Lingering Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lingering" Showing 1-15 of 15
Shannon L. Alder
“Never pray to be a better slave when God is trying to get you out of your situation.”
Shannon L. Alder

Erik Pevernagie
“Recognizing a problem may help us to understand and solve a problem. Rather than lying down and selling our sound judgment short, let us appeal to the opulent granary of our memory and explore the green pastures lingering in our mind. ("Prêt-à-penser")”
Erik Pevernagie

Criss Jami
“The best ideas will eat at you for days, maybe even weeks, until something, some incident, some impulse, triggers you to finally express them.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Shannon L. Alder
“It is so simple, yet so hard for some people to do. If you want someone out of your life then you and only “you” must tell him or her to leave. This can only be done by you. Otherwise, your silence shouts, “I am undecided.” When other people get involved it sends mixed signals. If only more people would be so bold, hearts would not linger so long.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sanober  Khan
“Tomorrow came
with the illusion of today
even more fleeting than yesterday

it came
like it always comes

and went
like it’s always gone

like a favorite song
in its final seconds

Tomorrow came and left
leaving nothing
but a familiar
sense of loss behind.”
Sanober Khan, A touch, a tear, a tempest

Maureen Johnson
“I try to shake it loose-but these ideas, they cling. It's like I'm shackled to them with an iron chain. They rattle along behind me, dragging against the ground, always reminding me of their presence.”
Maureen Johnson, The Madness Underneath

Kamand Kojouri
“Kiss your scars. Fall in love with them. They ought to serve as life-affirming reminders—a lingering trace of hope. The only reason we have these scars is because we survived and are still here.”
Kamand Kojouri

Sanober  Khan
with me
the lushness
of a lingering sleep...
and last night’s
Sanober Khan, Turquoise Silence

“An addition that takes time to depart, and sometimes, never leaves at all. A smell, a touch, thoughts, moments, feelings, movements, words left unsaid, words barely spoken; they all have a distinct sense, distinct fragrances! .... A pungent of cinnamon, an aroma of a rose, a summer breeze, a sweet smile like a per-fume that lingers on and on... endlessly.”
Angie karan

“I supposed to savour is to hold something in your mouth for more than a moment, to linger and draw out its details. Sometimes you are far too hungry to wait, and things get lost. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that I write things into remembrance. I like to linger long enough to name pleasurable things and seek out more.”
Marlowe Granados, Happy Hour

Lisa Kleypas
“Are you grumpy in the morning?"
"No, but I wake up on the go. I don't like to linger over breakfast."
"You must not be doing it right. Lingering is lovely. I do it all the time." She stretched her arms and shoulders, and arched her sore upper back, her breast lifting with the motion.
Tom stared at her, mesmerized. "I might stay just to watch you linger.”
Lisa Kleypas, Chasing Cassandra

Vijaya Gowrisankar
“The pull of lingering dreams,
the strong, bitter taste
of morning coffee,
the ticking clock,
and horn of awaiting bus
form a powerful combination
to kick-start the day”
Vijaya Gowrisankar

Lisa Kleypas
“I'll awaken as early as necessary," Cassandra said.
"You may not find it worth the effort."
"Why? Are you grumpy in the morning?"
"No, but I wake up on the go. I don't like to linger over breakfast."
"You must not be doing it right. Lingering is lovely. I do it all the time." She stretched her arms and shoulders, and arched her sore upper back, her breasts lifting with the motion.
Tom stared at her, mesmerized. "I might stay just to watch you linger.”
Lisa Kleypas, Chasing Cassandra

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Life is hard but it never loses its grace. If you aren't hard enough you cannot live but if you're not tender you don't deserve to be alive.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Tao of Physical and Spiritual

Salman Rushdie
“Much changes in eighteen months on earth, in the age of acceleration that began around the turn of the millennium and still continues to this day. All our stories are told more quickly now, we are addicted to the acceleration, we have forgotten the pleasures of the old slownesses, of the dawdles, the browses, the three-volume novels, the four-hour motion pictures, the thirteen-episode drama series, the pleasures of duration, of lingering. Do what you have to do, tell your story, live your life, get out quickly, spit spot.”
Salman Rushdie, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights