Goddess Quotes

Quotes tagged as "goddess" Showing 91-120 of 454
“Women have this amazing godly power. As an enemy, they can wreak havoc and behead you like Goddess Kali without even flinching or giving it a second thought. But as healers and nurturers, they can absorb all your pain like an infinite sponge, if they want to. All it took was a little touch of femininity, and I felt alive once again.”
Abhaidev, The World's Most Frustrated Man

“Everyone talks about an ideal man. However, as soon as you start talking about an ideal woman, you are termed misogynistic or patriarchal. Accept women the way they are. Then why not accept men the way they are? Why do only women have the prerogative to dream of a perfect man? Why can’t a man dream of a goddess?”
Abhaidev, The World's Most Frustrated Man

Tamara Rendell
“Body of Earth, body of woman
call unto the stars
Carry –
as the river which carries the touch of the forest
– carry Earth unto sky
Enliven within my body of woman
union with Earth, union with sky
I am daughter of stars
a clear river of light
My soul, it is flowing
unto body of woman,
body of Earth woven with light”
Tamara Rendell, Realm of the Witch Queen

Sol Luckman
“Loosh is a hyperdimensional energy given off by the human soul when traumatized. The Archons parasitically feed on it. Think of it as their simulacrum of kundalini.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

“She will not take you to Heaven unless you help her build the stairs.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

Sol Luckman
“When one studies the history of terrestrial religions, it soon becomes clear that so-called primitive peoples everywhere shared a belief in the divinity of the earth. In other words, Goddess worship was universal—until the dawn of the monotheistic, paternalistic religions.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Rick Riordan
“Beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit. To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself - avoid trying to be something you're not.”
Rick Riordan, The Lost Hero

H.E. Edgmon
“Hate can build an empire, but all empires fall.” -Vorgaine”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

Lisa Kleypas
“She gave him a smile that crinkled her nose and tip-tilted her eyes. It made him a wee bit dizzy, that smile. It fed sunshine into his veins. He was dazzled by her, thinking she could have been some mythical creature. A fairy or even a goddess. Not some coldly aloof and perfect goddess... but a small and merry one.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Disguise

Sol Luckman
“Religions that began worshipping a single male ‘God’ were an Archontic construct holographically inserted into history in order to separate humanity from its spiritual roots in the earth.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

H.E. Edgmon
“Aren’t gods normally off in some god space doing important things?”

All of her [Vorgaine’s] eyes blink at once and it is revolting and oh my Her I’m going to be sick. “I breathed this world into life, Wyatt. What could be more important than living within it?”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

“The goddess in you slowly dies each time you choose to be liked or reasonably considered over being overwhelmingly desired and passionately chased after.”
Lebo Grand

Sol Luckman
“The Illuminati are the willing terrestrial servants of the Lord Archon, who demands everything from pedophilia and child sacrifice to war and chaos as offerings that create loosh.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Pawan Pandit
“All the lives are playing a role in a play directed by God, wherein you can't make your prolong your character but you can surely make it big and memorable and bring liveliness to this character with your hard work...”
Pawan Pandit, Alive Sentence

Erica Alex
“You wanted the horror of having me, godlike; occult.”
Erica Alex, Cake in the Blackbird Stew

Erica Alex
“All mother witches blew in from Egypt and other ancient African air.”
Erica Alex, Cake in the Blackbird Stew

“The division between sexes is largely a division between the static and the kinetic elements in life... The Yogi who would make the most of his devotions must transplant his psyche into the all-embracing aura of the Goddess-Woman.”
Bernard Bromage

“We have re-examined the goddesses through several millennia, and we have seen a radical change in how the divine feminine has been viewed, first by the goddess-centered societies of the Neolithic, then by the assimilated societies made up of male-centered Indo-Europeans and the more equalitarian folk whom they conquered; and finally by modern societies, many of which worship no personification of the feminine at all. There is a lack of balance in much of modern religion, an imbalance of the character of the divine. This imbalance reflects upon the wellness, in all of its aspects, of our world.”
Miriam Robbins Dexter, Whence the Goddesses: A Source Book

“...and Athena, it must be admitted, has never been much of a friend to her fellow women. The war-like goddess of wisdom, who wasn't even gestated by a women (she sprang fully grown from her father's head), is the original "not-like-the-other-girls" girl.”
Jess Zimmerman, Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology

“...and Athena, it must be admitted, has never been much of a friend to her fellow women. The war-like goddess of wisdom, who wasn't even gestated by a woman (she sprang fully grown from her father's head), is the original "not-like-the-other-girls" girl.”
Jess Zimmerman, Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology

Valentin Per Lind
“A lustrous Diana of the Woods,
Dark and dangerous by moonlight.
A goddess of cheap paperbacks
Devoured on lazy Sunday afternoons”
Valentin Per Lind, Corvix: Poems of Love, Sex and Death

“I'm a boss! A diamond in the rough! A Queen of Queens and I do dare say this, a magical and mysterious mermacorn.”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

H.E. Edgmon
“There you are,” says the single most unsettling voice I’ve ever heard. It sounds like a thousand voices speaking all at once, a chorus of all kinds of people stacked over top one another.

I turn and my stomach drops.

Standing there, in front of the door carved into the hillside, with her hundred eyes, and fiery wings, and row after row of razor-sharp teeth, is the goddess Vorgaine.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“I don’t know what the limits on a goddess’s powers are, but caller ID seems like child’s play.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“You said you know why we’re here,” Solomon begins, dragging my attention to him and away from Emyr. He’s staring at Vorgaine with the kind of intensity that burns. “Do you hear us when we pray to you from the other side? We are told—” He clears his throat. “We are told you cannot hear the prayers of witches.”

“I do not hear your prayers,” Vorgaine agrees, and Solomon’s shoulders slump. “But not because you are witches. I cannot hear you because you were stolen from me.”

“Really?” There is something like childlike longing stuck in Solomon’s throat.

“You are my most beloved children, and you were taken form the safety of your home and carried to a world where I could not reach you. There is no anguish that compares to what I have felt for you, all this time.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“It strikes me as weird, in hindsight, that the people of Asalin would build monuments for Vorgaine, and then actively, viciously go against everything she actually stands for. But maybe it shouldn’t. If I learned anything about religion in the human world, it’s that a lot of people love the shield of a god more than they’ll ever love the god themself.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“I am Faery, and Faery is me. It is how I knew you the moment you stepped through from Lacuna. You became a part of me, as you were always meant to be. But I do not exist beyond this place, and I cannot go with you. Could I, I would have done so a thousand times over. Instead, in the morning, I will ask the citizens of Ra’Ora who is willing to stand beside you and aid in ushering in a new era. An era where the door between worlds may stand open, where my children may come and go freely, as they wish. And an era in which they are safe, wherever they are, whoever they are.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“It’s true, Faery does not have the internet. Nor cars, flying or otherwise. But our air and water are clean. Our people are nourished, body and mind. And all of my children, from the largest dragon to the smallest pixie, are protected from those that would seek to harm them. Perhaps, Wyatt, you should consider that this world is not primitive. It is your own ideas of progress that need to catch up.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

H.E. Edgmon
“You know me as Wyatt,” I say finally. “You know my name. What about my…my old name?"

The goddess tilts her head to one side. “Wyatt is who you are. Perhaps you were once addressed by something else, but it was not you. I’ve no reason to know that mistake.”

She doesn’t know my deadname. I’m sitting here at a dining room table with a goddess and she doesn’t know my deadname because it doesn’t matter to her.”
H.E. Edgmon, The Fae Keeper

“You are a dream of ecstasy, the ultimate embodiment of true romance, the Aphrodite, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you‘ll keep struggling to find that rapturous kind of love that your soul and body are craving.”
Lebo Grand