Dreaming Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dreaming" Showing 151-180 of 935
Mike  Norton
“The best way to be appreciative for your life is to live it; don't die for any other reason but love. Dreams are what guide us, art is what defines us, math is makes it all possible, and love is what lights our way.”
Mike Norton, White Mountain

“Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman – how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like these will be labeled the Supreme Swindle.”

Italo Calvino
“Something must always remain that eludes us ... For power to have an object on which it can be exercised, a space in which to stretch out its arms ... As long as I know there exists in the world someone who does tricks only for the love of the trick, as long as I know there is a woman who loves reading for reading's sake, I can convince myself that the world continues ... And every evening I, too, abandon myself to reading, like that distant unknown woman ....”
Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler

Israelmore Ayivor
“He who has the audacity to stop you from dreaming is he who had given you the imaginations to think, but not those who watch you as you explore the dreams!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Jodi Picoult
“McAfee, I could try this case in my sleep and still win."
"Guess that's your plan, then, since you're clearly dreaming.”
Jodi Picoult, Salem Falls

“The Dream of a Queer Fellow I write the words again and they appear doubly pregnant with meaning. It is a true and terrible phrase : true, because we are all queer fellows dreaming ; and we are queer just because we dream ; terrible, because of the vastness of the unknown which it carries within itself, because it sets loose the tremendous and awful question : What if we are only queer fellows dreaming ? What if behind the veil the truth is leering and jeering at our queerness and our dreams? What if the queer fellow of the story were right, before he dreamed ? What if it were really all the same?

What if it were all the same not once but a million times, life after life, world after world, the same pain, the same doubt, the same dreams? The queer fellow went but one day's journey along the eternal recurrence which threatens human minds and human destinies. When he returned he was queer. There was another man went the same journey. Friedrich Nietzsche dreamed this very dream in the mountains of the Engadine. When he returned he too was queer.”
John Middleton Murry, Fyodor Dostoevsky: a Critical Study

Kevin  Walker
“I learned a long, long time ago, that I could accomplish things in this place we call reality and yet still spend most of my time in the better reality of my mind.”
Kevin Walker, These Moments Pass: Poems

Hope Mirrlees
“The cattle crouched round them in soft shadowy clumps, placidly munching, and dreaming with wide-open eyes. The narrow zone of colour created by the firelight was like the planet Earth - a little freak of brightness in a universe of impenetrable shadows”
Hope Mirrlees, Lud-in-the-Mist

“Dreams are fulfilled at the right.
Be patient and wait for the fulfillment of your dreams.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Shannon L. Alder
“I would fight every angel between us until God said, "Yes.”
Shannon L. Alder

Karen Foxlee
“Before everything happened I wished i had double voice box like a song bird so I could sing two songs at once, the way a bird can harmonize with itself. I wanted to sing crystal clear notes. I wanted to sing them one after anther in ascending order. And at the same time I wanted to let another fountain of notes descend from my heart.”
Karen Foxlee, The Anatomy of Wings

Moss Hart
“It was possible in this wonderful city for that nameless little boy -for any of its millions- to have a decent chance to scale the walls and achieve what they wished. Wealth, rank or an imposing name counted for nothing. The only credential the city asked was the boldness to dream. For those who did, it unlocked its gates and its treasures, not caring who they were or where they came from.”
Moss Hart, Act One

Roman Payne
“A tired man lay down his head
in a dusty room so dim,
and for so long his wife did shake
and yell to waken him.

Meanwhile his thoughts, his dreams, did stir
of sandy, red bullfights,
of powder-blasts in the air
and carnival delights.

Yet still his wife was in despair
in a dusty room so dim,
for she knew death was a whore
not far from tempting him.”
Roman Payne

Talia Basma
“And when I'm lonely, with everyone around
I go to my happy place where I'm alone”
Talia Basma, Being

Dark Jar Tin Zoo
“I had a dream about you. At first you were a mannequin, and I was a fashion designer. Then, inexplicably, we switched roles and I became the mannequin. But instead of putting clothes on me, you laughed at my nakedness, and you sold me to the owner of a sex shop. 
Dark Jar Tin Zoo, I Had a Dream About You

Dora J. Arod
“I had a dream about you. You were you, but you were many—a multitude of mannequins, each named Manny. And I was me, but I was Dark Jar Tin Zoo, and as such I made love to you—all of you. Then I woke up alone, naked, cuddling a mannequin I named after you who smells like you, because I spray it with the same fragrance you used to wear. Is that crazy? No, I didn’t think so either. 
Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You

Dora J. Arod
“I had a dream about you. You were wearing Sylvester Stallone's sneer as pants, but his lips were saggy on your legs, so you had to wear a mustache as a belt.
Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You

Alice Munro
“Her silent singing wrapped around the story she was telling herself, which she extended further every night on the deck. (Averill often told herself stories-- the activity seemed to her as unavoidable as dreaming.) Her singing was a barrier set between the world in her head and the world outside, between her body and the onslaught of the stars.”
Alice Munro, Friend of My Youth

Margaret Atwood
“…But my dreaming self refuses to be consoled.”
Margaret Atwood

“I won't stop writing until I am known as the Kurt Cobain of literature!”
Christina Westover

Friedrich Nietzsche
“Man träumt gar nicht, oder interessant -- Man muss lernen, ebeson zu wachen: -- gar nicht, oder interessant”
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs

Dora J. Arod
“I had a dream about you. We were ice fishing in my freezer. I caught a few cold beers, and you wondered if we should drink them, or throw them back because they were babies.
Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You

Criss Jami
“I fall asleep
Call it deep while all is well be-
Cause my life seems like a freestyle mean-
While asleep on the couch I dream it's a written piece and now
The symphony's sounding
Shouting out to these feet whose leaps feel foul but quite loud

But how
I'm allowed to live my dreams
My Chimeran team brings the Siberian breed
Riding reality free 'til these tires they freeze
In mires in dire need of wires, fire and heat but
I love a dark, hard cold heart in the wintery breeze”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Mark Strand
“I jump from a building
As if I were falling asleep,

The wind like a pillow
Slowing me down,

Slowing me down
As if I were dreaming.

Surrounded by air,
I come to a stop,

And stand like a tourist
Watching the pigeons.

People in offices,
Wanting to save me,

Open their mouths.
'Throw me a stone,' I yell,

Wanting to fall.
But nobody listens.

They throw me a rope.
And now I am walking,

Taking to you,
Talking to you

As if I were dreaming
I were alive.”
Mark Strand, Reasons for Moving

Angelo Tsanatelis
“He was in a strange, badly lit room, wearing even stranger clothes, getting an earful from an unknown woman, in a language that he could and couldn’t exactly place in a very disturbing way.
These were not his memories.”
Angelo Tsanatelis, Origins

Fierce Dolan
“Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates.”
Fierce Dolan

Dark Jar Tin Zoo
“I had a dream about you. You looked like you, but you also looked like a mannequin. And I looked like me, but I also looked like a mannequin. Between the two of us, we were too fake even for Hollywood. And as such, we were forced to reside in Washington DC.
Dark Jar Tin Zoo, I Had a Dream About You

Dora J. Arod
“I had a dream about you. You had no skin or muscle on your face, and to try to conceal your bare skull you liberally applied lipstick and makeup. Your birthday was coming up, and I knew you were probably sensitive about parties that emphasize the aging process, so I decided to box up your gift in a coffin and wrap it with black wrapping paper. I got you the best gift ever too—a hooker, who happened to be dead, because that enabled me to procure a sizeable discount.
Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You

Dora J. Arod
“I had a dream about you. We were in a canoe, and we were paddling across the desert. You said you were thirsty, and I pointed to the sand that surrounded us and said, “No, I will not urinate in your mouth.” At that point I woke up, because I realized I really had to pee—and get a drink of water.
Dora J. Arod, I Had a Dream About You