Negativity Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "negativity-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 51
“If you let negative people define you,
you yourself will become negative.
If you let mediocre people influence you,
you yourself will become mediocre.
If you let wretched people inspire you,
you yourself will become wretched.

If you let positive people help you,
you yourself will become positive.
If you let exceptional people support you,
you yourself will become exceptional.
If you let enlightened people advise you,
you yourself will become enlightened.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Let yourself and others walk in a positive light. Talk about what can be done instead of what can’t. Show grace when you have the advantage. If you hold on to overwhelming negativity, find a way to move beyond it. There’s no beauty in the muck of your mind, don't drown others in it. If you need to forgive something, do it. Forgive yourself also. If you want to know peace, lift yourself, and people, higher.”
Kristy Ferretti

E. Christian Trejo
“When you provide value to others and when you are not full of negativity but instead irradiate amazing positive energy; people will always come to you because they feel good around you. And when someone is walking away from you; it's because their vibration and your vibration are not synced. Rise to the top and negative people will slip away. it's law!”
E. Christian Trejo

“Be aware, beware what lies, what lies? ... behind the light...

Some people are highly skilled manipulators. And some people's whole lives are built on lies. They can cause a huge amount of damage to others.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

“Negativity doesn't pay my bills.”
Michelle Q. Chu

“Hello, dreamers and doers!
Always cut off your connection with negative shits, blocked head, cynic trivia. They all are energy sucker and plaguy mess. They callously murder (you) badass, plug your spirit into their evil workshop and equalize you. Always keep you safe distance from this malignant cancer to rescue your life from the complete annihilation.”
Lord Robin

Ari Gunzburg
“Negativity literally shuts us down. It closes us off, it limits our possibilities, it increases the darkness in our lives...[while] positivity is expansive. Positivity opens us up, broadens possibilities, and increases the light we experience in the world.”
Ari Gunzburg, The Little Book of Greatness: A Parable About Unlocking Your Destiny

Allene vanOirschot
“Anger and bitterness rob you of peace not your enemy.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Sean Patrick Brennan
“People don’t just watch the horrible news happening around the world. They take it in like food. They feed themselves with all the pain and suffering, because they think digesting it this way will somehow make them more immune to it.”
Sean Patrick Brennan, The Angel's Guide to Taking Human Form

“Not having positive outlets only leads to negative roads!" - (G Swiss)”
G Swiss

Sam     Harrison
“What we call ourselves can sometimes be more negative than what we're called by others. Pay close attention to names you call yourself, the words that follow 'I am...' See if those words are fear-filled and destructive. If so, write them down, undertake any needed self-improvements and then cast aside those self-imposed negative names.”
Sam Harrison, Creative Zing! Spark Your Creativity & Powerfully Present Your ideas

Anthon St. Maarten
“To expand the horizons of your utmost destiny you have to venture beyond the confines of fear, doubt and negativity.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Germany Kent
“Distance yourself accordingly from negative people because they will drain your positive energy.”
Germany Kent

“Negativity always gives birth to evil and bad deeds or people.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Germany Kent
“Shut down negativity. It does not go with your outfit.”
Germany Kent

“Your life becomes peaceful when you start removing negative people from your life.”
Garima Soni - words world

Steven Redhead
“The creation of positive thoughts should be a daily habit to squash any form of negativity or misfortune that could have the potential to happen.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

“Flip a negative statement of jealousy into a positive statement about your values, goals and abilities? For example, “I am grateful I am someone who wants to be the best I can be, and who works hard to achieve my goals”.”
Lauren Martin, Jealousy is the Moon

Jay Shetty
“What we judge/envy/suspect in someone else can guide us to the darkness we have within ourselves. Our envy, impatience, suspicion with someone else tells us something about ourselves. Negative projections and suspicions reflect our own insecurities and get in our way.”
Jay Shetty, Think Like a Monk

“The negativity in your thoughts might be because you are spending too much time with negative people.”
Garth Williamswords world

“Negativity will not define my life; I choose to live in the light of love.”
Biju Karakkonam, Nature and Wildlife Photographer

“Focusing on the negativity of haters only detracts from the joy of my life with my loved ones.”
Biju Karakkonam, Nature and Wildlife Photographer

“Negativity is like a shadow; it follows you around, but it disappears when you shine a light on it.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“Your negative thinking is affecting me, and now I'm becoming negative too.”
Garima Soni - words world

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“You don’t have to say a word or clear your throat. Your energy affects everybody around you and reveals everything about you.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Often the shadows surrounding us are the obscurities of our minds.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

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