Excitement Quotes

Quotes tagged as "excitement" Showing 121-150 of 338
Steven Decker
“They came for me the next morning.”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“Teacher,” I said. “Can you feel love?”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“No,” said the doctor. “It’s something I’ve never seen before. Something I don’t think anyone has seen before.”  ”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“We theorize that if these disruptions continue to happen, eventually the separate realities will begin to compete with our primary reality for dominance, and there will end up being no safe reality to live in.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Steven Decker
“I must admit that if there was ever going to be a woman to take my mind and heart off of Annette, it would have been Aideen.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Katie Hall-May
“That is what Frederick is like. He’s part man, part
fantasy. He gathers your wild imaginings about him,
wraps them around himself like a garment. Until
eventually he is a figure made mostly of the mystery you
endowed him with yourself.
And you don’t try to unravel it. Because you’re afraid
that all you’d have left is a pair of brown eyes and a
limp. And by that point, you’ve already given him so
Katie Hall-May, Puck's Legacy

Katie Hall-May
“No matter how many times I made plans, or how
violently I tried to shake myself out of this stupor, I could
never destroy the conviction that whatever I escaped to
would prove only to be another, greyer prison.”
Katie Hall-May, Puck's Legacy

Katie Hall-May
“There is a strange, slow moment. The final page in my inconclusive and fraying thesaurus. And I am floating upwards, I am driftwood between them. The bright, bright blue that is the sky. And the glitter in the tarmac, like a promise of stars.”
Katie Hall-May, Memories of a Lost Thesaurus

“It took him about 20 minutes under the shower to start getting some self-respect back. It would have taken a bit less if he had a decent showerhead and decent water pressure.”
Matt Francis, Murder in the Pacific: Ifira Point

“...don't get more anxious
about feeling anxious,
especially when the anxiety is so justifiable.
It'll just lead to more anxiety.
And there is definitely a tipping point...

...know that it's also anticipation ... and possibility ...
and hope.

Ride the waves ...
Feel the excitement.
It lets you know you're alive.”
Shellen Lubin

Patrick G. Cox
“The ground trembled. “Okay, so you’ve blown something. “If you’ve killed Felicity, you’d better brace yourself for the hellscape I’m going to rain down on your nasty little heads.”
He checked the data gathered by the spider droid in the one remaining exit. He had to hand it to these daemons—he was now certain Bast wasn’t here—they were damned good at concealment. There were at least two in this tunnel, possibly more, and he couldn’t be sure he’d trapped, injured or killed those covering the exits he’d just destroyed. No worries, he still had a couple of toys in his arsenal.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

“we found a body. A dead body.”
Matt Francis, Murder in the Pacific: Ifira Point

Lee Jacquot
“Something about being so close, yet not, is intoxicating.
Perhaps it's the anticipation of the possibility that's so exciting.”
Lee Jacquot, The Four Leaf

Patrick G. Cox
“A shout and the sound of plasma fire distracted the security team for a fraction of a second. Bast tensed, wondering if she could take out all three Security officers. Before she could act, however, all three were giving their attention to her again. Under her breath she cursed again, but managed to play the role she’d set herself. “Oh! What was that about?”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

“Fear and excitement are twins; they live on opposite sides of the same door. It's up to you which room you live in.

[Violet Harper Armitage]”
Alexandra Benedict, The Christmas Murder Game

Robin M. King
“The ticket in my hand moved in the slight fall breeze as I staggered back onto my rock. My body shivered. I should have been shocked by the paper in my hand. I should have called Professor Golkov and asked him for answers or more information. I should have just gone back to my dorm and ignored the unfamiliar feeling rising through me. I should have done a lot of things, but I always did what I should. When the foreign feeling spread through me and filled my being, I finally realized what it was. Thrill. I felt like I held the answer to my life’s puzzle in my hands.”
Robin M. King, Remembrandt

Stephen         King
“It was the look the talented wear when, after years of just moving sleepily along from pillar to post, they are finally challenged to do something that will tax their abilities, stretch them to their limits. Perhaps even beyond them.”
Stephen King, The Dark Tower

Robin S. Baker
“Spontaneity is good for the soul.”
Robin S. Baker

Matthew  Perry
“The key to the problem, I would come to understand, was this: I lacked both spiritual guidelines, and an ability to enjoy anything. But at the same time, I was also an excitement addict. This is such a toxic combination I can't even.

I didn't know this at the time, of course, but if I was not in the act of searching for excitement, being excited, or drunk, I was incapable of enjoying anything. The fancy word for that is "anhedonia," a word and feeling I would spend millions in therapy and treatment centers to discover and understand. Maybe that's why I won tennis matches only when I was a set down and within points of losing. Maybe that's why I did everything I did. "Anhedonia," by the way, was the original working title of my favorite movie, the one my mother and I had enjoyed together, "Annie Hall". Woody gets it. Woody gets me.”
Matthew Perry, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing

Sarah J. Maas
“I can't wait to see it.'

And for the first time, with these two friends beside her, with a mate waiting for her... it was true.

Nesta couldn't wait to see the future that unfolded. All of it.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Alex  Gino
“The butterflies in her stomach had butterflies in their stomachs.”
Alex Gino, Melissa

Fred Uhlman
“When at last I left him I ran all the way home. I laughed, I talked to myself, I wanted to shout and sing, and I found it very difficult not to tell my parents how happy I was, that my whole life had changed, and that I was no longer a beggar but as rich as Croesus.”
Fred Uhlman

Elly Griffiths
“God, Ruth. You do live, don’t you?’
Ruth doesn’t reply. She thinks she detects a tinge of envy in Peter’s voice for her supposedly exciting life. She wants to tell him that, far from being excited, she actually feels lonely and rather scared. She looks at him, wondering how honest she wants to be.”
Elly Griffiths, The Crossing Places

Robin M. King
“The determination in me to set about on this unknown course of direction made me to smile. For the first time in a long while, life had meaning and excitement.”
Robin M. King, Remembrandt

Madeleine K. Albright
“Oral histories from the period testify to the hope and excitement that Fascism generated. Men and women who had despaired of political change suddenly felt in touch with the answers they had been seeking. Eagerly they traveled long distances to attend Fascist rallies, where they discovered kindred souls keen to restore greatness to the nation, traditional values to the community, and optimism about the future. Here, in this crusade, they heard explanations that made sense to them about the powerful currents that were at work in the world. Here were the chances they had sought to participate in youth groups, athletic organizations, charity drives, and job-training activities. Here were the connections they needed to start a new business or take out a loan. Many families that had stopped after bearing two children, thinking that number all they could afford, now found the confidence to bear four or five or six. In the congenial company of fellow Fascists, they could share an identity that seemed right to them and engage in a cause that each could serve with gladness and singleness of heart. These were prizes, they believed, worth marching for and even giving up democratic freedoms for—provided their leaders could do as promised and make their fantasies real.”
Madeleine K. Albright, Fascism: A Warning

Sarah J. Maas
“I linked my arm through his, nestling into his warmth. 'It's strange,' I murmured.

Rhys angled his head. 'What is?'

I smiled. At him, at the Rainbow, at the city. 'This feeling, this excitement to wake up every day. To see you, and to work, and to just be here.'

Nearly a year ago, I'd told him the opposite. Wished for the opposite. His face softened, as if he, too, remembered it. And understood.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Frost and Starlight

Criss Jami
“It's as though human emotions have speed limits, and their tipping points vary depending on the person and which cog(nitive) gear is set: So typically, men go off the rails briefly when they're furious, whereas women, when they're frightened; but children while excited.”
Criss Jami

Robin S. Baker
“The passion and excitement that I get from life, when immersed in studying something weird or unconventional, is amazing. It feels as though I’ve found a new toy to play with.”
Robin S. Baker

Leander Deeny
“The problem with boredom is that it is infectious. If one is in an excited mood, anything one experiences seems exciting too. If the sun is shining and the world is on your side, jumping up and down on the spot can seem like an adventure. Somebody saying hello can bring a tear of joy to your eye. Tidying your room can seem like a quest fit for a hero. But when you are bored, all the world becomes boring. Jumping up and down on the spot becomes tiring and pointless. The person who said hello secretly hates you. Tidying your room is a task so insurmountably impossible that the house will fall down before you manage it. So, given her present mood, if the Emperor of Japan had teleported into her room and asked if she'd like to go on a dragon ride to the moon, she'd probably have told him she couldn't be bothered.”
Leander Deeny, Gli incubi di Hazel

Robin S. Baker
“If you’re currently confused about your path, start following what stirs excitement or curiosity inside of you. Take it step by step. It’ll lead you exactly where you need to be.”
Robin S. Baker