Elon Musk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "elon-musk" Showing 1-30 of 62
“Don't confuse schooling with education. I didn't go to Harvard but the people that work for me did.”
Elon Musk, Elon Musk

Walter Isaacson
“[Musk] concluded that Trump as president was no different than he was as a candidate. The buffoonery was not just an act. "Trump might be one of the world’s best bullshitters ever," he says. "Like my dad. Bullshitting can sometimes baffle the brain. If you just think of Trump as sort of a con-man performance, then his behavior sort of makes sense." When the president pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Accord, an international agreement to fight climate change, Musk resigned from the presidential councils.”
Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk over promises to deliver proprietary-to-novel products in short time but delivers a bit late. The advantage of this tactic is it drives global PR ad also lures pre-orders.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Walter Isaacson
“When NASA had awarded SpaceX the contract to build a rocket that would take astronauts to the Space Station, it had, on the same day in 2014, given a competing contract, with 40 percent more funding to Boeing. By the time SpaceX succeeded in 2020, Boeing had not even been able to get an unmanned test flight to dock with the station.”
Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk

Walter Isaacson
“Twitter is an ideal—almost too ideal—playground for Musk. It rewards players who are impulsive, irreverent, and unfiltered, like a flamethrower for the thumbs.”
Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk

Walter Isaacson
“He had developed a deep disdain of Donald Trump, whom he considered a con man, but he wasn’t impressed by Joe Biden. “When he was vice president, I went to lunch with him in San Francisco where he droned on for an hour and was boring as hell, like one of those dolls where you pull the string and it just says the same mindless phrases over and over.” Nonetheless, he says he would have voted for Biden in 2020, but he decided that going to the polls in California, where he was then registered, was a waste of time because it was not a contested state.”
Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk is indeed the man of the moment for entrepreneurship and innovation in this era. In our time, he has propelled proprietary innovation in various industries: finance, automotive and space travel.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“I see Elon Musk as a combination of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Steve Jobs, of our time. In his entrepreneurial pursuits, he has played the role of a programmer, industrial designer, product architect, mechanical engineer and physicist.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk is a synthesizer of engineers. He has brilliantly played human resource and hired amazing engineers to create ‘material-discovery-novelty to proprietary-novelty’ innovations.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“It is worth noting that Elon Musk enjoys certain privileges that may not be available to everyone. For instance, he is situated in the United States, which is a developed country with a large population of over 300 million people, and where funding opportunities are relatively more abundant. His previous entrepreneurial successes have also placed him in favourable positions to secure funding for his ambitious projects.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Despite Elon Musks’ privileges and advantages, I believe that his approach to innovation is adaptable and can be replicated to varying degrees.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk calculated that by producing about 80% of their hardware in-house for SpaceX, they could cut the cost of launching for customers and still enjoy a 70% gross margin.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“One of the most notable innovations of SpaceX is the creation and engineering of reusable rockets. Prior to this innovation, once a rocket was used, it was done with, resulting in significant financial loss.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“The Falcon 9’s two launch stages are engineered to return to earn. The first part of the rocket propels the rocket head and then returns to earth and lands where it fired from. This is done by using grid fins and the engines performing retry burning.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“The Raptor engine is another advanced innovation, as it is the first full-flow staged combustion rocket engine ever flown and produces the highest combustion chamber pressure ever reached by an operational rocket engine (330 bars). The previous record holder did 290 to 300 bar in one mode of operation is the (Soviet's RD-701 engine) in the 1980s.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Overall, the success of SpaceX serves as an example of how re-imagining manufacturing and applying new materials and proprietary innovations can lead to significant cost reductions and novel innovations. It is important to always remain on the lookout for new ideas and improvements and to have a technically capable team in place to make them a reality.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk, a multifaceted industrial designer, engineer, and technologist, also possesses these artisan-like hands. He has the capacity to deconstruct complex systems, identify areas for improvement, and construct his own enhanced versions.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Innovators possess the drive and determination to act upon their interest to learn a skill or pursue a vision, even if it means hiring skills to develop or create for them. Again still, they possess the drive and determination to act upon their visions, turning them into tangible realities. Their actions set them apart from the rest, as they actively engage with the challenges, uncertainties, and possibilities inherent in the creation process.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“To become an innovator, one must first be in motion, continuously pursuing their passions and engaging in meaningful activities. This proactive mindset, coupled with the drive to explore and create, is what sets the stage for innovation. Just like Dr. Fleming, who made groundbreaking discoveries by actively conducting experiments and pushing the boundaries of his field, true innovators understand the value of taking action.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Innovation itself can be viewed as a stack of interconnected elements. Consider a chair, for instance, which combines wood or other solid materials with a specific geometric shape designed for comfortable seating, primarily suited for humans. Adding cushions to the chair further enhances its innovation by increasing comfort.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“To become an innovator, one must possess the ability to envision novel innovations across a range of domains, from material discoveries to proprietary-novelty. Acquiring diverse skills and cultivating a mindset that embraces cross-disciplinary thinking and exploration paves the way for the generation of groundbreaking ideas. The breadth of knowledge and expertise allows innovators to traverse different realms, connect seemingly unrelated concepts, and ultimately push the boundaries of what is possible.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“As you acquire more skills, your ability to create a wider range of products expands. With each new skill, you gain increased confidence, practicality, and boldness, enabling you to pursue and develop even more daring and innovative creations. Elon Musk's approach to innovation operates in this manner.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk hires smart people and let them figure solutions. At the founding of SpaceX, Musk hired various engineers to help build these would be novel rockets that would cost clients a fraction of the then going rate.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“Elon Musk suffers from over promising and delivering a tad bit late – but not under-delivering.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Tiisetso Maloma
“A great frame inferred to encapsulate Musk’s hiring philosophy is the ‘two-hands test’. It means the candidate must have first-hand experience and a hands-on expertise in testing. Passing the two-hands test proves you have skin in the game.”
Tiisetso Maloma, Innovate Like Elon Musk: Easily Participate in Innovation with Guidelines from Tesla and SpaceX: A Simple Understanding of First Principle Thinking and Vertical Integration

Ehsan Sehgal
“Don't be puzzled and surprised if Elon Musk is on Twitter like Trump at the White House.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“Por que tantas pessoas de sucesso, como o Elon Musk e Roger do Ultraje a Rigor, são de extrema direita? ”
Jorge Guerra Pires, A armadilha da meritocracia: Por que “o céu é o limite” não é verdade (Ensaios, percepções e pensamentos)

“Elon Musk will be the cause of AI controlling humans and the necessities of life.”
Kathy Greggs, The Mother The Soldier The Activist

Suzanne Giesemann
“Are you familiar with the phrase "to grok"?
It comes from the 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. The main character is a human raised on Mars whose English language is peppered with Martian words. "To grok something" means to wrap your head around a concept.”
Suzanne Giesemann, The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life

Abhijit Naskar
“Dear John Twitter
(Delete Twitter Sonnet)

For a long time I've been
backin' away from twitter,
but I didn't cut tie completely
hoping that it might get better.

Now that a far right billionaire baboon
has turned it into the internet sewer,
there's no point to hanging on to filth,
twitter used to be relevant, but no longer.

From time to time, colonial morons try to
bring back the good ol' days of segregation.
It's up to the human society to take charge,
and castrate their ambition through isolation.

Quarantine rabid dogs by absolute dissociation,
To entertain filth is to perpetrate uncivilization.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

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