Curse Quotes

Quotes tagged as "curse" Showing 241-270 of 364
Kelly Moran
“I give you my love & my luck. Don't throw either away.”
Kelly Moran, Sheer Luck

Kelly Moran
“She could never be anything but the best 7 days of my life.”
Kelly Moran, Sheer Luck

Kelly Moran
“She held my face in her hands as if I was the treasure.”
Kelly Moran, Sheer Luck

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Making God a man is the consolation prize that our forefathers gave themselves for not being the ones who were each blessed with a vagina.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Things you don't need in your life targets you the most.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

W. Somerset Maugham
In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou earn thy daily bread: it was not a curse upon mankind, but the balm which reconciled it to existence.”
W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage

Rick Remender
“Samurai are born to die.

Death is not a curse to be avoided -- but the natural end of all life. Death is not eternal . . . dishonor is.”
Rick Remender, Tokyo Ghost, Vol. 1: Atomic Garden

Anthony Liccione
“I tend to think my eye's vision is still 20/20, because they mind their own business.”
Anthony Liccione

Freedom Matthews
“Keep your heart close, dear Nathaniel, for nothing will bring you comfort should you leave it with another”
Freedom Matthews, Inherited
tags: curse

Bernard Cornwell
“When a man cannot fight he would curse. The gods like to feel needed.”
Bernard Cornwell, The Flame Bearer

“Self pity is a curse , which may lead to indignant behavior., while a calm, non-competitive mind, achieves great feat. Competing with one self leads to blessing, while comparing oneself to others and then competing is a destructive path.”
Henrietta Newton Martin

Jacques Yonnet
“Yes, my friend, ship wreckage was once the wood of a tree, nothing special about it - just like any other kind of wood. Men cut down the tree. They sawed and worked and planed and shaped and polished and caulked and tarred it. They made a ship out it, and they celebrated the birth of that ship, they christened it like a child. And they entrusted themselves to it. But the men were no longer very much in charge. The ship too had its say. A ship’s a being in its own right, like a person, so to speak, that thinks, and breathes, and reacts. A ship has its own mission to accomplish. It has its own destiny. So it sinks, this vessel, it founders because it was meant to founder, on such a day at such a time, on account of this or that, and in such a place. Maybe it was already written in the stars. And then long afterwards, other men discover the wreck, they refloat it, they bring to the surface the bits of wood — and you should see with what respect they do this. And you think a piece of wreckage like that doesn’t know anything, doesn’t remember anything, isn’t capable of anything, that it’s as senseless as it is hard, that it’s. . . as thick as a plank? I’ll tell you something worth remembering, that sailors well know: wood from a shipwreck is “back-flash” wood. Whatever takes place under the auspices and under the sign of even the smallest fragment ot a shipwreck cuts more than just one way. One swinish deed is multiplied a thousandfold; one flower’, (he meant, a kindness),'will bring you a field full of flowers, an entire province, tulips, cyclamens, take your pick. For instance: there’s shipwreck wood in the base frame of the sign of the four sergeants. That’s something “the likes of us” know. Well, once that guy was through,’ (he meant, the man who’d been praying), ‘I guarantee, the judge, every member of the jury, the prosecutor, the warders, the hangman, his assistants, the whole damn lot of them are going to get their comeuppance, and how! From now on they’re jinxed. Seriously jinxed. And for a long time to come.”
Jacques Yonnet, Paris Noir: The Secret History of a City

Luke  Taylor
“The sound of diesel fuel rushing through grimy pistons and cylinders below a morning-fogged window bored through his ears like a deep-water drill bit, and the thump of his own heartbeat cursed him for breaking one of his many rules.”
Luke Taylor, Shatterpoint Alpha

Israelmore Ayivor
“Leaders don't cheat; they don't envy. Leaders don't hate; they don't curse. Leadership is a positive service to mankind.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sometimes what is said to be a gift may appear more of a curse only because the greatest gifts of all are the gifts that have enough disruptive force to break us out of everything that’s breaking us. And God loves us far too much not to give us exactly those kinds of gifts.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Profound Living

D.F.   Jones
“Maxey? Do you believe in ghosts?”
D.F. Jones, Antique Mirror: A Witches of Hant Hollow short story

D.F.   Jones
“Tori jumped up and shouted, “What? This can’t be real! I don’t believe this! I can't be stuck here. I have a life, a wonderful career that’s really taking off. I just adopted Jett.”
D.F. Jones, Antique Mirror: A Witches of Hant Hollow short story

Seth Adam Smith
“Everything that is given to us in life is either a blessing or a curse.”
Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

“God simply revealed the self-centered core that began to motivate each of them: The woman would continue to try to draw life and nurturing from a man who was not capable of filling these deep needs—never was and never will be. And the man would be forever trying to rule over the woman, either aggressively or passively trying to keep her quiet about his inadequacy to fill her needs.”
Jeff VanVonderen, Families Where Grace Is in Place

Corey Ann Haydu
“Even the worst things about Devonairre Street are better than the rest of the city.”
Corey Ann Haydu, The Careful Undressing of Love

“One destructive mind-set that must be altered in our society is the thought that work is a curse.”
Sunday Adelaja

Tomichan Matheikal
“Curses are our conscious choices, so is grace,” said Rama. Every error is an invitation to see our reality better, to realise where our consciousness is and where it can be. When we refuse to reach out to the potential of our consciousness, a curse befalls us.”
Tomichan Matheikal
tags: curse

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Losing something might be a blessing; gaining something might be a curse!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Lisa Kleypas
“We’re still poor,” Amelia had told her brother after poring over the solicitor’s letter describing the estate and its affairs. “The estate is small, the servants and most of the tenants have left, the house is shabby, and the title is apparently cursed. Which makes the inheritance a white elephant, to say the least. However, we have a distant cousin who may arguably be in line before you—we can try to throw it all off on him. There is a possibility that our great-great-great-grandfather may not have been legitimate issue, which would allow us to apply for forfeiture of the title on the grounds of—”
“I’ll take the title,” Leo had said decisively.
“Because you don’t believe in curses any more than I do?”
“Because I’m already so damned cursed, another one won’t matter.”
Lisa Kleypas, Mine Till Midnight

Lisa Kleypas
“I wonder why the Ramsay estate is so unproductive?” Amelia mused as the carriage traveled alongside lush pastures. “The land in Hampshire is so fertile, one almost has to try not to grow something here.”
“But our land is cursed, isn’t it?” Poppy asked with mild concern.
“No,” Amelia replied, “not the estate itself. Just the titleholder. Which would be Leo.”
“Oh.” Poppy relaxed. “That’s fine, then.”
Lisa Kleypas, Mine Till Midnight

Deyth Banger
“If every punch, kick done by somebody female or male (it doesn't matter) or a curses said by one of this two sexes and every other thing which makes you feel that you aren't protected or you are heart. Was replacted with a book, that you don't receive a punch or kick, but a book you will be an a librarian!”
Deyth Banger

Enock Maregesi
“Pesa ina thamani pale unapokuwa nayo, si pale unapokuwa huna, hivyo iweke mahali unapoweza kuiona: katika nyumba, katika shamba au katika elimu. Badala ya kumpa mtu pesa ili ajenge nyumba, mpe nyumba. Badala ya kumpa mtu pesa ili afanye biashara, mpe biashara. Halafu, mpe elimu afanye maamuzi ya biashara yake. Pesa ina laana na Mungu pekee ndiye anayeweza kuiondoa laana hiyo. Ni rahisi kwa tajiri kupata baraka ya pesa kwa sababu ana pesa na ana uwezo mkubwa wa kusaidia maskini. Ni vigumu kwa maskini kupata baraka ya pesa kwa sababu hana au ana uwezo mdogo wa kusaidia maskini. Mungu anaweza kuondoa laana ya pesa kupitia hisani kwa maskini, kitu ambacho aghalabu hufanywa na matajiri wenye uwezo mkubwa. Heri kutoa kitu au huduma au elimu kwa maskini kuliko pesa.”
Enock Maregesi

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Kletva koju pisac ima je da pise o ljubavi cak i kada je nema.”
Tamara Stamenkovic

Girdhar Joshi
“When you are happy with your achievements, you don’t curse people and circumstances that were not favorable... You feel superior that despite of the adversities, you won, you achieved, and you conquered.”
Girdhar Joshi, Some Mistakes Have No Pardon