Headache Quotes

Quotes tagged as "headache" Showing 31-60 of 63
Ronald Rolheiser
“Defined simply, narcissism means excessive self-preoccupation; pragmatism means excessive focus on work, achievement, and the practical concerns of life; and restlessness means an excessive greed for experience, an overeating, not in terms of food but in terms of trying to drink in too much of life...And constancy of all three together account for the fact that we are so habitually self-absorbed by heartaches, headaches, and greed for experience that we rarely find the time and space to be in touch with the deeper movements inside of and around us.”
Ronald Rolheiser, The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality

Kelley Armstrong
“Headache, hmm?" His expression went serious. "Do you know what's the best cure for that?"



He said it so matter-of-factly I had to sputter a laugh.

"Multiple, if possible," he continued. "It's a proven medical fact that one physiologic event, like orgasm, can cancel out the effects of another physiological process, such as a headache."

His expression was perfectly serious, but I said, "You're full of shit."

"Perhaps. If so, you should call my bluff. Just open the door and we'll test it out.”
Kelley Armstrong, No Humans Involved

Stephen         King
“His head .. it exploded. As if someone had scooped out his brains and put a hand grenade in his skull.”
Stephen King, I Am the Doorway

Patricia C. Wrede
“I am determined to have the headache Thursday, if I have to hit myself with a rock to do it.”
Patricia C. Wrede, Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot

Susan Fanetti
“Her head felt like elephants were doing the merengue on her cerebellum.”
Susan Fanetti, Move the Sun

Annie Proulx
“At least he could turn on the shower, stand beneath the hot needles, face thrust near the spray head, feeling the headache move back a little.”
Annie Proulx, The Shipping News

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sitting to think of what to write will only set your ass on fire, give you headache, twist your face to look stupid, instead, walk around with a blank mind and something from somewhere will fill it up.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Erika Swyler
“Headaches were like birds. Starlings. They could be perfectly calm, then a single acorn could drop and send the entire flock to the sky.”
Erika Swyler, The Mermaid Girl: A Story

“Every single ounce of pain focused on the left part of the head. Feels like whole body except left part of head is in fucking numb state.”
Shrestha Sapan

E. Lockhart
“A giant wields a rusty saw. He gloats and hums as he works, slicing through my forehead and into the mind behind it.”
E. Lockhart, We Were Liars

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi
“You may eventually decide to breakup, and that’s fine, because headaches are not cute, but at least you know you tried.”
Osayi Osar-Emokpae, Because You Deserve Love

Chuck Palahniuk
“A headache, I get the kind of headache God would smote you with in the Old Testament.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

Annie Proulx
“When Quoyle leaned forward the twin spears of the headache threatened to dislodge his eyes.”
Annie Proulx, The Shipping News

Oliver Sacks
“Presiding over the entire attack there will be, in du Bois Reymond's words, "a general feeling of disorder," which may be experienced in either physical or emotional terms, and tax or elude the patient's powers of description.”
Oliver Sacks, Migraine

Katie Cross
“He eyed her warily. “Did Pearl give you coffee?”
“How many cups?”
“Just three. It’s quite good with cream and sugar.”
“Have you ever had it before?”
“No. Why? What does that have to do with anything? I don’t see what that has to do with anything. Why are my knees shaking?”
Pearl peeked around the wall. “Well! She had a headache. I didn’t think she’d act like a squirrel. And I didn’t know she had three cups.”
“A headache?” Maximillion murmured. He turned to Isadora, pointing to the nearest chair. “Sit down.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Sit. Down.”
Katie Cross, Flame

Paul Murray
“I don’t mind crack,” I said. “I like crack as much as the next man. But it’s not doing a thing for my nerves, and I already have a splitting headache— I say, I don’t suppose those heroin dealers carry Anadin or acetaminophen or anything like that, do they?” “I think they just have heroin, Charlie.”
Paul Murray

“If pain in the mind, then the most dangerous thing is it.”
Anuj Kr. Thakur

Paul Bamikole
“See a man as a good opportunity and that is what he becomes. See him as bad luck and he becomes your headache.”
Paul Bamikole

“A bad headache can destroy all plans for the day.”
Rajesh`, Random Cosmos

Bruce  Crown
“The arctic pavement turned into a whirlwind of viscous blood. The fiery shadows on the metropolitan walls blitzed him, avenging overachievers starved for vengeance. He fell into the abyss. His migraine made his head feel heavier than it was. Thoughts of her were coals for the old train engine inside his head.”
Bruce Crown, Chronic Passions

Enock Maregesi
“Potassium Cyanide si hatari inapokuwa nje. Ni hatari inapojichanganya na asidi za tumboni ambapo hubadilika na kuwa gesi ya 'hydrogen cyanide'. Gesi ya 'hydrogen cyanide' ni miongoni mwa sumu hatari zaidi ulimwenguni. Mtu akimeza kidonge cha 'cyanide' atapata madhara makubwa. Kichwa chake kitamuuma hapohapo na atachanganyikiwa akili. Ngozi yake itakuwa nyekundu, kwa sababu damu yake itakuwa nyekundu zaidi – kutokana na kuzidi kwa oksijeni katika damu. Mwili hautakuwa na uwezo tena wa kuchukua oksijeni kutoka katika damu ili uitumie, kwa hiyo damu itazidi kuwa na oksijeni zaidi. Atapumua kwa shida. Mapafu yake yatafanya kazi vizuri lakini mwili wake hautakuwa na uwezo wa kutumia oksijeni yoyote – hivyo atadhani ana matatizo katika mfumo wake wa kupumua. Atazimia. Yaani, oksijeni haitafika kwenye ubongo. Atapata kifafa na atatapika nyongo. Ubongo wake utashindwa kufanya kazi na atakuwa mahututi ndani ya sekunde kumi! Baada ya hapo moyo wake utasimama kufanya kazi, na atafariki dunia.”
Enock Maregesi

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Gratitude is the best food to start and sustain you. Hankering creates hunger, unhappiness, bellyache, headache and heartache - and often leaves a bitter taste”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Enock Maregesi
“Akili yangu itakaponipeleka kwa mgonjwa hospitalini halafu sekunde hiyohiyo jicho langu likacheza au kiungo changu chochote cha mwili kikauma na kuacha ghafla ‘bila’ sababu yoyote, najua kile ninachokifikiria kuhusu mgonjwa huyo ama kitatokea au hakitatokea. Nikifikiria amepona, halafu ghafla kichwa kikaniuma na kuacha, kitakuwa kinyume chake. Yaani, hatapona. Nikifikiria amekufa, halafu ghafla kichwa au kiungo kingine chochote kikaniuma na kuacha, kitakuwa kinyume chake pia. Yaani, hatakufa. Hivyo, nikifikiria amepona, nikifikiria amekufa, na kichwa kikaniuma na kuacha, sekunde hiyohiyo natakiwa kumwombea mgonjwa huyo. Kama ni kupona, apone kama Mungu alivyokusudia; na kama ni kufa, afe kama Mungu alivyokusudia. Si kama Shetani alivyokusudia.”
Enock Maregesi

“〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉”
〔송파역마사지〕 ABам34닷com 아밤 잠실마사지〈천호마사지〉

Jonas Jonasson
“Boli mnie głowa, jak o tym myślę, i boli mnie w piersi, jak nabieram powietrza, żeby powiedzieć, że boli mnie głowa, jak o tym myślę.”
Jonas Jonasson, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

“The devil will fine about your blessing and will make sure that your blessings become your headache”
Sunday Adelaja

“The devil will not be fine about your blessing and will make sure that your blessings become your headache”
Sunday Adelaja

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I have a headache. If only I had a crown to put on!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Dada Bhagwan
“One gets ‘headaches’, because he gives headache to others.”
Dada Bhagwan

Dada Bhagwan
“These are peculiar times. It is not worth interfering with anybody. No one knows how to talk nicely! People talk in a way that gives others a 'headache'.”
Dada Bhagwan, Spirituality In Speech