Om Quotes

Quotes tagged as "om" Showing 1-30 of 70
Amit Ray
“Om is not just a sound or vibration. It is not just a symbol. It is the entire cosmos, whatever we can see, touch, hear and feel. Moreover, it is all that is within our perception and all that is beyond our perception. It is the core of our very existence. If you think of Om only as a sound, a technique or a symbol of the Divine, you will miss it altogether. Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the beings of the entire universe. It is an eternal song of the Divine. It is continuously resounding in silence on the background of everything that exists.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“Perfect prayer does not consist in many words, silent remembering and pure intention raises the heart to that supreme Power.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self. Both internal and external silence is very important to feel the presence of that supreme Love.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“Penetrate deep into the word "Om". Gradually the word will disappear and only the silence will remain. The word is a support. The meaning is within you. Om brings out that meaning which is hidden in your soul.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“What is the meaning of Om? Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the beings of the entire universe. It is an eternal song of the Divine. It is continuously resounding in silence on the background of everything that exists.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Amit Ray
“Om (AUM) the Divine song is at the same time Symmetry, Supersymmetry, broken Symmetry, and the unbroken Symmetry of Nature.”
Amit Ray, Om Chanting & Meditation

Ashwin Sanghi
“Omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous and omnipresent all begin with Om.”
Ashwin Sanghi, The Krishna Key

Andrew  Daniel
“Om is said to be a four-syllable word in Sanskrit, originally as AUM. A, the waking state. U, the dream state. M, the unconscious state. And the fourth, the silence that surrounds it—wherefrom everything arises and whereto everything inevitably returns.

It is the silence that surrounds om that contains everything. It is the silence in your own life that contains and gives birth to everything you have, and everything you will ever need.

It is this same silence we avoid, overlook, and disregard as nothing. The white space of life we abhor. We fill our lives with noise, drama, screens, people, and “stuff” to avoid the void that reminds us of our truth—that beyond flesh that once was not, and will inescapably become not, we are eternal.”
Drew Gerald

Helen Fox
“The man was staring directly at him now, a curious expression on his face, half smiling, half quizzical. Instantly Eager had a sense of certainty far deeper than anything he had experienced so far. "I have it too!" he exclaimed. "I am a part of this Earth, aren't I? Just like the birds and the trees and the people - I am."
"Om." said his companion.
Unseen by them, a blossom fell.”
Helen Fox

Amit Ray
“There are millions of neurons in the brain. Humming Om chanting create resonance patterns between different brain regions that foster subsequent long-term plasticity changes in the brain.”
Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan
“Un om nu poate fi liber să facă ceea ce vrea, atâta vreme cât condiția sa de a exista este ineluctabil determinată de ceilalți semeni. Libertatea sa încetează acolo unde începe libertatea altuia. A suprima libertatea altui om de care suntem dependenți prin fire invizibile, înseamnă a ne anula propria libertate.”
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, Inteligenţa materiei

Dan Lungu
“Poporul e ca un om cu multe capete, multe mîini şi multe picioare.”
Dan Lungu, Sînt o babă comunistă!

Kōbō Abe
“Frumuseţea naturii nu trebuie să simpatizeze numaidecat cu omul.
Punctul lui de vedere că nisipul este un rebut al stării staţionare nu era nebunie... un fluid de 1/8 mm... o lume a cărei existenţă era o serie de stări succesive.
Cu alte cuvinte, frumuseţea nisipului aparţinea morţii.
Frumuseţea morţii marca măreţia ruinelor lui şi marea-i putere de distrugere.”
Kōbō Abe, The Woman in the Dunes

“Dă-i omului de astăzi ceva ce n-are mâine.”
Ana Truța

Ursula Sandner
“Eu am convingerea că fiecare om este un creator și poate să-și creeze atât lucruri frumoase, cât și să se exprime prin modalități distructive...totul este o chestiune de conștientizare și alegere.”
Ursula Sandner, Iubire, relatii si viata. Reflectii

Ursula Sandner
“Un om cu o stimă de sine sănătoasă și cu o încredere în sine care nu este fluctuantă în funcție de feedback-urile din exterior,nu se va lăsa influențat de nimeni din jurul său.”
Ursula Sandner, Iubire, relatii si viata. Reflectii

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan
“Întrucât nu vom fi niciodată în stare să creăm viață, nu avem dreptul s-o ucidem, gratuit şi din distracție, indiferent că aceasta se cheamă frunză, fir de iarbă, vultur sau om.”
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, Inteligenţa materiei

Laurence Galian
“The physical act of forming this sound with your mouth is done by utilizing the tongue, which represents the phallus, exploring the oral cavity which represents the vagina.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley

Karan Bajaj
“The sound that emerged in his spine was Om, the root in every sound, the word that had vibrated in the act of creation.”
Karan Bajaj, The Yoga of Max's Discontent
tags: om, yoga

Terry Pratchett
“Size söylüyorum," dedi. "beni dinleyin! Sonlu bir zeka, tamam mı, karşılaştırma yolu ile mutlak gerçeğe ulaşamaz, çünkü doğası gereği bölünmez olduğundan, gerçek, `daha fazla` ve `daha az` kavramlarını dışlar, bu yüzden gerçeğin kendisi dışında hiçbir şey gerçeğin kesin ölçütü olamaz. Piç kuruları!"
Binanın içinden biri, "Yok ya? Sen öyle diyorsun," dedi.
Yaşlı adam Brutha'yı görmezden geldi, bir parke taşını büyük bir güçlükle yerden söküp aldı ve elinde tarttı.
Sonra tekrar kapıdan içeri daldı. Uzak bir öfke çığlığı duyuldu.
"Ah. Felsefe," dedi Om.”
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Eugen Barbu
“Omu' nu-i făcut să tragă numai pedepse pe lumea asta. Mai trebuie să şi petreacă.”
Eugen Barbu, Groapa

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Brahma is Om.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Sound of smiling mind is Om.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Everything has Om in it; everything is made of atoms and every Atom, including its spellings, has Om in it.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Chanting Om is reverb to your song of silence.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Smiling Brahma

“If you want a true, primordial experience honor the first sound of the Universe: OM. Hum it until it hums you.”
Dr. Toni Sorenson

George Orwell
“Dacă poți să simți că merită să rămâi om, chiar și fără să obții nimic concret, i-ai învins.”
George Orwell, 1984

Robert N. Bellah
“Not just words, but poetic meters could be personalized, viewed as divine, and were active in the world. In an entirely oral culture, the spoken word had consequences: one could indeed ‘do things with words’.”
Robert N. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age

“Om is like the universe's "chill pill." It's the cosmic equivalent of hitting pause on life's chaos and tuning into the serene frequency of existence. So, when the world gets a bit too hectic, just close your eyes, channel your inner yogi, and let out a resounding Om. It's like giving your mind a spa day—a soothing escape from the daily grind. Om... Because sometimes, you just need to dial down the drama and dial up the zen.”
Life is Positive

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