Perfectly Imperfect Quotes

Quotes tagged as "perfectly-imperfect" Showing 1-27 of 27
One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply
“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”
Stephen Hawking

Sue Fitzmaurice
“I'm not here to be small, to compare, to judge (myself or you), to fit in or to be perfect. I'm here to grow, to learn, to love, to be human.”
Sue Fitzmaurice

We all have them. BUT, they are all about perception. What I consider as a flaw may not be what someone else considers as a flaw. To me, a flaws is an imperfection or a fault in MY eyes. I consider my flaws to be things that I do not like about myself and things that I would like to change.”
Horacio Jones

Henry Cloud
“If we demand perfection from ourselves we are not living in the real world...The inherent problem in the relationship between the ideal & the real is that the ideal judges the real as unacceptable and brings down condemnation and wrath on the real. This sets up an adversarial relationship between the two and like all adversaries, they move further and further apart.”
Henry Cloud, Changes That Heal: How to Understand the Past to Ensure a Healthier Future

Fabiola Francisco
“Follow your heart a little more and listen to your head a little less.”
Fabiola Francisco, Perfectly Imperfect

Jasinda Wilder
“Messy hair, uncombed, gel-free, un-styled and perfectly imperfect.”
Jasinda Wilder, Stripped

Maureen  Brady
“When shame is met with compassion and not received as confirmation of our guilt, we can begin to see how slant a lens it has had us looking through. That awareness lets us step back far enough to see that if we can let it go, we will see ourselves as clean where we once thought we were dirty. We will remember our innocence. We will see how our shame supported a system in which the perpetrators were protected and we bore the brunt of their offense — first in its actuality, then again in carrying their shame for it.

If the method we chose to try to beat out shame was perfectionism, we can relax now, shake the burden off our shoulders, and give ourselves a chance to loosen up and make some errors. Hallelujah! Our freedom will not come from tireless effort and getting it all exactly right.”
Maureen Brady, Beyond Survival: A Writing Journey for Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse

David Taylor-Klaus, MCC
“Embracing our imperfections all comes down to our willingness to be vulnerable, to show our soft underbelly instead of working so hard to hide it.”
David Taylor-Klaus

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Don’t strive to be perfect, just give it a hundred percent.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

Fabiola Francisco
“The reason I have felt so empty, so lost at times, is because you were missing.”
Fabiola Francisco, Perfectly Imperfect

J. AnnRey
“At what point after the word perfect was I no longer enough…”
J. AnnRey, Lost at 3am

Julie Barbera
“Circumstances don't define you. They shape you. You're molded to make a difference. Let your light shine bright, even through the cracks.”
Julie Barbera

Rachel D. Greenwell
“You are A PART of a greater whole. You are already greater than you could ever know. If you only knew your own greatness. If you only knew your magic. If you only knew that you are an expansive, limitless, beautiful being. You are your own individual, unique, flawed, messy, stubborn, flesh and blood, human part of it all, and it’s fucking mind blowing. There is stardust in your DNA. The love of God is flowing through your veins. You are important.”
Rachel D. Greenwell, How To Wear A Crown: A Practical Guide To Knowing Your Worth

Jyoti Patel
“Perfect life is just an illusion and to spend hours scrolling down the Facebook feed means you are making the fantasy world part of your own somehow.”
Jyoti Patel

Fabiola Francisco
“Mia, I already told you I wasn’t going anywhere. This is where I want to be.”
Fabiola Francisco, Perfectly Imperfect

“We are all gifted in every angle of our life
we aren't perfect in every aspect of our life”

Hope J. Ine
“We are both damaged at a level that we can't be fixed, and this what it makes me feel relief. I don't need to be perfect for her, neither she for me.”
Hope J. Ine, Mediterranean Temptation: Inferno Hearts

Michael Bassey Johnson
“I assume that defects are weapons in God's arsenal through which he uses to humble and draw mankind closer to himself.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia