paid to do dirty, bad , evil things. People are paid, to destroy their own future. Never sell yourself shot, if you want peace or a future.

Genesis 25:30-34”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You knowing the people who do bad things and talking about them.
That doesn’t make you a good person.
You doing good things to others and being good to others.
That does make you a good person.
You regarding yourself as a good person and others as bad people,
because you disapproved of someone actions or doing.
You don’t weigh yourself as good person ,
because you do good, and you are good to others.
You say your good , because you oust those who do bad,
not that you do better yourself.
Your righteousness comes after judging others, not that you doing right.
It does not come from your own act or doings.
You need to do better.
Being a good person, it comes by you saying something or doing something. It doesn’t come by you judging others.

Galatians 6:10 | Ephesians 4:32”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The reason our lives are like this. Sometimes, It is not because of our enemies, but it is because of our hearts. We hate others for no reason. We hate those who are doing well and successful. We hate those who find true love. We hate those who are happy. We hate those who are strong. We hate those who know who they are and those who are proud of themselves. Hate has become our content, our religion and our god. Hate has become us. We are now serving hate and we are even creating groups of hate. Yet we forget that whatever you sow. You shall reap.

Galatians 6:7
1 John 4:20
 Ephesians 4:31”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Seth Rogovoy
“My mind is confused, I shudder in panic. My night of pleasure has turned into terror. Setting the table to let the watchmen watch, eating and drinking, “Arise, officers, anoint the shield.” For thus said my Lord to me: Go, station the lookout, and let him tell what he sees. He will see a pair of horsemen...and he will call out like a lion. My lord, I stand on the lookout constantly during the day, and I am stationed at my post all the nights. Behold, it is coming: a chariot with a man, a pair of horsemen. Each says loudly, “It has fallen! Babylonia has fallen!”
Seth Rogovoy, Bob Dylan: Prophet, Mystic, Poet

“God, the Holy spirit and the bible is there to change people lives, but people who are inexorable, conservative , stagnant and stubborn to change. People who don’t want to change.
Now want to change the bible and to change God.

2 Timothy 3:16
Revelation 1:3”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“We need to pray for people who are going through a lot, because of their parents and who are being abused by their parents. Who are being abused by step parents and who are being abused by their family members. May God protect them , shield and richly bless them to be able survive and prosper on their own. May he hear and answer their prayers. Jerimiah 29:11 | Philippians 4:19 | Isaiah 41:10 ”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Elections are around the corner and elections brings evil spirits in other people. Spirit of deception, spirit of sabotaging, spirit of killing each other. Spirit of vandalism. Spirit of fighting. Spirit of lying. Spirit of looting. Spirit of stealing. Spirit of not caring. Spirit of power mongering . Spirit of division. Spirit of misleading. Spirit of backstabbing. Spirit of fraud and corruption. May God grand us leaders who are sincere and leaders who will care about people. Leaders who will be serving the people not serving their stomach or singing for their meal. Leaders who will unite people.

1 John 4:1 | 1 Timothy 2:1-4”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I think we humans. We are not good at judging others . We should leave It to God, because we pass on judgement based on how we feel about the other person and how we physical see them, rather than what the person did. We are not passing judgement based on their actions, but we pass on judgement based on our own visualization, personal experience and our own interpretation.

Matthew :1-5”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I have seen God’s Love.
I had been to places I had never dreamed or heard of.
I had been to places, where not everyone or anyone is allowed.
I had met people I never knew . Who shown me love, support and appreciation.
I had seen Gods mercy. I had been saved from situations and events that are Inevitable. Where some people died and couldn’t survive or live. For that I am always in awe and thankful Lord. This is my testimony that Gods love me.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some people would do anything to help others, but themselves. They would pray for other countries affected by bad things like natural disasters but wouldn’t pray for themselves.
Why don’t you pray for yourself to avoid being killed, attacked or threaten. Why don’t you pray for yourself to get strength, courage and hope.
Why don’t you pray for yourself to fight and to stand your ground.
Why don’t you pray for yourself to be free.
We are always at war with ourselves, with the spirit in the realm, with our friends ,family, colleagues, partners, society, community and with everything. Whenever you get a chance. Don’t forget to pray for yourself.

Philippians 4:6”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“God showed me a favor when people thought I was not deserving. He verified me when the elites and privileged though I don’t qualify. He was the only connection I had through prayer since I am from a disadvantaged background. Now some people don’t sleep holding their last breath for me to slip up. They are waiting for my shortcoming and for me to screw up. Do they know that the Lord is my Shepard, and I shall not want?

Psalms 23:5 – 6”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Always pray because you don’t know what you are up against. You don’t know where the war from whom it will come or when will it happen.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Colossians 1:16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”
Jesus Christ God, Bible King James Version : KJV (USA)

“Bible says the truth will set you free, but the truth gets you killed in my country , because our leaders, politicians and representatives. Do shady and wrong things to have positions they are having and to live the life they are living.

John 8:32”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Romans 12:8-21

Whether people know or see that you are racist or not. You know. Do the right thing and get rid of that evil heart and mind. Racism is not generic, but it is being taught. Most people who are racist are being groomed by bad parents to be racist. If being racist is a good thing, why are you publicly hiding that you are racist. You can comfort yourself by telling lies and believing lies you telling each other. Truth is you are not as good as you think you are if you are racist. You are not good person at”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“They no longer pray .They play, and you must pay. Pastors, bishops, evangelists or most Christians these days are not praying for people , but instead they are playing with people. Playing Christianity. Playing tricks instead of praying for miracles. Playing with people emotions. Playing with people believes and faith. Even people also now are not looking for a prayer but are looking for a player. They are looking for someone who can throw a show, rather than someone who can free and heal their soul.
1 John 4:1”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I don’t know why when talking to us Christians if you are not from the same church. We think you are evil and send by the devil to tempt us. It doesn’t matter how good you are or how pure your intentions are . We will judge you without knowing you and judge you in a bad way that you are the evil one or sent by the devil. We never see good in other people, or never see good people. That is why it is hard for people to become Christians or to be close and be friends with us Christian’s because they are being labeled and judged by us Christians. Thou the bible says do not judge. God has given us many chance to repent and change, but we are not giving anyone a chance to become good. May God help us not only to become better Christians but also to become better people or human beings too.

Luke 6:37 | Luke 6:41 | Romans 14:10 | Matthew 18:21-22”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Someone might be ignoring you, because they think that you are evil and they are righteous than you. Only to find out that you prayed to God to remove everyone who is not good for you and who is not aligned with your energy, path, future and life. Those people might be be good Christians , but they have horrible personality, bad heart and character. They are full of themselves .Instead of being full of God’s love and holy spirit. They love God but hate other people.
1 John 4:20”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“We need to pray for people who are racist and the spirit of racism. Because when you are racist you become evil. You hate and hurt others. You become a lier. You plot, kill or murder. you abuse ,torture and are divisive. You have no peace. insult others , have no respect and love for them. You use Gods name in vain You can't be considering yourself a Christian when You are doing all the things God said we must do. You are committing all the sins the Lord says we mut not do. If you really fear and love the Lord . You will cleanse your heart and mind and start doing what is right by God.
For God is love.

Ephesians 4:32 | Acts 10:34-35 | John 7:24”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The devil can rebrand himself but can never change his evil ways. He can come to you as a friend, partner, family member, stranger, pastor, boss, supervisor, influencer, politician or in any form you can think off. Never let your guard down. Always be on watch and test the spirit.

1 John 4:1”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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