Gifts And Talents Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gifts-and-talents" Showing 1-30 of 33
L.M. Browning
“We must seek out that which invigorates us, and engage it at all fronts. Art, music, literature, conversation, travel, nature—whatever it is that keeps the fire of our spirit bright—we must build our life around it; for, without our passions, the years ahead become a burden rather than a gift.”
L.M. Browning, Seasons of Contemplation: A Book of Midnight Meditations

“What’s secretly in the water
of modern culture is that people
enter the world empty.
That’s a very dangerous idea,
because if everybody’s empty
than other people can get us
to do whatever they want
because there’s nothing
in us to stand against it.

But if we came to do
something that’s meaningful,
that involves giving and
making the world a more
beautiful, healthy, lively place,
then you become a difficult person
to move around and manipulate.”
Michael Meade

Julie Barbera
“Treasures are right before our eyes, yet many miss gems searching for pearls at the bottom of the sea.”
Julie Barbera

“God wonderfully made you different; you must make a wonderful difference !”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“Find your Voice or risk fading out”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Julie Barbera
“Circumstances don't define you. They shape you. You're molded to make a difference. Let your light shine bright, even through the cracks.”
Julie Barbera

“Living closer to the center of our being is the practice of a lifetime, but so, too, is skillfully living on the horizontal plane-the surface of life-where our purpose for being on the planet is uniquely expressed. Redefining moments are simply energy vortexes that draw the authentic self up (vertically) and out (horizontally) and into present moment awareness, revealing it to the light of day and the gifts it holds.”
Dennis Merritt Jones, Your Redefining Moments: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be

Elizabeth Isaacs
“We are born with gifts and talents, which we discover over time through new experiences. Talents invigorate our lives, incite our passions, allowing our authenticity to shine. To me, nothing is more tragic than someone never taking a chance, never stepping out of their box, only to leave this world with a myriad of unwrapped gifts.”
Elizabeth Isaacs

Jim Lynch
“Some people blamed his oddities on his dyslexia, which was so severe that one giddy pediatrician called it a gift: While he might never learn how to spell or read better than the average fourth grader, he’d always see things the rest of us couldn’t.”
Jim Lynch, Border Songs

“There's no difficulty that love cannot conquer...
no door love cannot open...

No wall enough love will not bring down...
only if we could love enough

When love, skill, a talent or gift work together...
we create a masterpiece

Love someone with your skill, your talent or our gift... Make someone's life easier... Make someone happy today... Create your masterpiece today”
Val Uchendu

Mary Burchell
“We can take no credit for our gifts. It's what we do with them that matters.”
Mary Burchell, A Song Begins

Marianne Williamson
“Give all your gifts away in service to the world.  If you want to paint, don't wait for a grant, paint a wall in your town that looks drab and uninviting.  You never know who is going to see that wall. Whatever it is you want to do, give it away in service to your community.”
Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

“Any man who discovers their gift dominates”
Mac Duke The Strategist

Nicky Verd
“You can get fired from your job but you can never get fired from your talents”
Nicky Verd

“Stop denying your Gifts and talents in fear of criticism and disapproval. God created you to create”
Mlungisi Simelane

Julane Fisher
“You have no idea how your unique life will impact those around you.”
Julane Fisher, Sour Lemon Strikes Out

Thomas Christopher Greene
“And this is his gift, the gift of listening and it reminds Margot of how plenty of people know how to talk but precious few are good at listening.”
Thomas Christopher Greene, If I Forget You

Dianne Marie Andre
“Beautiful you. Amazing you. Don’t hide your gifts from the world.”
Dianne Marie Andre

Ahemad R Kazi
“Gifts are amazing. Those who have it embrace it and those who don't; develop it”
Ahemad R Kazi, The Inheritance of Dreams

Jim Brickman
“Everyone has a talent for doing something special. Many of us dismiss those talents as nothing special and think that's the end of it .. maybe it's just the beginning.”
Jim Brickman, Simple Things

“Hebrews 12:1 says: "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." God put the joy in our hearts for certain things. And He made us to use the gift's He's given us. Don't back away. Lean in. Become the best you God always intended you to be.”
Sandi Patti, The Voice: Listening to God’s Voice and Finding Your Own

“Hebrews 12:1 says: 'Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.' God put the joy in our hearts for certain things. And He made us to use the gifts He's given us. Don't back away. Lean in. Become the best you God always intended you to be.”
Sandi Patti, The Voice: Listening to God’s Voice and Finding Your Own

“Until your giftings and Calling are functioning together effectively, there are dimensions of wealth that you cannot enter into no matter how you pray.”
Benjamin Suulola

Allene vanOirschot
“Envy keeps us from seeing the gifts God has given.”
Allene vanOirschot

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“An unguided gift is like a ship without a captain. It carries the promise of incredible journeys and the threat of drifting aimlessly, all determined by the guidance and intent that fans its unlimited possibilities.”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Robin S. Baker
“What you assume is your greatest weakness, is often your greatest strength. Tap into it.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“What you assume is your greatest weakness, is often your greatest strength.”
Robin S. Baker

“Mediocrity is a talent for mediocrity.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

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