Family Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "family-life" Showing 61-90 of 203
Winnie Nantongo
“Just because someone is your family doesn’t mean you have to keep them around if they are toxic or abusive. Don’t let people guilt you.”
Winnie Nantongo

“Some kids tell me their parents are never at home. How I wish. I never have a minute to myself, except in my room. Our back yard is no escape. Every time I sit by the pool, Mom is at the kitchen window doing this and that. Always watching.”
Michael Benzehabe, Zonked Out: The Teen Psychologist of San Marcos Who Killed Her Santa Claus and Found the Blue-Black Edge of the Love Universe

Gail Lumet Buckley
“Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future.”
Gail Lumet Buckley

Stewart Stafford
“The eldest child is the golden one, the middle child invisible, and the youngest child is loud.”
Stewart Stafford

Suzy  Davies
“In the garden,
just we two,
Look! I have a rose
for you ...”
Suzy Davies

Mary O'Hara
“If you have a difficult decision to make, never force it, Rob had told his boys. Weigh each alternative singly, without prejudice. If they seem to balance evenly, no advantage one way or the other, do not be deceived. There is an advantage one way or the other. If you wait long enough, it will become apparent to you and suddenly the decision will be made without difficulty, and it will be right.”
Mary O'Hara, Green Grass of Wyoming

Louisa May Alcott
“She loved to do the "little things" that others did not see, or were too busy to stop for: and while doing them, without a thought of thanks, she made sunshine for herself as well as others. That is how I was brought up and how I brought up my children. <3”
Louisa May Alcott, An Old-Fashioned Girl

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Love is the glue that holds a family together and without which all things fall apart.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

Sophie Kinsella
“This family may be broken. It may be shattered. But it's my broken, shattered family. And I want to be here, I finally admit to myself. To be at the party, even if I'm invisible. This is the last hurrah, even if no one's cheering. I just can't walk away.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Party Crasher

Anoir Ou-chad
“My family comes first, then others.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

Shawn  Wells
“The last words you should say to anyone at night—whether it’s your spouse, your children, your dog, your cat or yourself—are “I love you.”
Shawn Wells, The Energy Formula: Six life changing ingredients to unleash your limitless potential

Laura Moffitt
“Up high in the sky,
Far and not near,
Not seen by your eye,
Nor hear by your ear...”
Laura Moffitt, The New Cloud

Stewart Stafford
“October's Double by Stewart Stafford

Light a fire in flinty February,
As the evening time comes down,
Welcome all the family home
With shopping bought from town.

Hear the logs crackle and roll,
And the sparks pop and hiss,
A storm roars down the chimney,
To deliver its tempestuous kiss.

Drowsiness in the living room,
As the expiring embers fade,
Up we go to those clean sheets,
And beds so neatly made.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Ruth Thompson
“Reading feeds the spirit.”
Ruth Thompson, A Heart for Healing

“The whole theme of motherhood and family life, with those sweet affections which illuminate it, must be the fountain spring of present happiness and future survival.”
James C. Humes, The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill

Leslie Tall Manning
“I thought of my mom, sitting on the sofa on a rainy Saturday afternoon, watching cable reruns of her favorite Little House on the Prairie series. Sometimes she'd cry. She would hold onto a tissue, and she would sob as she sat there on the couch. I asked her once why she was crying. She told me it was because the show made her happy.”
Leslie Tall Manning, Upside Down in a Laura Ingalls Town

“I have found family to be the compass that guides me all the time.”
Itayi Garande, Broken Families: How to get rid of toxic people and live a purposeful life

“Family time is not a matter of convenience; it is a matter of priority. Spend time with those you love because one of these days you will say one of the following two statements: “I wish I had” or “I’m glad I did”.”
Itayi Garande, Broken Families: How to get rid of toxic people and live a purposeful life

“Analogous to how we teach a child to develop vision by exposing them to visual stimulus a person must learn how to love by immersing themselves in the quick of nature and actively engaging in the tumult of family life. We become loveable by being a loving person. We find ourselves by devoting our lives to the service of other people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Anoir Ou-chad
“My family comes first then others.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

David Nicholls
“The inability to control a child's recollections is a frustrating one. I know my own parents did their best to provide sun-dappled days of picnics and paddling pools, but mainly I remember advertising jingles, wet socks on radiators, inane TV theme tunes, arguments about wasted food. With my own sun, there were times when I definitely thought 'remember this' - Albie toppling through the high grass of a summer meadow, the three of us lolling in bed on a winter Sunday (...) - wishing there was some way to press 'record'.”
David Nicholls, Us

“You are BRAVE.
You are strong.
You are safe.
You are loved.”
Kathleen Davis

Valentin Rasputin
“This is everything for me, my only service in life. And let people not know, but my blood will know that he's mine. Only our blood remembers us anyway.”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

Donna Goddard
“Our family is a place where we can have a profound impact on other people. Try to make that impact as positive, life-enhancing, and encouraging as possible.”
Donna Goddard, Touched by Love

William Edward Hartpole Lecky
“The effect of the mortification of the domestic affections upon the general character was probably very pernicious. The family circle is the appointed sphere, not only for the performance of manifest duties, but also for the cultivation of the affections; and the extreme ferocity which so often characterised the ascetic was the natural consequence of the discipline he imposed upon himself. Severed from all other ties, the monks clung with desperate tenacity to their opinions and to their Church, and hated those who dissented from them with all the intensity of men whose whole lives were concentrated on a single subject, whose ignorance and bigotry prevented them from conceiving the possibility of any good thing in opposition to themselves, and who had made it a main object of their discipline to eradicate all natural sympathies and affections.”
William Edward Hartpole Lecky, History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne

Violet Lapp
“Mom," Blondie says, "cupcakes are really just little cakes wrapped in love." Yes, my love, they are!”
Violet Lapp

George Saunders
“If this isn't the essential American story, I don't know what is: Guy hews a life out of nothing, by working every waking moment, with no education, no government help, no external advantages whatsoever, and no ulterior motive. What did he want? A place where his kids could grow up, with less fear and more material comforts.”
George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone

Tammy Lockamy
“Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
~ George Cooper”
Tammy Lockamy, Where Are You Mary?

Abhijit Naskar
“The wellbeing of my loved ones is more important to me than what the society thinks of me.”
Abhijit Naskar, Woman Over World: The Novel

Abhijit Naskar
“Be cautious of those who applaud your accomplishment. And never lose those who walk by you in hopelessness.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans