Gladiator Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gladiator" Showing 1-16 of 16
Rick Riordan
“You do know how to play pinochle?" Mr. D eyed me suspiciously.
"I'm afraid not," I said.
"I'm afraid not, sir," he said.
"Well," he told me, "it is, along with gladiator fighting and Pac-Man, one of the greatest games ever invented by humans. I would expect all civilized young men to know the rules.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

“What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”
Maximus Decimus Meridius

Philip Wylie
“The novelist now usurps the chair of the educator, the pulpit of the preacher, the columns of the journalist. Yet his original purpose of entertaining may have been his highest purpose. (introduction to Gladiator, Book League Monthly, 1930)”
Philip Wylie

“Je serai forte.
Comme une femme.
Comme un gladiateur.”
Arroum Rawia

M.F. Moonzajer
“We were in chaos and world were watching us while we were killing each other like gladiators in arena.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Lesley Livingston
“This oath is the oath we all swear. Not to a god, or a master, or to the Ludu Achillea...but to our sisters who stand here with us. Our sisters. This is the oath that binds us all, one to one, all to all, so that we are no longer free. We belong to each other. We are bound to each other. In swearing to each other, we free ourselves from the outside world, from the world of men, from those who would seek to bind us to Fate and that which would make us slaves. We sacrifice our liberty so that, ultimately, we can be truly free.”
Lesley Livingston, The Valiant

Waheed Ibne Musa
“You know the Romans were fond of bloodshed. North Africa was one of many places where the Roman Empire had its arenas. It was their amphitheatre which, with the passage of time, had enlarged with the vanishing of many rocks. But, thank God, man has changed and, after six hundred years, that bloody sport has ended.”
Waheed Ibne Musa, Johnny Fracture

“A Maximus, the Gladiator lies in every human being. When the time comes, your Maximus within you will come out. It is not called destiny, it is an extended automatic self reflex”
Anoop Raghav

“Il mondo è come un'arena di gladiatori, in cui la vita lotta contro se stessa.”
Seneca, Of Anger

“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”
Maximus Decimus Meridius

Rebecca Crunden
“By the time they were finished, noses and cheeks red with cold, hands and feet aching, lungs ready to burst, they were both exhausted, but their spirits were somewhat lifted. Even if they should fail, even if they should die, it would not be for lack of effort.”
Rebecca Crunden, A Promise of Return

Stewart Stafford
“Blood & Sand by Stewart Stafford

Enduring to be burned, bound, beaten,
And to die by the sword if necessary;
Verus and Priscus entered the arena,
To stain Colosseum sand with blood.

Emperor Titus drained Nero's lake,
Built the vast Flavian Amphitheatre,
Panacea to the idle citizens of Rome,
Symbol of his beneficence and might.

Priscus, far from his Germanian home,
Fighting within a symbol of Rome's power,
Which ravaged his life and fatherland,
For them to decide if he is free or dies.

Verus, the hulking, bullish Murmillo;
Trained to deliver heavy punishment,
Priscus - lightly-armed, agile Thracian;
Primed to avoid his rival's huge blows.

Titus showed he was Nero's antithesis;
No hoarding of tracts of primo Roma,
In a profligate orgy of narcissistic pride,
Nor taking his own life to escape execution.

Domitian, the brother of Titus, watched in envy,
The emperor-in-waiting who favoured Verus,
And the direct Murmillo style of fighting,
Titus favoured Thracian counter-punching.

Aware of the patriarchal fraternity's preferences,
The gathering looked on in fascinated awe,
As their champions of champions clashed,
Deciding who was the greatest gladiator of all.

Titus had stated there would be no draw;
One would win, and one would perish,
A rudis freedom staff the survivor's trophy,
Out the Porta Sanavivaria - the Gate of Life.

One well aware of the other, combat began,
Scared eyes locked behind helmeted grilles,
Grunts and sweat behind shield and steel,
Roars and gasps of the clustered chorus.

For hour after hour, they attacked and feinted,
Using all their power, skill and technique,
Nothing could keep them from a stalemate;
The warriors watered and slightly rested.

The search for the coup de grâce went on,
Until both men fell, in dusty exhaustion,
Each raised a finger, in joint submission,
Equals on death's stage yielded in unison.

Titus faced a dilemma; mercy or consistency?
Please the crowd, but make them aware,
Of his Damoclean life-and-death sword,
Over every Roman and slave in the empire.

Titus cleaved the Rudis into a dual solution;
Unable to beat the other, both won and lived,
Limping, scarred heroes of baying masses,
None had ever seen a myth form before them.

It was Romulus fighting Remus in extremis,
Herculean labours of a sticky, lethal afternoon,
In the end, nothing could separate these brothers;
Victors united as Castor and Pollux in Gemini.

For life and limb on Rome's vast stage,
Symbiotic compensation of adulation's rage.

Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved”
Stewart Stafford

Jarod Kintz
“Citizen Journalists are champions of The People. Harrison Tribune is a gladiator in news format.”
Jarod Kintz, A Memoir of Memories and Memes

Avijeet Das
“l believe men like Virat Kohli , Rohit Sharma, Jasprit Bumrah and Hardik Pandya prove it again and again that the real nen deliver when it matters the most! When I say real men, I mean men who have a family, and the challenges of leading a family, and they perform when it matters the most. And I remember that scene of Russel Crowe from the movie 'Gladiator' and it reminds me of real men where he says “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridias, commander of the armies of the north, general of the Felix legions.....”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“l believe men like Virat Kohli , Rohit Sharma , Jasprit Bumrah , and Hardik Pandya prove it again and again that the real men deliver when it matters the most! When I say real men, I mean men who have a family, and face the challenges of leading a family, and still they perform when it matters the most.

And I remember that scene of Russel Crowe from the movie 'Gladiator' and it reminds me of real men where he says “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridias, commander of the armies of the north, general of the Felix legions.....”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“l believe men like Virat Kohli , Rohit Sharma , Jasprit Bumrah , and Hardik Pandya prove it again and again that the real men deliver when it matters the most! When I say real men, I mean men who have a family, and face the challenges of leading a family, and still they perform when it matters the most.

And I remember that scene of Russel Crowe from the movie 'Gladiator' and it reminds me of real men where he says “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridias, commander of the armies of the north, general of the Felix legions....." and "What we do in life, echoes in eternity.”
Avijeet Das