Comfort Zone Quotes

Quotes tagged as "comfort-zone" Showing 31-60 of 388
Erik Pevernagie
“If we challenge the inertia of our awareness and look at the appealing beauty around us, we can meet the core of our deeper selves. When we venture to open our eyes to the little wonders that arise from innocent daily incidents, we can allow ourselves to reconnect, spurn pressure, step out of our comfort retreat, and spend quality time with our friends without any sense of guilt of wasting time. ("Waiting for Eureka")”
Erik Pevernagie

Criss Jami
“To reach only for that which pleasantly enchants you is the least of imagination, if even imagination at all, by the obvious reality of remaining within your means. The greater of imagination is parallel to risk. It extends beyond your comfort zone or haven, or sense of beauty, or what you personally believe suits you in exploration of what may not.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Roy T. Bennett
“Comfort zone: simply means the routine of one’s daily life – it is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure.”
Roy T. Bennett

Kristen Butler
“I believe the secret to my success has been my commitment to consistently aligning with my Comfort Zone and expanding it.”
Kristen Butler, The Comfort Zone: Create a Life You Really Love with Less Stress and More Flow

Rebecca Yarros
“Though we probably could have waited a couple of days for my arm to heal up before doing this.' The stitches pull, but I've had worse.

'No.' He shakes his head, unsheathing one of his daggers and walking forward. 'The enemy doesn't give a shit if you're wounded. They'll use it to their advantage. If you don't know how to fight in pain, then you'll get us both killed.'

'Fine.' I shift my body weight in annoyance. Little does he know, I'm almost always in pain. It's pretty much my comfort zone. 'That's a good point, so I'll let you have it.'

'Thank you for being so gracious.' He smirks...”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Ana Claudia Antunes
“You'll never fly in grace and dance as one,
If you don't get out of your comfort zone!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, A-Z of Happiness: Tips for Living and Breaking Through the Chain that Separates You from Getting That Dream Job

“End your day with a cozy blanket,
a cup of tea, and a good book,
letting the words whisk you away to distant lands or familiar comforts.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Sara Arneberg
“Today is a day, I just wanna die
If it weren't for this big piece of
fucking apple pie”
Sara Arneberg, a bouquet of poems

“Consider criticism as a companion on your journey of progress. It serves as a clear indication that you are actively engaged in your work. Criticism is a testament to your willingness to step outside the boundaries of comfort and explore new horizons. It signifies that you are brave enough to expose yourself to the challenges that come with growth and learning. Rather than fearing criticism, fear the absence of it. A lack of criticism suggests a lack of risks taken, a lack of growth, and complacency with the status quo. Embrace criticism wholeheartedly, for it is a powerful catalyst for improvement. Let it fuel your passion and drive to reach greater heights. Embrace the transformative power of criticism and embrace the opportunity to evolve and excel.”
Sanjeev Himachali, Beginners Guide To Job Search

Bruce Dickinson
“I was out of my comfort zone, a fish out of water. My life has been a continual succession of 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' moments. Deep down, I think I probably enjoy it. You are never so alive as when learning something new and overcoming adversity.”
Bruce Dickinson, What Does This Button Do?: An Autobiography

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“Your comfort zone is like your warm bed in winter; if you don’t get out of it, your day wouldn’t begin.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Mitta Xinindlu
“The meaning of the word comfort is defined by you. What's comfortable to you may not be comfortable to the next person. Be mindful of that.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Transformation begins when you step outside of your comfort zone.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Break the comfort zone of your muscle and mind.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Make the comfort zone out of your zone.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Abhijit Naskar
“Everybody fears hell, all they
want is a heaven of convenience.
Only the brave can dare to break
into hell to rescue the innocent.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yarasistan: My Wounds, My Crown

“Snap from the danger of your comfort zone; to enable you to become who you are meant to be.”

“Every time you push yourself outside your comfort zone and do things you never knew you were capable of, you are crushing comfort zones and slaying doubt.”
Judi Holler, Fear Is My Homeboy: How to Slay Doubt, Boss Up, and Succeed on Your Own Terms

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Wait for a very cold winter night when everyone has run away to their homes and do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, go out! Yes, now you are not an ordinary person anymore! So what's your reward? Your reward is to experience reality to the fullest; the further you move away from your comfort zone, the better you understand the universe!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mohith Agadi
“Embracing fear, navigating discomfort, and confronting hesitation for seemingly illogical reasons – these are the steps toward building resistance to the confines of the comfort zone.”
Mohith Agadi

Paulo Coelho
“It's nice to dream...Dreaming carries no risks. The dangerous thing is trying to transform you dreams into reality.”
Paulo Coelho, Manuscript Found in Accra

“Growth begins at the edge of our comfort zone, where challenges become catalysts for transformation.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Robin S. Baker
“At times, it is advisable to release what you cannot control. To let go and release your grip, even when it feels uncomfortable to do so. Focus on what you can control, such as your mind and resting more. The rest will figure itself out or will have to burn down for a blessing that you won’t understand just yet. Stay mentally strong. You will survive.”
Robin S. Baker

“Your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”
Jen Alvares

Brynne Weaver
“He helps me to the boundaries of my comfort zone without pushing me over the edge.”
Brynne Weaver, Butcher & Blackbird

“You're out of your comfort zone, kid- that's a fact. What's one more step?”
Chloe Benjamin, The Immortalists

“Give me one good reason why you shouldn't start your life.”
Chloe Benjamin, The Immortalists

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“Comfort zones are like trees that give you shade but bear no fruits.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Caroline Myss
“Intuition makes you feel uncomfortable, fantasy doesn't.”
Caroline Myss