Quotes And Philosophy Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quotes-and-philosophy-of-life" Showing 1-12 of 12
“In life you must choose If you will be first one to do it in your family, In your hood, amongst your friends or you will be the only one to do It In your family, In your hood, amongst your friends . It Is all possible through you. You choose If you are the key or the gate keeper.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I have seen God’s Love.
I had been to places I had never dreamed or heard of.
I had been to places, where not everyone or anyone is allowed.
I had met people I never knew . Who shown me love, support and appreciation.
I had seen Gods mercy. I had been saved from situations and events that are Inevitable. Where some people died and couldn’t survive or live. For that I am always in awe and thankful Lord. This is my testimony that Gods love me.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If we can stop undermining our self as Africans and start valuing who are and what we have.

We must stop it ,with the mental of thinking that people who speaks their native tongue. Who following their tradition, practices their culture and value their heritage . Don’t know things, are lame, boring, retards, not interesting, not modern, not clued up and not Important enough. Thinking that they are behind, slow, old fashion and school, because they don’t know western or they don’t know the things we know or following up with trends ,fashion and western as we do. Invest In yourself by embracing who you are.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“It is so sad to watch criminals fighting each other to run our country in the name of Politics. These people know each other shenanigans. They know who committed which crime , when and where. They are keeping the Information as their secret and bait. Waiting for the day, they are being caught and charged. So, they can play check mate card. To them this Is all a game. To us It Is our lives. Citizens are suffering and dying , because they are putting their hope and trust on this people. Thinking they are representing them and are trying to do good things for them. When one of this politicians is exposed. They are doing everything In their power to distract us. The day we realize we are on our own. Is the day we will take voting seriously.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I choose to make every day a women’s day.
Where I respect, honor, cherish, admire, love, protect, appreciate, support, listen to, and believe every woman.
To all women of all shapes and heights. To all women of all skin colors and races.
Know you are beautiful In your own way. Wear your crown of pride, for it always takes a lot to be who you are.
A phenomenon woman.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Most women feel embarrassed than feeling bad when caught doing something wrong. They are sorry that they are caught, but not sorry for the wrong things they are doing .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Pharmacists and corrupt politicians made a lot of money out of Covid. The government found a way to control people easily. The more people fear the more they are easy to control. We are still going to have Covid years to come as long there are people benefiting from it. They will recreate it over and over. They won't find a cure, but they will make it something we have to live with.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“القطارات كانت فكرة شعرية جداً: انتظار، موعد، رحيل، حنين،
Mahdi Mansour

“What I have learned from IT is that whatever works. Never works, especially when you want it to work.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The difference between the Western and Africa is that . The west is fighting for its own people and Africa is fighting against its own people. The president, Mayor, Member of parliament, Politicians, Institutions, NGO’s, Foundations, Artists, Police, Military, and the Media they are in one voice in fighting for their country nonmatter their differences or believes. But in Africa The president, Mayor, Member of parliament, Politicians, Institutions, NGO’s, Foundations, Artists, Police, Military, and the Media they all fighting against their own people. The hate they have for their own it is what makes Africa what it is today.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The things that I did when I grow up and the standards I hold and followed in the society. Kept me safe and I was labeled as a good person, but those things costs me joy, happiness and pleasures of life. I had to fight nature and my feelings everyday. Today I am branded and trusted with titles that cost me my time and life. I still try to maintain the standards but I don't have life of my own or experience any pleasures of life.
I had achieved what I wanted and what other people wanted for me, but I had lost what it is important in this life. To live and experience life. All the good decisions I made then are now my biggest regrets, root of my depression and downfall.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You don’t have to lie for people to believe you or to believe on what happened. You can choose to tell the truth without exaggerating. Lies will make you lose.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos