Fell In Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fell-in-love" Showing 1-18 of 18
R.K. Lilley
“You’re my favorite subject, Love. I’ll start with your eyes. I fell in love with those first. One look was like a punch to the guy. You have these ageless eyes on such a young face. I just knew that you had seen bad things, and from the start, I knew that you could understand pain. Understand feeling hopeless and helpless and alone. I fell in love with your eyes first because I looked into their depths and saw the other half of my soul.”
R.K. Lilley, Grounded

Kamand Kojouri
“I was so blessed.
The first person
I gave my heart to
was an angel
who plucked the feathers
off his wings
and built a nest for it.”
Kamand Kojouri

Rebecca Yarros
“We hadn't even kissed, and I fell.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Aleatha Romig
“I don’t doubt you can handle it; you’ve
handled so much. You’ve always been so strong. It’s what—”
“I know—it’s what infuriated you about me.”
He squeezed her hand. “Yes—and it’s
what made me fall in love with you.”
Aleatha Romig, Convicted

Jessica Khoury
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
He takes my face in his hands. “I’m not. I’m not sorry I met you. I’m not sorry I fell in love with you. I have no regrets, Zahra, and neither should you. I love you.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish

Lorena Bathey
“Well honey, seems innocent enough to me. He came in and fell in love with your buns.”
Lorena Bathey, Beatrice Munson

Kamand Kojouri
“All kinds of people read poetry: revolutionaries, scholars, sentimentalists etc. But above all else, lovers read poetry. Why? Because we fell in love. And then we fell in love with love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Sara Desai
“I was thinning the hellebore when I saw a woman in an oversize suit jacket and a fedora trying to throw a rope into a window two stories high to rescue her friend in the dark and rain. I've traveled all over the world and I've seen many things, but I've never seen anything like that. And then the alarm went off and she didn't run. She didn't give up. She refused to leave her friend and tried to scale a sheer brick wall with her bare hands. I didn't know love and loyalty like that existed. I only knew what it meant to be alone. I had to meet her."
"We didn't meet," I said. "You grabbed me and dragged me into the bushes."
"That's what you do when you find the love of your life," he said.
"You love me?"
His voice was soft as he turned away. "I think I loved you from the moment you threw that rope.”
Sara Desai, To Have and to Heist

Elin Hilderbrand
All along, Thatcher has had a plan: Marry her. He's talked about it with Father Ott. For months, they've gone over the sticky emotional territory. Fiona yearns to be married, and what she really wanted was to marry JZ. But JZ is already married; he had a chance to make things right with Fiona and he blew it. So that leaves Thatcher, who wants to make a pledge of his devotion to this person- his friend, his partner, his first love. She is more his family than his own family. He has planned to marry her all along and she agreed to it only by saying, "At the very end. If nobody else wants us."
How ironic, and awful, that this was the summer Thatcher fell in love. He didn't think it was possible- at age thirty-five, as solitary as he liked to be, as devoted to his business and Fiona, as impermeable to romance- and yet, one morning, just as he was wondering where he was going to find the kind of help that would enable him to make it through the summer, there she was. Adrienne Dealey. Beautiful, yes, but he loves Adrienne not because she is beautiful but because she is different. He has never known a woman so free from conceit, vanity, ambition, and pretense. He has never known a woman so willing to show the world that she is a human being. He has never known a woman with such an appetite- a literal appetite, but also an appetite for adventure- the places she's been, unafraid, all by herself. Thatcher loves her in a huge, mature, adult way. He loves her the right way. Now he has to hope that God grants her patience and understanding and faith. Whenever he prays these days, he prays for Adrienne, too.

Elin Hilderbrand, The Blue Bistro

Emma Törzs
“I fell in love with you first,' Cecily always said to Esther. 'Your father was a bonus.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe

“Karim could not keep from staring at her- so exotic was this creature before him, with honey eyes and glossy lips like a candy he could lick off her face. It was as if a door had opened and he had walked through it. Everything behind him had fallen into a deep abyss and never again could he retrace his steps to that boy, the one with unruly hair and scraped kneecaps, caught roaches and mice with bare hands, who sometimes smelled like a wet sheep. What solitude he had lived in. His world expanded with Lily in the kitchen and it was all very new looking. Then, realizing his dirty nails and ugly pants, he was deeply embarrassed and hid behind Soli, his heart beating in big thumps.”
Donia Bijan, The Last Days of Café Leila

“He desperately wanted to hear Lily say merci again, but Naneh Goli folded a piece of naan around a boiled egg, placed it in his knapsack, and pushed him out the door with a long list of instructions he didn't hear. All he could think was, I fell in love at eight fifteen on the morning of June 9.
Later that afternoon he scurried around the kitchen, underfoot until Naneh Goli sent him to the storeroom for jam. The cellar, illuminated by a bulb on a string, was like a pharmacy, with shelves of rosewater, orange blossom water, quince syrup, lime syrup, vinegars, and jars of pickled vegetables, all painstakingly labeled in Agha (Mr.) Zod's shaky script. Karim paused to read the labels but found nothing to ease the knocking in his chest, so he took the last jar of fig preserves for Lily. His Lily jan (dear), Lily rose, Lily shirin (sweet), Lily morning, Lily moon, Lily merci.”
Donia Bijan, The Last Days of Café Leila

Valeria Luiselli
“Then, after working together for just a few months, we fell in love — completely, irrationally, predictably, and headfirst, like a rock might fall in love with a bird, not knowing who the rock was and who the bird — and when summer arrived, we decided to move in together.”
Valeria Luiselli, Lost Children Archive

Sara Desai
“He traced a groove in the melamine counter. "I had some of the best times sitting around your table, throwing out math problems for you to solve or talking hockey with Sanjay and your dad." He pointed to the dent. "Do you remember this?"
Daisy put the pastries in the microwave and took down two mugs from the cupboard. "What is it?"
"It's where I dropped a bowl of pakoras when you walked into the kitchen wearing a tight green dress that Layla had bought for you because she was dragging you to a school dance. You were sixteen, and you looked amazing. Your dad and Sanjay went crazy. Sanjay insisted you wear a winter jacket. Layla had to run interference. That was the day I realized you weren't a little girl anymore and I couldn't treat you like you were.”
Sara Desai, The Dating Plan

“If your heart stays young; then there is no age to fall in love.”
Wrushank Sorte

Emily E.K. Murdoch
“I am worth more than any earldom. And I can see that I am not, not worth the happiness of thousands. I fell in love with Dr. Walsingham, but…but he is gone. I suggest you call upon Miss Blakemoor. I imagine she will wish to marry the Earl of Cheshire.”
Emily E.K. Murdoch, Ten Lords a Leaping

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I'm standing for you because I fell in love with you.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Oh, and Kai?" she calls, her voice casual.
And then I'm ducking.
She spun, throwing the knife so suddenly that I barely had time to dodge it before it sank into the wooden target a few feet behind me.
"I don't want your mercy. Next time we fight," I can see her blue eyes smoldering from where I stand, "impress me."
A low whistle sounds from the crowd-Kitt, of course. Ignoring him, I shake my head, grinning at her as she turns away from me.
Vicious little thing, indeed.”
Lauren Roberts, Powerless