Hacking Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hacking" Showing 1-30 of 108
Stieg Larsson
“We need to have a talk on the subject of what's yours and what's mine.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Shannon L. Alder
“God whispered, "You endured a lot. For that I am truly sorry, but grateful. I needed you to struggle to help so many. Through that process you would grow into who you have now become. Didn't you know that I gave all my struggles to my favorite children? One only needs to look at the struggles given to your older brother Jesus to know how important you have been to me.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Narcissistic Supply (noun)--

He liked her but was too ashamed to admit it because she was off limits. So he ran her name down in the mud and made sure everyone would believe that he never cared. However, he kept one foot in her life because that is what obsession is like for a narcissist. They can't let you go, but they won't let others know that they are being immoral. If they can't have you then everyone will think your crazy and no one will ever believe your story. Obsession runs in their veins and they will never give you up. You have become their dirty little secret, their narcissistic supply. They like the rivalry and jealousy they created because it means they are desired by everyone. It doesn't matter if they divorced their ex and got a new woman in their life. That person will be told the same lie about you and they will continue with this obsession that you still care about them. When in reality you loathe their very existence. At the very heart of narcissistic supply is obsession and this deep seeded feeling that they are missing out.”
Shannon L. Alder, The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible: Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse

Abhijit Naskar
“Never post family pictures online,
There's no such thing as privacy settings.
It is a total jungle out there,
In every corner predators are lurking.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Tamara Kučan
“Shvatio sam… Da nema čoveka, kompjuter ne bi postojao. Da nema kompjutera, mnogi ljudi ne bi naučili šta znači biti čovek.”
Tamara Kučan, Profajler

Shannon L. Alder
“Evil never dies in abusive people. It only changes to obsession.”
Shannon L. Alder, The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible: Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse

Sarah Woodbury
“Oh dear. Look at that, said Jones, deadpan. "The traffic cameras along Interstate 5 just went out." Now there was no mistaking the glee in his voice. "I am good.”
Sarah Woodbury, Ashes of Time

Shannon L. Alder
“When you are hacked don't feel upset. There is a sick perverted person out there in the universe that hangs onto your every word and is fascinated by everything you are looking up on Google. Some people are not so lucky to be obsessed over.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You might not get your apology in this lifetime. They might never confess to the abuse they caused you. They might feel you deserved all of your pain. They might not care, but they will later. Angels witnessed everything they did to you. There will come a day of restitution. You will have your day of justice. God will finally tell you what you did not know about that situation and he will hold a spiritual court with these people. You will be vindicated. God loves you too much to leave you in pain.”
Shannon L. Alder, The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible

“The Six Principles of Cyber Security:

Cybersecurity starts with prevention. Follow the Six Principles of Cyber Security to keep your computer and network safe. When it comes to data protection, use strong encryption and keep copies off-site. Be suspicious of unsolicited email offers and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. Regularly back up your files to be in a good position in case of an emergency. Finally, use common sense when online.
Hire A Ethical Hacker”

Ehsan Sehgal
“You hack my laptop programmes; I know; however, you do not realize that I know all your evil duties and deeds that destine hell for you”
Ehsan Sehgal

Enamul Haque
“Behind every lost byte, there's a person seeking peace of mind in an increasingly digital world.”
Enamul Haque

Ehsan Sehgal
“You hack my laptop programms; I know; however, you do not realise that I know all your evil duties and deeds that destine hell for you.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Juan  Zamora
“I was told data compression was the way to go about things, in order to understand space. So I went with DNA, but it's more like the software of the human body than it is the engineering part of it. What do you think? Is DNA Software?”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Listen, has nobody told you? If you want to give someone a proper thank you, you must buy them a Hotdog with Cola. In my case, I also want three burgers and fries to go with that.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Why? Oh, great mister, why do I always end in poverty? Taking so much shit from everyone. Where is my great destiny? Where is my lucky break? Am I always going to have to take garbage from the rich, without fulfilling my purpose? No fair, no fucking fair.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Listen, be careful not to do anything stupid with the Quantum Ai. The government has dibs on everything, they are monopolizing everything even after the war ended sixteen years ago. So, they are on their toes and will do anything to anyone that gets in their way, whether is legal or illegal.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Shh, we are not supposed to talk about the strange book that provoke all Libraries in the world to be burned.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“How would I not know about it, that strange book is something people are prohibited to talk about because of the government's old persecution."

"It is said that once you read it, depending on who you are. Some, if not all your beliefs might change."

Rey hinted at his fear by saying, "That sounds scary!”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“And you ... Didn't I tell you not to draw attention to yourself."

Rey was disappointed in himself. "I'm sorry, it just got out of hand so quickly, I think everybody lost control over a simple matter.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“If what you are telling me it's the truth, what you have acquired right now is so great that as soon it gets public, everyone would want to take over it. Especially the government and military. It's a cheat that is so great is considered illegal. Many preying eyes will attempt to kill you to erase all traces of it."

"I don't think is that crazy." Rey brushed it off waving his hand away.

"Listen, you don't know the type of power you just acquired. Is so great it can either make a lot of people's lives convenient or bring disaster.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Listen to me Rey, they might have given you a car with brakes only. But if you want to be known as a legendary racer you must customize your car, change the double brakes for a very steamy speed pedal."

"Yes, but I can get in trouble."

"Listen if you want to be a legendary racer you don't drive with your customized car on the highway, you drive it on the protected map of your allies, away from the mainstream people in the private sector. We are those allies.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Uncle, why do you always look so sad?"

"I don't know Annie, maybe because the world has not been nice to me.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Listen man, if we liked working doing risky business like that we wouldn't be jobless." Replied Andrew.

"Let him be Andrew, he thinks he's in a movie." Said Sam.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Could it be a fight among gangsters?" Asked the grandmother.

"I don't know grandma but take cover.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Can you tell me why the mafia of Xert Paroneli is more concerned with you being alive than fighting against our tug-of-war?”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“Boss, the grass for this stupid cow has run out. Can we finally kill it and barbecue it.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“You are carrying the will of the rebellion within you; this has to do with your ancestors ... Wait a minute."

She opened her eyes. "Your father ... is not who people have told you.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

Juan  Zamora
“So, this is why that kid is in trouble. Now I know just how heavy the weight of the world must have been for a child to bear.”
Juan Zamora, The Trillion Dollar Cow

“The word “hacker” has two very different meanings. The people I knew who called themselves hackers were software wizards who managed to creatively program themselves out of tight corners. They knew all the nooks and crannies of the operating system. Not dull software engineers who put in forty hours a week, but creative programmers who can’t leave the computer until the machine’s satisfied. A hacker identifies with the computer, knowing it like a friend.”
Cliff Stoll, The Cuckoo's Egg : Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage

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