Complainers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "complainers" Showing 1-23 of 23
Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Excuses and complaints are signs of a dreamless life”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Never has God given waivers to family members, just because they had bad leaders. In Jonah's time, the entire family of Israel had become unacceptable, but never has any Israelite administration been without some injustice, intolerance and alienation from God--much less today's earthly family. Even during the celebrated reign of Solomon, Solomon was multiplying wives and horses--against God's written counsel. It has always been so.
Regardless, Israel was one family. They were expected to stick together whether they were in exile, or at home living in abundance. No deserters, or pious arm-folders were allowed. As Jonah discovered, no quitters were allowed.”
Michael Ben Zehabe, A Commentary on Jonah

Israelmore Ayivor
“Empty complaints are the sources of everyday failure, but not the problem being complained about. Problems are solvable; but not with complaints. A complainer is just an explainer of problems!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

“Don't stand in traffic and complain about all the cars.”
Andreas Codispoti

Alex Scarrow
“She moans about everything anyway. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't with a bitch like her.”
Alex Scarrow, Afterlight

Anthony Liccione
“People are complaining of having rags and not riches, but I find it a blessing just to have rags, to wipe away the dirt and dust that may come in the course of life.”
Anthony Liccione

“Problem solvers are always compatible, optimized and ahead, they are achiever. Complainers are always incompatible, unoptimized and behind, they are loser.”
Lord Robin

Anthony Liccione
“Why is it people will complain, when they have an open door, where they can walk out to and gaze the stars; rather than having a closed door to lock them in?”
Anthony Liccione

“In life, there are three (3) types of people; those who do and say nothing (lazy), those who do nothing but reject everything else (complainers) and those who are part of something (drivers of change).”

“Where there is mistrust and misunderstanding there is always a complain to arise.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Do you grumble about things or work to make them better?”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Anthony Liccione
“We are soon approaching a refined holiday, "Merry Mas," where Christ will be taken out of its context.”
Anthony Liccione

Dorothea Lasky

Some people don't want to die
Because you can't complain when you're dead
I hope heaven is just a bunch of men lying around
Ready to do what I say
Ready with dicks and some such
When I'm dead I won't be looking for a partner
As much as a heavenly creature
After all I was promised virgins
But I don't care about that as much
As the eyes looking into me in abandon
Like porn but better
Because there will be no screen
There will be no holy divider then
Between me and my brethren
And the smell of sunshine
Will emit from every brow
That's the kind of thing I expect from death
That's the kind of thing I'm waiting for”
Dorothea Lasky, Rome: Poems

Anoir Ou-chad
“Quit complaining about life’s burdens, a dung beetle carries up 1000 times its own body weight.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

“Complainers drain your energy,
The minute I see or hear them coming,
I walk gingerly”
Charmaine J Forde

Henri J.M. Nouwen
“As I want to be most selfless, I find myself obsessed about being loved. Just when I do my utmost to accomplish a task well, I find myself questioning why others do not give themselves as I do. Wherever my virtuous self is, there also is the resentful complainer. I am totally unable to root out my resentments. They are so deeply anchored in the soil of my inner self that pulling them out seems like self-destruction. I cannot be reborn from below; that is, with my own strength, with my own mind, with my own psychological insights. I can only be healed from above, from where God reaches down.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming

Nanette L. Avery
“Life is a bowl of blueberries, sometimes you have to sort out the sour ones.”
Nanette L. Avery

Nanette L. Avery
“Life is a bowl of blueberries, sometimes you have to pick out the rotten ones.”
Nanette L. Avery

Ron Baratono
“When a person life is a world of complaints, they carry that attitude with them, most things are never as
perfect as they desire. Most people understand, nothing is perfect, and look at the complainer as the seeker of attention or just selfish and unaware. No one likes a complainer. What happens is life's reflection will give this person something to really complain about. The attitude we show the world will
always return to us.”
Ron Baratono

Ron Baratono
“When a person life is a world
of complaints, they carry that
attitude with them, most things
are never as perfect as they desire.
Most people understand, nothing
is perfect, and look at the complainer
as the seeker of attention or just
selfish and unaware. No one likes
a complainer. What happens is
life's reflection will give this person
something to really complain about.
The attitude we show the world will
always return to us.”
Ron Baratono