Dawdling Quotes

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J.D. Robb
“She took his mouth, gave it a nice little bite as she ground against him. "There you are," she murmured.

"Well, you've left me no choice."

"A cock's always ready to crow."

He laughed, wrapped his arms around her. "Crowing's not what mine's ready for."

"Show me." She went to work on his trousers.

Amused, aroused, he watched her. "In a bit of a hurry, are we?"

"I've got to use you and get back to work, so no dawdling.”
J.D. Robb, The Unquiet

Salman Rushdie
“Much changes in eighteen months on earth, in the age of acceleration that began around the turn of the millennium and still continues to this day. All our stories are told more quickly now, we are addicted to the acceleration, we have forgotten the pleasures of the old slownesses, of the dawdles, the browses, the three-volume novels, the four-hour motion pictures, the thirteen-episode drama series, the pleasures of duration, of lingering. Do what you have to do, tell your story, live your life, get out quickly, spit spot.”
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights