Cosmic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cosmic" Showing 1-30 of 177
Stephen Richards
“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”
Stephen Richards

“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside. None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them.

PART SUN AND MOON by Suzy Kassem”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Neil deGrasse Tyson
“The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars that manufactured them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on Earth. And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Stephen Richards
“You don't have to be good at something to be liked.”
Stephen Richards

Amit Ray
“You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Stephen Richards
“You willed yourself to where you are today, so will yourself out of it.”
Stephen Richards

Stephen Richards
“No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself.”
Stephen Richards

Stephen Richards
“If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated?”
Stephen Richards



Of life,
Born from
Of light,
The lens
Of time,
And into
A sea
Of stars

Poetry by Suzy Kassem”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Haruki Murakami
“Sometimes, when one is moving silently through such an utterly desolate landscape, an overwhelming hallucination can make one feel that oneself, as an individual human being, is slowly being unraveled. The surrounding space is so vast that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep a balanced grip on one's own being. The mind swells out to fill the entire landscape, becoming so diffuse in the process that one loses the ability to keep it fastened to the physical self. The sun would rise from the eastern horizon, and cut it's way across the empty sky, and sink below the western horizon. This was the only perceptible change in our surroundings. And in the movement of the sun, I felt something I hardly know how to name: some huge, cosmic love.”
Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Stephen Richards
“I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things.”
Stephen Richards, Cosmic Ordering Guide

Stephen Richards
“Hard work is what you do to make ends meet, easy work is getting others to do the hard work for you.”
Stephen Richards

Tamara Rendell
“Dreams are like the old stories where wolves are seekers always running, and women carry fire in their bare hands and light the dark paths before them.
Old stories hold that the birds will fly all the miles of the world to tell your secrets to the rising moon, and men will walk over oceans of ice to find one truth.”
Tamara Rendell, Mystical Tides

Stephen Richards
“Thrill me, chill me I went in search of money and success, all I got was a bellyful of excess! Now that I've realigned myself I’m on my tip-toes because life is sweet! I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for all the blessings that are manifesting in my life … neat!”
Stephen Richards

Thomas Hardy
“You would hardly think, at first, that horrid monsters lie up there waiting to be discovered by any moderately penetrating mind--monsters to which those of the oceans bear no sort of comparison."

What monsters may they be?"

Impersonal monsters, namely, Immensities. Until a person has thought out the stars and their inter-spaces, he has hardly learnt that there are things much more terrible than monsters of shape, namely, monsters of magnitude without known shape. Such monsters are the voids and waste places of the sky... In these our sight plunges quite beyond any twinkler we have yet visited. Those deep wells for the human mind to let itself down into, leave alone the human body! and think of the side caverns and secondary abysses to right and left as you pass on!...

There is a size at which dignity begins," he exclaimed; "further on there is a size at which grandeur begins; further on there is a size at which solemnity begins; further on, a size at which awfulness begins; further on, a size at which ghastliness begins. That size faintly approaches the size of the stellar universe. So am I not right in saying that those minds who exert their imaginative powers to bury themselves in the depths of that universe merely strain their faculties to gain a new horror?”
Thomas Hardy, Two on a Tower

Stephen Richards
“A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it.”
Stephen Richards, Boost Your Self Esteem

Crystal Woods
“Was I on something? Yes, love. The strongest drug there is.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

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