Colorado Cowboys Quotes

Quotes tagged as "colorado-cowboys" Showing 1-12 of 12
Jody Hedlund
“They were doing something so right, protecting the mustangs. As wild as they were, they had incredible potential if tamed by the right hands.

Wasn't that how it was with God? When others gave up, He kept going, kept pursuing, always seeing the potential of a person tamed by His hands.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“With the grit of the dust on her tongue and the wind sweeping against her face, joy welled up within her. For a few moments she could forget about the confusion and frustration that had fenced her in over recent weeks. For today, she was riding free.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“Brody was a man who didn't care what anyone else thought.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“She didn't probe. Instead she waited for Brody to unburden himself in his own timing and in his own way.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“Ain't Brody sweet?' Ivy whispered. 'He's got a heart of gold beneath all that rubble.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“He shared more with you tonight than he has with another living soul in two years.' Flynn's whisper contained appreciation but something else she couldn't define.

'Maybe he's reaching a point where he's ready to talk about it.'

He plunged his hands deeper. 'Or maybe he's finally met someone he feels safe enough to talk to.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“He wasn't willing to lose her. Not now. Not after all the loss he'd already experienced.
This time, he wasn't gonna sit around helplessly. He'd do everything he could to keep her alive, even if it cost him his own life.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“He was supposed to be proficient at hiding his emotions. But in the case of Ivy, apparently the only one he’d hidden his feelings from was himself.”
Jody Hedlund, Falling for the Cowgirl

Jody Hedlund
“It wasn’t the first time and wouldn’t be the last time they’d have issues. But they were a family. And that meant they’d keep on forgiving and loving and sticking it out for the long haul.”
Jody Hedlund, Falling for the Cowgirl

Jody Hedlund
“A long string of protests burned for release, but from the set of Jericho’s shoulders, she reckoned she had about as much of a chance of getting him to change his mind as she had in getting a cow to climb a tree.”
Jody Hedlund, Falling for the Cowgirl

Jody Hedlund
“We women have to stop defining ourselves by lining ourselves up against other women. Instead, we need to define ourselves the way our Creator does.”
Jody Hedlund, The Last Chance Cowboy

Jody Hedlund
“He kissed her long and hard, counting himself a man blessed beyond anything he deserved.”
Jody Hedlund, The Last Chance Cowboy