Honorable Quotes

Quotes tagged as "honorable" Showing 31-60 of 81
“Courage is an act of grace when it is not required; it originates from an inner necessity to honor, love, and cherish people, and respect oneself.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Grace represents the sublime glamour of human souls, the ability of physically courageous and emotionally brave people to give part of them in order to protect other people regardless of adverse consequence that they might personally endure.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Only the honorable people resist the injustices! The rest - the honorless - are afraid of even their own shadows!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Leigh Bardugo
“She'd hurt him, but she'd attempted everything in her power to make things right. She'd shown him in a thousand ways that she was honorable and strong and generous and very human, maybe even more vividly human than anyone he'd ever known.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

DaShanne Stokes
“There is nothing 'honorable' or 'reasonable' in giving a pass to those who want to discriminate.”
DaShanne Stokes

Bohdi Sanders
“Only an honorable victory is a true victory.”
Bohdi Sanders, Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man

“Shame can be an incredible burden, making us feel not good enough no matter what we do. But shame is also the emotion that makes us honorable and kind, and motivates us to constantly improve ourselves.”
Jessica Moore

Melissa de la Cruz
“It’s difficult to be honorable at your worst moment and to forgive those who do you wrong, to have to battle what comes naturally to you. But that’s what it takes to be a monster living among mortals.”
Melissa de la Cruz, A Thousand Beginnings and Endings

Claude Lecouteux
“Hel's kingdom seems to have been reserved for the common dead, especially those who were not slain by handheld weapons. Valhöll, however, welcomed the valiant. Originally located beneath the earth, the Hall of Warriors fallen in battle" was transported close to Asgard, the abode of the gods, and according to the Sayings of Grimnir, it occupied the fifth heavenly dwelling place, the World of Joy (Gladsheimr) There, every day, Odin chose the warriors who died in combat and shared them with Frigg (Freyja). It was believed that Valhöll had the Unique Warriors (Einherjar), the elite. It is easy to understand why the Germans dreaded to die bedridden; if they were at risk of this, they asked those close to them to mark their bodies with spears. In the Saga of Ynglingar (chapter 9) Snorri Sturluson says that the god Odin, seen here from a euhemeristic perspective, proceeded in this way, but it is surprising to see Njörd, a god of the third function, demanding to be marked with this martial sign.”
Claude Lecouteux, The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Some political leaders in the world make big mistakes but they never resign; some make a small mistake but they immediately resign! What makes a political leader to resign or not to resign has something to do with having an honour or not! Those who have honour always choose the honourable way: Resignation!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“For a chic and an honorable full victory, you must make your own fight and win your own battle entirely by yourself! Try to refuse any help to get a pure victory, a victory which belongs merely to yourself!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Nanette L. Avery
“A reputation is like a shadow; it hides when you go to sleep, but always returns with the sun…”
Nanette L. Avery

“Every service is a product of double honor”
Sunday Adelaja

G.H. Hardy
“If the theory of numbers could be employed for any practical and obviously honourable purpose, if it could be turned directly to the furtherance of human happiness or the relief of human suffering, as physiology and even chemistry can, then surely neither Gauss nor any other mathematician would have been so foolish as to decry or regret such applications. But science works for evil as well as for good; and both Gauss and lesser mathematicians may be justified in rejoicing that there is one science at any rate, and that their own, whose very remoteness from ordinary human activities should keep it gentle and clean.”
G.H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology

Whitney Gardner
“I don't rack paint either, even though some writers would say that doesn't make me legit. I'm not a thief, I'm a vandal. That's why I work at Mickey D's: I buy my own supply.”
Whitney Gardner, You're Welcome, Universe

Crystal King
“Tell me what you can bring to this family. Does your father agree with this union?"
Casca didn't waver. "He does. He has remarked to me many times how much he would like to see our families united."
Apicius responded with an incline of his head and his mouth turned up at the edges in a thoughtful smile. "Explain to me, then, why are you here instead of him?"
"He doesn't have my conviction- that you would find me more suitable than Dolabella or Narses."
I was surprised at the audacity of this young man. Apicius was also surprised. He didn't respond right away, which was unusual. When he did, he sounded amused and- although Casca couldn't know it- impressed. "And why do you think I would find you more suitable?"
"It is quite simple." Casca looked at me, then at Apicius. "I love your daughter. They do not."
Apicius snorted. "Love is not a prerequisite to marriage."
"Quite true. However, I bring to you both power and influence- through my father now, but also in my future as I follow in his footsteps. I will continue to bring you and your family honor, and precious votes in the elections. And what I can do that Dolabella and Narses cannot is assure you I will take care of your daughter with every fiber of my being."
"Go on," Apicius said, intrigued. I was glad I had decided to bring Casca here on such impulse.
"I have watched you with Apicata over these many months. I know how you dote on her, how you hold her close to your heart. She is as important to you as your love for culinary delights," he remarked.
Good, I thought. The boy had a sense of how to stroke Apicius's ego, though I knew the truth that Casca- and likely even Apicius- did not. Food and fame would always be first in Apicius's heart.
"I can promise you that your daughter will have love and laughter. Narses and Dolabella care not for her as much as they do for your money. My motives are pure. Few in this world have the chance to marry for love. Let your daughter be one of them.”
Crystal King, Feast of Sorrow

Frank  Sonnenberg
“A life of honor offers abundant rewards; a life of dishonor comes at a very steep price.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

“Unselfishly loving other people and extending compassion to everyone is essential to live an honorable, happy, and self-fulfilling life. A person must fearlessly love in an uninhibited manner and express their love in an open manner without reservation or qualification.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

Awdhesh Singh
“Just like a sinner can’t know the joys of living an honorable life, a virtuous person can’t know the joys of a sinful life either”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Honor accrues to a sister who honored parents and siblings by attracting an honorable man to an honorable marriage.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Kate Elliott
“He would not let himself be overawed by her consequence! He was also the son of noble parents, if not of a king. "Then-then they'll need more Dagons," he blurted out. "Let me go, please. Let me serve the king."
"It is not my decision to make."
"How can you stop me if I refuse to take vows as a monk when my novitiate is ended?" he demanded.
She raised an eyebrow. "You have already pledged yourself to enter the church, an oath spoken outside these gates."
"I had no choice!"
"You spoke the words. I did not speak them for you."
"Is a vow sworn under compulsion valid?"
"Did I or any other hold a sword to your throat? You swore the vow."
"And," she said, lifting a hand for silence-a hand that bore two handsome rings, one plain burnished gold braid, the other a fine opal in a gold setting, "your father has pledged a handsome dowry to accompany you. We do not betroth ourselves lightly, neither to a partner in marriage-" He winced as she paused. Her gaze was keen and unrelenting. "-nor to the church. If a vow can be as easily broken as a feather can be snapped in two-" She lifted a quill made from an owl feather from her table, displaying it to him. "-then how can we any of us trust the other?" She set down her feather. "Our oaths are what makes us honorable people. What man or woman who has forsworn his noble lord or lady can ever be trusted again? You swore your promise to Our Lady and Lord. Do you mean to swear that oath and live outside the church for the rest of your days?"
Said thus, it all sounded so much more serious. No man or woman who made a vow and then broke it was worthy of honor.”
Kate Elliott, Prince of Dogs

Steven Magee
“If your choice is keeping your managers happy or protecting the health and safety of your workers, the honorable choose their workers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You do not seriously think a government that assassinates people with drones is honorable, do you?”
Steven Magee