Secrets Of My Heart Quotes

Quotes tagged as "secrets-of-my-heart" Showing 1-13 of 13
Imania Margria
“Our hearts may be strong and resilient against the trials of life, but they become weak and fragile against the trials of love.”
Imania Margria, Secrets of My Heart

Imania Margria
“My heart is on the brink of a world so foreign that it feels like a fantasy. Blessed do I feel when I think of your heart which is so warm that it melts the frozen world we live in. Blessed I am with all of you that I hold near and dear to my heart.”
Imania Margria, Secrets of My Heart

Felix Alexander
“It is known all over the world that there are no secrets in the ghetto and as long as you keep those secrets, you may keep your life.”
Felix Alexander, The Last Valentine

“Not everything needs to be shared on our Facebook. Not everything needs to be shared in our lives. Just stop and Indulge yourself with healthy, positive moments and secrets. Just because it is not uploaded on Facebook doesn't mean it's not true nor is it always true cause it's on there. A healthy secret can be a beautiful thing between people and privacy is something we owe to ourselves.”
Cliff Hannold

Jody Hedlund
“He shared more with you tonight than he has with another living soul in two years.' Flynn's whisper contained appreciation but something else she couldn't define.

'Maybe he's reaching a point where he's ready to talk about it.'

He plunged his hands deeper. 'Or maybe he's finally met someone he feels safe enough to talk to.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

“They dozed off into dreamless oblivion for what seemed like an eternity but was, in fact, hours, and awoke hungover, unable to look into...”