Goddess Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "goddess-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 46
“Women have this amazing godly power. As an enemy, they can wreak havoc and behead you like Goddess Kali without even flinching or giving it a second thought. But as healers and nurturers, they can absorb all your pain like an infinite sponge, if they want to. All it took was a little touch of femininity, and I felt alive once again.”
Abhaidev, The World's Most Frustrated Man

Abiola Abrams
“Put your hand over your heart and say aloud, “I am not alone.” Your ancestors walked before you and we, your sisters on this cosmic quest, walk with you.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“Divine manifesting is collaboration with God/dess energy to mold our lives for the highest and best good of the collective. We are all manifesting our lives, albeit unconsciously for most people.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“Goddess alchemy is learning to see through this dimension into the next and welcome in what you are seeking. Healers, priestesses, and brujas of African descent have used magic for access to healing, protection, and joy since time began.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Ulonda Faye
“Awaken to your purpose. Why are you here? Life is ready to live through you. When will you give in. Give in, to her love and teachings. Be the sun, be the moon, be the stars and be it all. Dearest child, who we love, you know you have come far-
Arrival is here.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Abiola Abrams
“Some of us have been hiding, shrinking, betraying ourselves, faking the funk, and playing small for so long that we believe that we are small. That shrunken self is not you. That shrunken self is a persona you created to survive.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“When Africans were kidnapped, trafficked en masse and brutally dragged in chains to work camps in the “New World,” called plantations, we hid our deities and rituals in stories of saints, angels, and legendary characters. Our deities included a powerful cadre of orishas, abosom, lwas, álúsí, spirits, and god/desses. From South Africa to Sudan, Brazil to Cuba to even Indigenous Australia, we chant their names: Yemaya, Mami Wata, Atete, Iset, and Ala.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“What are you speaking over your life right now? If you’re speaking fear, desperation, or scarcity, then that is what you are calling forward. Speak love over your life. Speak abundance into your life. Speak healing.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“You are divine. You are rich. You have good juju as you have inherited the greatest inheritance there is. You have the power to shift worlds and bend them to your will. Accept your ancestral inheritance now. You are heiress to a rich heritage of divine prosperity.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

“She was graceful and elegant and leapt with such beauty it would sting your eyes if you looked close.”
Jennifer West, The Legend of Acacia Vitak

Ulonda Faye
“She weaves me anew, sacred and true
Naked to her strength, I hear anew
I need not even seek her
for, she is here with me.

Infinite space, sacred hums
where all returns to one.
The truths revealed and the lessons
Seeker of time, I need not even travel
All is here, with this one sacred love,
sacred embrace.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Abiola Abrams
“All of your power is in the present moment. Grounding is the process that helps keep us in the present.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“Abundance is the way of the Universe. Walk by a field and notice how many kinds of flowers and insects there are. Don’t you want your children to be abundant? Don’t you think that your Creator wants you to be abundant, too?”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is in the depths of our souls. As a river shall flow, our directions unfold. Goddess knows, the birth as the death opens our souls to divinity within our sacred whole.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows:

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so bright. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Taste this tree, even if her elixir is to your distaste. Misunderstood, yes at times, though she knows her sap is divine.
Climb the bark, go deep with her, and open up to her divine elixir.

In this moment of infinite embrace, you may never know unless you taste the infinity of ecstasy and sanctity.

Open to her love, Mother Nature heals. Oh, what a thrill. Heal with us, be with us, listen
Her mystery is calling for you, me, we-
us, to listen.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“One day it was crystal clear,
the purpose of this life
and She awakened.
The awakening brought forth
new gifts, always there
yet never before seen and
Maybe it's not about the length
of the journey
But the intensity of its content.
Awakening to wisdom is
awakening to an inner
Voice and power.
Life is not to be spent
in Soulless places nor
with people who
merely have
It's meant to be spend in
Ulonda Faye

Abiola Abrams
“The holy grail is you. You thought yourself to be rejected, lost at the crossroads of fate and free will. You were treated like a stranger. But you were home all along.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“People always point to an idyllic view of the healers of old, who didn’t seem to need money—at least in our present-day imaginations. The equivalent of a “thank you goat” for a healer living in Chicago is someone swiping their bank card for her services.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“You now stand in an elevated circle of goddesses who are here to guide you in your shift from surviving to thriving.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“I’ve had motherland-born African family tell me I don’t have a right to my Africanness because my ancestors were sold. I have had multi-generation African American family tell me I don’t have a right to my Americanness although I was born and raised on Black soil in the U.S. of A. I have had Guyanese family tell me I don’t have a right to the culture that birthed my parents, grandparents, and their great-grandparents because I am a “Yankee.” For all these folks, I am an orphan. But that’s their problem, because only I get to define me, and I own all of my spiritual, cultural, geographical, and genetic DNA.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Abiola Abrams
“The moon goddesses clap now, singing the Ghanaian adage, “The moon moves slowly, but it gets across the village.” From new to full, each takes a turn as a different phase of Luna. The heavenly bodies dance in the moonlight, singing your name. Tell them in their newness what desires you are calling in. Tell them in their fullness what blocks you are releasing.”
Abiola Abrams, African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

Ulonda Faye
“Another night, under the moonlight, she speaks to me. The language appears to me- as a dream in a dream. Asked to carry forth with a vision, a great path is presented. The waters to get there are not easy. I navigate, I asked and I doubt. 'Oh, but I must doubt the doubt, just as our great Maharishi had said.' She says, 'you are in the water, flow- swim through it and soon, yes very soon, you shall be freedom horse and you will meet the great wise tree.'

I continue feeling strong, growing in courage, I navigate the waters. I turn around to see- Oh, my journey Soul and friend is there- A little behind; yet, navigating as I am. Can I do it? Images of things and people- once known, situations once scorned. I float past deeper into the vast. I reach the edge of a great cliff- great glowing waters appear- I jump. No thoughts are there. I fall into the depths of the waters. What if I don't resurface? Will I have air to breathe?

I appear above it all. To my right is the grandest of trees. So strong, yet so soft and tender- I rest.

Looking back to everything else- to the Soul waiting above at the water's edge I cry out, 'jump'. Silence.

The journey must continue. The path is clear. The doubts have faded. The Soul is healed. My guides and ancestors ride with me as I am now freedom horse. The call is answered. The tribe awaits. We dance upon the water.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is, in the depths of our Souls. As a river shall flow, our directions too unfold. Goddess knows the birth as the death opens our Souls to divinity within our sacred whole.

Souls know, Love knows, Goddess knows

Into the earth, 108 feet deep, all goes which does not bless us.

Bless your mother, daughter, lover, wife-
For Goddess so delights when your birth breeds insight.

108 feet deep- Goddess knows within that which we weep, our Soul reaps.

Love yourself, love others, be honest, kind and loving-

Stay in the light for it is so brights. Goddess knows and blesses our Soul.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

You are a Goddess.
And once you know what that truly means, I pray for anyone who tries to hurt you.”
unknown author

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