Customer Service Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "customer-service-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 537
“If a businesses customers can clearly describe its value proposition, then it has succeeded in its marketing plan.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“The first priority of the business is to add value to the customers lives, in exchange for payment.

At Mayflower-Plymouth, we're here to help your business figure this out, and to provide holistic solutions.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“As a startup entrepreneur, you need to know who your ideal customer is. Your new business will likely fail before it starts if you don’t know your ideal customer. And honestly, if you don’t know your ideal customer, there’s no purpose for the business to even exist anyway.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“It's ironic - but in business, the greatest success goes to the greatest servants.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.

Susan C. Young

• Be the connector—introduce people to each other who may not otherwise connect.
• Be a conversation fire starter; point out what people have in common as you are introducing them.
• Seek out the folks who may appear to be shy, or awkward, or wallflowers. Find ways to build trust and comfort. Engage them with a kind word to pull them out of their shell.
• Arrive early and stay late; connect with people before and after your event.
• Stretch beyond your comfort zone to speak with, sit with, and start conversations with people whom you do not know.
• Offer to refill someone’s drink or clear their plate.
• Encourage introductions: “There is someone whom I would love for you to meet . . .”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Being 100 percent in the moment and focusing on the person you’re with is one of the finest compliments you can offer. One of the most respectful and considerate things you can do for another is to truly be with them in the here and now.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Just be Nice. Nice—this little word has a big meaning. Use it generously. Being nice helps people feel emotionally safe, allowing for more authentic, trusting, and happy interactions.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Be Brave. Bravery takes fortitude—put yourself on the line, even if you risk failing, falling, being embarrassed, or looking stupid—if being brave were easy, more people would be. Just try it!”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Susan C. Young
“Take the Initiative. Be proactive. If you want to rock your relationship results, it is going to take action, effort, initiative, and choosing to get in the game—so, step up, step out, and show up!”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Louis Yako
“The third serious problem the culture of customer service as we know it creates is turning every profession into a customer service tool to generate profits. In doing so, we risk the loss of creativity, quality, and critical thinking in many walks of life. Nowhere is this risk clearer and more damaging than viewing students at different educational institutions as customers, and nowhere this trend has been happening more rapidly than at schools, colleges, and universities, especially at private institutions. There is severe damage done to creativity and critical thinking when all students want is an A, and in fact feel entitled to get it since they (or their parents) are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend elite schools. Many educators are under enormous pressure to give students grades they do not deserve in order to avoid receiving bad student evaluations (or to ensure getting good ones). This pressure is intensifying as academic jobs become increasingly contingent and precarious, where teaching staff are hired under short contracts only renewed based on so-called ‘performance,’ which is often measured by student evaluations and enrollment. When this happens, academic and intellectual compromises and corruption increase. Colleagues at elite American universities have been pressured to give students grades no lower than a B, with the explanation that this is what is ‘expected.’ Rampant grade inflation is unethical and unacceptable. Unfortunately, when graduate instructors resist professors’ instructions to fix grades by grading according to independent criteria of intellectual merit, they may be verbally chastised or worse, fired. This humiliation not only reinforces the norm of inflating grades, it also bolsters the power of the tenured professors who instruct their teaching assistants to do it.”
Louis Yako

Nita Prose
“Discretion is my motto. Invisible customer service is my goal.”
Nita Prose, The Maid

Louis Yako
“[T]he current system in place evaluates us less as citizens and more as customers or consumers. This is applicable even in foreign policies in the sense that the US foreign policy supports or attacks other countries not based on their values and methods of governance but based on whether these nations allow or block America’s corporate interests on their territories. This perhaps explains why the US supports some of the most undemocratic regimes (customers) and destroys and bombs other secular and diverse nations that do not allow mega malls, McDonald’s, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Amazon, you name it, to plunder their lands and populations.”
Louis Yako

“Respecting your customer is the best marketing strategy.”
Mac Duke The Strategist

“We may think that our product or service alone will win people over daily. Not true. The customer must see the need for it, or they will pass on it. If we do our part, the willing will come to us with a desire to see their need met. I learned a long time ago that you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person. Look for Mr. and Mrs. Right every day you are in the field. They are all around you. You simply must be aggressive in looking for the lookers.”
Chris J. Gregas

Germany Kent
“The best action you can take as a business professional is to treat each client as a valued customer.”
Germany Kent

Jonas Caino
“Take the long view with your customers and they will take the long view with you and your business.”
Jonas Caino, Make Rain: 180 Powerful Insights into How Rainmakers Sell Their Way to Financial Success

“The customer is always 'RIGHT' is not necessarily true. The customer is just another human being who tries to bully, influence & manipulate to fit the title of Mr. Right. Conflict resolution represents an art of maintaining a balancing act without allowing the customer realize their Mr. Right mask has been removed.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Janna Cachola
“Customer service must be non-negotiable in every workplace. Every organisation will come cross customers.”
Janna Cachola

“Customer Experience Design CX is one of the most important facets of business yet most businesses allow customers to wait 30 minutes on hold to speak to an operator in another country and then wonder why their sales, profits, and market share are decreasing?”
Peter Hanami

Frank  Sonnenberg
“You work hard to attract new customers. Why not invest the same effort in retaining them?”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Customers who play games should find someone else to play with.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Brittany Hodak
“Superfans are created at the intersection of your story and every customer's story.”
Brittany Hodak, Creating Superfans: How To Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates

June Stoyer
“The customer may not always be right but the negative press it can result in for a brand can be costly. It is easier to try to find a way to make things right to keep things positive.”
June Stoyer

Marilyn Suttle
“Onboarding is the 'internal customer service' version of making a good first impression.”
Marilyn Suttle

Enamul Haque
“Today, companies aren't just vending products or services; they're crafting experiences.”
Enamul Haque

Janna Cachola
“Balance business acumen with customer acumen.”
Janna Cachola

Enamul Haque
“Happy customers are loyal customers, and their satisfaction drives your business's success. So, take the extra steps, listen to your customers, and make their experience exceptional.”
Enamul Haque

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